Cleveland VF4ers: Please read

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Vicious666, Jan 29, 2002.

  1. LemonMan

    LemonMan Active Member

    Usually a few times a day. Plus, any replies to my posts get emailed to me, so it's cool.
  2. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    come to dave and busters tonight. maybe about 10. we're gonna be playing.
  3. LemonMan

    LemonMan Active Member

    Well, that wasn't bad.
    Would have been better if we'd stood a reasonable chance of winning. That guy was just damned good.
  4. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    hahaha. yeah, but he's beatable. you won one, didn't you? I won a round or two per game most of the time.

    sorry we ran off. some people we were with wanted to play pool. we came back and played some more at 1am...

    it was cool, though, having more people to play with, especially challenging people.
  5. LemonMan

    LemonMan Active Member

    Actually took a few games away from him. Like, three. Total.

    You know, I didn't work out the math until after I got home last night, but that game is amazingly expensive.

    You wouldn't happen to have a joystick for the PS2, would you? I mean, not a usual controller but an actual arcade-style stick.
  6. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, in 2-3 weeks of playing, I've spent 60-80 bucks on that game. Nothing beats playing the arcade version, though.

    I don't even have a PS2. I probably will get one soon, though. Kinda waiting for VF4 to come out...probably get a joystick too.
  7. LemonMan

    LemonMan Active Member

    I have a PS2.
    I now also have VF4 in my home.
    I only have 1 joystick though, and a bunch of controllers.
  8. LemonMan

    LemonMan Active Member

    I've got VF4 at my apartment. The Japanese version hooked up to a US PS2. The graphics aren't quite as good (and I only have one stick, and the rest are controllers), but it's a hell of a lot cheaper than Dave and Buster's.

    If any of you guys has another stick, let me know. I know a couple of local kids who are trying to get into the game too and it might be worth everyone hooking up sometime.
  9. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    I am planning on buying a stick as soon as the US version of the game comes out...

    good idea about getting together, tho.
  10. LemonMan

    LemonMan Active Member

    Well, how do you feel about using a control pad?
  11. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    I've pretty much decided that I can't play that game with a pad.

    Started the stick ordering process yesterday for jwalton and I. So hopefully we will have sticks soon.
  12. wildvision

    wildvision New Member

    Thanks to lemonman, I'm now out of tekken and am looking to get big into VF4. I'm sure I'll see you guys sometime up at D&B (after a LOT of practice) ^^
  13. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    Great! Not sure when we will be there again, but I'll try to post when I know. I really want to get up there to play again, as I don't have VF4 at home yet...

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