Goh interview

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Ryadus, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. OneTooMany

    OneTooMany Well-Known Member

    Re: Lei Fei's time.

    Do shun man.
  2. JRock

    JRock Active Member

    Re: Lei Fei's time.

    Just be patient man.
  3. OneTooMany

    OneTooMany Well-Known Member

    Re: Lei Fei's time.

    Yes Yes i will.Just i would like to see the old man bitch.
  4. JRock

    JRock Active Member

    Re: Lei Fei's time.

    Oh he will bitch all right.... it's just that he'll have a lot to say about everyone... and has a big ass story to tell to B.W...

    Anyway we've seen:
    Lei Fei

    This leaves:
    Pai and Lau Chan

    I didn't forget anyone did I?
  5. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    Re: Lei Fei's time.

  6. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    Re: Lei Fei's time.

    You forgot Jacky!
    Screw Lion! DO JACKY!
  7. JRock

    JRock Active Member

    Jacky kicks it up.

    Jacky Interview

    B.W. : Hello Mister Bryant, how are you.

    J.B. : YEAAAAAHHH I am just fine.

    B.W. : So how well do you think Virtua Figher 4 Evo turned out.

    J.B. : I think it turned out just fine, however, some people just won't stop compairing it to Soul Calibur 2. Some of these people are so bad they couldn't Lau themselves out of a wet brown paper bag yet alone control the likes of my character. And another thing that gets me is that they compare our names to the Namco guys, hey at least most of ours are real! Trust me, ALL of the homies I knew before that were in it had their names change, even Kuma, his name was "Blossom the Bear" before he got out of the circus and went to kick some ass, that guy has lots of rage. And you know what? All of them aren't as good lookin' as ME.

    B.W. : But aren't you a Paul Phoenix look-a-like?

    J.B : Hell NO! He's a fake. His last name, Phoenix is fake. His face, fake. His moves are fake and they suck. In fact Paul sucks.

    B.W. : I have a question for you. Why does the Kiss of the Dragon move animate weird.

    J.B. : That's a good question Barbera. I just was messing around and I thought of this gem for a finishing move against Asteroth when I get to beat his ass. He's a tall mofo. He refuses to fight me without his beloved axe. And don't get me started about being some minion of some god. As far as Astys concerned I AM god. I've done handcuffed lightning and threw thunder in jail, he ain't got nothing on me, yeah!

    B.W. : Ok, so what do you besides helping to make VF better?

    J.B. : I train and I train all the time, and I ain't stoppin' training 'till I am a trainwreck and that's the truth.

    B.W. : Some people think you are cheap, what do you think?

    J.B. : I think those kinds of people's skills speak for themselves.

    B.W. : Anything that should be added to VF?

    J.B. : I want a mid-air throw. And a option to knee instead of Pak Sao. And I want to have my [3][P][K] attack have sabaki properties. And a triple kick finisher move just like THE MAN Bruce Lee.

    J.B. : Oh great, it's been fun but I gotta go train. Bye!

    B.W. : Goodbye
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Jacky kicks it up.

    Eh, this was ok....
  9. JRock

    JRock Active Member

    Re: Jacky kicks it up.

    I know I should've made a jacky player do it and I know it was rushed but hey oh well you guys needed another one and I gave in. Anyway, I am not gonna do Pai, Aoi, Dural, or Lau so someone step up and give it a shot. I think I'll do Lion and maybe Shun.
  10. SpeedFreak25

    SpeedFreak25 Active Member

    Re: Jacky kicks it up.

    someone mentioned something about vf quest. is this the next game or were you just talking about the quest mode?
  11. JRock

    JRock Active Member

    Re: Jacky kicks it up.

    I think it's coming out on the GC
  12. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Re: Jacky kicks it up.

    hopefully, for PS as well. i dont have the money to buy another system.
  13. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai Time


    B.W. : G'morning Ms. Chan.
    Pai Chan : Hey Barbara!

    B.W. : Boy aren't we happy today...
    Pai Chan : Well, i had an absolutely amazing date with Brad yesterday, he's so dreamy.

    B.W. : I'm sure. So what kind of things did he do to you... I mean, what kind of thing did he do with you?
    Pai Chan : Haha... he made me promise we'd keep it on the hush hush.

    B.W. : I understand, of course Brad wouldn't want his fans to know how small he is... I mean, what goes on in this private life.
    Pai Chan : *looks at B.W. oddly* Ahem, so I understand you had some questions for me?

    B.W. : Haha, yes we really should get back on track. So, Pai, how has your V.F. career been thus far?
    Pai Chan : It's been satisfying Barbara. I've met some real interesting people whos names I shall not mention. *cough* Lion *cough*

    B.W. : Hahaha before we go on Ms. Chan, you may have noticed I haven't said your first name once, the reason is that I don't really know how to pronounce it. So, is it PIE?
    Pai Chan : Haha *you damn Americans* yeap, it's PIE... but Brad can call me perky. Hehehe

    B.W. : Annnndddd back to V.F., so Pai how do you like your current move list?
    Pai Chan : Oh it's wonderful, I have lots of cute moves that make the men of V.F. look like losers, with the exception of my sugar baby Brad of course.

    B.W. : About your scissor kicks... I think we've all been wondering about this. In Version A, there's a glitch that allows you to float in mid air and keep cancelling your own scissor kicks with another input of scissor kicks? How did you manage to do this?
    Pai Chan : Hehe, I'm not gonna lie to you Barb, that would be the work of my body double, Wonder Woman.

    B.W. : *?0.o?*
    Pai Chan : ... Why are you looking at me like that, you think that's weird, Vanessa's body double is the incredible Hulk, whew, that took SOME make up work.

    B.W. : *changing the subject* So how are things between your father and you?
    Pai Chan : *sigh* He is totally not being a cool dad, that old geezer. He's against my relationship with Brad, how ridiculous! Brad's a great lover!

    B.W. : You DO know that he's probably out with Aoi as we speak?
    Pai Chan : No... he wouldn'! Know what Barbara... I need to go make a call, I'll talk more later if you want. *runs out*

    B.W. : Hahaha alrighty let's bring out our next guest!

    Someone want to continue off of that?
  14. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    Re: Pai Time

    thats not bad. not bad at all lol. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Lau Time

    B.W. :
    Hello Mr Chan it's a pleasure to meet you.
    Lau Chan :
    The pleasure is all mine.

    B.W. :
    How...creepy. Mr Chan you were the 'evil' character in the VF cast. Do you still hold this title?
    Lau Chan :
    I did right up until the time Goh came along. He gives me the jimmies.

    B.W. :
    You've been in VF since day one. What's one of the main lessons you've learned during your career?
    Lau Chan :
    Don't beat Akira in a tournament. Damn pussy couldn't stop crying. Oh and don't go drinking with Shun. I still don't know who/what I slept with that night.

    B.W. :
    I also hear your daughter is dating newcomer Brad Burns - what do you think of that?
    Lau Chan :
    Brad is a poser. I knew him before he became a big star. Your big bad thrill seeking hunk was the president of the Official Italia Chess Club before he entered the VF tournament. He was a geek!

    B.W. :
    Brad was a chess player before he started kickboxing?!
    Lau Chan :
    Of course! Where do you think he got "checkmate" from?

    B.W. :
    But Brad said before that he doesn't even like Chess..
    Lau Chan :
    Yeah, yeah well Brad says alot of things. You think he gets that facial hair naturally? Hell no. He certainly ain't no pimp either. I was pimping before he was in diapers.

    B.W. :
    I see. So will you continue to allow your daughter to date Mr. Burns?
    Lau Chan :
    Not a chance. Pai should settle down with a nice young Chinese man - like Lei-Fei for instance.

    B.W. :
    But Lei-Fei is a monk. Aren't monks celibate?
    Lau Chan :
    Not from the videos I've seen.

    B.W. :
    Err it says here that you are a chef. What is your favourite dish?
    Lau Chan :
    Lau Chan's Special Fried Rice with Crab.

    B.W. :
    That sounds exotic!
    Lau Chan :
    Yeah maybe after the interview you could come back to my place and I could cook it for you. A little dinner, a little candlelight...

    B.W. :
    Mr Chan you are too old for me!
    Lau Chan :
    Hey don't worry I can still get it up. Viagra is a great thing don't I know it.

    B.W. :
    ...That's great. You have been called various names including "gay scrub character" and "top tier noob". Some went as far as saying that you only needed your punch button to win a match. Do you think that these comments are justified?
    Lau Chan :
    Of course not. I have a great range of circular kicks - just check out my movelist.

    B.W. :
    You must concede though that you would be fairly powerless without your various punching canned combos.
    Lau Chan :
    I'm sick of all these noobs bitching. If they can't execute a measly three or more punches then they can lose the match as far as I'm concerned.

    B.W. :
    How do you get along with AM2?
    Lau Chan :
    Very well. I ask for some punches, and they hand them over. My motion capture boys do very well - they have strong arms.

    B.W. :
    What about your new tiger stance? Have you been given an effective stance?
    Lau Chan :
    Well it's better than nothing but it ain't no flamingo. If I had a catch throw from MY stance perhaps I would be harder to deal with.

    B.W. :
    On a darker note, it says here that you are "incurably ill". How do you think your chances are for coming back in the next tournament?
    Lau Chan :
    I think they'll find a cure just in time for the tournament. Scrubs and pros alike can't live without my unique style.

    B.W. :
    Do you have any final words?
    Lau Chan :
    Yes I do - Wolf is a big fat Canadian Indian pansy.

    B.W. :
    Thank you for your time.
    Lau Chan :
    No problem. Could I get your number by any chance?

    Judge it as you will /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: Lau Time

    Nice !!!

    Keep it up guys /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.
  17. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Life is to short.

    Please stop fighting guys (argh, one is a girl)... who cares about who's mod and who's not?
    All in all the fighting doesn't make anybody look good... you two are, in a way, representitves for vfdc (veterans here) and all of this...
    My 2 cents is that if anybody wanted to complain about the thread (since it's obviously / was obviously popular amongst many) with constructive critisism you could have privmailed it to,... fuck... all of this just makes me so sad somehow. What's wrong with people?

    Edit: Cool that the interviews go on again - "it's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice!" - Scooter which I hate /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  18. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    Re: Life is to short.

    o.0? the fighting ended about a week ago buddy. hahahhaha
  19. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    Re: Lau Time

    [ QUOTE ]
    DrunkenCat said: I ask for some punches, and they hand them over

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very nice. Keep up the good work!
  20. SpyMobb

    SpyMobb Active Member

    Re: Lau Time

    That one was good Drunken, you actually had me laughing on that one.

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