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First Look: VF5 on 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by DubC, May 1, 2007.

  1. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    If Sega really gave a crap they would've released the arcade version of VF5 for the USA and other countries. As far as I'm concerned I already realize Sega's main interest is the arcades in Japan and pretty much no where else.

    I fail to see how not wanting to shell out $600+ for the game a couple months ago is not being dedicated. Alot of us who are waiting for the 360 version have been traveling to play the PS3 version, and a good deal probably are waiting because they already owned a 360.

    All this speculation of the 360 version being better is done by new registered fanboys that probably will never travel to play. Who cares if it has a better AI/Quest/Dojo/whatever. Unless this thing has transferable saves or online capacity then I don't give a crap and I don't see why everyone cares either.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I think you guys are not understanding the actual problem. The root of all the problem with the home conversion and player base can be summed up in one word... "arcade"

    Already now we know our PS3 and 360 versions will be outdated with the confirmation of gameplay tweaks to Version C, which will debut soon.

    Tutorials doesn't automatically draw new players or even make them competitive players.

    Almost none of the best players that I've played against learned the game from tutorial mode. It's pretty amazing that some of you think the inclusion of tutorials will somehow boost the draw and sales of VF5... when did training mode/tutorial become the focus and deciding factor in the quality of a fighting game?

    Someone wrote something like this..
    1) New player buys VF5
    2) Goes through tutorial
    3) Beats Quest mode
    4) Finds other players

    A new competitive player is born....

    well.. the fault of this argument lies here
    4) Finds other players

    and here
    A new competitive player is born

    I'm not gonna get into these things cause it's all been said and done.

    Please don't take this post as yet again an apology for Sega. In fact, the confirmation of added dojo features should already be a sign that I'm all about improving in-game features. It's just too little and too late for competitive VF play. That's all.
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    You said it much better than I can.
  4. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    i can see where your coming from.....

    But for some one who doent hve anyone to play against any feature in the game that is for the begginer is needed imo.

    Most of you guys have been playing or year without really any new players popping up...but you had comp.

    But i actually thnk we mght get quite a few new players. With vf being released for the 360 people tires with doa might come and play vf and with the turorial mode they wont be baffled with the jagon when they come here.

    But meh....lets end this topic and let the thread only be updated when there is new news abouth the xbox 360 expasion pack of vf.
  5. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Lol I used to play my brothers, my younger brother I could teach stuff to, and hes grown fairly competant. My Older brother is too wrestling game minded and button mashed like a nut. Still u can get him to play sometimes. Basically Id hold my younger brother hostage and we'd fight it out in Vf2 and 3. One time we had like a 3 hour war in Fighters Megamix, Akira Vs Picky. That cheap bastard was Picky.

    Basically I sympathise if you have no one to play in VF5. Hopefully at least they have the AI up to the level of VF4 evo on
    the 360 version. StillIF they dont give us AI creation and upload/DL and leaderboards, the 360 version will suck as a home port.
  6. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Dan dont give me that crap. If anyone didnt buy VF5 besides the ones that are 13 AND cant legally work, theyre full of shit and not real VF fans. And that bullshit about "they already havea 360" therefore they cant get a pS3 is just crap. I already had a Xbox 360 for a month before I bought a PS3. Thats the lamest stupidest excuse Ive evr heard. Where does it say you can only own one system??? Well maybe,if Youre POOr that is. You make your choice about which system to buy based on what games it plays. Knowing VF5 is coming to ps3 and making a conscious choice NOT to buy one indicates you have no real regard for VF5. everything else is all talk. Travelling to play on PS3 is fine. Still If you were REALLy dedicated, you would own one of your own to practice VF5 on. Yammering on VFDC is no replacement for actual pratice.

    Besides all that avoids the reall issue , that the additions to the 360 mode are so mininmal that its NOT WORTH the extra wait for VF5. All those so called "ENHANCEMENTS" Listed were so weak that they could EASILY be added to the PS3 version of VF5 with a PATCH. Well that all sums up back to the original conclusion, that anybody whp pussied out anddidt buy a PS3 anfVF5 on FEb 5 (import VF5) is not a real fan.

    For the record, the import version of VF5 outputs in 1080p. So if you didnt buy it,youre a n00b and not a real fan.
  7. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    The motherfucking truth!.
  8. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Times are tough GoDokuDan. Dropping $700 for a system with basically one good game isn't really an option for a lot of people. You sound sort of callous and spoiled in your last couple posts. :x Not trying to hate, that's how it comes across. Yes I have a job and a college education. I don't care how you slice it -- if you have your own apartment, car payments, phone, student loans, god knows what else...$700 is a substantial (borderline frivolous) expenditure for a lot of folks.

    I'd rather spend $700 on a trip, since I already have a 360. What's a few extra months? Am I not a "True Fan"? Fine, ok.
  9. kaiyouske

    kaiyouske Active Member

    Depends on how you look at it. I've pretty much been telling everyone I got a steal for getting VF5 on the PS3 since the arcade machine is $10000 and I only spent $900 total for the 2 VSHG, 1 PS3 and 1 copy of VF5. I completely understand if people want to wait for the X360 version, but for me, I couldn't wait and went ahead with the PS3 version. I will probably get the X360 too just to see what the differences are.
  10. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    You should get a tattoo on your forhead so everyone knows.
  11. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    That's cool man. If I had the cash, I'd do it too! :>
  12. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    WTF LMAO.....

    I'm playing the game at other's peoples house and still competing in the game. I'm no different than the Japanese players who play arcade and don't own a PS3 for obvious reasons. Except they pay 100 yen to get on, and I pay nothing.

    You're an idiot, and one who obviously wants to validate his "hardcore" status by spewing bullshit.

    Tell me, if you're so serious about this game why aren't you traveling all over the EC to play this game? I've only heard once that you showed up in real life to play the NYC crew, big whoop, I've shown up to play with the SoCal crew a bunch of times cause that's my ONLY way to play this game.

    I'm sorry that I have a car I want to purchase so I can travel for this game, and I'm sorry I also have a life and college to pay for too loser.

    It seems to me this forum is getting this attitude if you are getting the 360 version you must be some n00b who's not serious, how elitist and retarded is that? Why the hell is this board so damn negative about everything? For the first time ever this game is gonna be multi platform and people are shitting on it like it's gonna suck so bad.
  13. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    ^ I think some people have thier feelings hurt since theyre version really isnt as good as the 360 version.

    The only reason i feel this version is better than the ps3 verson because its beggine friendly. You'd think people on this board would be happy about vf going multi platform becasue of the possibility of new players.....but alas
  14. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    He showed up a couple of times here at NYC. He was very nice too, but for some reason he has a different personality online. He hasn't showed up in a long time. He must be too "hardcore" to play real people.
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Don't take the words of a few people and put it in everyone's mouth.

    360 version is all good and all, and if it can bring new players to the game, that's all the better.

    I'm just sick of seeing people spending time beating off to getting the 360 version and making it out to be the messiah of VF noobdom when all it will end up being is largely the same game on a different platform, without some magical ability to transform average people into VF superstars.

    Spend more time getting better and less time talking about specs, if you are catching the late train, then more efforts will be needed to catch up, you are not excluded somehow from due time.

    I don't understand the proposition of people being hurt. Some people are just financially restrained with little choice, and that's perfectly fine. Most of the hardcore players will be getting both versions. I mean... just look at the setups that some of the hardcores have. It's usually the ones who aren't really hardcore about VF that has to weight the difference between versions and for whatever reason think better about themselves getting the one with more stuff.
  16. kaiyouske

    kaiyouske Active Member

    First of all, I want to say that I bought the Japanese version of Virtua Fighter 5. Second, I want to say that this is one of the most immature quotes that I've ever seen on this board. I'm actually pretty embarrassed to see someone that likes VF5 say something like this; it makes me not want to be associated with VF5 players.

    I'm pretty tired of all this 'elitism' as well. If you want to be that way, I can pretty much say that you aren't hardcore enough since you don't know the actual martial arts of the character that you are using. And if you do, you still aren't hardcore enough since you don't know the history of your martial arts...and if you do.... you still aren't hardcore enough because..... you get my drift.

    Don't you see how stupid and silly that sounds? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  17. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    VF (or any fighting game for that matter) becomes a completey different game when it is played with an arcade stick instead of a console gamepad controller. If VF5/Evo for the 360 lacks an arcade stick.....it's not really VF for most of us.
  18. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    So because I don't really have a job right now and am struggling to even try to pay my half of my bills (thus not having the money for a 360 OR a PS3) I'm not a true VF fan?

    Man, screw you and your kind. It's an embarrassment to be on the same forum as people like you.
  19. 33

    33 Active Member

    at the risk of sounding utterly redundant, i also find it surprising that resources are being spent improving a mode that is going to be ignored by the vast majority of purchasers. had sega announced it was pouring resources into online multiplayer or including marcus fenix as a playable character, i would have at least understood the motivation.

    as far as the usefulness or practicality of an evo-like training mode, i think such modes are best suited for the intermediate player. i'm not exactly sure why some are intent on talking about "noobs." while there may still be a handful of people who buy fighting games and then head immediately to the training mode (ambitious "noobs," i guess one could call them), i think a more common (and better) use of an evo-like training mode is the fine tuning of a particular deficiency that doesn't require "live" action. in this sense, the training mode serves as a narrow/focused tool.

    let's be honest, you have overstated the potential harm of an evo-like dojo mode, and others have overstated the potential benefit: 1. no novice is going to routinely stop playing multiplayer halo or gears of war to dive into vf 5's ultra-exciting dojo mode; and 2. when most people actually do go into dojo mode, they are typically focused on performing a couple moves here and there, a combo, or some other aspect of their game that doesn't necessarily require live action.

    i think ultimately i am with you - i really don't see much of anything in the 360 version. in a world where sega has infinite resources to spend on the vf brand, then it makes perfect sense to spend some of those resources on improving dojo mode for the 360. but we don't live in that world. sega should have done a direct port, so focus could have been placed elsewhere.
  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    1) PS3 vs. 360 these days can make any thread completely stupid.

    2) I am personally happy that the game is coming out for both systems.

    3) Bonuses are nice as long as the engine is playing up to its expectations (like if it's a good port).

    4) Tutorials and better training mode are only a good thing. THAT SAID...

    5) Tutorials and improved training modes do not just sell themselves. Especially to the general public and casual gamers and even the general (as in more than one) fighting game fans.

    6) As a community who loves this game and wants to see it grow, a good amount of the responsibility for the growth of a game is upon ourselves.


    8) There's only so much Sega marketing (especially lack of it) can do. There's only so much the developers can do to get new people to play the game (in fact, their job isn't that, it's just to make the game). If we are the community, we are responsible for the growth of the community.

    9) It takes time and effort to build a local scene. That implies that someone has to be proactive. Chances are, with you reading these forums or participating here, the person that needs to be proactive for the sake of your VF needs is YOU.

    10) The additions to the 360 version sound cool ^_^ Looking forward to more news on the 360 version.

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