Dead or Alive 5 Announced for 2012! PS3 and Xbox

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

  2. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Wow! What? I don't even... :confused:
  3. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member

    Me, originally being a DOA player, don't see how exactly VF started 'copying' DOA... The only thing might be accessible controls and breakable walls in VF5:FS. Other than that, VF has always stood separately. Not to mention it has way more depth. DOA's depth comes from the stun system, but, ironically it's what also makes it a shallow guessing game.
    grap3fruitman likes this.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    VF4 was the first time they had breakable walls. VF3 was the first time they had walls. :)
  5. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    On a related note, they had breakable walls in Fighters Megamix
  6. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    As well as Fighting Vipers. :)

    Look like TN is going ahead with F2P model and a retail model for Ultimate. The way they are doing it, I'm hoping other devs (well namely AM2) take note. Be interesting to see how FG are released next generation, if this proves to be successful.
  7. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Personally, I don't like that. It's not a F2P model, it's a demo of the full game. If you want to have a competitive fighting game, all fighters must be available from the begining. Characters are not like dresses or other cosmetic/decorative items that don't affect gameplay. I don't understand their decision. It doesn't make sense, not only from a gamer's perspective but also from a consumer's one.
  8. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Wait wut? F2P fighting game?? How can this be?
  9. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The main thing, is the people who have the F2P version of the game can play the people who have the retail version, so both sides of the coin are happy, especially character loyalist. The main thing here is that, if you own the F2P version you can play online with people who have a character you don't.

    Story mode in the F2P version you have to buy as well, but the other modes like Versus, Training, Online are free as well as having all the stages.

    I never paid attention to F2P, or cared, but the TN is going about it is smart. I wonder if Sega would take this route with VF6?
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    If you only play one character I think this F2P model is pretty sweet. I only like using a few of the DOA cast and they're all free :).
  11. def

    def Well-Known Member

  12. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Hope they do this for Xbox too. I read it was for PS with no mention of the Xbox. I wouldn't mind a free fighting game with a few characters. That'd be the only way I'd play this, if it was given to me.
  13. synce

    synce Active Member

    This might make the online less of a wasteland but I think they could've handled it better, like giving people the option of choosing their free characters. Ninjas are already so common, now you'll see them even more.
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I heard an idea about rotating the 4 characters, which I think would be cool. Like every 1-2 weeks rotating them.
  15. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    -You could have asked me on the forums, and I would have elaborated. Borrowing from Doa is not a Bad thing at all. Doa have been borrowing from Vf for years, so its nothing really serious. With Vf4, Doa's techroll system was adopted and modified. The juggle system is more akin to Doa, than any other previous VF title. Movement in general (back dashing, crouch dashing etc). Is More Doa Like. The stagger System (Crumples, stumbles..etc) is more akin to Doa. General hit properties are more Doa like than any previous Vf title. With Vf5, Throws were slowed down, Just like with Doa4. Wall stagger was introduced similar to that of Doa. Wall slump was introduced...similar to that of doa. All throws now using [P]+[G] set up..ala Doa.

    -Many believe the above to be true, however, it is simply not factual. There is virtually no tech present in VF, that is absent in Doa. In other words, Both games have similar options available to both set of players. Viable Options = Depth, and VF currently Do not have any more than Doa. Sigh, It should be noted that the stun game is merely one facet of gameplay available to Doa, It do not surmise the totality of its depth.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    The stun game in DOA is akin to the frame adv game in VF though, that's why a lot of us focus on it so much. It's the closest to the nitaku game we are so used to in VF.
  17. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    -Well, it all depend on both your character, your opponent, how you set the stun up and how far you want to take the system. All stuns are not created equally, and require you to have an understanding of them. For Example, Limbo and sit down stuns are inescapable, and provides guaranteed damage(combo/juggle). Something like a trip stun only provide minor frame advantage and can give you a possible Nitaku situation. This is due to your opponents stagger escaping abilities. If He or she is really good, it is possible to negate frame disadvantage and be at neutral.

    -Stuns like Double over stagger can be struggled(leave you at medium disadvantage), but require players to use another form of defence in addition...Such as Fuzzy guarding, or Stepping/evasion. Stuns Such as the Lift Stun provide true nitaku situation as in your opponent cannot stagger escape in time to avoid your attack, and must defensive hold to escape, in which you can force a mixup between a high throw and mid launcher. Than there are crumples like the head crumple(Tina's 3pp). This Crumple provides a very unique situation for Grapplers. If your opponent decides to fall to the floor, you get a Free ground throw. If your opponent Defensive hold, you can follow up with your most damaging throw, or you can free step to your opponents back and get a couple of free hits.The stun system is a lot more indepth than just simple guesses.
  18. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The roll system has been in place since VF2 in regards to waking up with kicks and rolling. Tech-roll was the best thing Sega took from Namco in that regard, especially with the madness that was VF2 and 3, lol.

    Where is the VF juggle sytem like DOA in which VF? Everything in VFs juggle mechanics mechanics pre-dates DOA as well as other 3D fighters( with the exception of Fighting Vipers mechanics of air recovery). How did you come to this conclusion?

    That's all been in since VF1. Advanced stepping has been around since at least VF2. The execution in mechanics isn't even the same. Again, how did you come to this conclusion?

    Stumples and off balance moves have been in since at least VF2. There are similarities in the animations though, especially with how mid-kicks in FS hit Backdashes

    No they aren't. Hit states are like those of VF and not DOA. The flow chart of defense in(Block hit->Fuzzy, Normal Hit->CD Fuzzy, Counter-Hit->Nitaku) VF is still differnt from other fighters in that regard.

    They were slowed down, but they added the 0f Throw from VF3. Throws were sped up in FS, but not as fast VF4. They reached a nice medium here.

    Wall slump yes, but wall stagger? When did DOA do these. I know they were in VF4 (maybe VF3?) but don't remember them in DOA 2 or 3.

    Fair enough. Sega know some people have trouble with pressing 3 buttons at the same time and made it more streamlined.

    There is still plenty of tech in VF that isn't in DOA, namely the Option Selects, Throw Escapes and Evade Options Selects, the Evade systems and the Side-Turned game.

    Don't have an account at FSD, otherwise I would've asked there. I figured you were trolling as some of those comments are way off the mark to the point where one could ask if you actually played a VF title.

    Edited to be readable, since I have more time now to reply.
  19. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    -Ok Cool.

    -VF pre-dates Doa, but not that particular juggle system. VF1, VF2 and VF3 do not use the same juggle system. It was remodeled in the creation of VF4. There is an obvious difference in the way the cast are launched,juggled, character interaction in general. The feel is more Doa like, than past VF iterations.

    -I am not talking about the technique its-self, but how it was implemented. For Example, Crouch Dashing was never as simple as 33,11 pre VF4. The only other fighter that had it this way was Doa.

    -What you just mentioned is not exclusive to VF. Anyway, I was talking about hit properties. Let me make myself more clear. In previous iterations of VF, the characters were they had no real weight to them. Attacks had no sense of depth or Impact. This was changed with VF4. Sega Could have taken the Namco approach, but they went towards the Doa route.

    -There was no Techrolling/quick rising in VF2/3. Techrolling actually originated with Doa1.

    -Doa added more execution frames to Throws(making them slower), VF Followed Suit. Doa has a homogenized Throw system(Not a separate button setup for low throws), VF Followed Suit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Mentioning everything else wasnt necessary.

    -There are option selects in Doa...Throw escapes and Evade option selects as you mentioned. It is not uncommon to buffer a throw escape during the execution of a Side Step, or while in a disadvantageous state. Infact, in Doa it has multi-purpose. Unlike VF where all throws are the same speed(with the exception of catch throws), the use of a faster non command throw against the slower more powerful command throws often result in a counter throw. If your opponent buffers a throw escape during this time, he will escape. So essentially your opponent will be escaping, the escape attempt. I have found myself doing this many times against Bass players and other grapplers.

    -When I say virtually, it means there is not enough for it to make a big difference. Like there being Tech in Doa that is not present in VF. Just like their is specific tech in SC and TK not present in either Doa or VF.

    -Ok. One has a success/fail evade system, while the other does not, while allowing multiple stepping in succession. This reflects many of the other aspects that are different between both fighters, Like The stagger/Stun system, Throw escape system, environmental system..etc.

    -It is not like VF is exempt from borrowing Ideas. If it works it works. There is no shame in it.
  20. NightAntilli

    NightAntilli Well-Known Member


    - VF has linear, half circular, and full circular. DOA has only tracking vs not tracking
    - VF has side hits in addition to front and back, which change frame (dis)adv. DOA only has front and back.
    - VF has universal throw escapes, DOA does not.
    - VF has special lows, which can be blocked by the opponent while standing, without the need to crouch. DOA does not.
    - VF has special mids, which stands a crouching opponent up without doing damage, DOA only has damaging mids
    - VF has special highs, where an opponent that's attacking low will get hit, but a neutral ducking opponent won't. DOA has nothing of the sorts.

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