Columbus, OH .. a new start!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by maddy, Apr 20, 2003.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    I know dude. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    Just wanted to make sure since making sure won't hurt anyone.

  2. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    See you all on Sat.

    I've got to go home now.

    Farewell n Peace.
  3. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member


    I guess California is too far but the tourney looks too


    Anyway, what happens to ?

    I can not even connect to the site.

    Anyone knows?
  4. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

  5. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    Hey there... I'm in Cleveland, and there are one or two other players i play with on a regular basis (plus some more in Kent, OH)... and we're always looking for competition. We'd be more than willing to make the trip to columbus (more like 2.5 hours btw) for some tourney play, etc.

    (Actually, I believe I got an email from one of you guys a while back...)

    Anyway, It's easier for me to make it if we can schedule an event a couple weeks in advance...

    (oh yeah, I play with goh, shun, jeff)...
  6. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    yes, me too. (i'm one of jwalton's only fellow VF4 players). I believe our friend Carey came to one of your gatherings?

    anyway, planning in advance is good for me, too.

    i play lion, pai, some wolf.
  7. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    BTW, I heard that there is a VF4 machine in Cleveland
    . Can anyone tell me how VF4 is popular at that

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is at the Dave & Busters in west cleveland area...

    well, when that place first opened up, there was a lot of people playing VF there... but the last couple time i have been, It has tapered off...
  8. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies, Clevland brothers!

    Speaking of tournaments, we plan on having one

    tourney after this quarter is over. It is because the

    tourney is held by OSU Japanese Club at OSU.

    Thanks to that, we can use one of big lecure halls with

    a hugh projector screen for the tourney. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Detail of this tourney will be out soon by the Japanese

    Club. As soon as more infomation becomes available

    , I will post that here.


  9. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    This is the video that shows you how to set up the

    computer for evade throw escape guard traning.

    I started doing it recently and got a lot better at


    Good thing is it can be done with Ver.C. ( Good luck



    (Link from
  10. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Good stuff Jimmy. Yes, if any of you Clevelanders wanted to come down on a Saturday before the next tournie for gaming justice, I'm always more than down. Just a heads up, we play VF4 pretty seriously. We're pretty good so you may want to practice fore ya come down. Also, if you do plan on attending any Saturday gatherings, I'd say you post with your intentions so we can know ahead of time.
  11. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    No prob.

    Glad you like it ,Sean.

  12. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    What you up to today Jimmy. Cause if ya free, I'm down for whatever.
  13. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Hey, Sean.

    Can you call folks and ask them if they can come over?

    I will be there pretty soon. I have some stuffs to do


    Let me know if anyone can come(I wish they could) by

    posting a reply here. I will keep checking it once in a


  14. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    I'll try. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Think Jay is going to be over at some point so it's all good.
  15. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

  16. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member


    It turns out that I will have a pretty busy weekend again,

    so I doubt that I can make this Sat gathering.

    I've been working on ranking up my Akira to High King,

    but it's been kinda rough. I know what kind of things

    computer falls for easily and try to beat them without

    it. (The trick is easy, just using evade attack a

    lot. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif)

    I lost to damn Kasyao for 4 straight games yesterday

    when I was real tired( making an excuse here, but

    at least I didn't run away or reboot my PS2.) /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Anyway, I've never imagined that playing computer

    can be this fun, so it is all good.

    By the time we meet next time, my Akira might be

    ranked High King. I will show all ya the yellowish high

    king outfit.

    Peace out, and see you all later.

    P.S Playing many games is good, but practicing the

    "Best" game is even better. Let's have some more

    evo action going at gathering. Thesedays, we tend

    to play other games more than evo. You all know this,

    right? /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  17. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Hey, look what I found.

    Kenji, Jason, and Roger will go to Evo3k toureny in


    Hope they win and bring some money here for Ohio

    economy. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Ohio (8 players)

    Jason Kim ...? x x x
    Kenji Bliss Kbnova x x

    Mike Benser Turn Waster x x x x x
    Mycah Tucker Mycah Leonhart x x

    Roger Hartzell x x

    Sammy Chen x x x x x x
    Terrence Myhand x977 x
    Travis Haning Kendae x x x
  18. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Man, I wish I could go to evo... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    Anyway, I've kinda been locked down at my house doing stuff for my carrer center... /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    ugh, anyway, I'll be there this sat, maybe friday too.

    and Jimmy, yeah I've been playing other games lately, I just needed a little break from VF, but hopefully Forest will keep playing and we can have another team member soon! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  19. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    we play VF4 pretty seriously. We're pretty good so you may want to practice fore ya come down.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Uh-oh, trash talk aready? That's OK, I plan to give you a run for your money!

    Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it down this Saturday, but please do post info about the next tourney... I'd be interested to make that.
  20. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Hey, Jwalton.

    Good to hear from you.

    I hope to see you Cleveland crew pretty soon.

    I won't make this Sat, but I will definitely make next


    BTW, usaully at gatherings, we don't play for

    tournamnet. It is more likely a gathering style thing-

    winner keeps playing and looser have to wait for next

    time). However, if you want to smaill tournamnet, we

    can do that. We welcome all you to Columbus. We are

    all nice crew and I hope to learn a lot from you guys.



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