Has anyone gotten good @ SC4?

Discussion in 'General' started by pleportamee, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Trust me, he didn't invent that lol. But yeah, that setup online is so strong. Too strong even lol. Counterpick Nightmare with the stained glass wall-stage, everytime /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I don't have that stage open for some reason. I can't pick it... Too bad cause some of the Ring Outs in this game make me want to smash my stick.

    I will pick the "cage stage" if need be but I usually host so I don't get to pick the stage. The ring outs do feel soooo cheap sometimes. The game isn't overly balanced but I'm still not very good at all.

    Outfoxd showed me I have a ton to learn. That dude's Raphael is beyond nasty. I was very impressed. Great game Outfoxd!
  3. Bizazedo

    Bizazedo Member

    I am pretty convinced Nightmare is a lower tier character, and he is my main. He has no real good lows, just block mids and unless he can mix in throws effectively, you'll rape him.

    The key to SC 4 is really just to learn everyones strings and learn to anticipate and block. Then, everyone dies easily.
  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Hold on Tricky WTF Man. I ask you to send a invite so we could goe over a few things. why the fuck you raising up like that for? Matter of fact to hell with you if you wanna be a bitch about it.

    I know Maxi and im owning people left and right but If you think switching stances in a fight by whipping Nunchukas around your neck and back will help to you are going the get beat everytime.If you think it will help you are sadly mistaking. He has once stance and in that stance he whups is Nunchukus around and depending on where the chucks are placed he does something different. Couple with the lag you will get beat out everytime. Since he has to walk forward or backward to keep that stance going you are just better of knowing the flow charts of the moves since after certain attack the nunchukus movement is stretegically placed to flow. I use Mitsuurgi and Knightmare but my online record is 102 - 50 and i use Maxi 95% of the time. If anyone you feel you can beat and teach me something send me a invite seriously.

    Anyways only closed arenas for me. you will not get any cheesy ring outs on me using them big ass characters lol!.
  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Dude, I know for a fact there are also hidden techniques in the game that are NOT listed in the in-game move lists or the strategy guide.

    For example: With Ivy there are unlisted moves that involve transitioning from weapon to weapon. Certain moves you can substitute the A or B press with an A+K or B+K press (the weapon change command) instead and you will get a different, hidden move or the move will have different effects that aren't listed anywhere "official" that I could find...

    Ivy has a move from Coiled stance that is 6AK that does a horizontal attack followed by a high, stunning kick. However if you input 6A(A+K instead of just K) you will get the first move followed by the 6AA from whip stance even though you were never in whip. When the moves completes, you will be left in whip. This one also works backward from whip where you get the first hit of whip 6AA but it ends in the stun kick and puts you back into coiled...

    She has another one I found where instead of the normal A+BA input you do A+B>A+K and the jumping sweep stuns instead of floats and switches you to whip and allows for a combo! I also know of one more I found off the top of my head (stays secret for now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif )

    I know other characters in the game have "hidden" moves like this as well... Has anyone found any others???
  6. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Whoa! That was awesome! I wanna win with just one move too! Can every character do this? That would be so cool, infinite combos or at least 90% combos for everybody!
    The people at Namco have done it again /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
    They're geniuses, I tell ya, geniuses!
    If VF had an ass, this game would kick it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
    Game over, yeaaaah!
  8. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Most 'hidden moves' are just frames off of other moves. I have a feeling most have been discovered for each character but would not be surprised if there are some oddball JFs lingering around for some characters.
  9. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Wow, no one has seen that yet... :p

    Plus, I don't think that combo works in a real match because you can air-control out of it after the second rep. It basically doesn't exist in real play.
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    It's listed as an official bugg @ caliburforum.com and in the video he says it actually can't be aircontrolled out of so are you sure?

    This one is fun also;

    - The last 3 hits of Death Roll B,B+K are guaranteed after opponent blocks the 1st one. Conditions? Voldo must be close to his opponent and must be in the 2nd port (namely: starting each round on the right side).
  11. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    you can't air control that shit.
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Uh, well I thought you could anyways. I've never seen it done in a match and being an Ivy player, I wouldn't do that anyway... I thought it only works in training mode cause he is getting counter-hits every time. Not sure why you want to convince people it's in the game so badly, or why it even bothers you at all, since no one uses it and barely anyone even uses Ivy at all...
    IMHO, the cheapest tactic I've seen in the game is people choosing Lizardman and immediately spamming Crawl stance attacks. If you knock them out of it, they try to go back into stance and spam it again. It seems so stupid but it's hard as hell for me to stop... It's painfully obvious that they're just trying to get a cheese win but they don't seem to care about anything else but their rank and the win.

    Ranked mode is only versus Cervantes, Mitsu, Kilik, Sieg and Astaroth... Playing most other characters is rare... After 700+ games in ranked, I just played my first my Rock last night. The distribution of character use in ranked is non-existent.
  13. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Congrats, you have now posted the two most known and detrimental problems which have been known for some time now. And neither have affected serious play. Got anymore?
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    To further my point, I wish I would play a few Voldos once in a while... Maybe played him 2 or 3 times out of 700+...

    Do you guys think it is because those characters (Ranked monsters: Sieg, Mitsu, Cervy, Kilik and Asti) are truly over-powered/the strongest/top-tier or is it because they're a little easier to learn and use, therefore, play to a higher level, earlier on in the evolution of the game???
  15. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I think it has more to do with appearance and learning curve. Mitsu and Cervy are looking to end up higher tiered but the rest don't seem to be. Not yet anyway. And scrubs wouldn't know any better lol.
  16. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    He's just acting elite.

    I think the learning curve for characters, might have something to do with that.

    Say for example, if VF5 sold 2 million? We'd see a ton of PPP Lau, knee Jeffry, RO Kage, take that Vanessa, bokutai Pai, beat Jacky, flipping Eileens, giant swing/ DM P+K Wolf, for example, and they'd be extremely effective, especially if a site like VFDC wasn't around with it's already established wiki, frame data, glossary, AND if it was our first week and a half playing VF.
  17. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Gernsburg: I already explained the Ivy thing, I think earlier in this thread. It has nothing to do with counter hits. The reason you can't air control is because Ivy has to turn around between each hit. This doesn't cause her to turn exactly 180 degrees, it simply causes her to immediately face directly towards her opponent. So the opponent *can* air control, it just doesn't help at all, because every hit of that combo tracks.

    Also, The high ranked online players are definitely seeming overpowered due to a combination of lag, and ease of use. Astaroth is considered horrible in competition. He's basically too slow to do anything but throw, and while his throws admittedly do massive damage, anyone who is reasonably good at throw escaping just turns it into a stupid attrition match.

    I'm also ready to take back my early assertions that I was afraid Sieg was overpowered. He really is very punishable like Tricky tried to tell us before, you just have to be very, very precise with your punishment, because of his decent range, if you don't use exactly the right attack, you just whiff and then die. I still have a lot of trouble with him, but I've practiced against some friends that play him and gave me great advice on how to fight back, I just need to get the execution down.
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Dude, no way this could have been determined yet. Maybe in SC3 but not in SC4... I don't think there's been time to have a competition in SC4 yet.

    Astiroth isn't as difficult for me to defeat as Siegfried, people just use him more than most other characters. Astiroth definitely is slow but he has some pretty good, rangy mix-ups and a lot of power. He has good Ring-Out ability too (That head-butt!!!). Asti is no slouch in SC4 so far.
  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    With serious play you're talking about offline right? And no, I already said there was a list @ calibourforums. For those who want a link and are lazy there's; http://www.caliburforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33803

    If you want more you can look at the 1up review etc or read the thread following that initial post. I belong to the school that doesn't believe in holding for your eyes when things like this are exposed hoping it will go away or saying infintes are OK (lol Steve 5.0) cause they're not "used much" when the game is just out. It is what it is and the only thing that matters is how fast it will be patched.
  20. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Offline, yes. I'm not of that school of thought where blatant errors are ok either, but an infinite like this is fine in this case, when it is not allowed.

    Hate moar.

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