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Do you still believe in VF5R for consoles?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Haha~ I know you will!!
    The reason why I think this news is reliable because back to VF5, China is the first place to get the Arcades. And it looks like those arcade owners have already dealed with Sega before and now waiting for the final response. I hope this won't fuck up again.
  2. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Let's hope this is true and let's hope the international version is not the same standup cab as the vanilla 5 one /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  3. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    In the arcade, VF5 is generally imported through HK, which is also how NYC got its FT machine back in VF4.

    VF5 in the arcade is now only in Shanghai. There's no more VF5 cabinets in Beijing. The upside is the game is available on high res lindberg cabinets and it costs 7 cents USD per game. You can play 14 games per dollar, so basically a night of VF only costs a buck or two.
  4. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Well....I guess start saving $10K or whatever for a 2P VF5R set up.

  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    When VF4 FT was coming out, did VFDC do any kind campaign to get it released in the West? A la what we did for VF5R?

    Just curious...

    I think Feck was 100% right when he though the release was a Sonic game.

    I hate Sonic. That little bitch-ass hedgehog.
  6. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    If I could get a cabinet with two player available, I would spend up to 5k for the arcade.

    If this ends up being another FT situation, I guess the only logical thing to do is be bitter and stew until VF6 comes out. Assuming they'll stick with the series. SEGA seems to enjoy dropping or slaughtering their series which have the most potential lol.
  7. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    ... and keeping the ones that have Sucked for a lONg tIme... Crazy.
  8. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

  9. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    Well, i'm still not blown away by T6BR.

    I'm slightly more impressed with their item system, SCIV was pretty unlikable in retrospect.

    The hairstyles and outfits shown off where okish a good step in the right direction i guess, it would make me consider playing it.

    As for that running around beat em up-esq story mode they created, looks arse.

    Solid fighting engine + cool and unique customisation = win.

    I'm not giving up on VF5R for consoles, it'll come, probably if not this year then probably mid next year I would think, T6BR's post release is gonna be pretty strong and it would take a miraculously pin pointed and strong release from SEGA to take any ground from it.
  10. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I agree, the mini game looks arse...

    ...but have you seen the response? All the kids went nuts. "OMG, Tekken Force is back!!!" and all that. Harada and crew played the two sides (scrubby kids and hardcore crowd) right. Kids get their bonus content and fluff, hardcore players get a rebalanced game and a brand new improved network code.
  11. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    I couldn't care less about an international arcade version, good stuff for some of you guys but whatever.

    Fuck a SEGA.
  12. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Namco have always done this as they have a huge console fanbase for the game. I don't think anyone can argue that VF needs fluff to sell, which seems to be the point you keep making frequently(hehe). Anyway from the looks of things it looks like they're going to finish the game beforre they do anything.
  13. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Aye. As a player of both, I find the whole situation very... exasperating? (Can't think of a better word) Between the two games, I've always preferred VF. I'm an old-school VF player through and through (started on VF1 arcade) - and I would forgive Sega if they were the only ones around, and this was the situation they found themselves in. But the annoying thing is that Namco, Capcom, SNK are here, in Sega's face, basically saying "this is how you do it", and Sega just seems completely and utterly oblivious to whatever the best sellers are doing.

    It's almost like Sega is in this emo-cloud saying "Oh... fighting games are dying... woe... oh... sad...", and right next to them are everyone else, raking in the dough being made from the resurgence of fighting games.

    It's just so unbelievably frustrating. And you know it's not the dev's fault - they have made what we all regard as the perfect fighting game, but thanks to management... their masterpiece seems like it's going to die a slow, quiet death in Japanese arcade shops.
  14. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    Instead of fluff, I would ask SEGA to build up several modes to increase the players game like capcom tried to do with SFIV's home release.

    VF5's quest mode did alright in grabbing attention with the next to no resistence until about 5th dan rank to get people involved, there just wasn't enough insentive to get them into the game more.

    I think giving more information and training options to show off the technical depth that Virtua Fighter has to offer, hell even include like 100 vids from top tier fights in Japan.

    I think it would be pretty hard to ask a new generation to get on board with VF now as most of the people that were not apart of the arcade era of the 80's and 90's fail to get what Virtua Fighter is all about, they instead have gone for the more casual pretty fighting games with an all be it shoddy story behind their characters, but through this they have formed emotional bonds to the characters that they like to play as to have a greater feeling of immersion in their play experience.

    sum it up.

    -enhanced quest mode
    - a much more improved dojo mode(examples and even spoken tutorials)
    -a video library of top tier VF fights in japan
    -interviews with current and former tetsujins.
    -and the ability to really upload your own fights alot more easily.
    - a more dedicated and less costly item DLC packs. like 20 per character instead of 3-4, item DLC is where VF would potentially trump other fighters.

    anyhow, i'll rant later.
  15. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    If they really want people to buy the console version , they can drop the aloof air they have about the presentation. They don't have to go as far as Namco or Tecmo , with a dozen cutscenes. They could go at least halfway with wht Tekken and DOA did: like put subtitles at the bottom of the screen when the Japanese characters are talking . And translate the movelists to english . Nobody except Japanese Americans know wtf "shin iha " or "yo ho"means. People are daunted enough by the shear lenght of the movelists , it would help if they knew wtf they were reading.

    Some people say putting subtitles under Akira would "detract from the purity and authenticity of Virtua Fighter" . Bullshit . It's called throrough localisation and customer service .

    I mean can AM2 really take that aloof stance when their game barely breaks 250k in sales? Itagaki is an arrogant dick, but even he figured out you have to cater to your audience and give us some translations.

    This has to be said, or Sega might spend $5 million on cutscenes in VF5 R for console, and forget to include subtitles for half the characters . This is Sega , after all, they have pulled some boners in the past.

    Me personally, I'd take VF5 R for console if all the characters spoke German , doesn't matter to me, but I'm not average joe gamer.
  16. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    And this is the point of it all.

    Most of us old arcade people are just that: old. Most of us have families (I myself have a daughter), jobs, etc. It's the casual kids that are going to carry the bulk of the sales. Why was Smash such a roaring success? If you're going to point to the gameplay, then that means VF, Tekken, SF, or even SC should have sold 10x more, but they didn't. The old-school way of going to the arcade everyday to train for the purpose of winning a vg competition is very, very rare now. Why would they want to win a vg comp and spend months trying to learn something just to play it decently when they can plug into an FPS game, and play with a group of friends as a team straight away: Instant fun, no heavy learning needed. To them, games are just another part of their already-huge entertainment pie.

    Remember, back in our day, how many SF machines were at your arcades? I kid you not that at one of our local mall arcades, we had at least 25 machines for ST. When VF2 first appeared, we had one of those giant-screen sit-down arcade centerpieces in one of the malls. It was HUGE. There was at least one VF2 machine per arcade, with 3 being the average. When Tekken first showed up, one arcade had 10 machines, back to back, and all of them were packed.

    Now? 5 BR machines. A few MVC ones. No VF. No SF4. No KOF.

    The market has changed. The people buying games have changed. You're selling to the Final Fantasy/Metal Gear market now - beautiful graphics, big stories, and lots of extras and secrets. If a game is simply as straightforward as VF, it's not going to hold up against all the other games because kids don't "get" what made VF so special.

    After all... what's so interesting about a hairy fisherman when you've got stuff like Prototype, inFamous, FF Versus, MGS, etc. in the market?
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    This is more painful than I thought it would be. I really believed we were gonna hear something cool at E3. It's so crushing. I sent SEGA an email from the homepage link to express my sadness.

    This is just wrong.
  18. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    They couldve just done what they did with 4evo and vanilla 5 would've been better. I mean why did they even take 2 steps down like that?

    For VF, the game is enough, but what's the point if they supercede the game and you can't even get your hands on the improved and better version. They have nothing else in the package besides the online play, which is standard across the board anyway.
  19. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    The one thing that is on the rise. is the growing attention to pro gaming, if you were to market VF5R or any of its sequels with this in mind I think SEGA would have a winner.

    I mean, this is one of the only videogames where I can sit down and watch other peoples matches, characters etc etc and consistantly be amazed.

    SF currently has a less accessable replay system for only the top 5000 players, sure we're guaranteed high quality matches, but if you live anywhere outside the states the chance of you reaching high enough to get anywhere close to the top ranking folks is impossible.

    I think SEGA has a unique oppertunity here to rebrand VF with the rebirth of fighting games and the growing attention to skill, you sell it as something that makes your fighting game better (I know mine, as well as many other folks I know have improved their fighting game thanks to VF5)

    Package it with training tips, tutorials and something similar to the wiki/black book offered on this site. Include updates, monthly "greatest matches" stuff posted on youtube and get a real strong community brewing outside VFDC. It may sound like a pipedream but I think this path could be something worth exploring.
  20. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Even if they made it completely DLC, i think that a feature that would make vf5 great it is comprehensive training/drills. Think vf4 evo dojo, but beefed up.

    I mean, if u want to hone ur jump shot in basketball, u go to the gym and shoot jump shots. If u want to improve ur end game in chess, u sit in front of the board with reference material and study the end game. I wish vf5 had something like this. I'm thinking primarily it would be brokent down to vs Aoi, vs akira, vs brad etc. Where u get to practice defendinga against their mix ups, mids, etc. With extra attention on throws and when to use what defensive mix ups. What your options are for abare (i.e. pot-odds with damages and health ramifications) etc. I think the best way to do this would be to somehow open this up to the community to make these, and then implement them as add-ons. In the end, some could even play as like a "finals exam" on how to play vs akira. The more in depth a players made these the better.

    What would be even more incredible is if they could make these graded on a rating system similar to chess. If anyone has ever played "Match the Masters" on chess master they will know what i mean. For example, say i block a gauranteed throw and throw. The result may be, "correct" but better would have been pk and +4 adv. This would have a very "addictive" quality, and the level of play would improve dramatically for many many players, myself included. I would eat this up!! I could spend hours doing something like this.

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