Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Chanchai, Apr 29, 2001.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    My place could be available both nights, I just have to okay it with my roomate, but I'm sure it's no problem.

    My experience at the last 2 E3's is that while I'm not sure what time they open the doors, it all seems to shut down around 4-6. It seems in '99 they were booting us out at 4, but I can't remember. Anyway, I usually get there at 11-12. and I always feel I have enough time (but then there was never really a game I wanted to veg out on, and I couldn't play VF3 in 99 'cuase I was with a friend).

    I think meeting people on the show floor can be a bad idea, espescially if you don't know each other. There's just too many people (but maybe it's just my experience). If people want to do that, it's better to scout it out, then say "meet me at the Jet Grind Kiosk" rather than say the sega booth. Although I have a feeling this year the SEGA booth won't bee too big...

  2. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Hey Ice9 I as well stay at the Ramada in Hollywood .
    Please email me asap , I leave for LA in less then 28 houres from now .
  3. Noah_at_Sega

    Noah_at_Sega Member

    I think you should just set sometimes for both Friday and Saturday and then let people email you and tell you what nights they can fit it into their schedule. Thenyou cangive them your address. Less fuss, no muss.
    I think I'm down for Saturday, but not until later because I'll have to clean up. Friday is the Sony party.
    Keep me updated.
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I forgot to mention, Spotlite's TV is the BOMB!!!! VF3tb looks SEXCELLENT on that thing!

    Friday and Saturday night (if possible) would be great! If that happens, I plan to be there on both (unless something happens).

  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    god damn wega~

    <font color=red>~~~SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN~~~'
  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    All right, it's set.

    Friday and Saturday Nights. My house. Two set-ups, but I need someone elso to bring another DC (if someone can cover this, please let me know ASAP, as otherwise I'll have to have Noah bring his, or borrow one from someone else).

    Sticks- As I've been collecting some new ones lately, here's what I have:

    My 2 original Jap. Ascii/Sega sticks that I got back in Dec. '98 (Piccolo, you were there!), they have seen a lot of use, but still function fine, they're just really loose (chanchai used them, and while he said he couldn't do DLC or other complex stuff on them, he seemed to do fine with less demanding characters)

    One Ascii "FT" stick, the CvS one. Hardly used at all and very responsive, but as some of you know, this stick is optical, and has an octagonal base, so it's a little different.

    One really nice shape Agetec stick I just got off Ebay. This is what I've been using.

    And one New in the box Agetec stick on it's way as I write this (should be here before the weekend).

    So I'm pretty well covered for one setup with nice new sticks, but we'll need some more sticks if people want 2 setups running with nice/newish Agetec sticks that aren't "FT"; and people should probably cover themselves in this department if they feel at all worried.

    If you want to come, private message me or E-mail me at bryanburk@hotmail.com. I'm hoping a lot of people want to join.

  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Sounds great!

    Hehe, about the DLC's, oddly enough I can't even do them consistantly anymore ( I think I only nailed the DLC in combat twice the whole time in NY--got annoying to the point that I presumed to make my Akira even more boring than it was by substituting DLC situations with ST-SJK-DBC or the way overly done fb+PG-DBC)... a curse of getting too used to a stick?! Makes no sense, but who knows... But I will stand that as far as Agetec sticks go in general, your agetec was perfectly fine/versus/images/icons/smile.gif And we're talking about the non-optimal one.

    Looking forward to the big beat-downs!

  8. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Sumeragi (he's already in LA) told me the other day that he gave you his cel # so just give him a call when everything is finalized and we'll show up.

    I'm off to LA today. We'll have a flat display with XRGB-2 and PS2 if anyone wants to play DOA2 HC or Bloody Roar 3.

    Team Fanatics
    GameGO! Magazine Core Editor
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    i will *probably* be bringing my stick, but unfortunately my dc has been quarantined for yukie`s playing pleasure as a form of rent for my stay here......
  10. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    *DOH*.....Hiro strikes again!

    <font color=red>Jyunen hayaindayo!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  11. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Alright, here's my current (but not finalized) plans.

    I plan to be at Spotlite's place on both Friday and Saturday. I hope quite a few people will be able to go on Friday since Mutant says he'll probably be there that night, but certainly cannot make Saturday (he flys out on Saturday). I'm trying to get Tellure to go both nights if possible.

    On Thursday, I plan to give everyone I can a call (from Portland). Sumeragi, Great Deceiver, Jeff, Adam, Piccolo, Tellure, Mutant, Bryan, etc...

    I should be arriving in LA on Friday. However, I feel that I'll only spend one day at E3, Saturday. I feel I should devote much of the daytime on Friday to spending time with my friend in LA who is hosting me.

    Anyways, on Friday I'll try to call everyone again and try to get things organized. Who can go, who plans to go, pickup & taxi arrangements, etc...

    Don't worry, I know this is Spotlite's get-together. I'm just doing what I can to get everyone together. I may even call a bunch of people tomorrow/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    I hope to meet Sumeragi, Shou, Almaci, Great Deceiver, Tellure, Mutant, and anyone else I forgot. Can't wait to see everyone else as well. I'm hoping for successful gatherings that will at least accomodate everyone for at least one night. Heck, if I'm happy enough I'll personally take care of two or three pizzas (this trip isn't costing me very much). BTW, Spotlite's TV kicks ass!

    Any questions? Let Spotlite know and you can also contact me.


    P.S. Clopin, I hope you come too!
  12. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Dude, you said the P word, Pizza, I'm so hungry now!

    Chan, knock yourself out on the organizing, please. I'm gonna try to call some people today/tonight.

  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Alright, here are the more formalized plans:

    E3 VF3tb Get-togethers
    Friday, May 18th 8:00pm PST--Ends when last person leaves.
    Saturday, May 19th 8:00pm PST --Ends when last person leaves.

    Spotlite's (Bryan Burk's) House

    -VF3tb get-together, social event, place to chill, open challenge to whatever DC or PS2 game you want (as long as it can be supplied by someone).
    -Two stations (pretty much both for VF3tb). One kick ass vega/wega TV. Plenty of sticks (but bring your own for maximum comfort).
    -Matches are to be whatever you play them as. No weird rules or anything, play however you want. Be as competitively evil as you can, as lax as you want, or exploring as you desire. We're here to play, not here to judge (but you can request it if you really want it). Smack talk is definitely allowed. In the end, we just want everyone to be comfortable and have a good time, encouraging a good VF experience/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Anybody (who won't carry any criminal intentions to the house/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif).

    How to get there:
    Spotlite will be posting directions to his place from many keypoints including:
    -Convention Center
    -Major freeways nearby
    -Major roads (Wilshire is one of them)
    -Wherever else he believes to be a good reference.
    Please contact Spotlite or Chanchai via private message or email for considerations and possible driving arrangements. We want to help everyone who is interested as much as we can. The sooner we know the possible problems, the sooner we can make better arrangements.

    Any questions, contact us!

  14. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Okay, here's how to get to my place.

    I live on a small col de sac in what is basically the center of LA proper. My address is:

    4529 Abbey Place
    LA CA 90019

    It's off a street called Queen Anne, which runs between two major streets called Pico and Olympic. Any cabbie will know these streets, and they happen to run directly to the convention center where E3 is, about 7 miles I guess.

    From the convention center:

    It should be easy to find Olympic, it's either just north or south of the Center like one block. Take Olympic west for several miles. You'll pass big streets like Alvarado, Vermont, Western. When you cross Crenshaw, heads up, you're almost there. If you're taking a cab, tell the cabbie you want to go to Olympic between Crenshaw and Highland. Okay, after Crenshaw, you'll go about 4 blocks, through 1 light, then about 2 more blocks, on your left will be Queen Anne. If you see the High School on the left, you've gone 2 blocks 2 far. Take Queen Anne down the hill, through one intersection, then turn left on Abbey Place, my street. My House is on the left.

    So In Short, its:

    Olympic West Past Crenshaw, Before Highland
    Take a Left on Queen Anne
    Go 2 blocks, Left onto Abbey Place
    House on the left, 4529.

    From the 10 Freeway:

    Just Exit Crenshaw, and go North to Olympic. Turn Left onto Olympic and follow the directions above. Or, take the La Brea exit, go north on La Brea to Olympic, then turn right. Go about 7 blocks, and you'll see LA High School on your left. Two blocks after the school, take a Right on Queen Anne. Go 2 blocks, left on Abbey Place. 4529.

    From the 405 Freeway:

    You can take the 405 to the 10 East, then follow above; or take the Olympic Exit, and just follow Olympic east for about 10 miles, you'll pass La Cienega, Fairfax, La Brea, and Highland, then follow above. I recommend just taking the 405 to the 10 East, then exit Crenshaw/La Brea and do as above, it's quickest.

    From Wilshire Blvd:

    Take Wilshire to Highland, then go south. Turn left on Olympic. Take Olympic about 7 blocks East, 2 blocks past the High School, and turn RIght on Queen Anne, go 2 blocks to a Left on Abbey, on the left is 4529.


    If you're in hollywood, just take Highland or La Brea south to Olympic, then follow above. This should apply to guys staying at the Ramada.

    All of the streets above are major streets that run throughout LA, and any cabbie knows. Again if you're taking a cab, tell them:

    you want to go to Olympic between Highland and Crenshaw.
    Queen Anne is about 7 blocks from either street, just look for the High School, it's 2 blocks East of LA High.
    Take Queen Anne south (the only way you can go), about 2 blocks to Abbey Place, then Left on Abbey. the house is on the left.

    It's a needle in the Haystack of LA, but it's actually easy to find for anyone.

    If you have Questions, call me at 323 934 5829, or 323 871 1084 before 6pm.

    I'm telling people to come anytime after 8.


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