Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Nah... I was referring to [4][P]+[K]+[G] but you're thinking of [8]+[K], right? I call that the kickflip. Just wanted to make that clear. It doesn't really matter though, because next time I'm gonna use the sweepflip, the most dangerous of all flips which manages to be full circular and evades at the the same time. it's unbeatable!

    GGs AkiraZero, too bad we lost the connection. And on the same note GGs to Shadowmaster, fun games even though it was almost unplayably laggy...
  2. Kenshearer

    Kenshearer Active Member

    GG's Marly & Seidon. More tonight if either of you are about. Just gimme a shout if you want to party up or get some games.

    T-2/3 months until I'm the best?

    If anyone else want some games, whenever I'm happy to play. Blossy, DPS, I'm looking at you two.
  3. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    From past few weeks total, ggs to:

    Rod: Yo man, the Jacky vs Akira, and Jacky vs Jeffry matchups were very good. It was just constant adapting. I think my Jacky is fastly becoming a lot stronger than my Sarah might've been considered in the past, even though I don't even touch this game that often.

    Plague: Man those matches were a lot of fun. I guess you were finally able to see how I could throw down without being so rusty, and having personal problems. I was finally able to get my movement, speed, and stepping back, instead of playing in slowmo. Whenever you having another VF gathering let me know, cause it's better sitting in the same room.

    Dennis: Some good fights, but lol @ the last situation that happened. Btw, I don't know if you know about the Jacky vs Lion matchup, but Lion can 2P Jacky after guarding 6P and he can't get away. There's this other move too it's a move where he does two mid swipes I think it's a P+KP move or something. He goes under highs, you could use that too after 6P or any move of Jacky's that ends in a high. Also, 2KK because special highs don't hit it so after guarding the first beatknuckle whether I follow up or not doesn't even matter, but that's why I use it for whiffs anyway.

    AZ: Jacky vs Akira your execution still money.

    The_Feaucha: Yo most times you the only one I see on to get matches with whenever I'm available and down to play.

    The_Wall: First time ever playing you, it was fun.

    and a very special ggs shoutout to Omelettes: One of the strongest Wolfs I've ever played against, I'm not even kidding. Track this guy down and play him. To Flash, if you ever read this: Yo man you have to find this Wolf.

    I think Omelettes is probably visiting somebody from Japan. He wasn't even doing VF5 exclusive combos, this stuff was like basic things Wolf can combo with in any VF game. It was so good though.

    EDIT: Just remembered I played against Azusabo couple weeks ago.

    ggs to Azusabo, ggs man, and the matches were surprisingly playable, except throw escapes were near impossible for me to do lol, I think it was the same for you too. However we weren't even allowing ourselves to be in throwable positions too often, we took our guaranteed damage. Thanks for the games.
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    GGS Slide,

    I don't know what you mean "he can't get away", but actually I've tried my best to use 2P against Jacky's 6P on blocked all the time, not just only by playing Lion. The major problem for me is I can't duck immediately online, at the time doing my 2P is too slow and I got hit by opponent's another elbow CH instead. I've suffered this situation to duck those strings for ages, and to be honest even right now I still have no solution or any idea how to force myself to adapt faster. All I can do is either still 2P by function or just wait there for next opportunity, however, I already waste my +5. [​IMG], and don't even mention I have to see the entire beatknuckle animation in front of me but nothing can do without holding G. [​IMG]

    If you could have 3 bars with Omelettes, which means he probably stay at West. I'll try to see if I have a chance to play with him for sure.

    Btw Mack,
    Do you still log on? I'll see if I can catch you as well.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Just played Omelettes a couple days ago. Got him four straight and then lost 8 in a row. Good stuff. I was not adapting. Argh.
  6. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    When I say Jacky can't get away, he can't do anything by many conventional means, except for fuzzy. Lion's lows are good for fuzzy and he already has a strong throw game. Lion's 2P is like the the heavyweights in that it has a long range. So even in open stance Jacky can't backdash to force 2P whiff upon 6P pointblank. So Lion got some serious control in open stance. Jacky with no abare options, outside of some things like OM P, or bizzare moves like just flat out jumping in the air. So if you show you'll 2P Jacky immediately after 6P it opens up counter attack games and force me to use options that don't involve pushing buttons. Then that's where that 2 hit string comes in where he swipe at your face, so Jacky won't always be able to just fuzzy and get his own +5, now Lion can string manipulate(following up or stopping short, cause it's delayable) if Jacky is defending. After that, then Jacky's response could be to Pak Sao that string after 6P. But then, Lion can start doing sweeps forcing Jacky to stop fuzzying after 6P and start guarding low and trying to watch for moves. It's like forcing the opponent into seemingly predictable situations, making it look like precognition or something. When infact they're just put into some layers they had no clue about so they forget the moves they can make, unless they're strong.

    Watch this video and look at the situations Fuudo brings in when he guards the common moves. This is how I know Shinz is legit, we already know how good Fuudo is.

    Awhile back, Lucky and I were talking about this match and then when we played it out, I was able to find answers to what Lion can do, if I wanted to still keep attacking, but the momentum is Lion's off those common moves.

    As far as being able to 2P immediately after 6P, you just have to do it the moment you guard the move and don't waste anytime. Even offline people don't avoid that stuff, that's why 6PP still works for Jacky always.

    The beatknuckle thing, it's hard to crouch under it if you don't expect it to come out in the first place. However with Lion having a move like 2KK it's pretty much just not possible for Jacky to do the followup P or K if Lion guards it, that's why I only use beatknuckle for whiffed moves cause it's sooo good that way otherwise.
  7. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Omelettes is from Japan, i play him quite a bit ( i played him yesterday EL BLAZE VS WOLF, that didnt go well, but goh vs wolf matches are very intense), nice guy. i get 2 bars with him, he's very good. Him and soulfulkanboo are very good wolf in Japan. SoulfulKanboo gives me much more problems.

    I read slide's post... im not too sure what ur saying?? in open stance ( me being lion ). if i block Jacky's elbow, are u saying that lions 2p, has longer distance, so jacky is not able to backdash/evade/whiff, or whiffs something that it shouldnt?

    played a Goh from JAPAN: forgot the name KURO something. nice chatting and playing goh vs goh. after playing aggressive characters, i realized how boring a goh vs goh match is, i wish gohs would abare more! nice coming across another goh. his goh style is alot different than mine, so it was exciting to see how he would use goh.

    met some guy named: aiko KK, he mentioned he wanted to use EILEEN, i told him to come to VFDC, if he ever wants to setup matches and learn more, he seemed eager to learn, and he prob would be a great eileen, he says he played vf only 4 days, so i was surprised how good he was for 4 days. if u learning eileen there are ppl here that use her, and because u speak japanese, I can get soulfulkanboo to maybe show u couple things as well.

    wolfuK: goh vs Lau was fun matches.

    Vf5la: nice sarah, intense matches. good 1 hr half match

    Shumai: got this guy on mic, cool guy to speak to, ill prb introduce him to some Vfers friends of mine

    DENNIS:Ya i still playing, but i been playing at weird times, the last couple days i played at 3am- 6am, and busy with hockey ( only 4 teams left ) and b-day lately... Ill prob log on a lil earlier so we can get some games in today. maybe not till 12-1am though.
  8. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Long answer:

    To start, you can always evade via sidestep, a 2P, sorry if I made that sound confusing. What I'm saying is, and I mentioned it a long time ago too is that Jacky in open stance, when you guard his 6P he can backdash away causing retaliatory 2P's to whiff. In closed stance, this doesn't work. Although, I haven't tested it but I think it might work in either stance vs Sarah and possibly Aoi, because Sarah has the worst 2P in the game followed by Aoi.

    Now, vs Lion, Jeffry, and Wolf(kind of unsure), 2P will always catch Jacky preventing backdash movement, regardless of stance.

    The immediate followups from 6P with Jacky are high attacks. If a character like Lion guards 6P, Jacky's followups never work, and he's also at a disadvantage enough to not be able to use any other strike or he will be put into nitaku from 2P.

    This insures Jacky can't rage out with a move after 6P is guarded or it will always be stuffed. The layer of game here is that after 6P is guarded Jacky is going to stop attacking and will have to guard strikes or move around.

    In open stance, Lion's 2_6P will beat retaliatory 2P and 6P from Jacky, after Lion's 2P is guarded, resulting in a float if Jacky was trying to take his own perceived initiative.

    Shorter answer:

    Yes, Lion's 2P is far reaching enough to catch the backdash. And in open stance, where Jacky would vs many other characters be entitled to backdash as another option from the move, vs Lion he can't and Lion still has plenty of options after his own 2P is guarded if the Jacky wanted to capitalize on his own advantage from guarding the move. So it's like, in open stance, Lion can 2P Jacky, and still have "advantage"(hit or guard), so it's going to force Jacky to have to move because even fuzzy might not give the situation the Jacky player would want to take initiative on aftwards.
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    When I say Jacky can't get away, he can't do anything by many conventional means, except for fuzzy. Lion's lows are good for fuzzy and he already has a strong throw game. Lion's 2P is like the the heavyweights in that it has a long range. So even in open stance Jacky can't backdash to force 2P whiff upon 6P pointblank.[/quote]
    I'm kind of miss here, do you mean Jacky isn't able to backdash after 6P on blocked to avoid Lion's 2P at open stance? I'll dojo next time to check it.
    The move you mention is Lion's 4PP in order to avoid Jacky's high punch. To be honest I don't know how many casual games Fudo and ShinZ they had before the tournament, and all I can see on that video is ShinZ was eager to use 6PP strings as his main moves, instead of backdash a little bit and then do another 6PK, 1P, or 3K to stop opponent's 2P. But it was a tournament, they had their reasons.

    I still have difficulty not only against Jacky's strings, such as Lau's 8KK, Shun's 3PP, or any other moves requires to duck immediately. So far I can handle myself better online is when I play with Mack:)
  10. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he can't backdash after guarded 6P vs Lion's 2P in either stance. However, vs many of the other characters Jacky can, in open stance only.

    Shinz wouldn't have been able to backdash after 6P because Fuudo was preventing that action with his 2P and 4PP.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Well, Lion's 2P is not exactly the same as Wolf's. The distance is a variable but heavy characters do have long range. I'll take a look at dojo for sure.
  12. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    interesting info on jacky. i didnt know he can only backdash in open. SARAH AOI maybe any. LION,JEF/WOLF info. u also mentioned k+G 2K+G be guaranteed in close as well, does jacky have anything else thats a lil wierd with OP/CL (besides combos).
    btw, jacky players. how are u guys doing with CH 236P, into OM back combos online ( the timing almost seems like u have to anticipate the CH=online, i find it harder to do than goh's for some reason vs specific characters. maybe u guys have a different way of doing the OM combo.. i even see high level ones dont do the OM combo after 26P CH, i was thinking becus it was more of anticpation combo, or because online lag)
  13. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Haha, no worry, I was just asking to see if you still log on occasionally. My time isn't as schedule either and sometimes I just log on and browse the internet. Anyway let's see if we can catch up recently.
  14. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I don't use the 2_6P OM combo, because I don't dojo, so I never really trained the timing. And if we're to get FS, that combo would change anyway. I just finish it up with the normal joint and keep wakeup pressure if they tech.

    As for other open/closed stance specific things, yeah there are more, and every character has stuff. Even certain types of buffers after certain moves can put you in ideal positioning for some cool things to happen due to range.
  15. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I can pull it off good on Jacky vs Jacky but others i would 2p in a finisher. Brad and KAge is the only character who i can land this type combo with like 95 percent of the time.
  16. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    " Even certain types of buffers after certain moves can put you in ideal positioning for some cool things to happen due to range."

    can u give me an example? im not too sure what ur talking bout there. I duno if this is similiar, but.. EL BLAZE 46P, NH. try doing an eteg its super duper hard do to recovery of the 46p NH. thats an el blaze trick, if ppl didnt know. on paper its prob like plus 5, but i hear once it hits, its a lil different. but ya, im not too sure if thats what ur kinda talking about. theres so much info, i wanna obtain, but some are not here (if u know nething with goh, that i may not know that be great). If it wasnt for u, saying one day in GG's thread about the K+G 2K+G jacky trick i would have never found out.

    SDS, ya its hard. I gotta admit, jacky got the coolest looking combos. Btw which way do u do iagieri. i been doing it, as kpg.. and im really struggling with the, hcf K motions ( its not consistant with that )
  17. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I did a little test on dojo and it turns out Jacky is able to backdash against Lion's 2P no matter which stance. The rest of the punishments I can think of such as 6PK, 1P, 3K, 9K+G, and P+K are workable against that 2P whiff. I think you might apply Lion's 2P long range property straightly from Wolf/Jeffry, but in fact Lion has 13f low punch. Maybe that's the reason opponents can backdash still.

    I didn't test other characters with different stances, but I never consider it would be different unless against Wolf/Jeffry. Even against heavy characters, the further distance can still safe Jacky's ass by backdashing.

    Good thing is usually 2_36P comes along with 2P, so you could be ready as long as 2P hit. From my experience, those difficult combos require accurate timing so you can't expect too well since lag.
  18. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    There's many examples, you got to test some of it out. But one in particular is for Sarah. If you backdash her 4K flamingo entry, after a guarded P up close, you can immediate 3K to crumple P and 2P retaliations, but the frames say otherwise. It's a range thing.

    Dennis, you sure? I'm talking about pointblank. Of course at the proper range you can get away regardless, and that's a trick in itself. Denkai showed me the 2P with Jeffry thing a couple years ago, and the Lion thing I tested a lot and discussed it with Lucky.
  19. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I setup dojo, Jacky 6P on block and backdash immediately to avoid Lion's 2P. Am I wrong? Sorry if I misunderstood what you meant man.~
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I can do it both ways but the HCF way is the best way..I spend damn near a month in Dojo practicing the HCF motion lol!! it paid off in the long run cause it makes your offense appear even strong knowing that you can always put yourself at an advantage.

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