Game Journalism (Fishie's ecred)

Discussion in 'General' started by ShinobiFist, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Off Off Topic: Is it only me, or are the characters in GG and Blaz Blue totally RIDICULOUS! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  2. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    All valid criticisms, but is the patient terminal, or what would you prescribe to fix the patient up?

    In other words, what would you suggest developers do to make the genre more profitable, and what would you suggest the customers do to make the genre more profitable?
  3. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    The devs we talked to at Arc and elsewhere all had something to say about this subject, so I'll just say "check out those interviews once they hit online/print."

    One thing consumers can do: if they beg and whine and scream for a certain version of a game, like VF5 with online play, they need to actually go out and buy the goddamned game when it releases. The amount of whining for online play in VF5 on the internets sure as shit didn't reflect itself in sales, and I can assure you that the low VF5 360 numbers are a serious obstacle to overcome in convincing Sega's consumer division that it's a good idea to release VF5R for home consoles. Same goes for other fighters - don't wait for price drops/clearances, buy them ASAP when they hit retail. Want to see more classic SNK games on XBL? Buy Samurai Shodown II and KoF98 UM and let them know you actually give a damn.
  4. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Ah, well, even though I don't play it much since emulated netplay is superior, I did get Samsho II for XBL. Hopefully 98UM on XBLA is definite, and that will get hella play from me.

    As for VF5, one of the things that angered me about the US scene (if SRK is the US scene) was their hypocrisy. They whine about new games that are good, they all say VF is good, and almost none of them bought it. In the NC scene, I can say I ran into two people who owned the game other then myself, and I never could get a tourney working.

    The problem with SNK in the US is most US fans are disappointed with SNK USA , so they buy the import instead. The US port of NGBC added in a slowdown glitch that made it not useable for tourney play.
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    The reason the 360 version BOMB, was because SEGA Of Japan is freaking retarded, like most Japanese devs nowadays. How many people brought a 360 console for this game, when already owning the PS3 version? Quite a few my friend. And alot waited for a price drop to pick it up with the 360. And considering the time and investment that went into the 360 version(While the PS3 version outsold it)SEGA will not repeat the same mistake again.

    I'm done with this thread. You got one fool confusing source material to actual written material. And acting like Neogaf is he's EX girlfriend. Other then that, good discussion all around, Zero-Chan, V & Arstal.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    The lack of sales on the 360 shouldn't affect the chances of the game from coming out to consoles... Now if they deem that the sales from both consoles are not good enough, then we have a problem.
  7. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Why I think the 360 version bombed

    1) There was a heavy bias against the 360 in the FG community, and there still is. This is mostly due to a lack of PS2 to 360 converters. This is also the reason PS3 SC4 is tourney standard despite being the inferior, lower sales version. (not by much in either, but true in both)

    2) VF5 was in the early adopter phase of both consoles.

    3) The market for fighting games wasn't as strong last year. SF4 is doing a lot of pick up the sales of other games, and VF could also piggyback on SC's success if it is advertised correctly (emphasis on customizations and online play)

    Honestly, all any fighting game to me needs in order to do well is:

    1) Online play
    2) Customization- let's face it , people like dressing up female characters. I'll admit I do, and that's a lot of the appeal of SC to me, and some of the appeal of VF.
    3) Good Gameplay that is patched if necessary.
  8. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How many people brought a 360 console for this game, when already owning the PS3 version? Quite a few my friend. </div></div>

    This is a HUGE misconception - I'd say maybe a couple thousand of the most devout VFers, at most, went this far. A bunch of people who've posted on a message board that they bought a 360 just to play VF5 online is not an accurate representative sample of the tens of thousands of people who purchased the game. There are, what, a couple hundred active VFDC posters (not just registered users, but regular readers/posters)? A few thousand on SRK? Even GAF doesn't even come close to representing the gaming public as a whole.

    Let's put it this way: PS2 VF4 (the original, not counting Evo) sold more than VF5 on both consoles combined.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    2) VF5 was in the early adopter phase of both consoles.</div></div>

    The 360 was well past "early adopter" phase by autumn of last year. By that point you had a bunch of established titles people wanted to play on the system (Gears of War, Bioshock, Halo 3) and a lot of strong stuff on the horizon. Thing is, this might have worked to 360 VF5's detriment, in hindsight - VF5 came out at a time when PS3 owners were desperate for a new game, and a lot of people who wouldn't have otherwise cared bought it - not because of how awesome and deep the game was, but because they needed something to validate that Five Hundred and Ninety Nine US Dollars. The amount of PS3 VF5 used you see at Gamestop is a testament to this - now that PS3 owners have got GTA, MGS4, and SCIV, who cares about VF? Quite depressing, really.
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Huh, what?

    Forgot to take yer pills again ey?
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Don't forget to take yours :p .
  11. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I have read this nine times over and I still have no idea what's being said. The copy editor in me wants to reach for my big red marker and go to town. </div></div>

    Oh wait, how did you do at NYG1, 2, 4? How about going to Cali and finding peeps to play? Oh wait, thats right, nobody will play with you and you make no effort to do anything? How about the gatherings you organized? Wait - none. Sorry, my pot is not the same color as yours.
  12. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Good shit sabaking that JC! I'm listening!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  13. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I call that "having a job and obligations that come with adulthood"

    aka: not failing at life and achieving personal goals
  14. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Sorry Zero, that's a lame excuse. There are plenty of people other than yourself that are quite successful despite choosing to spend large amounts of time playing VF.

    It's not fair to simply point out what's going on in your life while completely being ignorant to the fact that Josh has an engaging life as well.
  15. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Now I have to say something, due to fact, It became personal. This whole thread started because I mention Neogaf, as a source to get up to date info on TGS. But somehow, they took offense to it. I've never mention Neogaf as a way, or better yet, a Media publication. Is a know FACT, Gaf get's the latest dirt. Due to fact they have industry insiders as members of the forums.

    I use to work for Take2 and Acclaim back in the day as a tester, so I have alot friends still in the industry, and are part of Gaf. So, when I have friends telling me they're going to be at TGS, I don't see why would you guys flip out on ME getting info from guys that I know and other people know they're reliable when it comes to news.

    Reno, a current member here and at Gaf, knows what I mean. Reno is usually the one to break the latest VF info. So, ya beef against is stupid.But, my point on journalism still stands. Even if you work for a non-credible Magazine as well. Ya all the same, a bunch of freaking hipsters that collect games then actually play them.

    So, attacking another member about he's career is stupid. everyone I met here is happy on doing what they do in life. Because your part of a no name Magazine or fucking Blog, doesn't make you better then anyone here. We play VF here, unlike you hipster.

    You know what, where you from? What you claim, Because if your in the East or West, I'll challenge you in the next gathering sucka. Let's do this, offline. I don't want no excuses of "Lag" I'm done. Locked this bitch.
  16. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    She's played Chibita once, so I think she's done a little better on the finding peeps to play. As for organizing shit, if you're doing it for rep, you're doing it for the wrong reason.

    Seriously, e-penis waving doesn't really impress anyone around here.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man


    Anyways, was this thread cut off from some other thread? Id like to find the original.
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Actually, she played Chibita quite a few times, mostly at a tournament Sega organised at their main building near Haneda and a fan tournament at Beat Tribe(does that place still exist).

    Beat Tribe tournament btw was the first time Chibita grabbed my ass.
  19. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Manji, this was the original thread.
  20. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    If you look in the same used game bin, you won't see many, if any, 360 versions of VF5 for resale. People who bought VF5 on XBOX kept it.

    VF5 for 360 has a pretty amazing online compared to any of the FG's that came after. No company has matched the online playability of VF5 on 360 yet. Every time I log on to play, I get great games.

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