got the VF4 Evo clip...

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by CreeD, Jun 11, 2002.

  1. Zato

    Zato Member

    I'm with DLC. The recycled moves are probably just "placeholders". That's not just wishful thinking either--I think I remember seeing some early Tekken 4 clips where Craig had a lot of Paul's moves and several folks have talked about early versions of VF4 doing the same thing. I wouldn't worry about that.
    My only concern is that it comes out ASAP...and hopefully on Xbox. Although I don't currently own one, this would make it a definite purchase in the future. And regardless of what I have told myself in the past, better graphics do make games more fun to play. 3030
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    These movies from vfzone, which are from IGN, are great in terms of picture quality.

    Brad reminds me more of someone from Last Bronx than anything from Tekken, and yeah, he's got Vanessa's MT P+G throw, but then again, Sega are no strangers to recycling some moves. It shouldn't really surprise you either seeing as though the move is fairly common to that fighting style. Lau and Pai have lots of common moves, and so the trend is seen again with Brad and Vanessa.

    Brad's recycled Jacky b,f+K+G (shown in the teaser) which CreeD mention differs more in just missing the wiggle at the end - its a low attack! I think that qualifies as a different move. After watching these latest movies it's pretty evident to me that the new characters have their own unique style, and I'm liking Evolution even more now.

    Shame about the scrubs at the controls though.
  3. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    ah..history of RAR...
    brings back memories of me screaming at you for help back then aye! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  5. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    Re: RAR Files

    i can't find the old posts about RAR files...can you uncompress these files on a Mac?
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: RAR Files

    For macs, stuffit expander should handle .rar files pretty well. I think there exists something called MacRAR as well. But try to get the latest stuffit, it's useful.

    For PC users: Ultimatezip is a good program for decompressing weird formats like .rar, .lzh, .ace, etc. It's a pretty crappy program for CREATING compressed files but it does fine for unzipping them.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: more clips and ...

    First, a request: I need and - anyone got them or a direct url to them?

    a nicer version of the evo movie has been added, as well as some in-game playing by a couple of newbies. The nicer version is the same presentation, but longer (has the screenshots we've seen floating around), and it's also brighter/clearer.

    This is all assuming I don't hit my web host's size limit. If I do, that movie will be nixed in favor of the gameplay clips, which feature loads of the new dudes.
  8. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Re: more clips and ...

    I've temporarily suspended d/l of the clip I have. People are just killing my connection. Anyway, I'm sure there are enough people that have it so people shouldn't have trouble finding it on some faster server/connection than mine.
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: more clips and ...

    kthx :/
  10. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: more clips and ...

    I'm putting this here, since Creed posted what the could tell from the clips here, and the threads in the Junky's section seem really overrun with crap at the moment...

    This is what I've been able to gather about Brad and Goh watching the clips over and over (as well as some other random shit) for people who haven't/can't see them. Real quick, from what I can tell, alomst all of Goh and Brad's animations are new, NOT recycled. I've noted moves which look like recycles.

    Brad: Hate to flog a dead horse, but this guy's a dead ringer for Steve Fox in the shirt and pants. I have to say he seems really boring to me. The first time I saw Shun, Lion, Taka, Vanessa etc. I was shitting. Remember how cool it was the first time you saw Shun's P+G? I just don't think this character BRINGS anything to the game; that is, I don't think the series needs another standing fighter that specializes in Knee, Elbow and fist strikes/combinations.

    Anyway, move wise:

    Standard low P, chainable into a quick upper from the rear hand (like King's d+1,2)

    pretty normal looking Elbow

    PPd+K a one-two followed with a low kick from the rear leg, doesn't switch stance for the kick (like Jacky does), just swings the leg around (think TTT Kazuya)

    Triple Upper, short, quick uppers to the mid-section with the leading hand

    Body Blow to the mid-section, followed by high spin backfist (looks like you can keep going)

    Sway to the back, canned high P follow-up

    Low kicks with both leading and rear legs

    Middle Kick that looks like a kind of "snap" or small toe kick to the mid-section with the front leg, followed by high P from leading hand, then another middle straight-leg kick from the Back leg to the oppt's side, again kind of swinging around, then going back into place with no stance change. There might be some Bruce "shh-shh" sound effects happening here.

    P,P, Upper

    Spinning High Elbow, followed by a Middle Kick

    High Spinkick like Jacky's K+G, with "swoosh" noise

    Low Spin Kick mentioned by others, fast low version of Jacky's Middle Spin Kick

    Muay-Thai looking Jumping Knee with the front leg. floats

    Standing Knee with rear leg

    Throw which looks just like Vannesa's MTS P+G, but the hit seems to put them further away than Vanessa's P+G

    In the blurry trailer, I can see something that looks like the Lightning Elbow, but maybe shorter... the afforementioned holding while Kneeing to the body... 2P looks like traditional boxing shorts and bandages.

    Goh: while a more traditional design would've been cooler, some have pointed out that Goh seems to be a bad-guy (with his J6 Jacket, Judogi, and Tattoo). IGN says he's an assassin by trade, and shows a picture where he IS looking pretty undead, with super pale skin, circles under his eyes, loads of scars, and some strange teeth... I'm actually warming up to him. I'm still not crazy about the hair or what looks like a stud in his lip, but I DO like his Judogi costume, his voice is cool, and he animates really nicely. Compared to Lei Fei and Brad's default standing animation, Goh looks like he's from a different game. All him animation seems really smooth to me, and pretty unique, actually. While it's impossible to get away from the Jin/Bryan references character-design-wise, he looks like he WILL make an interesting addition, as long as there's a lot more grappling than what we've been able to see so far (I'm praying for a ground game).

    P,P High, body blow both with leading hand, 2nd hit staggers crouchers looks like!

    standard low P

    Elbow where he steps in low to the body. while most characters seem to lean forward for their elbows, it looks like Goh leans to the outside a little, while ducking in and forward elbowing with the leading arm. Looks like it'd avoid high attacks.

    Mid body blow with front hand (like 2nd hit of P,P) to overhand hook with rear hand that looks like it might force a crouch like Jeff's d+P+K. like most of Goh's attacks, it looks pretty quick with short range.

    strong upper from the rear hand, looks like it winds up with a little sway, floats (on counter?). A little slower than his other moves, but still somewhat quick (like kage's d/f+P).

    A body blow that KD's, looks like Vanessa's Intrude Hook without the dodge, and more straight than a hook, like an upper to the body. I think I saw it hit normal with no KD

    Paul's famous d+1 overhead chop with the leading hand, but with a closed fist, more of a smashing overhead punch. Goh's recovery seems better, as he kind of pops back up after doing it, but it's REALLY similar.

    middle kick from the rear leg, kind of a quick snap kick to the mid-section. moves goh foreward, switches stance. Goh's d/f+K middle kick seems like.

    another middle kick from the rear leg, a litttle more toe-kicky, no switch stance, no forward movement. staggers. maybe b+K?

    Jacky and Vanessa's Barrier Kick Dodge attack (for now?)

    standing knee with the rear leg, floats (on counter?)

    2 low kicks. one with the front leg, very short and quick, the second with the rear leg: Goh kind of shuffles to the side a little and sweeps his rear leg around as if to scoop up the oppt's foot. This kick seems to put Goh off-axis. While there's no kicking in Judo, both these moves look really "judo-ish" to me, and look more like little foot sweeps than kicks. I think the 2nd one for sure is the first part of a Hit-Throw; it's just too strange. In the blurry trailer, Goh's 2nd sequence shows him doing what looks like it might be a hit-throw from a low kick... maybe this kick?

    Both Goh and Brad seem to have normal type rising attacks.

    Goh also has the same high spin kick as Brad (like Jacky). I hope they take that out.

    Soto Makikomi Throw: I think this is Goh's P+G throw. Goh steps in and pulls the oppt's sleve with his leading arm, then wraps his trailing arm around the outside of the same arm (hence soto maki "outside wrap"). He then twists his oppt across his hip and rotates to take him down. This animation is really nice, and captures the way judo throws work really well, with a nice slam and bounce that's really realistic. Goh makes a cool "hei!" shout.

    Kind of Seoinage: Goh grabs that oppt's arm with both hands, then turning his back to the oppt, crouches and whips them straight ahead over his shoulder. While similar to Kage's P+G Ippon Seoinage, this throw looks kind of different, and it's hard to tell just what's happening. It actually looks a little like Jeff's arm-breaker side throw, but instead of breaking the arm, tossing them foreward. If you know Judo, it's like a drop seoinage, but rather than putting his rear arm under the armpit, he holds the wrist with both hands.

    In the trailer, it looks like Goh makes a throw out of a throw escape from Akira, but it's hard to tell what's happening. All I know is that Aki shouts twice, then Goh throws him with what looks like leg sweep throw (kosoto, osoto or kouchi gari). think Kage's b,f+P+G Osoto Gari but slower with Goh kind of leaning over them at the end.

    Jacky: New front kick with front leg that everyone's talking about (maybe his new K?)

    Chop to the mid-section with the leading hand, rear hand in the air (Jann Lee does this).

    New dashing middle kick, kind of lunges like that snap kick new to vf4 (d/f+K+G?) but moves forward pretty well and the leg is straight, then bends and poses a little.

    Akira: the standing Knee to Elbow looks like Gen Fu's d+P+K,b,f+P. I think the new knee can be done with f+K or another simple command as a button-masher got it out a few times. floats (on counter?)

    the new mid-punch creed mentioned actually looks like a really quick overhead smash to me, with his fist closed, ending up at mid-level (like the 2nd hit of P,P). This moves seems to give Akira no real big advantage, maybe that's why they gave it the rumored canned backdash?

    The single palm-DE is strange as it seems to act like a DE, but he switches stance after the palm and strikes with the rear hand like the SDE...

    Wolf: has a new low throw, either that or the animation of the Tiger Driver (d/f+P+K+G) has changed so that after the lift, Wolf now kind of falls backwards as he piledrives them, looks cool.

    Lau: Brad guards ST- b,f+P, rather than letting it whiff over his head by not recovering. Who knows if this is an actual change to the ST/b,f+P, or slow input on Lau's part. Looks like fastest speed though, so I thought I'd mention it

    new horizontal swinging chop with what looks like both hands, lunges forward. This move looks kind of crazy and violent, cool (like his VF3 win animation "Haaa! Haa! Ore de honki ka?").

    Lion's stage has no corners.

    Mission Mode: get items by playing the Arcade CPU and completing objectives like "send the oppt down 5 times"

    Scramble: Versus fight where the winner gets an item

    Quest: gives you bigger, more substantial goals, like "beat 5 3rd Dan or higher players in a row".

    Announcer has a new, higher voice.

    That's all I can remember for now...


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