FFX-2 60hz Question

Discussion in 'General' started by Nashi, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    FFX-2 PAL Version is already made, so I guess there's no use sending them an e-mail requesting a 60hz option, is it?..
  2. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    Wow, that FFX-2 trailer was about the lamest/gayest thing i have ever seen. The wallpaper was really nice though...I'll probably end up getting this game even after suffering through the shitty FFX...trading it in for Evo was a happy day for me. Anyways, at least I'm hoping Wakka won't be in FFX-2.
  3. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    BMF, Wakka's just the best character in FFX. If it wasn't for him I would have never ended the game at 100%. I defeated Penance (the ultimate boss) thanks to his Attack Reels, which dealed 1,119,000 damage everytime I got it right. It's the strongest of all characters.

    One more thing: no game can be compared to FFX. It's absolutely AMAZING. If you traded it for some mere 20 bucks, then you're really poor mate..

    PS: FFX-2 intro is so lame and so gay that it was nominated as the best intro in a game ever..Lip synch: perfect. Animations: Perfect. Graphics: (There are better in movies, but still..) Perfect. Square-Enix beats Blizzard when it comes to FMVs.
  4. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    Diablo 2's voice acting and storyline is dam good though it's movie quality. Silent Hill 2 is another one with a gripping emotional storyline. I haven't played much FF but I doubt it's story will interest me as much.

    Square hate Europe so I doubt there will be a 60hz option. It will probabley be a really bad 50hz with HUGE borders.
  5. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    Best character...maybe if he wasn't so annoying that everytime he opens his mouth I want to shoot myself in the foot.

    FFX was far from amazing...I didn't enjoy the game at all...the story was predictable, and boring, the characters were lame, the voice acting quality might've been good but it only detracted from the game. Plus, this FF was as linear as you can get...you couldn't explore anything until near the end of the game. As I said before...I did NOT enjoy this game at all...I'll gladly take any money I can get for it to free up some space for other games...

    I think that you're just a blind FF fanboy...I can see people enjoying the game but calling it amazing is a stretch.

    "FFX-2 intro is so lame and so gay that it was nominated as the best intro in a game ever..Lip synch: perfect. Animations: Perfect. Graphics: (There are better in movies, but still..) Perfect. Square-Enix beats Blizzard when it comes to FMVs. "

    I guess my statement was rather vague...i agree that the quality was really good, but it doesn't change the fact that the content was lame...it's FF and we have yuna in a j-pop video...I mean, c'mon...
  6. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    I've played both D2 (i'm a total LoD freak) and SH2. Trust me, nothing beats Square's FMVs. NOTHING. And altough the voice acting is good in D2, trust me again: it's better in FFX. At least the japanese voices are much well synchronized with the chars lips than D2.

    And trust me again: THE STORY WILL INTEREST YOU. If you like RPGs you'll love FFX. I remember when I was really young and a friend of mine offered me a platinum version of FF VII and I thought: "Oh brother, another shitty game..". So I went to my psx and inserted the game and It looked rather confusing. It was felt bad and wierd, but somehow it was attractive. That "complex" look, the way the game started..It was just..addictive.
    After two weeks, there I was, crying because Aeris had died =P. Then I bought FF IX because I played FF VIII and hated it with all my inner organs. I loved FF IX. Maybe not as much as I loved FF VII, but I loved it too. And then I got FF X. That was THE game. In my fucking humble opinion, THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD. The STORYLINE ROCKS, the action Rocks, the Graphics RULE, the FMVs RULE OVER EVERY GAME and even hollywood movies, and the durability...Well, I bought it more than one year ago, I have 200 hour play, (because I game overed-loaded a lot, so the real time is like 250) and I still play it.

    I loved the story, the game, everything it had to offer, and that's why I'm going to buy FFX-2. I was thinking about putting a chip in my ps2, getting the ripped US game through the net, and playing it with some special NTSC-Pal Cable.

    If anyone has any idea of an easy way to do this, please inform me. =)
  7. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    I'm an RPG fan. I didn't like FF VIII for example. THAT was a linear story. And altough FFX gave me some nerve crisis and I even threw my cat over the window (j/k) it felt good. The characters are everything BUT lame. The only character I didn't like was kimhari. Fucking useless overdrives. Lulu was good as a character througout the storyline, but she sucked as a battle character too. Auron is perfect as the lonely warrior who's very knowledgeable and is always serious (yes, it's cliché, but still rocks). And we Tidus, the main character, who "for a fucking change" is a crybaby! And he's a star of the favorite sportsgame in their world. Is this original or what!? Then we have Wakka, who despite the fact that he has a funny voice, he's also a sentimental guy. We then have Rikku, who's my favorite character with her cute little voice, her cute face, her cute body, and her cute way of being. Resuming: The Cute Girl in every FF game (FF VII: Yuffie, FF IX: That small girl that summoned too). And to finish the squad we have Yuna, or Yunie as Rikku calls her, who's the main Girl and in spite of being very zelous, she also turns out to be pretty "crazy". The story itself surprised me. No wait, are you going to tell me you knew beforehand that Tidus was going to die?! I didn't even find out until later that yuna was going to die too. The story was everything but linear.

    And one more thing: FFX-2 has multiple endings, if that makes you happy...I downloaded one, but it's in japanese. It's the "perfect ending". Only obtainable if you do 100%. And it's rather funny seeing the game ending the same way FFX started, but instead of Tidus looking at the Sun in Zanarkand Ruins, it's Yuna. (Spoilers power..)
  8. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Warning: FFX Spoilers

    First off... dang, be careful with the spoilers... I guess it's an old game but I know many who haven't played it yet.

    Secondly... I dunno. I enjoyed playing FFX but it didn't match the stories of their previous games. I didn't really connect with the characters....

    Tidus is far from original, first you had Cloud who was confused/full of anger/whining about his past. Then you have Squall who's stoic/antisocial/whining about their past. You skip Zidane because he's pretty happy-go-lucky. Finally you have Tidus, who's happy-go-lucky/crying/whining about his past. It's pretty much the same.

    After much reflection since playing FFX, I've concluded that although it's an excellent game, with good graphics, visuals, story, and gameplay, the classic SNES Final Fantasies just blow it out of the water with the characters and story, and sometimes gameplay.

    I did enjoy FFX but it's not the pinnacle of gaming. I hope we don't see THAT for a long time. By the time the ending rolled around, I wasn't attached enough to the characters to care what happened to Tidus or Yuna.

    I think the last FF where I was attached to the characters was FFVIII, even though the game had serious problems, the art style and Squall and Rinoa's romance kind of drew me in. Tidus and Yuna don't really 'fit' to me.

    Anyway, I'm getting off on a rant, but all I have to say is that if you haven't played Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 6, go buy the anthology on playstation, or download them. I'm still waiting for Square to make something as epic as Final Fantasy 6, with a cast of characters that you are really drawn to. Now, all I have is hope for the future and for FFXII...
  9. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: Warning: FFX Spoilers

    I'm not going to get any previous FF because it's a big change between the graphics and playability..It's really different. And one more thing: Cloud doesn't whine about his past, he hides it because he doesn't even know what happened to him in the past. Tidus IS original, and it's not compared to any other character in the FF series. He never fought before in the beggining of the game, he's just a blitzball player. All the other FF heroes start as "somehow-experienced" in battles. Secondly, I really didn't feel attached to Yuna-Tidus relation at the beggining, but once you play the game with a 5.1 system, a big television, and you concentrate on the game..it's impossible to not get carried away by the "love" =P.

    And you said most FFs are equal in recipe. Wrong and Right. They are RPGs, they have a long story, there's never been a Heroine, and there are always extras. Well mate, IT'S A FUCKING RPG, you're supposed to get that. BUT! You meant the heroes. Well, they are guys lost in the own worlds, and they are also heroes. They have to be special. Every hero in the FF series is different from each other. They are relative in terms of past, but ffs, that's you whining! You guys just love to whine about games don't you?
    Go to japan and say: FFX sucks because it's the same shit as the others, and they'll probably stick you in a crucifix and burn you to death..This is due to the fact that japanese people luv unreal stories/games, and fantasies about knights, warriors, wizards, dragons, mystical stuff, and love. They play every FF really deeply, they don't play it like you guys do: superficially. You guys are playing the game and are like: Ohh, buh-uh! Yuna's crying, how lame..Oh look, tidus's a crybaby..

    I bet you've never finished the entire FFX game, because if you fought Penance you'd know what I mean. You have a special in-game cut-scene for it. A much better in-game graphics cut-scene than any other else in the whole game. The zoom in Tidus's eyes when He looks at it, and the battle stance of every character passing through the screen really fast makes your adrenaline go up really fast, it's fucking increadble. Trust me, you're lucky to have the game in 60hz, because I loved it, and I played it SLOWER than you.

    Stay cool. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  10. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Warning: FFX Spoilers

    Ok. .. I don't want to start flaming ... etc etc.

    Yes... all recent Final Fantasies follow the same formula... (save FFX-2) but some follow it better than others.

    In FF6 one of the main heros was a girl (Terra).

    Yes... Tidus had never fought before the beginning of the game. That's why it's so easy for him to grab a sword and start killing things, even though he could barely swing the sword in a cutscene right before the battle.

    I love games based on fantasy and fantastical worlds. I love Vagrant Story, that game is set in a fantastical medieval environment with magic.... Same with FFTactics, I even liked FF8's new age art style and environments...so I'm not just one of those people who likes 'old style' things.

    Listen, I really think you're missing the point. I've had a deep connection with past final fantasy games, as well as many other Squaresoft games. The last 'connection' I had was with Final Fantasy 8, because I related to the main character a lot, and the ending was really well done. I don't know why you say that I play games 'superficially'. I just didn't have a connection with the characters in FFX, that's all.

    I guess with me, it doesn't take pretty graphics or booming sound to get me into a game. It takes well written characters and interesting dialogue between them, a well written plot that's not riddled with cliches, and good gameplay that doesn't make me want to break my controller.

    I never played Penance because that's in FFX: International, not in the US release of FFX. I'm sure that cutscene was great, but it's just eye candy. To me, FFX had great gameplay, a semi-decent plot, and boring and cliche characters. Cloud is emotionally screwed up because of his past, and Tidus is exactly the same, except they express it just a little differently.

    Listen, there's really no use arguing about it. You like FFX more than me, that's cool. But who cares about the graphics? Go get the older Final Fantasies, and at least try them. They are just as intuitive and playable than any other game on the market, maybe a little less streamlined but not nearly enough to make them difficult to play. Go play Chrono Trigger, Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics. Try the classics out.

    All the recent RPGs are kind of lacking lately, even Xenosaga didn't grab me like Xenogears did, and still does today.
  11. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: Warning: FFX Spoilers

    Sorry if I was rude, I didn't remember the fact that the US release didn't have Dark Aeons nor Penance. But honestly, I don't think the game's story is filled with clichés. Every FF (i think) game has that "love story" part included. I found FF7 similar to FFX because Both Seymour and Sephiroth wanted the same thing: Eternal Death. But really, the game's much much deeper with the dark aeons. I know it's just two words: dark aeons. But trust me, because of them, I spent more than 100 hours evolving my wakka, auron and Yuna. Imagine what it's like to have 40 turns before your opponent, it's BEAUTIFUL. Besides, damaging 99999 in every attack is always kinda fun. And I think 80000 life is rather cool... During the Dark Aeons "part" there's no story, no dialogue, just /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif and /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif . Fighting Dark Yojimbo is the best experience in a FF you can have. That and Penance, but Penance I killed with Zanmato. DJ (Dark Yojimbo lol) has to be defeated 5 times in a row in the Stolen Fayth caves before you win. It's the only dark Aeon I killed using my characters. The others I just used Zanmato. And it's really hard to use zanmato 5 times in a row...The tactics, the nerves, and the luck you need to fight DJ 5 times is absolutly huge. You're always praying for his weakest attack (no it's not Daiogoro, because that petrifies-breaks ur chars, which takes them out of the battle imediatly).
    Besides, I didn't want to start a new game with the expert grid, instead I decided to continue with the normal grid until the end.

    And BTW, I don't like games because of their Graphics, I like them if they make me feel really nice, and surprised. If it has to be through Eye candy, Ok, cool. But I get tired of that too. A nice plot is more than important to me, it's like: REALLY important. And I also love FF games which take a lot of time to master and that are really hard to play.

    Stay cool /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  12. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Warning: FFX Spoilers

    Right on, no hard feelings =)

    I guess that the European version of FFX had a lot more challenges... our version didn't even have Dark Aeons... but it's all good ... you worked hard to level up your characters and beat those bosses, and that does take patience =)

    Too bad we didn't get those bosses...
  13. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    FFX-2 60hz Question & FF XI

    Back to topic. I've posted a thread to which there was no big response (besides a greek guy who answered a part of my question). I wanted to know a site to get the ripped version of FFX-2. And one more thing, does anyone know anything about the fee that one have to pay monthly to play FF XI? Thanks =)
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question & FF XI

    Do not ask for pirated software on this site.
  15. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question & FF XI

    Sorry...Anyways, if for any reason someone knows a site, instead of posting, private message me. (it's for a good reason, I would even pay 60 bucks for the guy who got me the game just to be able to play in 60hz..It's not as I'm some kind of "pirate-only" guy..All my games were bought..anyway, who cares about that?..)

    sorry again, stay cool.
  16. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question & FF XI

    You know, re-wording it in a different way is still asking....
  17. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question & FF XI

    If you want the 60hz game that badly, I know that there are plenty of importers within Europe - and in the US/Japan who ship internationally - who have the Japanese version in stock right now and would be happy to ship it to you. Why spend your "60 bucks" on a crappy pirate?
  18. Duke

    Duke Active Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    Yuna`s twin is beatiful!!! Wow! A little more sexy than Yuna, but Yuna is not bad though:)
  19. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question & FF XI

    Zero, read my other post. The Ntsc->Pal one, and you'll understand why I don't want to import.
  20. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    Re: FFX-2 60hz Question (comment about it) and FFX-2 stuff.

    FFX story wasnt that good and FFX-2 is worst:The game takes place in two years after the events of the original Final
    Fantasy X this time Rikku and Kimahri found a sphere on Mt. Gagazet, which shows Tidus trapped. Seeing this Yuna immediately set out on an adventure to rescue him.


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