Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I personally do not think that any of the other characters are as crazy as Shun. Aoi and Blaze can be tricky, especially when in the hands of good players, but I personally do not put them in the same league as Shun. The only guy who is close imo is Lei, who I think is probably stronger (to the point of basically being a little overpowered), but slightly (very slightly) less confusing.
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Haha no worries, actually it happened with Happy friend a couple times too but no one else so I don't really know, truth be told though, I had more trouble against your Sarah then your wolf!

    GGs to you too Happy! It's been far too long and it was great to play once again, your jacky was really tough, and I threw escape some of lau's throws but there were just too many! Jeffry mirrors were really fun and of course intense for the first to 5, look forward to playing more in the future.

    Also ggs yesterday to GE for the 2 hourish session, I learned a lot in that 2 hours, in fact, in that 2 hours I think I improved a month or two's worth lol, we can play anytime you want to.

    Dennis: Fun mirror match, you were really pushing my limits and I had to do something! Also, thanks for the tips after we finished playing.

    Denkai: Your lion is really strong, we were kind of trading in the beginning but then I started slipping and you got the upper-hand and controlled the tempo of the match, and it's not even your main Jacky! [​IMG]

    Gentleman Thief: It was basically same thing as what happened with Denkai, lion isn't my best match up I have to admit, fun games though.

    AssasinCP: Your Goh is as strong as I ever remember it! His throw's hurt a lot, one shoulder ram stagger into a throw and half life is gone lol. Also when you laughed really loud and I was hearing you through my tv speakers that cracked me up [​IMG]

    TrueSonic2K: Some great mirror matches, a lot of splash exchanges going on [​IMG] Like I said, if your wondering about anything I might be able to help you, there were many rounds like you said you could have won if you did proper combo's and whatnot, maybe it's time for a new stick [​IMG]

    Konjou: There's not much to say here, your a beast. You got so many 3-0's I lost count lol, and even the rounds that I did win you were toying around, I know I was probably boring you so I left, thanks for sticking around as long as you did though.

    TonyFamilia: Sorry for the short session, hell I think we waited for each other longer then we actually played [​IMG] But next time we will play longer, your Brad is really good but I don't think you need me to tell you that [​IMG]

    None Other: Your Kage was really fun, I'm not sure why you thought it was annoying but you were doing every thing right, and you weren't really cheap at all honestly, jons up, now that's an annoying kage [​IMG]

    There are probably more people but I can't seem to remember there are too many! GG's to whomever I can't remember too.
  3. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    I need to say people who think Shun is the strongest character or overpowered character are do NOT know about Shun, and that is why you guys are saying that.

    I take your opinions as Shun player, and I do think Shun is the one of top tier character in VF5.

    Happyfriend, have you ever tried to improve your skills against Shun? I don't think so, and that is why you are keep saying that. I remeber you told me that you don't like to play against Shun. Sure, I don't like to play against some characters, but at least, I tried to play against some characters for improving my skills.

    I have no offense to you at all, but that's what I thought.

    I play JHow pretty often, and I can handle his style with my sub characters such as Jacky, Kage, Blaze, and Akira, because I know Shun pretty well.

    I think you guys, Americans are care about win/lose TOO MUCH. You know, XBL doesn't cost much as play in the arcade, so why do you need to care about win/lose? It's stupid. Just try to have fun online.

    Well, that is my opinion, some people will disagree with me for sure, but I said what I wanted to say. [​IMG]

    And Kamais, GGs.

    Well, I don't know. lol But I just thought you felt annoying with my Kage, that's why I asked you. haha
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I agree with you.

    You might have that wrong with some of us though. Speaking about me personally, I seriously don't care about win/lose. I think everyone that's ever played me for any period of time will tell you that too. I'm more on learning and problem solving creatively.

    And I actually think that has had me improve at the fast rate I did, when I first starting playing.
  5. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    No offense taken. I haven't tried to study Shun. But I haven't tried to study anyone else either. Even Lei Fei, Vanessa, Brad, Eilleen and Blaze are easier to deal with. There are sooo many times where Shun does attack that does not land, I go for a throw or a conservative attack, and eat an attack.

    And Shun players are often DMPK spammers. This is annoying with all characters, but with Shun it is insane. All these Shun players know that his DMPK is broken online. Yet they still are happy to use it. If it is in the game, then use it without reservations, the thinking goes. I disagree with regards to DMPK, but I don't wanna floss that dead horse anymore. I will just take extra pleasure beating DMPK enthusiasts.

    Either way, there is enough awesome stuff in VF to outweigh the bullshit. [​IMG]
  6. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know some of you really dont care about win/lose. But in general, I thought Americans care about win/lose too much.

    In BG thread, I often see people say "I beat this guy X times in a row, then he left." or something like that. I'd say "so? yeah you won, so what?", winners are not always stronger than losers.

    And I dont mention who im talking about, but I've seen some players got freakin mad when they lose many times in a row. You know, it is just STUPID. I dont like people who plays for WIN, I prefer to play with people who plays for FUN.
  7. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    I agree with you about DMP+K issue. It is kind of broken move online.

    But I also say if somebody asked me how to improve Shun, I'd say "use DMP+K", because I know it is useful move online. I don't use DMP+K as much as other Shun players do, but when I think I need to use it, I'll use it.

    In my opinion, there is no cheap move in VF, including DMP+K. However, people do think DMP+K is cheap when players use it too much, well I don't know how I finish this sentence here, but yeah...something like that. haha
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Everyone has their own reasons for playing VF. If you are playing VF think everyone should embrace and wisely battle their kryptonite till the effect is null. It's a frustrating and could potentially be a time consuming process. I still get real headaches playing certain players, but overall it's a much richer experience. I sound like Masterpo wtf yo
  9. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I agree with you generally... just with a few exceptions. And I don't think any amount of practice repairs Shun's broken online dmpk.
  10. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Like, if you can't play, you can't play. Sometimes REAL LIFE has to take priority. I'm not knocking anyone for that.
  11. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    funny thing about jhow's shun vs my lei is i actually try to drink steal him for wins.i would lose more that way but its fun being creative and lots of hilarious moments.
  12. schak

    schak Member

    good games with krye nl
  13. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Comparing with other characters, I do think Shun is S rank offline. But please keep in mind S rank doesn't mean unpunishable.

    And I also agree with you that Lei is very very good! [​IMG] But there's one huge difference between Shun and Lei online, which is you can still punish Lei as long as you guess correctly!

    I personally didn't like Lei's style at first and had no idea how come AM2 create this kind of character in VF? [​IMG] (I'm kind of old school)
    I started him from very very basic and I have to admit I spent A LOT of time just in order to figure him out. The way you feel Lei is powerful cuz he has less lag effect. Most stances switching and attacking inputs are entered in advance(of course you can say Lei smash the buttons), but please keep in mind that's the way Lei has to do! You can't blame the players and ask them "Can you slow down a little bit cuz you are just a spammer". I'm not a Lei expert and some characters I use still have trouble with him online too, but I never mind playing with Lei cuz I Do have a chance to punish him, even lag drop my reaction but I Do can just guess!!

    I think no one here complaining about Shun players, just the cast design is crazy "online". Don't take it wrong~ [​IMG]
  14. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    GGs lately to:
    GFA VF: Our first games for ages, guess we played for almost 2 hours. Good stuff.
    SeidonVFDC: I liked the Jacky mirrors we had, helped me to get some new ideas how to play him. Lets repeat that sometime.
    UK Rayne: Always a pleasure to lose agains you [​IMG]

    Also GGs to Kahn Rahn, Ayasempai VFDC and Girksluvcurls81
  15. GameofDeath

    GameofDeath Active Member

    yeah Settra GGs Very Good Akira no failure in combos and good stuff ( I remenber 46 k(DS)is cool vs akira ) thanks for the session !
  16. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    gg's to kamais Ooken very good jeffery rly gave me a run for my money but like you said, i didnt utilize my throw game enough to make the difference.. rly fun matches thx [​IMG]
  17. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Good games to Manaknight, we had many pai mirror matches in the past but I decided to see how my Vanessa dealt with her and it was very competitive. Your goh is good too and I decided to use my Pai against him since I don't play many good goh vs pai matches often and it was a bit one sided but I can tell you are good with him regardless. Better luck next time.
  18. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Hey, I want gg's too! [​IMG]

    Yeah, those were very fun games and your welcome to join whenever you want, also I noticed you were doing a lot better today as opposed to yesterday. Like I said, you need to work on using stronger throws, wolf is one of the top characters in the throw department after all! Keep up the good work!

    Also gg's to GE, like I said I don't know what happened but I froze in block and couldn't move or even go to dashboard, next time we should play with headsets so you can remind me not to attack at -15 [​IMG]

    I will edit my post if I play anyone else today.
  19. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    gg's boris.. you got a skilled lion. damn got okizeme and yomi game to go with it.
  20. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    thx alot. my friend was siting next to me watching us and he was pretty damn entertained.. especially with the ring out shenanigans going back and forth. My friend isnt even into VF either. Its true that with two unskilled players it seems stiff and boring. but when two good enough players go at it, its alot faster and fun to look at.

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