First North American VF5:FS Tournament!

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 27, 2012.

By akai on Jan 27, 2012 at 3:39 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Sega, Southtown Arcade, & Iplaywinner presents the first VF5:FS Tournament outside of Japan. The tournament will be held in San Francisco on February 10, 2012! For more information check out the original story at Expect more news in the not so distant future!

    Planning to participate in the tournament? Discuss this in the VFDC tournaments and events section's VF5FS Tournament in San Francisco, CA - Feb. 10th Thread.



Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 27, 2012.

    1. Myke
      Chanchai, this reply of yours made me literally LOL! It's like listening in Smeagol/Gollum agonise over a decision [​IMG]

      I can't go. But I'll try to go. I really doubt I can go. But I'll try anyway! I don't think I go! But I really want to! Me wantssss it! My preciousssss!!!
    2. Chanchai
      LOL! The "nooo~!" of the wife outweighs the many needs of the hubby :p

      But I was certainly agonizing over it... I've declined a lot of trips and even chances to meet old and new friends because I want to be the best husband I can be for my wife. But then "First FS Tournament in America Trailer" gets sent to me by friends and posted on VFDC... and I'm like "Oh, I REALLY WANT TO GO TO THAT!"

      Heck, on a VFDC related example I had the chance to meet Junosynth and I missed that!

      But to be fair, she really has been very patient with me and let me do a lot of things that I want to do even beyond reason. And in my eyes she's the best wife in the world ^_^
    3. MarlyJay
      Well, i'm quite upset by the fact i'm likely to miss out on this. Most technical realistic and balanced game? Can't they just say it's easiest game or something?

      And most balanced? I hope someone uses Akira and/or Jacky and dicks on everyone. Yes, i may be slightly jelly. [​IMG]
    4. Kruza

      Heh, I think it's actually a good thing for Sega to arrange a VF5 FS tournament around this time. A relatively early date like February 10 should make for a fairly even playing field since most if not all of the people who participate in this VF5 FS tournament won't be all too familiar with the game. Should make for plenty of interesting and funny moments during the matches.

      My only gripe is not the date of the tourney but the timing of the announcement. A tourney that takes place on February 10 should in my opinion be announced around early December of last year at the latest as opposed to late January. Give people at least eight weeks in advance to make plans and/or preparations to try and attend.

    5. Tricky
      I'm happy this is going down and I hope it's a sign of things to come from SEGA. However, the 2 weeks notice for those of us that would need to fly is just craziness. IT gives not a single change to get financials in order to get over there.

      I'll be watching on the stream. Big hype for those that can go.
    6. nou
      It's pretty gay they put the "realism" tag in it. Gross. This isn't *insert VG magazine* from the 90's...

      Otherwise, look forward to watching!
    7. shadowmaster
      They really needed to do something to promote this game before its release the sooner the better. The short notice isn't great but then again they are getting the game out to the masses that is all that matters. Having it at any major gaming event from now and August even if it is just to show it off is a must too Evo especially. People will flock to the game but if they had it for people to try out at the bigger events like Evo that would show us that Sega does care to keep us happy outside of Japan somewhat.

      That is what I think they should whether or not they will do that well that is something completely different we'll just have to wait and see what happens since Sega is known for all kinds of surprises. Either way I will watching with great joy. I hope I can see some decent level game play at some point in this event
    8. GodEater
      gay as in mirthful or gay as in homosexual?
    9. SoulKatana
      uuuuuuh i bet SOA supported that. SOA is resident in san fran.
      lucky americans...
    10. Seidon
      Might have to start my own advertising campaign 'cause Sega clearly don't have a clue what they're doing.

      You guys are lucky you get to play FS. I dunno how many of you will be able to make it with 2 weeks notice though [​IMG]

      Someone go and spam bodycheck like mad please. [​IMG]
    11. Tricky
    12. akai
    13. akiralove
      If I'd had a couple more weeks of notice, I could have made this I think. I've already got appointments set up for next weekend I can't change, hope everyone who goes has fun though
    14. Shoju
      Have you had a chance to get well versed in the game over there? It'd be nice to see someone who knows FS well this time round.

      There is also the Atlanta event in 5 weeks.
    15. L_A
      I can't guarantee anything but I am going to try to get up there and perhaps take a few people with me in order to support our community.
    16. GodEater
      bring me. if you pick me up around 3am we can get a lot of games in.
    17. Dennis0201
      If you can make it, how many people will come with you including GE? I'll try my best to pick you guys up at the airport, as long as I drive back to Bay area one day ahead. Well, Bart is also a easy too.
    18. Chanchai
      ...So, about my earlier stream of consciousness that was playing out on the threads...

      My wife is really cool and she's a very patient lady.

      There's an irresponsible part of me that wants to make a 2-day (one night) trip to San Francisco for this tournament, or a similar 2-day (one night) trip to Seattle to meet up and help the Northwest VF community (Northwest VF thread), but it's at odds with a more conservative side of myself that says "Hey, your wife is pregnant, stay at home--you've already decided you can't go to PAX and what not and that's your (Chanchai's) choice."

      I take ownership for the decision because I could just flat out go at any moment, but it's a decision that I want to be made with mutual acceptance.

      My wife really wants me to stay and she's not mean at all about it, just saying in a cute way "Noooo~~~~! You can't go!!!!" but actually she's saying it in a cute way and as an expression of "Please stay with me, I know you'll be gone for just an evening and a day, but it means a lot for me if you stay here."

      Also, she wouldn't really be alone for an evening--she'd be without her husband for an evening (which is also an important point), we have people around us including a family member staying in our house.

      Myke's interpretation of my "inner turmoil" (it's not so bad, just melodramatic and I'm laughing at my reaction just as much as he is, and while I'm having said reaction) is correct in that I'm torn between what I would absolutely love to do and can even justify vs. what I should or should not do as a good husband--by my own standard.

      If my wife had said, "You can go." then I would definitely be going lol. But it's not her being a bad person or even restrictive (she really isn't restrictive). It's about relationships and the dynamics we have and myself requiring my wife's full support on it for me to allow myself to go.

      In other words, my wife is damn cool and in this case happens to rather not have me go, and I cannot let myself go if that is the case.

      I didn't mean to dump the "that crazy woman won't let me go" interpretation out there.

      Why I'm posting this: Because more than one person was wondering if my wife is *something bad* or if I'm an *ass* for blaming her for my not going despite wanting to go. I'd like to think it's neither, it's really just "unmutual decision = no" in relationships for me, and I wish it was a mutual decision but you can't always get what you want--and relationships are about much more than the want (and in this case the "REALLY REALLY WANT") of one person ^_^

      P.S. And of course, she is really going through a lot as a pregnant lady (Morning sickness is really strong in her case, she is unable to work right now for a variety of reasons, and trust me pregnancy is not easy at all for the most part). I would not be completely guilt-free even if she did say it was cool for me to go.
    19. Chanchai
      Hell yeah! LA Akira and Godeater! I'll definitely be cheering you guys on and hoping you get a lot of time with the machines (there are two machines).
    20. GodEater
      haha, guys. just so everyone is aware I won't be with L_A - I live in Canada and I just made the "pick me up at 3am" statement as a joke.

      I would love to go and if I wasn't going to be away from my family in March I'd go for it.

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