Cable Pullers Thread 360 Live

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Jide, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. caliagent3

    caliagent3 Member

    If people drop before the match starts or at the very beginnig of the match, then there's no point in listing them as a dropper. Maybe the person doesn't want to play you, or at the beginning of the match you can tell what kind of delay there is and they might drop if it seems laggy. In the other fighting games on live that was a commoon thing a lot of us would do. A drop at the character select screen or at the beginning of the match is a clean drop, while dropping right before you lose is a dirty drop.
  2. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    definitely not, he quit as he was about to become demoted.
  3. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Whoa hey! I never pulled the plug during the match. Absolutely never. And you're right in the last round of the last match we played I did stop playing because I just couldn't think of an answer for your attacks. Is it so bad to concede the match?

    I didn't claim that I was losing to scrubby or abusing tactic I just can't beat you and I didn't want to spend the time right then and there to try and firgure it out. I apologize if it really bothers you that I couldn't beat you and didn't want to try last night. I don't think it means I should be denounced in a forum however.
  4. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

  5. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    He pulled the plug during the loading screen last night while it was counting down. Not as bad as during a match, but I thought it was poor sportsmanship that he just threw the match at the end, then when made another room that I RANDOMLY joined, and quit to avoid playing me. I didn't even think he was a bad player.

    And what are you talking about how I have a bad attitude KoD? I was stating the facts about licensing and software. I didn't even bother responding when you "corrected me", and just let it be. Poor example.
  6. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I'll drop this as opposed to starting any arguments when it doesn't really seem any parties were truly that hurt about it.

    If anyone needs feel free to add me to the list of cable pullers. I take my losses with a smile from KonJou, DarkC, KrsJin, Juno and KoD all the time and I know I stand very little chance against them. They're just nice enough not to smack me around for several matches in a row.

    I don't need you to be nice DubC, and I realize that you challenged me randomly, but try not to get too upset if I don't want to take another beating right away.
  7. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    i had my first cable-pull last night . . . IN PLAYER MATCHES!?!?!?

    seriously, how lame you gotta be to pull the cable when it's NOT for rank? it's not like i approve when it IS for rank, but c'mawn, if it doesn't matter, then does it really matter?

    dude whupped my ass 5 rounds in a row for a sweep while i was trying to adjust to using the li'l stick instead of d-pad on the controller, and when we rematched, i decided to actually "fight-to-win" instead of "fight-to-learn" and i had him 4-rounds-to-one and had a SLIGHT lead on what would have been my winning round, and "BOOM!" he was gone. and all-of-a-sudden i felt all of the frustrations that i've read you cats having, PLUS the confusion of "why the hell pull in unranked matches?"

    i understand that dude was obviously a better player than me, but once again, if it ain't for rank, why pull?

    it's shit like this, and how completely smug and elitist some of the better players are when playing someone not nearly as good as them that kinda makes me wanna just never bother with ranked matches. i'm only here to have fun, and a lot of the cats out there seem to be here for different reasons.
  8. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    alright this is getting nuts, there should be some type of rules on the first post about reporting cable pullers, i beleive this few to be fair:

    1)only report if the cable puller was losing 1 - 0 , 2 - 0, 2 - 1 and 2 - 2 (with over 50% lifebar)

    2) only report if the cable puller disconnects more than 2 times on you. (benefit of the doubt)

    3)disconnecting if lag is unbearable its OK, but! only if the match is 0 - 0 ,you better recognise if its bad right away. if lag was ok during the first match and the second is bad...TOO BAD, you have to suck it up and do NOT disconnect.

    4) unranked player matches dont count, so do not report.

    that's it!

    please do not report if any of the above doesnt apply, it would be considered whining, not patient enought and it will make the list waaay too huge if we keep reporting for every disconnect without a common rule.[/size]

    i think the list is fair for both people that REEEEAALY care for online rank and for casual people that have a life. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    that's why i didn't include his name.
  10. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Dontforkwith me is a cable puller and a huge dumbass. I lost a game to his constantly backdashing Lion and he talked a lot of shit for some reason. Then when I ran into him again he DCed. He is a true XBL dumbass.
  11. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Had the same run ins with him Diss, confirmed... He has pulled on me twice now.
  12. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    I'm having that also with these people who play and pull the plug
  13. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    This thread NEEDS to be fine tuned fo'real man(Just like Sudden Death said) There are numerous times that the game gets disconnected during the end of the last round. You still get your points if this happen. Check "players meet" On your blade to see if the person really pull the plug on you. B/c if the player did, you'll see he's or her's name in RED. If that person is STILL on and says he/she is STILL in a rank match with you, he got that common error. With my experience with this game online I've seen this happen at least twice a day. Don't be so quick to judge guys, make sure is a frequent abuse. Bc the person you might had called out might of had that error. And remember some folks are on a router, routers usally dies on peoples, and they have to be reset it. Make sure you message the person to see what really happen, if they don't respond......You know the DEAL.
  14. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he pulled a disconnect on me as well. He waited until I finished him off in three straight rounds before doing so. So I sent him a message (can't remember how I chose to compose it but I'm sure it was nothing hostile). In any case he sends a voice message back calling me every foul name in the book before making irrelevant references to my one cable pulling experience. He clearly visits these threads and makes note of particular gamertags.

    Worse thing about it is that he's a really awful player who isn't worth the time in the first place. I can only imagine that his cable pulling syndrome is something severely chronic. Hopefully, if enough people abuse him he'll sell the game back to his retailer.
  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    This thread has me so horrified, the few times i play ranked matches i actually try to lose one round on purpose /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Still i've had 3 pulls 'till now - i think i'll stick to freeplay, it's more fun.
  16. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    This is why I usually send a message to the person afterwards. It can be hard to determine the difference between someone who experienced an error and someone who disconnects with intent.

    Most of the time the person who purposely disconnected replies back with a "fuck you" or something of the sort. Someone who experiences an error is usually willing to play you again.
  17. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I did that for 2 rounds with DontForkWitMe, problem is.... I lost the final round. Next time I didn't hold up and was pulled on in the third round.
  18. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    You can't give fork 2 rounds or you will lose. His Lion and his back away gamble techniques are guaranteed to give him at least one round against anyone.
  19. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    1- The game was laggy. or
    2- He didn't like your style?

    In either cases he preserve the "right" to d/c. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  20. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    lol. Perhaps #2 fits. If so, he must not like anyone's style as he has disconnected on just about everyone. This guy is just dripping with all sorts of lame-juice.

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