Fuudo Wins Evo 2011 SSF4 AE

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 1, 2011.

By Myke on Aug 1, 2011 at 11:16 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]Spoiler Alert! A VFer wins the SSF4AE Championship at Evo 2011!

    VF fans all over are laying claim to a moral victory in Fuudo's excellent performance during the Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Championship as he took 1st place at EVO 2011.

    When asked during interview at WCG 2009 what he thought the differences were between SF4 and VF5, he said:

    SF4 and VF5 requires a different mindset to play. It is important to understand and make use of all the set ups for SF4. Also, SF4 requires a lot of techniques to play effectively. Whereas VF requires a lot of yomi and how you can find other player's bad habits.

    Despite the differences, and whether or not his VFing background did help him get a read on his opponents, it's hard to deny his remarkable skill and clutch decision making during the AE finals. While many had not heard of Fuudo prior to EVO 2011, there's no doubt that they'd be taking him seriously from now on!

    Here are some links to get your Fuudo fix!

    » Interview with Fuudo at WCG 2009
    » EVO 2011 SSF4AE Top 8: Poongko (Seth) vs Fuudo (Fei Long)
    » EVO 2011 SSF4AE Grand Final: Latif (C.Viper) vs. Fuudo (Fei Long)

    Original image from shoryuken.com


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 1, 2011.

    1. Jide
    2. ironzen
      fuudo is twice the man he used to be.
    3. Myke

      This was the other quote I considered using for the news graphic. But seriously, you guys took your time in replying with the cheesey Lion quotes! [​IMG]

      Incidentally, fuudo switched to Shun in FS but let's not go there.
    4. Griever
      A the description on YT says:
      "After the finals of Evo, CC Asia's Zhi caught up with 2011 Super Street Fighter 4 AE champion FUUDO in his room! In his native Japanese, Fuudo shares his thoughts about winning, drinking while winning, nerves, strategy, and more!"

      And if anyone is interested, here you will find photos from EVO.

    5. MAtteoJHDY
      Itazan is so cool, I think he must be a good friend of fuudo

    6. Myke
      Wow, Itazan's raw emotions just pouring out there! I can't help but feel moved by that! Thanks for posting! [​IMG]
    7. Ironreaver
      WAKE UP CALL SEGA your VF players are moving to other games....better get your heads outta your ass and give VF scene and its fans what they deserve and need. Fighting games are booming right now....open you eyes.

      The people want it.
    8. neoKEN
      Great job for Fuudo on winning the AE EVO tournament. In a tournament with a lot of big name AE players such as Latiff, Daigo, Mago, Poongko, and Tokkido.

      Despite this win, base on comments I've seen from the SF community, Fuudo isn't getting the same recognition he deserves as a VF player that won a major SF tournament.

      In particular, this: "SF4 and VF5 requires a different mindset to play. It is important to understand and make use of all the set ups for SF4. Also, SF4 requires a lot of techniques to play effectively. Whereas VF requires a lot of yomi and how you can find other player’s bad habits."

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