Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    too much fighting and drama on FSD gets annoying and old. DOAcentral is just too casual.
  2. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    FSD is a great site, and is frankly the best when it comes down to a competitive DoA community. I drop by very frequently and pretty well known for my weird beyond belief Akira replays. Sadly, this video basically sums up just about 30% of the topics that pop up:

    So I only pay attention to the other 70% instead :V
    Tocuh, Tricky and Sorwah like this.
  3. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Yeah problem with going truly hardcore and only information being posted is that it can leave the site kind of... dead.

    Right now the community is in a lull until 5U comes out. Most of the arguing is done between 3 to 5 people but they typically just have this loud bark on a small part of the community. Problem is, when you have an already small community, the smaller, louder, obnoxious ones are able to be seen more often.

    Even then, offline tournament showings are at a consistent high for the community (averaging around 60 for DOA5 majors on the east coast and around 25 on the west coast). Before DOA5 the numbers were difficult to get 16 on the east and 5 on the west. The game is so much better than DOA4, and I look forward to seeing where the series goes now that it's on the right foot making the right steps.

    As for the community, it's up to the community (not trying to be funny, sorry if it came off that way). What I mean is that there are plenty of good people, as you said Ghosty "70%", in the community. It can't be on the burden of one person, and you can't make a deer drink even if you lead it to water.
    Aion, virtuaPAI and Pltnm06Ghosty-J like this.
  4. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    -This is very kind of you. Many would not take the time out to do such a thing given DOA's undue reputation. I have been around on both sides, started with VF, however I found DOA my home. Despite the few naysayers on both VFDC and FSD, We as two communities have gotten along very well. I have a couple of good friends up on here like Rodnutz who was one of the few who taught me how to play on an Arcade stick. Our Combined knowledge and experience is far better than us standing alone.

    -Yes there are moments of Fighting and Drama on FSD, however, it is not tailored around anything shallow. You must understand that we are fighting nail and tooth not to get another abomination like "DOA4". So when you see these uproars, it is for the betterment of the game...whether one member agrees with another or not.
  5. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    i never heard of doa before 5. so what does it do to give ghe overall doa community a bad rep?
  6. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    The stun system's relationship with the counters for one. Combos setting up for a launch depends heavily on the stun system. Yet a new player can mash out of the stuns with a counter (otherwise called a Hold) to completely halt the attacker's offense and dish out damage at once, making it feel like a guessing game. DoA4 took this to an extreme it shouldn't have gone to, making the game random beyond belief discouraging good offensive play. Everything, even a jab, could put someone in stun and they'll mash out random counters crossing their fingers they hold the attack or use it to flat out cheat the recovery. DoA4 awarded defensive play with no skill required whatsoever. When it came down to the offensive, there was high risk for little to no reward unless you're lucky.

    With that said, DoA5 is a much better game in this respect. While it does feel random at times, it rewards skill moreso than DoA4 ever did. This is a stigma that stuck with the series since DoA2, but 3 and 2U was when everything felt just right. As virtuaPAI said, the ragestorms are all for the benefit of making DoA5U the very best it can be (grap3fruitman's "S*** We Lost" thread despite being locked being a great example of this). The games get their horrid rep from its emphasis on sex appeal. Despite the large and highly intricate stages, over the top stage interactions, unique cast of fighters, and a story that's not too shabby, the boobs are the one and only thing people love to complain about and get turned off immediately by it. It's a shame, really <_<;
  7. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    The egregious amount of sex appeal sends alarm bells off on most players because natural belief would be there's so much appeal because the developer is trying to hide a shallow game engine. In practice, the engine is really robust and the sex appeal is merely the Japanese being... Japanese.
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I dont know about blaming Japanese culture about sex appeal because VF is Japanese but it does not have much fanservice (tekken and SF dont either, or its more subtle maybe)

    Obviously Tecmo uses fanservice because fanservice sells better. if it was actually damaging sales, it would stop. this applies to Japan as much as it does to US.

    DOA5U looks good already, Momiji looks fun, but the super-launcher is the stupidest thing ever. did you see how they spin around? it looks like its from another game. they are so close to getting a great fighter out, and yet every-time its like they want to fuck it up.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Tekken has MAD fanservice I don't know what game you've been looking at. Every fetish is all up in that game.
    MarlyJay likes this.
  10. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I think people just remember the bouncing boobies about DoA so they think that's it. In terms of outfit VF, Tekken and SF is just as "bad" as DoA.
  11. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    You can pre-order from Game for £25! Placed my order.
    Blackula likes this.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Animals, Robots. Everything. Lili even rocking a weird kinky wedding dress outfit.
    Tricky likes this.
  13. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    So are we calling shameless, creepy straight, male pandering "fanservice" now?
  14. Katsuro

    Katsuro Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone was saying SF and Tekken's fanservice was on the same level as DoA's creepiness, I think they were just saying that they do both have thier own share of fan service that people seem to conveniently forget about.

    Even VF - the normally more subtle, understated and sensible of the fighting games - is not guilt free. Sarah's Costume E, anyone?
  15. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Oh do we really have to have this discussion? this is so tedious and I wish we could just move on from this level.

    OK so there is an element of titillation in DOA. the game itself doesn't do anything much, but it provides ample opportunities for people to ogle.

    Stare at in a lecherous manner: "he was ogling her breasts"; "men who had turned up to ogle".

    Yes, you can take screenshots. Does it mean you HAVE to take screenshots? no, its up to you if you are so inclined. Do you guys want to get a load of this stuff? here, check this website out, you can thank me later when you have zipped your pants up:

    Now, where were we? Ah yes DOA. you guys have played mortal kombat right? wasnt there some boobs on display?

    So much for the Japanese being perverts.

    As for "So are we calling shameless, creepy straight, male pandering "fanservice" now?

    Yes, we are calling it fanservice because its been called that since Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web:

    fan service
    In general, fan service refers to scenes designed to excite or titillate the viewer. This
    can include scantily-clad outfits, cleavage shots, panty shots, nude scenes (shower
    scenes especially), etc. Some broader definitions also include things like cool mecha,
    big explosions, battle scenes, etc. Basically, if it has little plot-redeaming value, but makes
    the viewer sit up and take notice, it's probably fan service in one form or another.

    So maybe the best way to deal with this shit is to ignore it, rather than treating it like OMG PORN.

    Besides, once you see the mother of your children getting her tits out every 3 hours to breastfeed your baby, you will get tired of boobs. You will start thinking "Oh man now I know why I'm so obsessed with boobs, must have been the fact that I got comfort/food from it when I was a newborn and then that source of comfort was denied to me when I was a horny teenager and it must have developed into an obsession. thank god its over now"
    Sorwah and blossy1000 like this.
  16. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Well we are still going to talk about it because it's a defining feature of the game. You know the whole boob thing was cute in the first game. It was just a minor quirky point in great game. But they have taken it to a whole new level now. For some reason it seems to be Tina who is whored out the most.

    Ladies and gentlemen, exhibit b:

    Mileena may wear a slutty outfit in MK but DOA5 is on a whole other level. There is no other fighting game that is even close to this level.
  17. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I only pop in to this thread every now and then. So, I'm confused about the last few pages.

    Are we really saying that VF, Tekken, and SF are on the same level of perversion as DOA? Really?
  18. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    No, I disagree. look at that video I linked and tell me that DOA is worse.

    Check specifically at 0:52, the scene where she stabs another semi-naked woman in the throat repeatedly, and again at 0:59 when we get to see her ass after she rips her apart. if you don't see anything wrong with that mix of sexy and gruesome, then we don't have to debate anymore.

    DOA is tasteful compare to that shit. as I said, if you want to ogle in DOA, its up to you. there are bikini costumes that you can buy or unlock. if you decided to buy and unlocked them, and then to take pictures and videos, then no point in taking offense.

    DOA can be played as a serious game, and people who want to see DOA at tournaments should strive to do that.
  19. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Matteo, the difference between MK and DOA is that DOA uses it's characters' sexuality as one of its main selling points.

    Mileena just so happens to be an assassin that wears a bikini. But you could go through the entirety of MK and never see that or have it thrown in your face. In DOA, some of the freakin' win poses look like softcore porn...

    Is DOA a serious fighting game? Probably, but it certainly doesn't act/look like it...
  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Thats a contradiction; you can play DOA and stick to Hayabusa, and never have to deal with Tina.

    "softcore porn" is a bit exaggerated. I think cultural difference may play a role here. its fanservice, nothing more.

    Again, nothing to see here, this whole discussion is stupid.

    PS: Tecmo will stop the fanservice only when people will stop buying fanservice. I bet that if they release a normal costume DLC and a bikini DLC the latter would outsell the former 10 to 1. So is Tecmo at fault for releasing it? I dont think so. Its business sense. I find it silly that people buy DOA for the fanservice, but what can I say?

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