Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    For sale $20.......... FREE SHIPPING!

    IcKY99 and steelbaz like this.
  2. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Throwin in the towel eh..
  3. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Caught the stream the other day. Was cool to see them matches. Had like, 9,000 people watching! Gil Hustle's Mila seemed to be a crowd favorite. I only caught the last 20min. or so. Was also coo to see Sly bust out some 'Yosh!' at the end.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm done! I really tried, but compared to DOA2 Ult, DOA3, DOA4 this game is just way to spammy for me. I know a huge part of it is online, but sadly that's all I got since I don't really have time to meet up with people offline.

    DOA has always had a wonky stun system but Jesus Christ this is the worst it's been in my opinion and with each new game it seems to just get worse and worse.

    Get touched and pray to the gods you hold correctly or enjoy spinning your stick or D-pad for the remainder of the round. Sorry but that's just not fun. And even if you happen to have the gods piss on you and you defend some of these insane mixups your reward is another god shits on you because you get nothing for being a defender. And that's the problem with DOA. If you are not an offensive type of player then you hit the ceiling very quickly. While I can be somewhat offensive I definitely lean more towards defense so yeah not gonna work in DOA.

    Anyway I definitely enjoy watching the game because IMO if they just fixed a few things it could be 100% better than FS and any other 3-D game out there right now. The game has everything.............. except proper balance.

    ECT was a great watch! That Mila was super sexy! I even watched a bit of the FreeStepDodge special commentary where they talked about the event. I will always support the game and continue to have wishful thinking they will do something about that crazy stun system or have a BETTER punishment system because throw punish is seriously laughable.

    Great game but sadly not a game for me.

    By the way I wonder what the next announcement from TN is gonna be? Their support for this game is just off the charts.
  5. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I feel you on that. Sometimes I have fun with the game. Other times I question myself as to why I even play it. It's like getting hit by the slightest of moves can have a launch/crumple like consequence. If you don't guess your way out. But.. That's DoA though.

    I haven't played in a couple months since I got a new Xbox and was able to play SF4 again. But that stream made me want to jump back in again.
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah when good players go at it the game looks fun and often I want to continue playing. But even at the highest level you can still see the occasional mashing with certain character. For example SonicFox... great player, but man that Christy mash is insane at times.

    But like you said.... that's DOA! Maybe if I could defend / escape better I'd be more accepting of the bullshit. But often I get touched by one thing and I just die lol
  7. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I've seen a lot of games. DOA feels the poopiest. The consistency of the texture, the scent... yup. Definitely shit.

    DurViener likes this.
  8. DestructionBomb

    DestructionBomb Active Member

    Feel you. Perhaps I can help in some way. Do you play the game via 360 only? I have a mic as well.
  9. Prince Adon

    Prince Adon Member

    Prince Adon
    I've been playing a lot of online lately (out of boredom) and it's sad how bad the game is online. It's even more sad that most who play this game only have online to go off of. It doesn't do the game justice at all. Makes me sad indeed. Can't wait to be able to play offline again. Can't wait til TFC.
  10. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    Virtua Kazama
  11. iHajinShinobi

    iHajinShinobi Member

    II Hajin II
    So basically, you're saying you don't like it because you don't know how to play, lol. Typical.
  12. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Oh yea. Shout out to "Mary" Rose as that's what they called her on the stream, lol :)

    She actually looks kinda dope. Wondering how Phase-4 is gonna be. She looks like a bunch of her combos has the ol' disappearing with smoke. Not sure how much I dig that. But ahh well. Still aint gonna drop Kokoro. But still kind of looking for an alternate character to use now and again.
    Sorwah likes this.
  13. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member

    Yeah, DoA5U online and DoA5U offline are not even the same game imo. Team Ninja should do something about that netcode, they borrowed VF characters, can't they borrow the netcode as well? :(
  14. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Chill on Rodnutz. He's a good guy. Just, he can only play the game online these days, and online makes me throw my stick across the room. He still supports those who play it, just he can't get his head around the game's finer points.
  15. DestructionBomb

    DestructionBomb Active Member

    The online is pretty bad though.
    Sorwah and Rodnutz like this.
  16. iHajinShinobi

    iHajinShinobi Member

    II Hajin II
    None of us who really plays our game offline "really" enjoys playing it online. It's terrible, doesn't mean our game is, just the online play is atrocious. IMO the online play is why those Cup of Rage memes were created, lol. DOA online is what makes our game look and feel so random because it'll disobey the rules.

    You will lose for playing honest. But you win when you mash.
  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yeah I only have the 360 version. If you are on there maybe we can play a few and you can teach me. I know you guys go to Next Level... I'll probably be coming down every now and then starting some time next month. When I do I will definitely look forward to some offline play.
  18. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Actually my gripes with DOA has been the same since DOA2 arcade. Yeah I've been into the game that long and couldn't put it down when it came out on Dreamcast. I've always thought the stun system weakens the game and keeps a lot of people from sticking with it. While I'm not known around the DOA community I'm sure a few people can vouch for me that I was a pretty formidable DOA4 Kokoro player. They may not know me personally, but I'm sure they would at least know / remember my XBL gamertag.

    Anyway you are right I don't know how to play since I'm having such a hard time getting over the hump so to speak. While I do complain about some of the mechanics of the game I do support it and many of it's players by watching streams, reading people's blog post etc.

    Despite my complaints I want to be clear on something I've said many, many times. And that is I truly believe DOA5 / DOA5U could be a much better game than VF5FS. Yeah me a veteran VF player saying that on a VF site.

    The game has everything a fighting game player could ask for. It has a story, great animation, cool combos, lots of diverse characters, stage interaction, etc, etc, but the one thing it lacks is proper balance.

    Many new people from other fighter game series try DOA, but many eventually drop it due to this ceiling you hit because of the stun system. A testament to that is the many players from this very community who actually went out and bought the game, but after going hard now play it on a casual level because of the stun system. In my opinion it's designed in a way where only very few people can rise above that ceiling.

    I could go on forever about this, but if TN really wants DOA to take over (something I think it could easily do) they need to stop being so stubborn. I've watched the same thing happen with DOA since DOA3 and that is many people will try it, but at the end of it's life cycle it's just same hardcore people standing in the end. Why is that?

    that ceiling bro....
    iHajinShinobi likes this.
  19. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    thanks @Sorwah ! I'm gonna try to learn a bit from @DestructionBomb offline when I start going to Next Level in the near future. It's the least he can do since I watch all of his Jacky videos on FSD lol
  20. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    And I seriously think this is why I can't get over the hump. I'm super old school and conditioned to play honest. Mashing is something I just CANNOT do. I always expect my opponents to play by honest rules based on the X fighting game rules.
    BlueLink and Prince Adon like this.

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