Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. DestructionBomb

    DestructionBomb Active Member

    Don't forget about DB's super duper awesome fantastico delicious beautiful unique amazing lovable cool epic great wow! video:

    EvenPit and iHajinShinobi like this.
  2. Prince Adon

    Prince Adon Member

    Not sure if there are any Rachel fans, but this is a combo video I've made for the character. I do plan on making more videos like so in the future.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Those matches were just to hype! I watched the set 3 times already. Once was with @Denkai :D I'm trying to get him to give DOA another shot but I think I'm gonna need a bigger hammer to bop him over the head with. At the least I'll try to get him to come to a meet up at Next Level with @DestructionBomb and rest in the near future.
    DestructionBomb likes this.
  4. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    Last edited: May 21, 2014
  5. iHajinShinobi

    iHajinShinobi Member

    AFD Requiem and AFD Prince Adon are streaming some offline casuals;

    I'll be hosting and streaming an XBL session shortly afterward for players if they want to join.
  6. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    ^ Yall aint ready to see Kokoro.. lol, I'm just playin :) I might join if I happen to see the room. It's been a couple months since I've played DoA. That aint nothin a quick 20-30 minutes of playing won't get me back into the groove though. Even if it's been years. Just like riding a bike mayne, hahah.
  7. iHajinShinobi

    iHajinShinobi Member

    TeamBEST stream and XBL lobby are up;

    It's also a private lobby so send me a message if you want to join.

    gamertag is II Hajin II
  8. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Just went back into DoA, made a room, and who joins? Master yo. Dude put the work in on me mayne, lol. Was coo that he hung around. Most cats don't stay long if you lose quick. Which I can understand.

    Was a 4 person room (any bigger is too long to wait in my opinion) and he was givin everyone that work, lol. Was really fun to play a high level player like that. I gotta slide in the room with Haijin and Adon sometime. I know yall gotta be gettin down too. Just not sure if yall want an amateur takin up a slot.
  9. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    Trust me when I say that they are down to play anytime. I am as well. I've been bouncing back & forward on both games. Of course you know that I've been putting a lot of time into Kage for our offline scene here & in DOA as well.
  10. iHajinShinobi

    iHajinShinobi Member

    We'll be hosting an online lobby tomorrow noon (5pm PST) on XBL. So you're more than welcome to join. Lobby is private though so just send me a message on XBL.

    Also my name is Hajin, not Haijin, to clarify lol.
  11. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Ah, ok Hajin, lol. Sorry bout that ^_^
  12. iHajinShinobi

    iHajinShinobi Member

  13. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I'd like this game a lot more if the slightest of moves didn't stun you so hard.

    If some moves didn't have such good evasive properties. Sometimes it seems like there's no hurt box when certain moves are done. Other times the hurt boxes seem huge. Like when trying a [9]+[K] to jump over a low with Kokoro. The window to jump them is so small, yet Hitomi's lil jump spin kick thing has great invulnerablity against lows, even though Kokoro jumps higher :(

    Being able to cancel an evade with a crouch dash would be awesome. Sucks to evade a move or a string only to get hit after because you didn't recover in time from the evade.

    I also wonder why you can only escape neutral throws.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2014
  14. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I also stand by the opinion that Akira has thee worst hit boxes, and the largest hurt boxes, lol.
  15. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    I can't speak for the current version, but the current version has a lot of its base in the previous versions.

    Itagaki hates throw breaking. He felt that if he landed a throw and you 'guessed wrong' by guarding he should get the throw. How this differs from landing an attack and you 'guessed wrong' by not guarding... i have no clue #ItagakiLogic.

    However, in all versions of DOA the throws are of different speeds. This is more varied than VF's standard throws (all the same speed) and catch throws (slower, can't be broken). DOA generally has much faster throws but all at variable speeds, and in the past they were only a 1 frame difference. I can imagine them thinking this was a way to get variable throws by if you thought a throw was coming and didn't want to actually attack and be awarded 150% damage, you could do a faster throw instead. And in the case the opponent is using the fastest throw possible, you can break it.

    The varied speed difference is generally on the 4-12 frame speeds, with 'catch throws' being in the 16-20 frame categories. A character generally has a neutral (fastest - 4 to 5 frames) throw, a semi-fast throw (7-8 frames), and a slow throw (11+ frames). Damage/Advantage is generally increased on the slower throws.

    A rumor I had heard in DOA5's development was that they tried out crouch-dash-cancel-evade in the system but found players did nothing besides doing that the entire round, and felt it didn't create the experience they wanted to create. Throw breaking is in a similar boat as the semi-circular evade too, I heard they feel (at least at this time in the series) that it'd be too technical for the type of players they want. Keeping track of stance space is more difficult in DOA due to it's high-octane play style and movement. Players have given feedback to the team though that they would like to have a universal throw break system in the game in some way, so maybe that will change in DOA6 or whenever. It's not something I'd expect to see in any future update to DOA5 as it's a huge game system change.
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.
  16. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Seems odd that players have the ability to escape throw strings or combo throws (whatever they're called) though. I know there's some, or for me, one I know of that can't be broken. And that's Kokoros. I'm not even sure how to break the ones that can be broken though. So I'm not sure how un guaranteed they are if someone knows how to escape them. I know Mila's ground and pound is determined by frames of the button push to escape. I'm not exactly sure how to break those either though.

    Maybe they could increase the recovery by a frame or two on evades. I dunno. They still get blown up by throws and spin moves, I think. Best option sometimes seems to be to use your built in attack from the evade to try n score a CH. Since most time you won't be able to block in time. Is what it is though I guess ay.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  17. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    All Combo Throws and Combo Holds function the same. They require the throwing player to push the necessary notation and the throw button during a specific window of the animation. Most combo throws/holds are breakable. All the receiving player has to do is push [P][+][G] before the throwing player inputs the necessary notation and [P][+][G].

    Now, there are combo throws that are inescapable like Bass' F5, Hayabusa's Izuna Otoshi, Hayate's Raijin, etc.. Additionally, it is possible for every combo throw to be unbreakable. See, both players have the same window open at the same time to accept the input. The throwing player can buffer the inputs for the combo throw before that window, but P+G won't be accepted until the window has started. If both players push P+G at the same frame then the throwing player wins. This means if the throwing player lands P+G on the exact first frame of the window, he guarantees the combo throw.

    For more information check out this video:
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.
  18. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    To those that care, TN revealed a new character



    She actually looks pretty cool. Apparently she's gonna have Tengu's moveset, though I hope to see some original moves too. Kind of a spit in the face for his fans, but it's TN, so can't say it's unexpected.

    Edit: Trailer is up

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  19. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    So besides the power blow. All those moves they showed are the original Tengu's moves?

    And I don't want to say this at FSD, cause I know there are people wanting the Tengu guy.. But I'm glad they're not bringing that 10 foot tall oversized oaf back, lol. I've never played him (with DoA5U being my first DoA game). But I youtubed him to see what he was all about. He just reminded me of Taka. And I don't think Taka should be in VF (personal opinion).

    She looks pretty awesome though. I'd love to be able to choose which characters use ENG and JP voices like in SF4. From what I heard. She's one of the few girls that actually sound good with the JP voice acting. Kokoro sounds wimpy in JP, but bad ass in ENG. Weird, because usually for most games I've played, the JP voice acting during battles/fights has always sounded better. I.e. Ninja Gaiden.

    Also. That thing she does with her tounge at the end reminds me of Juri when she activates her Ultra 1... I like Juri, lol.

    At 0:25
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  20. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    meh. orignal tengu would of been better. he was different than others. but this slap tits on everything mindset that they have is too much. no reason to really screw over the tengu fans. if tekken can be super popular and be running around with bears and monsters with snake hands, then team ninja can make room to bring an old wanted character back.

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