DLP or LCD? which is best for HD gaming

Discussion in 'General' started by biggz316, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

  2. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it was mentioned in this thread so far or not, but on the 17th digital is mandatory for TV right?

    Do you guys think there will be a sale on HDTVs on the 17th?

    Cause I've had my eye on a 42" 1080p samsung for a couple weeks now, for $797 at Walmart and if there's a sale where it will drop even lower on the 17th it's a definite buy. However, if there won't be any sales like that on that date, I'm considering just getting it sometime this week.
  3. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    TVs with HD tuners are only mandatory in some states that carry only over the air signals. The date has been rolled back all over the U.S. so it's not necessary yet.

    Even then, if you have cable, you're fine. I live in NYC where we get tons of over the air HD channels but I have digital cable which is how I watch 100% of my TV.

    Though I really watch 99% of TV shows from my laptop.
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    The only things I watch on TV are sporting events(basketball, tennis) and wrestling. In this house, we have Verizon digital cable.

    Though, I just want to capitalize on the digital broadcast move with any possible sales, on that date from the fall of last minute resistance. I've been planning on getting an HDTV for some time, and be set with a television when I make my next move.

    It will also double as my PC monitor, which I'm bumming one right now. It's two birds, one stone, which would be even better if there's a sale in the next week.
  5. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Yeah, ^ this is somewhat misleading. Film judder has nothing to do with the 3-2 pulldown (which is NOT interpolation, it's not averaging two fields to create a new one) that is necessary to show 24hz source on 60hz screen. I see film judder in movie theatres. It's just an issue of 24hz filming being too slow to capture certain types of movement. And no one records sports television at 24hz, so unless you're talking about sports movies . . .
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Sorry about that.

    I went to my dying Circuit City and plugged my 360 into a 52w4100 via HDMI to see what is was like. I asked salesperson to put it in game mode. He changed something and I'm not sure if he actually selected game mode.

    There is a tiny bit of lag compared to my 480i CRT screen. I figured that would happen. Fortunately, it's quite playable. I tried changing settings in my 360 (720p, 1080i) and 1080p produced the best results.

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