Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    That's how I always used to feel about DOA in general, but I guess it may have been a lack of understanding on my part. You have to remember that we are all approaching this game from a VF-mindset, which DOES NOT work here...You have to "empty your cup" so to speak, and attune yourself to DOA or you will continue to be frustrated.

    At least, that's what I've learned now and part of why I'm not even seriously playing VF-characters there. lol

    Instead I'm using DOA characters(Leon's the man!), but kudos to those who are able to use the VF-characters well there.

    That said, did you play through the tutorial on this game? I tip my hat off to Team Ninja for the tutorial on this game, as it does a REALLLLLY good job on explaining EVERYTHING about the game-hell, they even teach you anti-character strats there. lol

    Seriously, I recommend that everyone play through the ENTIRE tutorial on this game-Its great and everything about DOA will make sense afterwards. This game really is much deeper than I thought and I'm having a blast with it....The tutorial, combo challenge, music edit and Leon really make this game for me-its fucking great!
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2013
  2. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    This is why I haven't given up and continue to play despite how frustrating it is. I know I am doing really bad simply because I just don't understand DOA like I do VF.

    Like I said a few posts back... hopefully something clicks!

    I can't tell people how to spend their money, but really it's a good game and only cost $40 or FREE if you are on PSN and want to test it.
  3. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    @Rodnutz we have to arrange an offline meet up after TFC. I'll be willing to drive up there. @virtuaPAI Has expressed interest as Well. It's just one of those things I have to be there to show you and hopefully make your mind click.
    Rodnutz likes this.
  4. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Are you from the US or UK?
  5. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am taking my time to soak in what the tutorials are telling me now. I already know most of it at this point. Until I have the money to get the characters I want but until then I have I question are crushing attack still in the game. I didn't get far enough along in the tutorial to see them mentioned but when I learned about them in the last version of the game I was happy.

    They were basically like a VF sabaki like move and I spammed them to death against annoying ninjas etc that spammed strings 1 after another at disadvantage and it beat them clean. I made the other person stop spamming and actually play a legit game once they knew they couldn't just spam combos in sequence on command. I am not at home to try it out myself now but I figured I would ask here since people played DOA5U way more than me recently.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2013
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Yeah VF contacted me a few days ago. I told him I am interested so long as I am free for the day. Some things are clicking, but just very slowly. Today I'm finally starting to get the hang of slow escaping. Yay! Now I just need to learn how to avoid getting stunned so easily and how to hold out of stuns properly.
  7. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I have been trying to find hi-crushes for Momiji in training mode and found a few of them, you'd still get hit at start up, but once you passed x amount of frames it'll go under the jab. I liked the info shown in DoA4 where it told you which heights you were crushing - kinda miss that feature (unless someone can tell me how to display this in DoA5U?!).
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I know Eliot's high crush because the game taught me what it was in regular DOA5 as part of his story mode. I hope they didn't change it in this version of the game At the time it didn't bother to say how important it would be until I used it real matches. It was a life saver against combo spammers.
  9. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Baltimore, MD, USA


    Great! Just remember that stagger escaping is not allowed in some stuns and situations, and is done differently from DOA5.
  10. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Anyone got this for both Xbox and PS3? I can't be the only person having this command glitch with Jacky? Sadly I just can't and refuse to play on PSN because I just cannot do [1][P][+][K][P][P] or [1][P][+][K][P][K] consistently. Whenever I try to do it I get [P][+][K][P] like 90+% of the time.

    Come on I can't be the only one and I know it's not my stick because I do not have this issue on the Xbox version of the game. I originally bought the Xbox version and played it for about 2 days before I downloaded the PS version. For 2 days I've been doing [1][P][+][K][P][P] etc on Xbox and never had an issue once.

    But upon loading up the PS version and heading straight to train mode just to do a little combo practice before heading online I noticed immediately after attempting my first combo that there was an issue.

    This really blows! I want my $3.99 back lol
  11. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    i think there is a bug list thread on FSD. You could try there?
  12. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Ah, see I have the disc version. Perhaps an issue with the digital download version.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Kokoro and Sarah seem to make a really good pair, as far as complementary playstyles are concerned. Kokoro's throw game is really strong, but it seems that she has a harder time getting guaranteed damage from strikes, since she doesnt have alot of specialized stun attacks (besides alot of high and mid launchers, but of course you can't get dat CB damage afterward).

    Sarah on the other hand has weak throws with low damage, and an all-or-nothing low attack game, but also a ton of strikes with special stun properties (sit down stun, 'fall back' stun) for guaranteed damage and also attacks that give give big bonuses on counter hit. Her combos also seem easy and do generally good damage Seems that Kokoro blows up defensive-minded characters, while Sarah is good againts aggressive characters.

    I like the character diversity in this game and how the game is played changes from it
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    @BLACKSTAR - Kokoro doesn't have a bad stun game. I think you need to see a good Kokoro player in action. She is by far not weak in any area and can stun you very easily which can lead to massive damage. I used to main her and I am seriously thinking about picking her back up again, but trying to stick with Jacky to rep VFDC. Jacky is really strong but I just lack the skill at the moment to bring it out. Last night I played this one guy name Galen The Wise and got slaughtered. To mock me he picked Jacky and was doing some S level shit for great stuns and high damage combos. It seems to be really effective in DOA you have to go for a stun and apply mix ups lightning fast. Sadly something I just don't think I am capable of. If you attack to slow good players will ALWAYS slow escape and guard or slow escape and counter attack. I'd attack faster but fuck me man Hi Counter Holds are fucking scary. I work my butt off to do 50 damage and a masher gets 60-70 for a random hold. If I knew how to hold better it wouldn't bother me to much, but if I get stunned at any point I'm FUCKED. I usually don't recover until I've lost like 50-80 percent of my health or unless my opponent fucks up and does a combo that downs me.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    Nah, I wasnt trying to say her strike game was weak or anything....her attack seem to do damage and they seem to do alot more stun than vanilla. I just was mentioning that she doesnt have alot of moves that put opponents in the specific stuns where they cant use hold to save themselves, which means opponents have more chances/guesses to get out of a CB stun combo, unless you launch instead for reduced damage. But im still a n00b, so I might be wrong.
  16. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Yeah this is the shit I don't understand as well. Maybe @Sorwah can elaborate on this?

    Take Lei Fang for example, she can stun you then throw in a random low kick and BAM you drop to your ass. It's not a sit down stun, but it's such a deep stun you can't do anything. There are many characters who can do this and I searched through all of Jacky's moves and I can't find anything that can do this. Seems kind of unfair considered that the whole cast can't do this. The only time I can do it is on ice or in the water.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Here is the match I was talking about where Galen picked Jacky to mock my pathetic skills lol. Guy is good and I appreciate the ideas he gave me. I seriously need to up my defense level to that of VF's, but this stun system don't make it easy.

  18. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Ok, so I was being lazy and decided to buy the character set off psn instead of go to the store and get the retail disc. It was cheaper by maybe 7 bucks.

    Game is fun, Sarah feels OP but whateva.

    I'm noticing a lot of locked content though. Sarah's Costume 3, all the new stages, etc. Am I still considered Core Fighter? What do I need to do to unlock this stuff?

    EDIT: nevermind, as soon as I posted this I saw
  19. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I don't think you bought the full version. You probably just bought the full character pack? You should have purchased the full game which should be listed as $39.99 or $34.99.
  20. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he is pretty good...I think I fought him on vanilla once?

    Personally, I'm still pretty bad at this too and I thought I could "empty my cup" and think DOA easily, but now it isn't so easy...I realize I need to work on my holds, because I keep on trying to use defense and then take advantage of the opponent's disadvantage-only to get stuffed or mashed out by a string...

    Then there's Leon himself-he's awesome(he is freakin' RAMBO!), but he is pretty slow and it seems he is easy to predict and hold by opponents...I'm a little disillusioned right now...Maybe I just need to see an elite-Leon user against speedy characters? Maybe just switch to a ninja? lol Or maybe go back to my VF-main and give it another shot with him, while upping my hold-game?

    Btw, for those of you on PSN, anyone interested in doing a VFDC-room? If so, what time(s)?
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013

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