Discussion from "VF5R for console effort" thread

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by EmpNovA, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    thanks for coming guys!
  2. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    yes 2 times already

    how much msg do we have now? We had 98 on 27.01.2010
  3. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    @ Those who think this is pointless: Without hopes and dreams humanity would still live in a cave. It's better to do something than do nothing. If you have time to write that its pointless you have time to write a message to sega ^-^

    Even if its pointless there is always a chance! Even if its small we should use it. <- almost every anime tells you to do so! God damn it!! So everyone write a msg already we have 12035 registered users at vfdc if just 1 3rd posts a msg we should have 1000 pages!!
  4. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Also since we have people from all around the world here we should do a News text in a lot of different languages and send them to the different gaming websites. Mine in german is ready @ german players please read it and give feedback to further improve it:

    Größte internationale Virtua Fighter Fanseite startet Petition.

    Virtua Fighter eine bekannte Beat’em up Spielereihe, besitzt seit dem 24 Juli 2008 den neuesten Teil in der Reihe: Das Spiel Virtua Fighter 5R, welches in den japanischen Arcades läuft. Es wird schon lange von Fans des Genres heiß auf Konsole erwartet. Sega jedoch hat bis heute noch kein Release angekündigt. Nach 1 ½ Jahren ist ein Konsolen-Port lange überfällig.

    Kamaage ein angesehener Japanischer Virtua Fighter Spieler wurde von Sega für ein Interview eingeladen. Er hatte die Idee, eine 100 Seiten lange Petition mit zu diesem Meeting zu nehmen und schlug VFDC (Virtua Fighter Dot Com) der größten internationalen Virtua Fighter Fan Gemeinschaft vor, sie sollten Namen, Orte und Nachrichten von Spielern an Sega sammeln. Dieses 100 Seiten lange Dokument nahm er mit. Kamaage teilte VFDC mit dass diese 100 Seiten zwar eindrucksvoll waren, aber es 5x mehr sein müssten um wirklich Eindruck zu machen. Er hat immer noch Kontakt zu Sega und das neue Dokument wird sogar zu den Entwicklern des Spiels (AM2) und dem derzeitigen Präsidenten von Sega weitergeleitet. Daher rufen Virtua Fighter Fans weltweit dazu auf mitzumachen.
  5. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    MystD and for anyone else that started a VF5R for console effort" thread in other websites. Thanks for doing this. Can you guys post a link to those threads here, so that:

    1) there won't be redundant threads in other community's websites.
    2) would be good to include how all the comments were gathered in the document, giving the list of comments more validity.
  6. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  8. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    HEY! Thanks for the effort people! Let's keep the flame alive!!!
  9. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    My links


  10. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    There are three different VF related threads in SRK's Fighting Game Discussion sub-forum.
  11. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    For this to work, the majority of the 500 pages should be full of funny pictures and videos.

    Apart from the last 10 pages or so.
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Should include Rod shredding his disc.
  13. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member

    I have searched this thread for this but couldn´t find anything related to this idea i just had:

    Has someone here already tried to contact (for the want of a better word) fighting game "celebrities" to ask them to spread the word of this campaign?

    People like Justin Wong, Alex Valle or David Sirlin have their own blogs (or even websites along with forums) with lots of people reading them. Ok, those three examples hail from Street Fighter but they were just the first to come to my mind. Maybe people like them are friendly enough to help players of other FG communities with such a petition?
  14. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    @quaelgeist I think thats a really good idea.
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I said that in the shoutbox yesterday.

    I never mentioned Sirlin though, it may be worth asking him.

    Ryan Hart might be worth asking 'cause he was a VF player as well.
  16. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Yea Ryan was a big loss, I bet he quit cause FT wasnt ported to console. Cause he quit before VF5.
  17. quaelgeist

    quaelgeist Member

    Well, maybe someone "official" like the Admins of this forum could contact them?
    (I think that would surely look more sincere than just some random user).

    And lets not forget gootecks :)

    These people can be found at:


    Does anyone know well known players / celebs from other Fighting Games like Soul Calibur, Tekken, Blazblue and such?
    The name Kayane comes to my mind but i do not know how popular she really is.

    EDIT: Two answers while i was writing mine (and watching a youtube vid :) ). nice.
    And maybe i should finally start paying attention to shoutboxes *g*
  18. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Myke said he was going to contact the heads of the other Fighting game communities to see if they could help.

    I don't know how that's working out though.

    I'm sure he'll let us know at some point.
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Looks like he asked them to put something up on the front page of SRK.


    He quit because of the lack of players, I remember him saying he prefers VF over SF and Tekken but he hasn't played much since 5 came out because there's no competition.
  20. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Yea I understand him, he was pretty much out of our league. I would really love to play him again though, I've improved very much since 2005. Damn now that I wrote 2005 its been 5 years already XD

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