General Gaming Discussion

Discussion in 'General' started by Libertine, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Their reactions was so funny.

    "if you think I'm going to fall for the old exit sign trick..."

    so what is he aim of the game, i.e. Story? Looks kinda fun... But feel like ill literally scream if i played it hahahha
  2. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    There is a bit of text at the beginning of the game, but it explains everything without giving up too much information:

    "You are Miles Upshur, an investigative reporter whose ambition is about to earn him an intimate tour of hell on earth. Always willing to risk digging into the stories no other journalist would dare investigate, you will seek out the dark secret at the heart of Mount Massive Asylum. Stay alive as long as you can, record everything. You are not a fighter; to navigate the horrors of Mount Massive and expose the truth, your only choices are to run, hide, or die."

    I highly recommend playing this game and progress by yourself. This game is only $20, so you certainly get a experience for your money.

    However, if you feel your PC can't run this game, I'd recommend watching 'theRadBrad' playthroughs on YouTube. His commentary is pretty good.
  3. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Waverusher Kobi
    Brisal73 shared this video in our Forza Facebook groups.

    This gives me chills down my spine. Can't wait to give this a go...

    Chanchai likes this.
  4. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    I don't think the full versions have been posted before. Here are some from the Pachinko. I didn't mind Jacky's Japanese voice. I still like English one though, haha.
  5. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    In addition to that stunning trailer, here's a link to their showroom page. It basically is a weekly announcement of what cars will be included in tis game. I must say that Evo is looking real good.

    Also, check out this video, they're claiming the new rumble triggers will give you feedback on your tire grip, etc. Interesting..
    Chanchai likes this.
  6. mfwebdude

    mfwebdude Well-Known Member

    talk of ng2 makes me want to run through it again. i agree with you on the bosses, don't think most were very memorable as far as design.

    if you get a chance, play it on master ninja. that's where i think the game really shines. when the first 3 inept ninjas break their katanas off in your ass, you know it's a different ballgame. i havent been challenged like that in a while.
  7. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    NG3 Razors Edge is also quite fun! You get to play as some of the other cast members - Ayane, Momiji and Kasumi. The final boss was so difficult though...
  8. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Came across this when d3v posted it on FSD:

    EF-12, 3D-Mugen:

    In the words of Bison:

  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Dat combo @ 11:32 :eek:

    Really dig those pachinko animations though!
  10. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Same here! There's more where that came from!:



    EvenPit likes this.
  11. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    There are nine episodes to this doc and I thought it was pretty damn awesome. Really well done, with a few nit picks here and there, but it added to it later on. Mostly talking about the narrator, lol.

    I'd recommend this

  12. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

  13. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Just played the Wonderful 101 demo at Target. Not getting the complaints about the controls or " I don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing...."

    I used the right stick to draw the morphs as I had other business to attend to. I showed the little one I was baby sitting how to draw the sword and he wasn't having a problem with what to do and was having a blast.

    I was winging it and just went off what I remember from the Nintendo Direct, but know I want more. I can see this game lasting me a long time, and I'll probably be getting a WiiU sooner because of it. Not sure if it'll be a good idea to get this and Bayo2 at the same time.
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Just beat Ninja Gaiden 2 and going through it again on normal...again. The game took awhile to kick in for me, in terms of mechanics, so I'm really liking it. There are some things I'm still not to sure about, but I'm hoping they get cleared up with this 2nd playthrough.

    Still got DMC3 and God Hand on the backlog. DMC3 I'm just about done with and God Hand I still have a way to go, but once you get the defensive movement going with the right stick the game really opens up.
  15. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    So I'm picking up where I left off in Mass Effect 3 again, and I realize now that for every good part of the game I have to go through an equal amount of bullshit to get to the good parts, and they are severely downplayed by design. Mass Effect was a cool concept, but they decided to make it end as some big dumb action movie instead of something cool. I really just wish the games took place in the same general setting but dealing with a problem that arose naturally from the circumstances of the established universe than something as unimaginative as some monolithic universe-destroying entity. It's funny how extra-dimensional forces are so one-dimensional.

    My biggest criticism yet is that the game should have spent at least another six months in development, because it's even buggier than the PS3 port of Mass Effect 2. For a game that wants to operate on such a scale it's a huge crime that there is no option to install essential assets and system files to the harddrive. I would rather it take up a huge chunk of my harddrive than having everything grind to a halt for 20 seconds to catch up apart from the numerous loading screens.

    The "action" segments ("if-it-moves-kill-it" parts of the game) are a clumsy mess. I hate having to fight the game to get around cover. For as big, dumb, and macho as Gears of War was, at least I never had to fight the controls to avoid dying horribly. Don't even try to tell me it's a deliberate design choice, because the developers put in all these movement from cover options. They can't even decide how melee attacks should work. More evidence that Bioware really didn't try: there are about a dozen new enemies in the game where the developers really didn't give a shit how the player should overcome them. They just made them take 5 minutes to gun down, giving the player a prevailing sense of the archaic.

    Mass Effect as a series has some legitimately cool aspects to their design. The setting Bioware created had potential. Even if the different races feel like stock sci-fi fodder initially, the game fleshes them out through the side-missions. Through these side-missions and lesser interactions, some characters actually become likeable (like Miranda, Garrus, Wrex, and Thane). Most of the "little" choices within the game are largely enjoyable (or at least not outright insulting), and the non-essential missions such as the ME2 "loyalty missions" were cool sometimes (recruiting Garrus in ME2, Kasumi's loyalty mission, and Thane's loyalty mission to name a few). The developers throw all this good karma out the window when they force the "big" choices that have super-obvious answers but are treated as great moral conundrums. You are forced to choose obviously terrible options just to keep your respective alignment up or else your options in future situations are limited. This railroads the game and undermines the notion of it having some kind of value as the work of cultural output that the people who make it and fans insist that it is.

    Mass Effect 3 is not a bad game, but it is certainly not a shining example of either quality or maturity in game design. In a way I'm kind of glad Bioware proved to the world they have no artistic credibility by changing the ending. Now I have no doubts about avoiding any future Bioware titles.

    EDIT: When I started the post wasn't going to be long. It snowballed, so I rewrote some of it, fixed some grammar here and there, and added proper capitalization.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
  16. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    So I gave in picked up the Mario&Luigi Wii U bundle. Got me a copy of WONDERFUL 101! Played some more at kiosk and was like "I've held out long enough". The game is gonna kick all kinds of ass! I'm just pissed that I have to wait for the controller to charge, and while work was over in the blink of an eye, this waiting for the charge is brutal.
  17. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    So I finished (not beat ^_- ) W101. Didn't give my impressions while playing it, because I was too busy playing it.

    In a nutshell. LOVED IT! I wasn't Stylin'-n-Profilin' as hard a I could, but I was still getting Platinum on my combo score, for what it's worth. Their were only two puzzles that stumped me, before I remembered that the puzzles are dual screen, lol.

    There were some enemies that I was having a hard time with, but I was going about them 'wrong' so to speak. The big slow moving shelled guys, gave the hardest time ironically. The game controls were sublime as to be expected, and only really had trouble making the glider, but got better at that as the game progressed. The 'epicness' in the blocks of levels (i.e. levels 1-3, 4-6 etc.) really made it feel like that was the last part of the game, but then there's more waiting. I chalk up to being really engrossed in the characters and story. Where MG:R put in the place where I felt like a teen again, W101 put me in the place where I felt like a kid again.

    The only thing that could've used more polish (going by my first playthrough) was the Game Pad usage during the puzzles. Since you are tilting the Game Pad to move the camera, there were some parts that made it a little cumbersome. The two biggest examples were, when you are trapped under the glass floor, and the inside the tank. Those sections in particular could've used more polish.

    The bosses, dialouge, characters and story were all top notch and I feel I got my money's worth and then some on this title alone. It was the killer app that pushed me into getting a WiiU before Bayo2. Looking forward to more playthrough's since I'm not worried about the story and can focus more on the stylish combat. This game really takes it back to the Clover days, where the right stick is integral to the combat as the left stick and buttons are, and I really enjoyed that. Can't wait to unlock Bayonetta! There's still a lot to explore within the game itself besides ranks and collecting that I'm looking forward to doing.

    Always bet on Platium!

    NSMBU is pretty awesome as well. BIG step up from the earlier NSMB games, and is more inline to their old school ones like Mario3 and SMW. The Bonus Vidoes with Super Play's and various runs are awesome. Wasn't expecting this and only got the bundle to use them as trade-in for 3D World and Lost World. Needless to say, those two titiles are put on the backburner, for now.

    I'll post up a write-up about the console itself in a week or two, after the Honey Moon Phase is over.
  18. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    someone at atlus needs to beat dragged into the street and beaten for making the fiends in shin megami tensei 4 like the ye olde majin battles. instead of just finding the optional boss locations and fighting them, there's a 1/256 chance of them spawning when you enter an area. so here i am wasting hours upon hours waiting to get to the fun part. there is no narrative purpose for this, it doesn't serve the game in any way beyond padding hours. this is part of why strange journey is a waaaaaay better game.
  19. d3v

    d3v Active Member

    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.
  20. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Akira is really starting to take more and more after his predecessor Ryu...With the whole traveling the multiverse-crossover-challenging everyone schtick...First, it was the DOA-verse, then Capcom/Sega/Namco universes in Project X Zone...and now-the anime-verse! lol

    My guess is that he'll play something like this in the 2D-plane:

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