EVO 2K8 Info

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Brisal73, Mar 1, 2008.

  1. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    You have to understand that not every person that plays VF visits this site on a regular basis.

    I actually wanted to setup my PS3 in the BYOC area but all of my roommates felt lazy and wanted to play in the room.

    I'm not condoning theft by the slightest but if people are careless enough to leave things unattended for that is their problem.
    Actually Evo Staff were impressed of the turnout for the VF5 finals. More so than the turnout for the Guilty Gear finals that was 2 hours later.

    Here is some excerpts from one of the organizers blog, James Chensor. http://jchensor.blogspot.com/

    When you are a community for a game like Virtua Fighter 5, a game where calling the community cult-sized would be overly generous, how do you grow to become as strong as the Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 community? There's no easy answer to this question mostly because, as is stands right now, the community is so small here in America.

    But there is potential. Last year, Dead or Alive 4's community didn't seem like they cared if Dead or Alive 4 succeeded. But the players who enjoy Virtua Fighter 5 do seem like they want to do their part to make the game succeed, and have acted accordingly. The fans of the game came and supported their own game for the Finals on Sunday, even though it was just a small crowd and extremely early in the day. And after the finals were over, Gerald Abraham, a friend of mine from long ago who loves Virtua Fighter, asked me what he and the community could do to ensure Virtua Fighter returned to Evo the next year. It's very refreshing and encouraging to see the players trying to take an active role in ensuring the game survives.

    So how did I answer Gerald's question? I told him that it's simply a matter of building the community. Encourage more players to take up the game. Create momentum for the game by throwing local tourneys and making them serious, professional events. Maybe create even larger national gatherings. Get people used to traveling for the game. That last point is particularly important because of the potential popularity generated from the game's release on the XBox 360 with online play. Perhaps, unlike Dead or Alive 4, Virtua Fighter 5 can develop a strong enough online community that is willing to travel and attend the various events, including Evo. It's by generating their own noise that they will give Evo every reason to bring them back.

    And the beauty of it all is that they aren't limited to just one year. Even if they can't create a strong enough community by Evolution 2008, that doesn't mean they are done for good. They can just continue building up an American Virtua Fighter community and if it gains enough momentum, it can return to the line-up even after a year or two's hiatus. I'm sure many people doubt that it could truly happen, but you cannot find a better example of this happening than Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Third Strike has had, for the past few years, the most number of contestants out of all the games at Evo. But does anyone even remember when Third Strike was removed from Evo because of how unpopular it was?

    How could this be? How can a game originally dropped due to unpopularity eventually become the most popular game at Evo? I don't know how many people remember the "Third Strike for Evo!" avatars that peppered the Shoryuken.com forums during the year it was dropped. The players pushed for the game and tried to rally as many people as they could to their cause.

    I suggest everyone to read the entire post James posted for it has some insight how we can become a better community.

    They are not barring X360 from entering the establishment, it means at this time they do not plan on purchasing X360's. All of Evo's consoles is for tournament use only. They setup extra TV's for the Bring Your Own Console area. Ive seen Neo-Geo's Saturns and SuperGun setups on the TV's brought from fans

    I'll be bringing a X360(maybe 2) to make sure I can run a VF5 tourney this year.
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    If I recall, Evo was willing to host VF once again but the community was split between Evo and FT players. They would've hosted Evo but the FT players (SoCal,NY and Toronto) didn't feel it was worth it. They said they would hold FT if 2 setups were brought but no one felt comfortable bringing their setup.

    Why let momentum die down for this game like we did for the Evo/FT era? This the perfect time to keep pushing VF5 so by the time VF5R comes out the VF community will be even larger.
  3. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    shag, if you need any help at evo running brackets or need another 360 i'm down to help.
  4. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I couldn't setup in BYOC at Evo East on Friday because I was late arriving. We secluded ourselves in the room the next day. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Players willing to travel to EVO are hard core fighting game nuts and simply seeing a bunch of people play a game wouldn't make them convert..Shag it would be like going to Web2zone only a much bigger area, you remember don't you? we be in our little corner playing vf hoping onlookers would join in.</div></div>
    I ran the tournaments at Web2Zone and I can tell you that all the people who joined were not part of our clique. I know one of them personally that entered VF at Evo East and the tourneys at W2Z.

    There are more crossover players than you expect.

    Checkout SRK's VF5 thread http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=142104

    SRK even has its own Xbox Live good games thread. http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=142464
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Who says it will die down? I'm pretty sure a summer VF event is forthcoming, but since we have a bit over 2 weeks away from a March event then we should push that. Instead of looking at an event that doesn't want VF there.

    It comes down to if you want to play other fighting games plus a BYOC for VF then go to EvO. If your only interested in VF then I highly recommend you go to the March gathering or whatever Summer event comes up

    and from my understanding most SRK players know to go to VFDC if they want to discuss VF
  6. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">since EVO has been known for things
    being stolen </div></div>

    The following is the non-shout-out portion of my vfdc "summer vacation" post from EVO2k4...in case anyone wants to know or be reminded of what kind of things can be stolen if you aren't careful enough.


    So...day one I had my fill of casual play in the bring your own console room so I went down to the arcade for some tuna, chips & gatorade. Half way through my meal I decide to reup on the tuna and so I go to the vending machine to make my selection. While I'm there this 5'6" gamer with a grey shirt comes up singing some song I can't quite make out. Only crazy men where I'm from sing so I actually notice his height and the shirt color before he kinda darts off too quickly. I ignore the too quickly part and go back to hooking up the tuna but as I turn back to sit down, I notice my chips are missing. Fucker stole my sunchips! There were like five left in the goddamned bag. Why the shit would you steal 5 potato chips? Further, why the shit would you steal food from a mutherfucker who could probably eat you were he hungry enough? What are you doing...GET AWAY!

    Next day I left the hotel room door propped open for a moment (since I didn't have a key & stomp was on an errand & I wasn't sure if he had a key) while I went upstairs to see what was up in the boston room. I left my redball namco stick on the table. When I returned the room was as I left it save said redball namco stick. I even remember starting to the stairs wondering if leaving the door open wasn't a poor idea in a hotel full of gamers who had already proven themselves to be less than trustworthy with my shit. Remember the sunchips? You gamers are a rotten batch of little cumstains.

    Of course you know though that bad shit will either fly solo or come in threes. Bullshit rarely duets.

    I was dropped off at the Shilo at 530am monday morning. Tim, Bill & Steven had already checked out and it was just me in the hotel. I was a little groggy as I slipped the key in the lock and turned. Nothing. I mean, the lock turned but the knob didn't move & I hadn't used a key enough in the room (reference joystick incident) to remember if the knob turned upon unlocking or not. Nonetheless I could not gain entree into my room (faulty knob? I got bounced when everyone else checked out? bad key?) and so I had to slide to the front desk where the night manager of the hotel was working. I hit the lobby thinking even that this guy's job and the job I had until the front of vacation were terribly similar. Too fucking so as it turns out.

    "Can I help you?"
    "Yeah, I don't know what's wrong...I'm in 121 and my key doesn't seem to work...Is there a history of problems with that doorknob or something?"
    "Which room is it?" he asked, making me think my hypothesis might have been correct.
    "Okay, I send security back with you"

    Security? Why security, right? So I follow security down and he tries my key then he tries his key then he tries my key again.

    "Key works...the deadbolt's locked."
    And I'm thinking...why the fuck...who the fuck...why is the deadbolt locked.
    "Are you sure there's nobody in there?" his tone was rather more serious that might make one comfortable.
    "There shouldn't be...they all checked out earlier."
    He broke out the deadbolt key. Door opens like 4 inches...SMACK.
    "Someone put a chair in front of the door."

    The signpost up ahead, you have now entered the twilight zone.

    Cell phone time.

    "Hello, yes, this is security...we seem to have another incident."

    Huh? Another incident. Don't fucking tell me when we open the door there's gonna be a fucking bloodbath on the other side. I came down here for a videofuckinggame convention and yeah there was this guy who had to sleep on the floor cause he couldn't be in the same queen size with another man and this other guy who gave guys backrubs & maybe I'm kinda off but ain't no dahmer ass murdering fucks in my click I don't care what you think about STL...FLA...the dirty dirty...
    honestly, I was expecting high level axemurdering grossness...
    "excuse me sir...but what do you mean by 'incident'"
    "There's this guy...we don't know maybe he has a key. He breaks into rooms and orders dirty movies...help me push this door."

    So we push the door & dislodge the chair in front it.

    There were towels by the door like the guy had been smoking. The table that had been between the tv and the two beds as a joystick stand was still there but now there was a towel layed across it. Between the two beds was a chair (which hadn't been there before) on which was placed a sheet and more towels. The room was littered with little balled up napkins and over in the corner were a variety of lubricants and more balled up little napkins.

    As a final stroke of bad yomi for the trip...I had placed my clothes in the drawer below the television upon arrival at the room on Thursday & had kept the drawer open for the whole trip...my clothes may or may not have been exposed to mister little balled up napkin.

    After a thorough investigation it was determined the perp must have entered through the window and (given his movie rental time) made his exit as my key was hitting the lock at 530am.

    When you make your reservations for next year at the Shilo Inn (if you must) request a room above the first floor not accessible by any open windows. Also ask if the management knows whether any penis weilding bandits had ever washed the room in nut. You can never be too careful.
  7. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    As you know, I'm all for supporting Plague's gathering. But with two weeks away, logically speaking the only people who have not committed on going now that we can promote to are local Socal players.

    Right now there is no "Summer gathering". I think planning an event based around Evo would be perfect. Evo is the second week of August, that is plenty of time for players to plan to meetup.

    I also think its the perfect location. Plague can only hold so many people at his house. I doubt that Adamyuki and I can host anything that is as grand in NY as well.

    What is your point here exactly?

    How do you not know they visit this site or not? Are you suggesting that any VF discussion MUST be done at this site? That is absurd.

    Brian, you were the one that started this thread! It's obvious you have some bitterness about Evo events; why did you even bring it up in the first place?

    With two games left to be announced for Evo I even posted on SRK saying that VF5 shouldn't be a featured game because I feel the community is not strong enough compared to other games. If anyone wants to read my full post on SRK they can check it out here. http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=150936&page=9

    I think VF needs to be at Evo in some shape or form to show its one of the best fighting games out there and to cater to the new group of players that have just started playing thanks to X360 online play.
  8. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    The thread was created by me because it was new info to the point where no games were announced. However, I say this thread should be closed now since its obvious the event will have nothing to do with VF.

    So that being said, the only thing I have against EVO is the way VF is handled by them. When an event establishes itself as a premier video game tourney they should treat all games with the same amount of respect and they don't do that. I listed some examples in a previous post.

    So if I was given the choice of another NY, Socal, Japan, etc. VF event where active members of the VF community from VFDC to SRK would attend then I would want to be there more than I would want to be at EvO.

    If I was into 3rd Strike or any of the other games that EvO offers then I would want to go there.

    Since there is going to be a great gathering happening in a couple of weeks I am sure something will be thought of after that event for the summer, winter, next year, or whatever it may be.

    Again lets get the VFDC events to where we want them to be and if EvO adds VF next year then even better.

  9. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I already stated that I would host a VF tournament at Evo this year. There is already much interest for a VF tourney to happen so I will do my best to make it happen. With the help and support of a few people I'm sure it will be a success.

    Respect has to be earned. What did the VF community do to gain their respect last year? We sure didn't come in numbers last year and we have ourselves to blame for that.

    3S was cut from Evo years ago because it wasn't popular. The 3S players stepped their game up and built up hype and awareness into its scene. Evo was forced to bring it back. Its now the game with the most entries.

    Many fighting game enthusiasts frown upon Smash Brothers. But their scene is huge and Evo took a gamble to host a tourney for SSBM. The Smash players showed their support, it had the second biggest turnout last year at Evo. There is no doubt they would be hosted again especially with a new game in the series coming out.

    If we sit around and do nothing then why would they have us back? We can have a bigger turnout at Evo than last year if we push for it.

    If we are going to build this community we have to make more events available. It's easier to run an event at Evo than something from the ground up. We need to checkout where other fighting game tourneys are being held and give our support and hold VF casuals and tourneys.
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I really hope that all of this frustration and talks lead up to a VFDC sponsored annual VF tournament. If a thread got started on ideas as to when and where it could be done and VFDC members got behind it and supported it, I don't see why it couldn't work.

    There could be other games there also, all members have to do is chime in and ask for a certain game and ask who would be willing to play. With enough votes other games could be added.
    The thought of VFDC organizing a tourney the way that SRK organizes their tournies is exciting. It could have old VF games like VF2 and VF3 (for those that still play it), other interesting games like (for example) Puzzle Fighter or Kengo 3 (that game was never released in the U.S., probably bc it was too deep for the DOA/MK loving masses).

    Anyway, it could just have VF but as long as it gets shown at least half of the support and interest as it gets shown online, I think that it's totally do-able.
  11. Dobi

    Dobi Well-Known Member

    Can't we all just get along?
  12. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif sorry for the interjection but great story! someone needs to do Evo behind the scenes..
  13. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

  14. FallingEdge

    FallingEdge Well-Known Member

    All I know is that peeps from SRK are gonna throw a side tourney at EVO for VF5. It would be great for the community as a whole if we can all show up and play the game and participate and create as much hype as we can.

    I know that not everyone will want to show up to EVO to play a side tourney just for VF. That's completely understandable. If you would rather go to one of the VFDC gatherings, that's great. I'm all about playing the game as much as you can, as often as you can, with as many people as you can.

    For many of us, we can only go to just one. I've been planning to go to EVO since last year so my mind is set as to which event I will be going to. However, I will do my part to spread the VF love which includes a side tourney.

    Get out there and enjoy the game. That's what really matters, haha.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I have a couple of comments on earlier posts made:

    "Bring the game"
    Well, we brought it last year, and what exposure did it get? I would guess that we got less exposure at this Evo than past ones. My personal gripe was with the early morning start time for the Finals. Unlike the past Evos in SoCal, where pretty much everyone attended for Finals viewing, we only had our small VF crowd in attendance. This, to me, was an opportunity lost.

    But, I understand that due to time constraints they were left with little choice on the start time, and it makes total sense to schedule the least popular game first. Don't get me wrong though, I'm in no way complaining or thinking we didn't get fair treatment, or weren't respected (see next point). I just think we weren't able to maximise our "bring the game" opportunity during the Finals due to the early start.

    So what other opportunities were left? Well, there's the BYOC area, but I think I didn't even step foot in there once. There seemed to be no interest or organisation centered there. The only casuals we had were back at our Motel/Hotel, which were not at the same venue as the Evo event. This made it:

    (a) really difficult for other VFers, especially those without their own transport, to join in, and,

    (b) impossible for casual fighting games to even watch some quality matches, an opportunity they never usually get.

    What compounded the above two problems were the tight schedules most people were on. It didn't leave a whole lot of free time, and with most people continuing on back in SoCal, I guess the incentive to get more casuals in was lacking with the knowledge they had plenty of time during the week ahead.

    So, in future, maybe we could try making casual VF more open and accessible. I think that's the spirit behind most of Shag's suggestions, and I can't see Brisal disagreeing with that.

    As far as I'm concerned, we received a lot of respect from the Evo staff. They totally took care of running the bracket, organising setups, etc, which was a huge improvement over the last Evo! We received no lesser treatment than the other games from what I could see, so to suggest they didn't respect us is pretty ridiculuous and comes across as unappreciative.

    And you can't blame them for scheduling us first, it's the most logical thing to do.
  16. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    and what if someone plans a vf event the same weekend as Evo and its not in Vegas?
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Isn't it a bit silly to schedule anything on the same weekend as Evo?
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I wouldnt expect that, but I think that a sizeable portion of VF community we have here doesnt play other fighting games much, so they propably dont follow other websites as much. I know Im one of them, I dont remember when was the last time I went to SRK site for example, and then it was propably following a link from some thread here. Not that theres anything bad with the site but other fighting games just dont interest me.

    To approach aforementioned people kicking up discussion here would be nice.
  19. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    you would be surprised /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  20. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Well, looking at how VF and GG was treating last year the selections did not surprise. After evo last year I decided that the NVGA SuperCon was going to be the biggest gathering of VF and GG players in the United States becauase I new some shit like this would happen. Oh well, really no motivation to go to Evo this year so hopefully I can make the SuperCon big enough for all of you so this will make up for a lack of VF and GG at evo.

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