European ButtonCzech - online exhibitions of old continent players

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Unicorn, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    @MarlyJay if @PReP (and you, ofc) will agee, I will say sunday 8PM CET?
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Marly using Vaney too?
    Ellis likes this.
  3. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I can do that!

    8 PM sounds alright by me.

    Another go VS Marly Vanessa would do me good.
    Perhaps i could manage to get on skype after the fact this time,
    (Depending if pulseaudio will work this time)
    So i can face the judgement of my failings in person.
    (Or, what i am i saying of course i won't loose! ehum :p)

    Anyways, a fight is a fight - i wanna do it!
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    If you wanna skype the fight, lemme please know in advamce so I will setup the OBS for this
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Hmmm. Vanessa. In a mirror against PReP. Kinda don't wanna. Do people really want me to use Vanessa? Sounds boring.

    I can set up Skype and talk through it or after.
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Personally, I do not care much about your character choice, Marly. Eileen, Vanessa, Lion, whatever... I wanna enjoy the matches :)

    About skype, I can set it up, just let me know please in advance so I have set it up
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Forgot to say that 7pm is fine for me.
  8. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Nah you don't have to use Vanessa. Lion is fine... or surprise us with a new char. ;p
  9. Strider786

    Strider786 Well-Known Member

  10. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Replay from yesterday - @PReP (VA) vs @MarlyJay (LI / random)
    14th EBC: MarlyJay (LI, random) vs PReP (VA) FT7 with Random Runback

    thank you both for participating!
    MarlyJay and Ellis like this.
  11. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Quick turn around. Thanks for your hard work.
  12. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Some tips for Prep:
    -Try to train to hit confirm your Knee (9K) into more powerfull combos. P-->2P+K is the easier confirm, but you gotta upgrade to things like KP6K bounce combos, they do a lot more damage. Same for 9P combos. Since this move is pretty easy to land the reward for training better combos will comefast. Against Eileen the damage is insane for this move you won't regret it ^^. The idea is the same KP6K. Keep the P--> 2P+K for MW.

    -More generally work on your confirms. It seems like a lot of times your expecting you move to hit and continue no matter what ;)

    -After Lion's HCB throw don't roll back, or you will eat a down attack. Roll to the side, quickly.
    -Use OS 6_K more often like when you block Lion's FC6P it's the ideal situation to use it. Less risky than 9K, covers more scenarios in this case and safe on block.

    -try to Punish Lion's 6PP with guaranteed PK or a throw.
    Ellis and Unicorn like this.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    @PReP do you have an idea of what if anything you were doing wrong and what were the good things that you need to do more of?
    erdraug and Ellis like this.
  14. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    tl;dr: everything?

    First off, i know i don't use the moves expected out of me, and that i seem to lack awareness needed to punish properly. I won't make excuses for my less the optimal playstyle.

    Secondly though, i did have more trouble then usual to time my combos; yes my:
    Is not optimal, or max damage in any way, and there are better launchers. It is true.
    I also usually end 9P the same way (i.e P 2p+k and so forth)
    aswell as from non-charged 44K+G hit.
    - But this time even that failed me more often then it should, it was a long time since i dropped it that often. I really felt i needed that damage, but instead i got 9K and then twitching. I'd get the 2p+k wrong and the whole possibility for that well needed extra damage was lost. This happened too many times as i'd throw a 9K in a situation i anticipated lion to go low.
    This was either due to lag, or the fact that my controller is in such a sad state, as i've noted in this thread above - i guess that silly fact got lost in translation somewhere : )
    The bottomline is the very small stupid amount of damage i could have had, i mostly fucked up anyways. bleh.

    I also had annoyingly evil misinputs, i'd seek to evade or 1p but getting throw attempts and quite a few situations it just plainly 'effed up in the worst of times.

    - But please do not mistake this as an excuse for loosing the set - I would only see me failing less fights if i could have trusted my inputs; i'd still see you kick my arse and take the set since you played much better. I knew this going in aswell. -

    Another part is that i, stupidly, counted on you to pause at certain times. i'd stop/block the start of a string and then i, again stupidly, relied on you to pause for a second and allow me to attack back. This never happened, the string or another quick attacked of course happened the split second after as if nothing had happened.
    This might be because i've had "easier" opponents, opponents that hesitates - and that has probably given me bad habits across the board.

    Mostly i regret getting lost in the pace, i felt everything went way out of hand for me - and at any given time i would seek to punish or hit back it was the wrong choice. I'd try mid, you'd be evading already, i'd do a stupid high circular, you expected that and crouched. Time after time i sought a "way in" but my poor reactions, and probably me choosing punish-move badly, only got me into another launcher and another slew of health drained. As should be.

    I object to the "running away; had to chase you" , even looking back on the archive i saw nothing to show much to that effect. yes i backdash sometimes, i do not always try for a meaty, i attempt to hope to make a rising attack whiff - sure you'd not do them, but the intent was thus. At sometimes i'd do just a back jump or a backdash - and i could see you, standing back or jumping back - in some sort of demonstrational spite. I would do the same, then i'd move forward and you'd trick me silly. So that part about "running away all the time; you having to chase me all the time" which you mentioned in the shoutbox, i do not agree.

    Finally i think, apart from technicalities and lame excuses thereof (controller, timing)
    It is clear i need to re-think my basics, the lack of elbow was mentioned, aswell as 6P,
    so simple yet it's practice seem to have eluded my thick skull.

    Max damage combos, absolutely, they could even things aswell,
    But i think we can all agree i have larger issues to deal with first.

    It is back to the drawing board for me, and i will not seek to do another stream until i have something sensible to show for it - even if there would be opponents closer to my "skill"-level.

    (Oh and about good things i should be doing more of?.. i cannot think of it right now,
    i am too lost in focus of all the crap i did wrong o_O)

    And Marly, if you'd still be up for attempting some skype+pm tutoring session/s,
    I would absolutetly be grateful.

    Sumimasen for my lackluster play - and thanks for enduring :)

    Unicorn and Modelah like this.
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    With the "running away" there were times where I had a big life lead and you'd back away and wait. I wasn't the only person to notice this and unicorn mentioned in the stream too.

    You've known about the combo thing at all and to be honest I don't think it would make that much of a difference.

    It's more about where your damage comes from. Would it be fair to say 80%+ of your damage is via a mix of 9K combo, 9P combo, catch throw (which I think you use well), or throws? All of those options lose to Lions standing P when you're at +5(you blocked an elbow /2p).

    You play to Vanessas character strengths and gimmicks, which is fine, but what happens when your opponent understands them and takes them away? Part of having a decent foundation will always be playing at small advantage. Vanessa has good stuff for that. An elbow that has a hitcheckable followup that Knocks down and a half circular special high that gives a big combo on ch.

    I don't think I was hit by an elbow until the 4th match and I think when you landed death scythe, you weren't able to hitcheck.

    There are other things I could mention but if you're willing to do something over Skype we can do it that way. Just don't get too down on yourself. There are things that you can improve but also good stuff too that you'll have to focus on not losing. You just need to tweak your game a bit.
    Ellis and Unicorn like this.
  16. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    We just had a little online set with headsets just doing basic stuff.

    Stuff that I tried going over a little:

    - Clearing buffer with G to avoid misinputs.
    - Using 6P
    - Confirming 6P CH and crouch hit
    - Some fuzzying
    - Punishing with OS 6P+K (though I don't know the right combos out of it)
    - While at it, punishing Taka -15 with KPP, 66P
    - Some evade punishing which I guess might have actually thaught more about how evade works.
    - A better combo out of 9K on lights and mids and the same combo from 9P on lights (I hope it works on everyone, I dunno). 9K/9P, KP6K, 66KP
    - Some sidethrow escape practice
    - Little talk about evade canceling but no real practice of it yet.
    - We talked a bit about 6_K but didn't really practice it.
    - How to get 3K to come out instead of down attack after knockdowns.

    Overall I think there was a pretty good deal of basic stuff to learn since I noticed most of it is not implemented right now. Some of it was not that important and I think I shouldn't have confuced prep with some of it putting too much on the platter at once, but oh well. That stuff does require some grinding in dojo, most of the things to practice can be setup there easily enough.
    Modelah and Ellis like this.
  17. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    This is what I like to see, 2 VFers working on stuff! (y)

    Ellis likes this.
  18. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    @PReP I read the thread first, watched the game afterwards, then didn't have time to post. So i don't remember the play-by-play anymore but here are a couple of things i noticed:

    • As mentioned by others the combo damage was not really optimised vs Lion. Which is OK - for the first couple of games. But when you play a set you could try to remember (or just look it up) max damage combos while waiting for the new stage to load. Unless you're trying to smoke between matches.
    • Evade > low punch. Why? Why not evade > PPK or 6PK or yolo 66K+G? Low punch is just... meh.
    • When you land said low punch from sideturn: you could try to use the OS catch throw instead of a regular throw. The more the opponent feels confident in their sidethrow-breaking ability, the more sucessful your 66P+G will be.
    • No counter hit combo starters. There were no OS 6_K, no 66K and the couple of 3P that landed apparently surprised you as much as the opponent - since you did not manage to follow them up with a single successful combo. OS 9K is nice but there's no need to take necessary risks ALL the time, particularly when you have the life lead.
    • DS K > low throw attempts. I recommend going for K > 66P instead, low throw sometimes whiffs if K lands with the tip vanessa's boot; also it won't get you killed if the opponent just standing blocks.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
    Ellis likes this.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Evade low punch is really, REALLY strong. The reason being is that it sets up guaranteed sideturn pressure from small advantage. From -9 ST it can't be blocked or evaded so the only the only way for me to avoid it would be a high risk jumping attack. The other reason it's good is because 2P is only 33 total and it effectively takes about 26f to evade when sideturned, it's always safe even if your opponent evades. This is especially important against Lion.

    The low throw on DS K can make sense if i was fuzzying after normal or counter hit. I wasn't thought. If it lands on NH you're at +2. Don't do 66P here. lol
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  20. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Makes sense.
    I never willingly went for any low throws though, that is curtesy of evil broken spampad.

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