Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Thank man! Yeah I don't play Brad the way everyone else does. I honestly don't see the point in just slipping randomly, because eventually you force yourself to run into patterns that your opponent will figure out. And once your opponent figures out those patterns, well you are kind of fucked because that's been the whole foundation of your game.

    I concentrate on just the basics and once it becomes harder to hit my opponent that's when I will apply more slipping to change the flow of the match. During the VF4 days when I tried to be a Brad player I was always trying to slip and use body blow and other random stuff from it and I was just getting my ass handed to me from every direction. But one time at band camp when Myke came to visit he was a Brad player and the way he played was similar to what I am doing now. It wasn't fancy it was very basic, but it got the job done. Apply pressure when you could and only slip when it was necessary or you had an advantage. Of coarse there are those rare moments when you will randomly from a sequence you are applying, but for the most part I try to keep that to a minimum.
  2. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    GG's to MLP from the other night. Yeah I was super tired man and it was pretty damn late. Let's get some more soon.

    GG's to TWP who in my opinion has god damn, mother fucking, awesome Shun. Great mix ups, knows when to apply pressure and when to be a complete tool and turtle you out for ULTIMATE confusion. [​IMG] Those first 3-4 matches I was loving it when you were handing my ass to me. I was look at this old dude running all of the place confusing the fuck out of me. hahahaha it was awesome! I notice something though, you don't seem to have much stamina in keeping up that awesome flow chart. I'm not referencing leaving our matches early... what I mean is your creativity seems to come in spurts, but that's understandable since you don't play the game that much. Dude if you could learn to focus a little longer on that great flow chart you are developing I think your Shun could easily rival Jhow's or MasaRED. I think Funji would give you trouble though, cause Funji's style is kind of like my style. Mid range and VERY basic, so to deal with us you definitely will need mental toughness and stamina. MasaRED is similar, but he will take some risks from time to time. Keep it up bro!

    GG's to EMP Cutman... sorry I left man, but I was half drunk and honestly I couldn't tell who the fuck I was playing. I'm like I know this is Cozby, but then again he is playing to aggressive like Denkai. I think I even sent a GG's Denkai message... man I was so confused and the matches were moving to fast for me to keep up while intoxicated. If that is Cozby then WOW you have gotten a lot better dude. Great stuff! Well I'm sober now, so I look forward for some games later tonight.

    GG's to MarlyJay... Christ I wish we had a better connection dude. I don't get to play many Eileens these days.

    GG's to anyone else I may have forgotten.
  3. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member


    Jhow77: Always fun playing you man. I stole a few setups from you and managed to make them work vs a few guys last night! Too bad I can't retain more of what we both do in some of our fights, theres definitely some good shit there. Yours does more damage though lol! By the way the awesomest thing was when both of us seemed to nail the others 66P+K with shuns falling move! Stupid Fresh if I may be so 80's.


    AllStar: Sorry if I seemed like a prick, I was actually working out and playing VF at the same time. So I wanted to get matches done quickly between sets. Thats why I kept leaving the match.


    Cozby: Nice Shun, your basics are still to strong for me. Granted its not like you destroyed me but I need to clear my
    head before playing you so I quit early.


    Konjou: Yeah man, I get burned out. I can only keep up that kind of pace for so long so far. At least I can get it in for a little while. My auto pilot light will turn on after a little while and thats when I die horribly. Your absolutely right on all counts. Fujilena gives me hel, due to his style and Laus punchy drives me insane with the no frills approach. MasaRed tends to beat me up as well; but I think last time I did a lot better. Jhow77 sometimes we're close but there's so much foolery going on I'm not sure which one of us decide not to pull the win button in favor of a Wow moment.

    Sides that I got a few good games in last night. There were some real courteous new guys, one even said "Sorry I didn't know you were from VFDC, I guess I have to train harder." Too funny. If I can keep playing on the regular maybe I can put up more of a challenge to you guys. Sadly the crazy days of real estate are coming back. We'll see.

    Oh side note: GG's to Sevensided, Shakazulu, and errrrrr....TheIsEubanks.....
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Almost no one anyways [​IMG] Nonetheless I really enjoyed our games, I was going a little kenka-hook crazy because of the unique combo against pai but next time I will be 100% business, I look forward to more games! Oh, and how do you know anything about me being outspoken around here?! [​IMG]

    Also gg's last few days to:

    ThisisEubanks: I don't know what happened man, we were playing and I was doing my thing (winning matches lol) and then you weren't trying at all the last match, then you left following that and didn't give gg's. I don't know if I made you angry or something because lately I have been to other Jacky players, but anyways they were fun while they lasted ggs.

    masaRED: Your shun is brutal, but I knew what I was going into when I joined. I was surprised at how many throw's I escaped, even if they're neutral, and although I am in the beginning stages of my eteg it actually worked in some occasions! ETEG Fuzzy whatever though it's quite clear that I need to step it up a notch if I'm going to break out even with you lol.

    Dennis: That JE mirror we did was really helpful. I don't mind losing a lot, I actually yearn it because it's better for my opponents to tell me what my mistakes are haha. Thank you for taking the time to tell me some mistakes and what to do, it actually coincidentally really helped against... (Denkai)

    Denkai: For the first time we I got to play your Jeff and I was really excited! To me your 7/8 win streak(s) was to be expected, but atleast I got a 3 win streak lol, I really enjoy your style with Jeff, it's really fun to play against. I was really impressed that one match where you knew exactly when I crouch and you baited me into it with 2p's and such until I crouch again and you low throw me in a few occasions. One of the things Dennis told me to do is throw more, and well the pattern seemed like the more front back breakers I did the higher probability of winning the match [​IMG] I hope we can play some more mirrors in the near future!

    Smb: I'm pretty sure it was you small chance it was social? anyway talking about the akira vs. shun matches we did. It was mindless fun, but what really gave it value is when you noticed that I crouch too long, whether I'm fuzzying or just in general, this was really useful for me to know and change because it's really been fucking me up against some people (and your mule kicks) so thank you for that!

    gg's to anyone else I may have forgotten.
  5. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    GGs Worstplayer!

    Yah, I noticed you used some of my setups. It was confusing at first because no one has really ever used them against me. They're good, huh?

    I agree about the 66P+K getting nailed by 7P. That was pretty frickin' awesome! Not only was it the first time I've ever done it / seen it, you did it the very same match. Good shit!!

    7P definitely has a use, just not often. I love to use it when I anticipate someone rolling backwards on wake up. It usually will hit them. It's such a strange move for a few reasons. If the opponent is considered knocked down then the move will go toward them. If they are standing then the move goes backwards. Or for some reason if you choose to press K at the same time (7P+K) then it just goes straight up.

    In one of the rounds in case you were wondering why I was going to BT and then lying down, it's because you can actually get the scissor kick to hit from the wrong way. It's a great way to KO someone!!!


    Also GGs to Dennis.

    The first two matches your Jeffrey was spot on! I think you got six straight rounds. It was a lot of fun!
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    GGs Rod. You play lei fei sooo solid - that dude is definitely quadruple SSS tier. His normals are 3S Chun-type good.
    Might I ask what you were drinking though? I heard alot of retailers are discounting the REALLY GOOD wine for dirt cheap for post-Valentine's. A smart guy would stock up now. Don't want to miss out.
  7. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Barcadi 151 = KO / EXCELLENT victory to a none drinker!
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Yea, sorry about that. I really need to get my shit together. May be changing ISP soon.

    GGs to Hazzerone the other day. That was a really long set.
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Yah man their hot, I'm trying to recognize a lot of the little things you do with Shun. I really did dig the BT pkg, p, p to the rear throw. I nailed that a few times as the night went on. I'm trying to mix your style with a bit of MasaReds smothering style. If I can come close to it, that will be hot. I'm still to risky and tend to drink rather than do damage. Lets see what time will bring. If I'm lucky I'll get my own groove before I have to work to much to play again [​IMG]
  10. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    GGS VFNUMBERS for a long session last night. I like ur LEI when its right in my face and aggressive. When its being overly defensive, i dont feel too pressure. I liked the close up matches with alot of pokes up close and stuff. Ive noticed u being changing alot with lei lately.. sometimes ur defensive sometimes ur really off, when u were really OFF, thats when i had the most trouble. Once LEi commits into stance, i know that its his strength but also his weakness, but ur patienec and wierd lei flowcharts always made me confused. Those were awesome matches yesterday.
  11. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    ggs mackfactor your goh is very strong as well with very solid flowscharts.Your ground throw game was spot on good and u utilize very strong oki tactics after certain throws. Many that see lei koko stance tend to force an attack but i like what u did u stay patient and backdash to force me to whiff and counter my mistakes.
  12. Eubanks

    Eubanks Member

    GGS KaminariOyaji- learn new stuff every time we play

    GGS WORSTPLAYER AND Kamais Ookin - sorry about abrupt leaving without warning, if i ever leave without saying anything then please dont get mad I probably had a chore to do and my grandmother wants her stuff DONE WHEN she tells me to lol

    GGS Saygah

    GGS KingofCarnage- thanks 4 noticing my improvement, thank Kam 4 that haha

    GGS HowBoutSmPLAGUE- glad u live so close

    GGS Black Bauer CTU- I dont care if i lose 200 straght but im soaking up as much of your Jacky knoledge as i can

    GGS anyone i forgot and i hope to play you again
  13. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    GGS to Eubanks, Dennis and anyone else I might have forgotten.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Kamais for the games. Good stuff there - your defense was quite noticeable. TE's... ducking when appropriate... so good. I had to change up and think in order to win. Nice that you changed response when you blocked, say, my 46P+K.

    Nice variation in other situations, too. You did P Throw. Then you did P P Throw and I was all "whoa".

    Keep it up, man.
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs xchaotic gracex, that lei fei of urs gets better by the minute. Your flow charts are getting deeper and harder to account for. Also you're starting to use some of his adv via stances. Good stuff.
  16. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    There's an old saying, you get what you put in or something like that lol, and I put in a lot in dojo. The truth is, I only really ETEG 1 direction, but it was annoying when I input front and you did down front and vice-versa so I sat up straight on my chair and started to do 2 haha. Also, when I played you I realize that you were fucking me up when I evaded to much with things like delay shoulder-ram and 46P+K so I had to get used to adjusting to that.

    I was really impressed with your execution as always, I said I didn't have much time but our games are really fun and I got ahead of myself! Hope to play some more games soon ggs.

    Also gg's to SMB.
  17. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    BGs to VF5 online. I've tried to play twice today, but there is no one to play.

    And the few people who were online were all more annoying than challenging.
  18. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Good games to all the people I faced today especially jef604. I was able to talk to jef604 while we played and I had a chance to play his excellent Goh and Vanessa. I don't play competent Gohs very often and his smart Goh play made my Pai work for all her hits.
  19. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to xyz987xy. Ur right, the games we played were fairly even. I was fully anticipating putting the smash on u, but they were closer than i expected. You have a good offensive flow, and make good use of eileens options. To take it up to the next level, you will need to focus on movement and gaurd for defense, and rely a little less on 2p and dmpk. It is a very tough transition to make, but it will pay dividends.
  20. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs happyfriend lau. wow, that lag was insane. I was surprised you were willing to stick around...then realized i wasn't.

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