Dead or Alive 5 Announced for 2012! PS3 and Xbox

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    VF's awesome gameplay mechanics aside, DOA5 will not have far to go to be a better game.

    The single player and two player modes are so watered down/bare bones in VF5FS that if Team Ninja provides a decent story line, customization, ring names, portable profiles, and stats for single player/two player modes, then it will be a slam dunk.

    I've heard that net-code was fair for DOA so any improvement in that area will just make the game that much better.

    I'm predicting that VF5FS PSN traffic is going to permanently go way down, once DOA5 is released. While Sega did finally give us VF5FS, after the dust has settled its just to barebones, for all but the most dedicated of players. A few of us are gonna stick around, but I'm betting a lot of the fresh faces on PSN VF5FS will permanently move on.

    DOA5 is bound to be a more fun fighting game [​IMG]
  2. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    It isn't a $60 game because it isn't gonna be a serious fighter. The entire DOA system has to be changed in order for that to be the case. The grabs are unescapable, the counter window is very large, the tiers in DOA are very relevant. Plus there is danger zone damage and other gimmicks that look completely childish to me. Will the ninjas actually be low or mid tier this time or will it be more Ayane 4P into whatever cluster fuck. Seriously it's a fun mashfest and I was fairly top shelf at it, but come on now... The thing is a scrubfest plain and simple and the DOA community is parasitic. I expect Tekken Tag 2 and DOA5 to do really well their first month but then a huge drop off will happen, especially with Tag 2.

    The DOAC forum is a deserted wasteland btw..
  3. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    It's 1200MSP/£10/$15, and you're getting FAR more than you should for that price. DOA5 will be 4 times that price, and as such I'd expect more features in it. I am however not expecting a better fighting system than FS, which is what really matters.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    Kaiser, I know that VF has a superior fighting system than DOA and probably always will. There's more to a fighting game than just the fighting mechanics LOL!

    I just was fooling around with VF4 and VF4 EVO today playin with my nephews.
    Both of those games were Virtua Fighter! and both offered more in the 2 player mode than VF5FS! We used to have ring names in VF4, VF4 EVO, we had fighting profiles, stats, etc. EVO had quests, underground tournaments, all kinds of S!@#. So don't bring up how good the fighting system is. I know how good it is, that why I still play it. But that doesn't excuse every version of VF since EVO for dropping 2 player features, and single player features.

    So what it VF5FS is cheap. I rather pay 100 USD, for a complete game, than 15 USD for just an online arena.

    You don't need to be a Virtua Fighter apologist when it comes to me. I'm already a fanboy. I still have the right to call em as I see em. And I'm betting
    the 15 USD that I paid for VF that DOA5 is going to be a bigger game, it will probably be more fun for the average fighting game fan than VF. It will probably have more single player and two player features than VF has. And might have a better lobby.

    We can only make excuses for VF so long. I mean this is what we are starting to sound like:

    So what we don't have player profiles: We have the best fighting system.
    So what we don't keep statistics in single player or 2 player modes: We have the best fighting system.

    So what we don't have a story mode, or cutscenes: We have the best fighting system.

    So what we don't have team battle, survival mode, or any of the other modes most modern day fighters have: We have the best fighting system.

    So what we don't offer the features that we used to offer in VF4, VF4EVO: We have the best fighting system.

    At the rate we are going VF will be cut down to one online mode called fight.
    you start the game and you're automatically placed in the ring with some other fighter. There won't be any score keeping, or ranks, or counts, no ring names, no PR. Just the next 3 rounds. Lot of VFDC big shots would be just happy with a version of VF that worked just like that.

    I think Sega should have added features after EVO. Online play is nice, but it doesn't make up for all the SH#~ Sega took out. I can list a whole bunch of features that Sega took out of VF4evo and VF4 that I would trade online play for.

    Mark my words. DOA5 will come out and traffic on PSN will drop significantly probably permanently. Fighting games cannot live by Fighting engines alone.
    Just because you have the best fighting system, doesn't mean you have the best fighting video game. Don't confuse the two [​IMG]
  5. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    The VF numbers will drop hard from Tekken, not from DOA.

    Summer Jam is going to be an important tourney because of this, need to show the game has numbers- it's a big reason why I'm coming.
  6. Berzerk

    Berzerk Well-Known Member

    Gunstar Red
    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    The DOA community is not parasitic and not represented by the few people you mention, steelbaz. I remain a DOA player even though I've strongly supported VF primarily the last few years and your comments are like coming to VFDC and judging the entire community here as elitist assholes because a few people are convinced of its mechanical superiority to other games.
    It may be the case but I think you get my meaning about the elitist approach and how it doesn't represent the whole scene.
    You are also prejudging a game that has made great strides in current development as a competitive proposition.
    Not to mention it has been 7 years and a whole new community is about to form.

    I really think the priority for vf players around Doa is to give the game a chance and support it as it also reflects well on vf and we should see strong player cross over in tournaments

    I tell people the same thing in the Doa community - play vf, it's a great game and great practice for what doa5 is set to become.

    A tip, forget your old assumptions and check out the videos and articles about the game and stop referring to doac, that community is dead and a new community is forming at

    Of course if you're just not interested, that's fine, but then it's best not to comment or tell people it's not worth their time
    Blackula and Genesis like this.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    I'm sure there will be some leakage from Tekken. There are many, many, many,many ppl who will play VF and DOA and not play Tekken. Keep in mind that Playstation players haven't had a DOA since DOA 2 Hardcore. So while XBOX players might not be that hyped over the next release of DOA, I assure you the Playstation players are. Playstation players are yet to have seen
    DOA on next-gen hardware, while the XBOX players have had it all along.

    So many DOA hardcore players on the Playstation have 'settled' for VF!!!! but would not go near Tekken. I could give a Fug about what the high lvl players say about VF vs DOA. For many normal human beings LOL, DOA is closer to VF than any other FG and VF is closer to DOA than any other fighting game.

    So there are many ppl (even some on this site) that prefer DOA to VF, and only played VF because there was no next-gen DOA. But as soon as DOA is out for the PS3 it will be bye-bye Virtua Fighter.

    I am a VF fan boy, but I'm virtually certain, that DOA5 is going to be a bigger and more fun fighting game than VF5FS.

    Its only the most elite-arrogant (some ignorant) VF players that as a result of deep cognitive dissonance that they rationalize that as long as they have the top fighting engine, no other gaming features matter. But if you take a holistic approach to VF as compared to the other major FG, you easily see the tremendous short comings of VF and its only its superior fighting engine that saves the day. Its like having a hideous girl friend that gives the best head you've ever had. if it were not for her head giving talents, there's no way you would stay with her.
  8. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    Masterpo, I couldn't say it better myself.

    So much negativity. You expect TTT2 to drop off after its first month? I have to LOL at that one considering how popular the Tekken franchise has been in the US. And way to talk so negatively about another community. EVERY community has its fair share of problems.

    And also, since when does the seriousness of a game determine if a game is worth regular price or not? Have you been keeping up with the development of DOA5? If so you would know that they've made tremendous changes to make this game a more competitive game. Counter hold window has been decreased, recovery on holds have been tremendously increased so it's much riskier to use them. They've finally implemented a working sidestep/evade game. They've included many unholdable stuns and there is actual GUARANTEED damage in the game which the previous DOA was seriously lacking.

    It has danger zones. So......? A mashfest? If you think it's a mash fest, then I challenge you to play against someone like Perfect Legend and/or Master and see if you get far by mashing. As far as the characters, actually, the VF characters are quite good in the game. They might even possibly be better than the DOA characters at the moment.

    Yes, I agree that DOAC hardly has traffic these days. Free Step Dodge is where everyone is going these days. Check it out.
  9. tenren

    tenren Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    wish i could like this post lol.
    Genesis likes this.
  10. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    You can actually find the DOAC forum? Kudos to you good sir, kudos. Last I tried, I ended up finding 8 different websites each with their own empty forums.

    Now, that place has some activity.
  11. N0rdicNinja

    N0rdicNinja Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming


    As already mentioned by previous posters, almost everything you've mentioned has been touched on in DOA5. Shimbori has been working very closely with key members of the community and has made great strides in bringing DoA to a competitive level. Will DOA5 be perfect? Of course not. But I honestly believe that this is a huge step for the franchise that will ultimately lead to even better things in the future.

    And you should definitely check out FreeStepDodge, it's the new hot spot for your DoA needs.
    Genesis likes this.
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    Po, not too long ago you was pulling this same shit but with SC5 right? You remember how most of us were playing it at the time?

    Keep posting your nonsensical drivel, meanwhile we'll be enjoying FS and DoA5.
  13. N0rdicNinja

    N0rdicNinja Member

  14. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    Here's the same video but embedded from YouTube.

    Genesis likes this.
  15. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

  16. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    No Pai... Maybe it was just a rumour ?
  17. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    Probably announce her and the new character next week.
  18. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    A write-up about the newly redone training mode for DOA5. Very similar to VF's training mode now. If this doesn't show that they're really trying to be more serious with this release, I don't know what is then.
    Genesis likes this.
  19. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming

    They've convinced me to give them a shot, especially since I didn't like Persona, and expect to dislike Tekken.
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Dead or Alive 5 coming


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