European Virtua Fighter Media (Norway)

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Raider, May 12, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Err hate to tell you this but when I tried to save the edited clip my computer told me the zip was corrupted. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  2. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    You're kidding me right? /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    Well I don't think that this will be working at all, so I just have to wait with uploading until I find another host sometime in the distant future.

    This is why I fucking hate everything that that is computer related! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I downloaded, unzipped, and played the clip just fine!

    Good play guys!
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    This is kinda wierd and embarrassing but having tried again I downloaded it fine.That playing is really awesome!Can't believe it went right down to the wire at the end.What is the music from, it knda reminded me of the old SF2/Final Fight arcade days.Hope you've more to post soon. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  5. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Yay, I'm happy to hear that it did work after all. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    The music is from Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain.
    I can upload it if you want it, but you can probably find it on one of the peer to peer programs out there.
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Don't worry too much about the music I'm sure I can find it some where.It's really refreshing to hear though as there's just nothing like that over here in mainstream music.I actually play guitar in a rock band and the playing on that track takes years of dedication to reach.Looking forward to more clips /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif...
  7. Netrom

    Netrom Well-Known Member

  8. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    *Small Update*

    Yeah over a period of 5 months we have had 2 gatherings\ tournaments here in Norway\ Sweden, were some of the players from both countries participated inn (+ Denmark), we all had lots of fun and on the last tournament we also made a DVD out of the whole thing.
    From both tournaments we made two small “trailersâ€Â, we did them some time ago but I haven’t been able to post it here yet.
    The DVD turned out pretty good, but its 4, 3 GB large so it is kind of hard to get that one online.

    Anyway the trailers, the quality isn’t that good, but you will probably get a few laughs just by watching our facial expressions as we loose or win the fights.
    I posted the trailers, so you can see how the environment is during the tournaments that we have.
    I also uploaded the picture of the DVD cover.

    Just over the last year the VF community in Norway have developed from almost nothing to being a place were most people can get a challenge and have a good time playing this great game.
    We still have a fucking long way to go, but I guess this is a start.
    One of our members is now in Japan (Gutti), and has already acquired 5.dan in one of the best arcades down there.
    Although there aren’t that many players who play the game yet, things looks pretty well overall.

    <font color="orange"> Standings from the two tournaments are:

    Team Tournament in Sweden

    #1: Gutti \ Scmolz \ Lau.VF
    #2: Minispud \ Nybec
    #3: Netrom \ Raider

    Singles Tournament in Sweden

    #1: Netrom
    #2: Scmolz
    #3: Raider

    Team Tournament in Norway

    #1: Gutti \ Raider
    #2: Netrom \ Ratsama
    #3: Lau.VF \ JINsama
    #4: Duke

    Singles Tournament in Norway

    #1: Gutti
    #2: Netrom
    #3: Raider </font>

    I guess that’s all…


    The DVD cover.

    The first trailer from Sweden, in April or March, I don’t quite remember right now.

    Second trailer from Norway in June or May, I don’t remember that one either…lol

    Btw play the trailers with high sound. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Cool trailer vids really enjoyed watching them, the europeon vf scene looks a lot stronger these days. I got 2 question for ya:

    1. Whats the name of that ozzy song i wanted it for the longest time.

    2. where on earth did u get hold of those namco sticks i would kill to have another one of those.
  10. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    whats up with those 4 new fights why dont they work.
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Firstly those fights were posted like a month ago so there not new and may not be available any more.

    But yeah raider and netrom and all you other guys looks like you've a great scene up there together.Just an idea, could you somehow have put captions up on the screen saying who is who.It maybe just me but I don't have a clue of what any of you look like!Any way well done on some fun videos /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif.

    btw archangel the song is Paranoid...its kinda like Black Sabbaths most famous song EVER!
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Whoops i didnt realise they been up for that long maybe i've seen them already /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Hey raider, good work.

    Would you consider maybe divx'ing your clips? I know mpeg is nice to work in, but divx would cut the load on your school and server by half. If you want I can send you the program and the settings file so all you have to do is click a button to spit out a good quality divx file.
  14. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Archangel: Gutti works in the gaming business here so he got the hands on those Namco sticks for prize for the winners.
    But the last thing I heard is that they are difficult to get a hand on, since they probably have stopped producing them.
    Not sure though, but that’s my guess anyway.

    csnape: Thanks man, I’m happy to acknowledge that you always give some feedback on most of the things that we put out here.
    We made some interviews on the Swedish tournament, not sure if I still have that footage available though.
    If I do I can post some of them here, everybody introduce themselves in English and so on.

    Creed: Yeah that would be great man, any help would be appreciated.
    It would be easier to get some of the tournament matches online that way too; I appreciate anything that you can help out with.

  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hey I'm glad you guys can put stuff up on the site and that tourney dvd looks cool as well.I've found very few people near where I live to play vf with ( I'm SLOWLY working my mates into it! ) so its good to see such a close knit scene as you have.One day in the future , money and time permitting I'd love to post some of my matches but only time will tell...Keep up the good work!
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Sup - ok,

    1. download this program:


    Unzip it and run Virtualdub.exe

    2. Download these processing settings - default.vcf

    3. In Virtualdub, do File --> open video file --> choose your MPEG file.
    4. Next, do File --> load processing settings (it's way down the list).
    Open the "default.vcf" file you just saved in step 2.
    5. Finally, do File --> save as AVI. It will ask you to give your avi file a name.

    Once you click OK, it will begin. Once it's done you will have a pretty decent quality divx file that's much smaller than the original MPEG.

    If you get an error, it might be because you don't have either the divx codec or the MP3 codec. Let me know if that happens and we'll fix it.

    If you get an error about "the requested audio compression is not possible" then you just need to change your audio compression... it's not possible to encode Mono sound into Stereo mp3 for example. To fix audio issues do this - choose audio --> compression, highlight mpeg layer 3. Choose one of the options in the list, and generally they will allow you to save without problems.
    If for example 48,000 hz fails, try one of the 44,100 options. If one of those fails, move down the list.
  17. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Hi, in the clips a gentleman was playing on a twin stick. Iooks like the twin stick for saturn when vf kids was released. i was wondering if any of you knew where i could get my hands on one of those seeing as they're probably out of stock? =/
  18. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Jerky, I had one and gave it to my friend. I'll see if he doesn't want it anymore.
  19. Anton

    Anton Well-Known Member

    Try e-bay
  20. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Heh, I did. It's actually one of those items that's just soo rare that not even e-bay has it.

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