General Gaming Discussion

Discussion in 'General' started by Libertine, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member


    Am I the only one here hyped up for this game? <.<
    nou likes this.
  2. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Yes because it's to shiny lol
  3. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Im hyped for KID as well.

    I'm on a phone but I'll say Bayonetta out does DMC 1 and 3 as well. That team hit lightning in a bottle twice, first with DMC then later with Bayonetta. Levels, overall design, over the top ridiculousness, set pieces and mechanics.

    Im still getting Dodge Offset down, but that mechanic is the cherry on the top of an already awesome package. D.O. Is just a work a finesse.

    I'll go into more tomorrow, if not tonight, just don't want to do it on a phone.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    It was like they took DMC and polished it with a hot ass stripper.
    ToyDingo likes this.
  5. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    If you guys haven't played Silent hill 2 then you should. It was originally out on the ps2 but its also on the 360 in Silent Hill hd collection.. This story line really good,but you have to pay close attention because the story line is a little difficult to fully understand.

    I highly recommend this game to anyone over the age of 17. Anyone can relate to the characters in this game no matter what race ,gender,or age you are.
  6. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Silent Hill 2 was too awesome. So awesome that the ones following it just couldn't come even close. I remember me and friend were stoked for 3, but while playing it, we were trying to figure out what the monsters were supposed to be, instead of being afraid of them.

    Silent Hill 2 just hit the mark on everything, especially the soundtrack.
  7. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Heard the PS3 version of the Zone of the Enders HD collection recently got an update that fixes its dreadful framerate issues. To whoever has a PS3 and hasn't played these games (especially 2nd Runner), please pick it up immediately. They're too good to ignore.

    Still no word on a 360 patch. :(
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I started playing Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Dark Athena. What made Butcher Bay so great was that you were doing so many different things so nothing got stale. Dark Athena has many different things that you're doing, but they drag on for way too long. With what I've played so far of Dark Athena, I'm beginning to think that Butcher Bay was a fluke. If more Riddick games are on the way, I don't have high expectations for them.
  9. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    No you are not my friend-I'm psyched for it too!

    Yes...Between that and this-:

    August is gonna be great!
    Pltnm06Ghosty-J likes this.
  10. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    It's funny how two of the game's I'm looking forward to the most are coming out back to back on the same week. Killer Is Dead on August 27th and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle on the 29th. And then the week after that on September 3rd, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate gets released. From the looks of it, I'm gonna have a seriously busy schedule <.<
  11. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    I played Silent Hill 3 but I just lost interest in it and didn't finish it. I think I'm about 40% of the way through. I just stopped playing because they take too long to give you any information as to whats going on. I just didn't feel the need to finish it. I didn't have that problem with Silent Hill 2.
  12. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    i'm hoping that this fps shooting generation will be over in my lifetime. everyone nowadays ran out of creative ideas in the fps genre and now every game coming out looks like call of duty.:(
    Pltnm06Ghosty-J likes this.
  13. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Just came across a vid of this new gem...The best dream-match EVER:

    You can throw your money at the screen...but nothing is gonna happen...Believe me, I already tried it. :(
    Pltnm06Ghosty-J likes this.
  14. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Will never happen.

    Anyway, I'm almost done with Assault on Dark Athena, and it's been a huge disappointment. Escape from Butcher Bay is one of he best FPSs and is one of the best games of any genre. It blended stealth, shooting, RPG elements, etc. together to produce something special. Before you could get bored with one thing the game had you doing something else. There's a lot of different things in Dark Athena, but the pacing is just terrible. Most of the ending areas seem to be just shooting segments. Also, there aren't any optional quests? I think the game is average at best.
  15. daRockReaper

    daRockReaper Shadow Hammer MADNESS Bronze Supporter

    I could not sing my praises about Vanquish and Bayonetta enough. Crazy visuals, super satifying combat, and tons of "Holy Shit" moments. Two of the best games of this gen epecially for being new IPs.

    And I have to give props to Catherine. Honestly, if the game had online multiplayer instead of just local, I would play it just as often as I play VF or Last of Us right now, instead of my occasional once in a blue moon, trying to beat Bable. Interesting storylines, great puzzles and some super insane bosses and all around a great game.

    Glad to have found this thead. Should be fun.
  16. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I'm sure it will, but it'll be replaced by something else that becomes popular, and we'll eventually complain about it's popularity as well, haha!

    Wonderful 101. This is the reason to own a WiiU at the moment. I was going to pick one up in Sept. when this game drops, but priorities taking precedent so I'll be picking one up (hopefully) when Bayonetta 2 drops, as well as this game. Could this be the 3rd time Hideki and his team hit it with this title(game wise, not sale wise)?

    E3 Trailer

    Playthrough from E3. Really like the hand cam in the side.

    From SDCC. This walks you through the beginning of the game, w/o commentary, so if you don't want anything spoiled. Don't watch.

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J likes this.
  17. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Am I alone in thinking that SH3 was better than SH2?

    Don't get me wrong, SH2 was friggin' awesome. But SH3 was possibly the only game that made me hesitate and stop to think about something out of fear. The atmosphere in that game was sick...
  18. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    You guys should check out a game called Final Fight: Streetwise. This game was for the original xbox and ps2. It might be backwards compatible with the 360...I don't know.

    This is one game that will defenitly stick in your mind for a good while:D . From the profanity,to the solid music tracks,to the combat,to the comical interactions with some characters...this game has something for everyone. Cammy from the street fighter series even makes a small appearance(and no,this is not a fighting game).
  19. Pltnm06Ghosty-J

    Pltnm06Ghosty-J Well-Known Member

    Since you brought up Streetwise, I feel obligated to make the following post:

  20. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    i wish streetwise was canon. the game was really fun and i do hope they bring it back.
    ya that does look really cool and caught my eye. still, wtf am i gonna do with a wiiu besides buying this game and beyoneta 2?

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