EVO Lei Fei:Combos, flowcharts and stances

Discussion in 'Lei' started by LM_Akira, Aug 24, 2003.

  1. KungPao

    KungPao Active Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    wow, this is the best thread ive ever read on this board for Lei, thanks alot LM_Akira and Joemax, the way Joe described those intro's to backstaggers I've never considered playing lei so fluently.

    The statement that Lei really does have unlimited flowcharts is starting to make sense to me...He is constantly evolving in our hands. Stance change ups seem even more important now. I'd love to see those in action!

    an old thread I guess, but it deserves to be showcased

    I copied about half of this by hand on paper because my printer doesn't work! Either way if I were stuck on a desert island with virtuafighter (and electricity) I would take THIS thread with me =)
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    Hehe thanks /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif. Even though this is an old thread as you say, I've still a lot of things I'd like to add but simply haven't had the time to sit down and test. I'm going to try and get all of Leis combo search combos vs everyone down soon but I'm busy doing Akiras and Gohs atm. Watch this space for (hopefully soon) more Lei stuff.
  3. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    LM Akira: You've had to do quite a bit so I'll add my 2 cents in frames.
    [P][P]: strictly speaking, just doin one punch with fei is ill advised considering on block instead of the average +1, ure -4 (-1 on regular hit as well) considering it's a string move) so goin for the second ALWAYS is very much so advised (-1 on block, but +4 on regular hit and mc) because on any sort of hit u get quite a bit more options considering ure in stance so u can [G] cancel throw, or proceed to do [2][K] or [K]+[G] for ure own mix up considering ppl fear both of them.
    [6][6][P]: 14 frame mid (lei's elbow)(-5,+2,+4), in no circumstance should u try and out elbow akira but it's still a viable move because if for no other reason, it pushes really well and lei works best with some space in between.
    [K]: 13 frame (slow punch exe)(-6,-2,+1), half circular, and special high, while the frames may not say how good this move is the additional tag lines do, u can use this or IN stance to get people to fear the low punch (VERY HELPFUL when trying certain things) not only that but it puts in DM so u can arrow punch (not smart frame wise, but if it hits at max range, a good idea none the less) or [P],[P]+[K] which is hard to duck on reaction if u mix it up well.
    I'll add more as I feel like writing.
  4. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    I'd also like to reiterate MY mentality when playing lei, u can do anything u want and they have to stop u, that will work up until u face that upper percentile (people who know fei, best americans, a certain british tetsu killer, and the japanese) in which case u have to start playin fei with certain non harmful restraints (u really don't have to te with him till u face those who can defend against a safe lei fei player) so u have to have greater risk with ure attacks to be capable of dealing the damage needed to win against the high risk, high reward characters more easily (akira, jeff). For a while with him, I didn't have to learn his frames to win but this is ill advised considering how easily accesible the frames are now. Sometimes there are harmful restraints provisional by character ure facing (going back turned against akira with his many TG stance killing options is ill advised) so u may have to play with only safe frame back moves and only for a second as not to limit ure move list against certain characters TOO badly. That principal I've dubbed one sided Lei for the reason that u can do it without going backturned once. There are other ways to play lei while the easiest of them all is prolly machi Lei (run away lei, makes them work harder for all the damage that they could get, use nothing but safe moves, etc.). I will explain other ways to play him as I feel like writing as well
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: EVO Lei Fei

    Thanks for the input KTD. I'm all too well aware that I haven't covered too much stuff in terms of frames with Lei Fei but you've gone and rectified this.
  6. 93908259

    93908259 New Member

    I as a lei fei player finds that his roll is a very good move.
  7. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Is it possible to have somebody who knows post ALL of Lei Fei's special dances and steps? I know the Bokutai dance, evasive backstepping, stuff like that, but I've seen stuff in videos (hell, I've even seen Evo quest AI) that I have no idea how to stuff. One of them looks like cancelling Dokuritsu really quickly, and sliding backwards. Another looked like going to Dokuritsu, cancelling, going back to it hella fast, and cancelling again, into normal attacks/throws.

    So can somebody just post all of the special steps they know, so we can have a definative list?
  8. TrigIII

    TrigIII Member

    How do I get the black colour scheme/costume for Lei Fei?
  9. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    To get black you need 100 loses.
  10. Camilo

    Camilo Member

    This is gonna come useful later when i play the game

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