
Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Calvin, Dec 7, 2002.

  1. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    Either that was a joke, or you took this topic the wrong way.
  2. ButtonMasher

    ButtonMasher Active Member

    that was a joke, what wrong way are you talking about?
  3. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member


    I've got a story to share. This week me and the crew went down to the mall to play EVO. After about 50 matches we began to clown by just picking whoever & seeing who can land the stupidest shit. This happens when your hands get numb and you're about to run out of tokens. Anyway, after Big Boy wouldn't fall for my Jeff's "I'm wayyyy over here & not thinking about butt stomping you at all" routine and KO'd him with Pai's "check out my new movelist" bit, we were all ready to go home. Problem was, Big Boy still had some arcade mode left, so he glances over at the two cats pondering SC2 and says,

    "Fellas, y'all need to get on this." To which this one dude responds,

    "Oh that...that's a button mashers game."

    My first thought was "KILL"...after that the effort required to contain Steve Thunder made any logic or reason that might reside within me from time to time evaporate, but before I can ST>sgpm (EVO machine)>SPoD (SC2 machine)>DBC, Ice Cold places a token in the offender's hand and everyone decides to get vicarious with things. Pussies.

    So the guy picks Lei-Fei and this helps because now I'm able to explain to Mister Thunder that if there is a character you can make boogie without a movelist, it's the monk. And there the monk goes. P button a few times, K button a few times, neutral on the joystick, down on the joystick & while Big Boy snickers the dude KO's Pai and says,

    "You see, at least in Soul Calibur you need to pull off combos & stuff."

    Round 2 Pai is KO'd again and the guy is all

    "I'm sorry man, I've just been playing fighting games all my life"

    "So have I" Big Boy replies, slipping a token into the machine.

    And this is how you deal with a button masher you've known for 90 seconds but already don't like. Big Boy picks Lau and takes a deep breath and lets the guy hit him with the same series again. Then again. Life bar barely there, Lau gets up and here comes more garbage, only this time Lau evades followed by [3][3][P]+[G] with a stomp thrown in for good measure. Dude gets up, comes with more bullshit again & a [2_][3][P] interrupt for a classic Lau float. Dude gets up, gets elbowed, looks into that whole G button thing & gets choke slammed.

    Round 2. The guy asks about half way through the round "Can you run in this game?". Excellent.

    Second fight I tell the guy "Hey, pick the dude with the headband" but he picks Kage, ignores my suggestions on how to flip out and kill people all the time & gets chewed trying out his truncated Lei-Fei movelist.

    I'm sorry fellas...we tried to be good ambassadors but this guy was a cocksucker. Later.
  4. ButtonMasher

    ButtonMasher Active Member


    usually it is difficult to change a person's opinion of the game, they ether think that the game is too advanced or they think it is too simple, my friend bought the game and started playing with vanessa, after a couple of weeks getting beat by me he gave up and sold the game to me for £20 (thats when it first came out)
    i likes the vf series ever since i got a go playing vf2 in the arcades, i was impressed with the game coz at that time i had a megadrive, my main purpuse of playing that game was to be able to pull of a TFT, now 7-8 years later i remain faithful
  5. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member


    great story! I can't beleive that dude thought it was a button-mashers game. everyone i know who has tried it out for the first time usually picks lei for some reason and automatically calls it a mashers game because they go through arcade and beat it just by using ppp, ppp, ppp etc. then I make them pick lau and they do that series and figure out it won't work so they add a "k" to the end of it. they pppk, or dk the entire round instead. so i make them use kage or akira and (especially with akira) and they figure out they can't pull that shit anymore. i think sega made lei solely to look cool and be easy for people pick up to appeal to doa players or something.

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