Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I would be happier with the "fan service" if it was equal opportunity "fan service" but it ain't. And it is softcore porn, mate. That Tina win pose and the pic I posted are blatant.

    I don't have anything against porn or ogling but there is certainly a discussion to be had about how much sleaze people really want in a fighting game that tries to be taken seriously. It's a matter of taste. Some people just don't want to play a really sleazy fighting game which is what DOA has become.
    Feck likes this.
  2. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Man, since you asked for it, fine: pop one on this then:

    Better now? Still, its not "softcore porn" mate. Give me your definition of softcore, because the one I gave is not the same as yours.


    1. (of a person or situation) Sordid, corrupt, or immoral.
    2. (of a place) Squalid and seedy.
    Again, it must be cultural differences. You think that pose is 'sleazy'?

    I think its sexy. not squallid, corrupt or immoral. unnecessary? yes. hence its status as "fanservice". titillating, but not tasteless. Tina is what Tecmo thinks an idealised American Wrestler looks like. Where did those perverts get the idea? Mmmmmmmmmmm.......

    OMG~! The got it from REAL AMERICAN WRESTLING!!Those phornographers! those sluts! those abusers! My, the scandal! where next for Tecmo? selling organs on the black market? summoning the spawn of satan from the depth of hell? there is no limit to Tecmo immorality.

    Join me next friday for the next meeting of the Talibans, we need to fight this immorality together.
  3. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    That win pose is provocative, but I wouldn't call it softcore porn. The pic you posted was probably a still during a throw or something, so I'm sure if you went to look for it, you would find funny pics like that in any game. If you go looking for it. The default costumes aren't as provocative as the dlcs, so if you don't download the costumes, you will see their default ones.

    I don't get why people are having a go at another fighting game, some of us like the game and you don't. I don't go around to the other threads I don't like and start posting negative comments - I just ignore it.

    Anyway, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate website has been updated to include the final roster all on one page.
  4. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    i would be aggreing to this if doa was at the best it could be. that way people could not claim that doa is only a TnA fighter and could be played enjoyably. it also, can shut down alot of agruements about how Team ninja would rather have its 5 bikini DLC costumes than balance out its roster or fix up some gameplay mechanics.

    Doa is currently not at the best it could be.
    Feck likes this.
  5. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    But they have released patches for free... The ultimate edition has also been tweaked.
  6. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member


    Okay, so you are persuing me on this issue which is fine. So I have asked myself why I am even objecting to this. I don't have any problems with porn, be it softcore or hardcore. I also don't have any problems with sleaze (minor or major). I also don't have a problem with sexing up a fighting game. So I guess my main objections with the DOA's "fanservice" is:

    We are calling it "fan service" now so are all DOA fans straight men? Could there not be any DOA fans that don't want to see tits and ass? Do they not qualify for "fan service"? Do you see how they might be put off by this "fan service"?

    Perhaps you are a straight male yourself and therefore your fan needs are addressed so no need to worry. So let me ask you a question. If DOA's "fan service" was focused soley on the male characters. They had win poses all oiled up and sleazed up. Their DLC costumes were all porno. But there was still a solid fighting game underneath it with solid mechanics. Would you be as blasé about it as you are now?
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    So you are telling me you have never detected the homoerotic undertone of most fighting games, VF maybe top of the list?

    Of course I am blasé in regards to the presence of well oiled half naked men posing for the camera. this is what happen in all VF winning poses more or less. Dont tell me you never noticed? I had to embrace my homoerotic side to come to term with the implicit love for the male figure that fighting games really boil down to.

  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Edit for IvorB

    So, rereading what you wrote above, are you saying that you have no problem with fanservice but others may have? and these others are specifically not "straight males"?

    So my question now is: are you a woman, or gay?

    If you are either of these two things, are you offended by the depiction of the male body in games like DOA and VF? you know, all the torsos and muscles on display?

    If you are neither of them, and you are just speaking for an 'hypothetical' female/gay audience, on what basis are you entitled to speak for them? are you involved in some kind of activism? what are you doing precisely for the gay/female cause, other than trolling DOA? are you volunteering for some group? gay/women rights? what do you really know about these issues? get some of your gay/female friends to come here and post about how they really feel about the moral repugnance of DOA fanservice.

    Otherwise your attitude would be more sexist than DOA. how can a straight male (white? middle-class?) individual arrogate to himself the right to be offended on behalf of a minority, of which he may or may not know anything about? this would be typical of a phallic attitude towards the weak and the marginal , depriving them of the ability to talk for themselves and express their identity in the way they prefer, rather than being filtered by (and made to conform to) the words of a male/straight individual.
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    ...but the core mechanics of the game are shallow ...and anyone who's trying to say the game isn't sleazy is straight up deluded.

    When DoA5 was first announced were they not using a close up of Kokoro's lips with what appeared to be semen running down her cheeks?! We all know it was sweat at second glance but the intention was obvious.

    I'd be fine with all the sleaze if the game was playable but it barely is.
  10. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    But I'm not talking about mild undertones of anything or just the presence of half naked men. I'm talking about in your face sh*t like this:

    Would you be on here defending this "fan service" if it was only men being showcased in this way and no women? Answer my question and I will answer yours. Instead of tit jiggle there was only c*ck swing and nut jiggle. You would be cool with that?
  11. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Excuse me, have you seen the videos I posted so far? there are half naked men in DOA and VF, showing their bare chests. how is that not 'female/homoerotic fanservice'?

    why are you talking about cock? there are no genital on display in DOA. tits and vaginas are covered.

    Homoeroticism has been a part of fighting games before there even was fanservice. it was never 'just women'. how can I make this more clear to you?

    If you don't see it, then I don't know what to say to you. ask anybody here.

    Please, start pointing out precisely in the videos you post where you see the "porn". you call tit jiggle porn? is it like seeing a cock for you? we have different views if you compare clothed tits jiggling to seeing a cock.

    EDIT: picture of DOA that Feck found, considered sleazy, not so sleazy in my opinion:

  12. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    First, it was Kasumi.

    Second, you are the first person I know of who suggested that the sweat displayed in the teaser was semen. The fact it was your first thought when looking at it implies a certain amount of perversion was already required before you took a look at it.

    Third, they were planning on toning down the sex appeal. Then their fans tweeted them "No, we want the boobs!". Tecmo, in its infinite wisdom, realized that "Hey, a lot of people are asking for boobs. We should actually keep them in there so that we can make money.". Meanwhile they spent time reworking the system from the travesty of DOA4.

    That is the last I have to say about the sex appeal in the game; No, I will not get into a long winded argument again about the "depth" of the game mechanics.
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    ..or everyone would just prefer to ignore the intention of that picture. If you can look at that picture and say that you honestly can't see why that imagery would come across like that then something is wrong.

    Anyway yeah, it's only sweat running down their cheeks, breasts and buttocks. I can see why everyone is so comfortable with that :rolleyes:
  14. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Speaking of covers, they've got a new one. I prefer this to DoA5's one to be honest.
    Sorwah likes this.
  15. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    Are you honestly trying to tell me the level of "fan service" focused on the women in DOA is the same as the men? The Tina victory pose I posted shows her running her hands over her breasts then ass (in the manner of a stripper) with the camera going in for a close up of all of her assets and heavy jiggle. You think that's the same as a shirtless guy. Guys fight shirtless. They do it in UFC. There is no way they could have a fighting game and not include shirtless guys.

    I'm not talking about naked dicks, I'm talking about suggestive jiggle. Also the ladies' breasts are barely covered as you can see in the stuff I posted. I'm talking about the guys running their hands over their bodies the way you see Tina do or having a close up of Bayman's assets also. Or even having any kind of sexually suggestive pose. That doesn't happen.

    If you think the male cast members are sexually objectified to the same level as the female cast members in DOA then I really don't know what to say to you.
  16. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    I agree, though I know many who prefer it the opposite way.
  17. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    well, they're not the best covers... Hmmm I might actually have a go at seeing how I would approach it...
  18. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to pop in and say that anyone who is planning on competing at Summer Jam 7 for either DOA or VF: Summer Jam 7 will have a demo build of DOA5U available to play.
  19. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Dos is gonna be nice but still nothing comes close to vf how are people so blind to see that be is the best fighter hands down
  20. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    The best fighting game is the one you personally enjoy the most. So it can be any.
    Force_of_Nature and MarlyJay like this.

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