Dead or Alive 5 Announced for 2012! PS3 and Xbox

Discussion in 'General' started by Brisal73, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The "feel" is still VF. The juggle system has been modified with each passing VF, since VF1. The core execution stays the same but they've been changing heights and how much/long you can juggle with each VF. Some juggles you can use from the previous version without even changing it up, some you have to use the new system in place. There's nothing DOA about that.

    Some characters you can jump in if you played their previous incarnations and still jump in to the new one using the old juggles, using some slight modifications to them depending on which VF.

    Those are the commands for Crouch Dashing in VF2. VF3 switched it up with the removal of backwards CD and use of the Evade button in tandem with stick inputs. VF4 went back to the VF2 dash system.

    That exchange and how active defense is (even with MTE removed in FS) is unique to VF.

    especially in the way counters knock the opponent depending on the hit being a

    The biggest differnces were different colors depending on the hit state in VF4. Major Counter (MC) or Minor Counter (mC) affecting height and damage. Foot postioning is still a concept from VF 1 that has stayed to the present, which also has an effect on juggles. Again, the juggle system has been modified throughout the VF series.

    -There was no Techrolling/quick rising in VF2/3. Techrolling actually originated with Doa1.

    Sega added execution frames to neutral throw from VF3 to VF4, making it so you could break Neutral, which in VF3 was 0f, so you couldn't break it. Sega went back and forth on the throw system from VF2 and VF3. VF4 was the first time ALL throws had exectution start up. VF5 slowed it down further, while FS made them faster.

    I've never heard of ETE in DOA until right now as of this reading. You got a vid with this? I'll be browsing since I just got home.

    VF and DOA share many similarities, like the fast paced back and forth, button setups, triangle system, string manipulation, but there are big enough differences between them. Movement, dash system, evade system, throw system, combo system and option selects. You even mentioned the other thing in the quote below.

    VF borrowing isn't a problem. People say VF is borrowing something when they aren't is, because it's not correct.[/quote][/quote][/quote]
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    DoA5 doesn't even allow the option to defend, the similarities with VF start and end at the control scheme :/

    If I were to compare it to another fighting game then I'd say it's like a softcore version of Battle Raper 2 with less depth and a higher budget.
  3. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I don't even think it matters who borrowed what from where or which one has something the other hasn't. Can't we just enjoy the games we play without trying to convince the other person this is better because x, y and z?

    After all, when it comes to liking something, its all subjective.
    Sorwah likes this.
  4. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    -What in Gods name was the point of this? Seriously...Do you honesty think I do not know whats in VF? I studdied VF to the point where I was able to break down Doa accurately. I know there is tech present in VF thats not in Doa, and vice versa. If you read some of my later posts you will see it. Just for the Kick of it I can do the same for Doa.

    -DOA has the use of Free Stepping For Environmental positioning. ARM is slow and clunky and Dont have the same effective use in VF.
    -DOA has the use of Free stepping for Character positioning against a grounded opponent. ARM is slow and clunky and Dont have the same effective use in VF.
    -DOA can combine both Free Stepping and Side Stepping to increase the effective range of Side Stepping. There is no such thing in VF.
    -DOA has a force tech system where you can apply nitaku situations,VF Do not.
    -DOA has a Just Frame Combo throw Escape System, VF Do not.
    -DOA has a Layered Throw system in which throw execution speed is also indicative of how powerful the throw will be. Players often use faster throws, to beat out an opponents slower throw. This is not present in VF(with the minor exception of catch throws).
  5. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member -VF3 -VF4 -DOA3

    -VF3 looks dry as hell, and lack the "umph" in the Juggles....Way more Floaty. In Comparison, VF4 juggles are a lot less floaty, and there is major impact when the characters are launched, slammed to the ground, and hit during juggles. This was not present at all in previous VF's. In this regaurd, it looks more DOA like.

    -Those were the commands, however, its execution was not as simple. Many of you forget how cumbersome overall movement was in past incarnations of VF. To get a simple Crouch dash, you had to tap 3, practically go into neutral than tap 3 again. Now its a buttery smooth 33. The new "Ease of use" in VF was practcally a rip off of DOA. Which is absolutely no surprise Being that DOA1 was a rip off of VF with ease of use in mind.

    -This is not what I was talking about. Please re-read what I have stated.

    -This just proved my point. DOA2 had execution frames for throws. With the slowest command throw being 8 Frames. Out Of no where VF4 get 8 frame executibale throws...This is no coincidence.DOA4 makes the slowest command throws 12 frames. Out of no where VF5 Vanilla gets 12 frame executible throws. FS sped them up like you said...guess what, 10 frame executible throws are in DOA as well. No other 3d fighter have throws of that speed. Come on now, it is obvious Sega was looking at DOA.

    -Go into training mode, set up your opponent to Block as the 1st command, and throw for the 2nd. Attack your opponent, than step~throw escape.

    -This is obviuos and never stated they were just alike. I was making the point that DOA wasnt as shallow as one poster had claimed it to be, and DOA was comparable in depth. I'm not saying this is you, but there are many posters here that get stuck in their feelings, and have this mentality of "How Dare you make such claims". The fact of the matter, many people get stuck in DOA for almost the exact opposite reason as in VF. In VF, once you get into the intermediate levels the game starts to feel more challenging, and that you must learn more to do more. In DOA, once you get into the intermediate levels the game feels as if you have accomplished everything it has to offer. This is why FSD was created, so that it will help players get beyond this hurdle.
  6. def

    def Well-Known Member

    NEW E3 Trailer
    Rachel and Leon CONFIRMED!
    PAI has a new look
    At least D Costumes are in for VF characters.
    Konradinho, Sorwah and nou like this.
  7. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    The new "floating" combos look funky!! Think I'm getting this now!
  8. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    What is FSD?

    I think all games have it's challenges and claiming one is better doesn't really achieve anything. In my opinion, VF is a very simple game and that it's how the players apply the rules that make it interesting.

    I know how you feel. Someone said KoF was a kiddies game in another thread :confused:
  9. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    On a separate note, have they moved the release date forward? I swear it used to say November or something like that?
  10. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    The DOA 3 combos were looking closer to the VF3 combos because of how floaty they were, than VF4 combos looking like DOA3.

    I was doing this shit on the Saturn pad no problem and I'm sure others were just as well. They were fine back then and it's still fine now. I was playing on a VF2 cab the other month with so-so controls and was moving just fine, on American sticks no less. I played VF2 on friends XBL and was moving just fine on my beat up round 1TE just fine, even though the stick is looser than what it used to be.

    Sega was going back and forth with throws in VF2 and VF3.

    VF2 = Command Throws instant and couldn't be broken(on top of doubling as attacks for an OS, lol >_< ) while neutral could be broken and had start-up.

    VF3 = Command Throws had start up, while Neutral didn't have start up and couldn't be broken.

    VF4 = The first time throw were unified under a frame window.

    Could they have looked at DOA or where the listening to their fans about throw system feed back? Was it both? Could be either or.

    So if the opponent attacks with a liner it sidesteps as well when inputted from the recovery frame?

    In this regard I think it's just that VF, even with MTE removed, has a lot of defense tech that when going to another figher people feel it's just more passive, so people get down on other games because of it. Even when there are other options (think GG or SC, even Alpha 3) it's one or the other, not layered.

    With DOA I think it just leans too far into the guessing aspects, because of the hold system and lack of frame adv. that's already been brought up, here and FSD as well. I'm aware of the counters to Holds (as I used to make the cases for it back in the day), but I think that's a turn-off to some people, yet at the same time is the appeal for others.

    With that being said I like this style of fighter of simple control scheme and fast paced back and forth.

    E3 Trailer looks awesome!
  11. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    FSD is Free Step Dodge. It's the VFDC for DOA heads, as well as technique in the game.

    Date hasn't changed as far as I know.
  12. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    They stated they were given the models used for those CG portraits...

    Date is September 3rd for the states. Same week for the world on their normal release days of the week (Wed. in Japan, Friday in Europe I believe).
  13. def

    def Well-Known Member

  14. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Oh, we get to keep any dlc we downloaded before (transferred)
  15. def

    def Well-Known Member

    I think so.
  16. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Can anyone explain why this should not just be an expansion onto the current game? Seriously it's pretty wack having all these fighting games releasing the same game with minor changes that renders the previous copy obsolete.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    cuz they want money
    Sorwah likes this.
  18. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    We won't know what the technical constraint vs money making ratio behind the decision is but their recent trailers have convinced me to buy it.
  19. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    -LMAO. Akira here is using pretty much the same juggle system as in DOA3, and it looks way less floaty than VF3. And pretty much has the same visual impact as it does in VF4.

    -Nice, but this do not address the simplification of the controls.

    -Nice. What is in Current VF have been in DOA since DOA2...almost an exact duplicate.

    -This was not the original question posed, but I will answer this one anyway. The answer is no, However, if you hold down the guard button(during recovery) and tap 88/22 at a certain frame, you will get the option select of a block or evade depending on what your opponent does.

    -That is not the issue at all. Holds in themselvs would provide no more guessing than evade. The problem is how the stun system is treated where you have to input a lot of guessing, to get an output of a lot of comparison to Both DOA2 and DOA3. However, players can opt out (the extended guessing game)for a simple nitaku situation(that provide less damage), Use a character that Do not play the stun game(Bass, Mila), or a Character Like Tina who rapes your life for holding out of stun.

    -As for frame advantage, players were complaining about the lack of advantage on block(from the attacker). There is plenty of frame advantage from Evade, force techs, knock downs, etc.
  20. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    No, that is the issue. That's a huge issue. That's one of the main things that turns off would be fans of the game.

    Every fighting game has guessing to a certain degree. But, DOA takes it to an entirely different level. I won't go into the minute details as I'm sure you are aware of them. Yet, don't act like DOAs fighting system (atleast the current version) isn't based around the counter system which forces the defender to guess the correct answer from 4 or 5 different choices.

    I'm not DOA expert, hell I'm probably not even intermediate. So from a beginners point of view, yea the guessing game/lack of advantage on guard is a huuuuuuuuuuugggggeeeeeee turn off...
    Tricky likes this.

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