Help with overall gameplay improvement needed

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Unicorn, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    It is still the some - if unstaggered properly, it gives you is unpleasant disadvantage.
    Not too comon to see this tough, even against people who can ustagger [P][+][K] (max charge) to the minimal duration. Do not know why, but that is my offline experience.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    after [P]+[K] max charge i usually get a [P][K] 100% of the time. But i tryed this with the cpu and sometimes things you do with the cpu doesn't work with human players.
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    After P+K max charge, you have guaranteed anything up to 14 frames. 15+ frames can be unstaggered. Have few IRL firends who can consistently do that. Still, even them can not unstagger 62K properly. Yeah, nothing guaranteed against them, but I still get an advantage.
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    In connection with the previously linked vid, I will like to talk about few things I learned about Wolf in past few weeks

    1) importance of reading your position in the ring!
    Wolf have one of the most ridiculous ringout potential in whole FS. Also, he have very simple yet very strong wallgame. He have multiple options how to create situations where he can use this part of his abilities...

    But... From what I see, many (most) Wolf players do not pay attention to their position in the ring and options it opens for them. Personally I am trying to work on it, but I am still FAR from perfect. But basically:
    Any juggle which you can end with 624PP / 6PP, you can replace this with 46P for a lot less damage, but insane spacing. You can ringout most characters nearlly from the middle of the shuins river stage with about to any juggle starter you have at your disposal! So if you are in any open stage / super low fence stage, check for your position and use 46P to finish juggles. Also use the ground throws after KND / 6K MC / 3K+G to open ringout options for yourself!

    Another thing are the wall options. Always check for any chance to push opponent against the wall or to 6K him with his back next to wall... it is superefective! Also the KND/6K / 3K+G into 2P+G throw apply here.
    After 2P+G into wall, 66K+G 2_3P 9P+K KK 4K+GK 3P+G 3K ground attack is far from guaranteed, but often works even on above-average players (speaking from being assassin now and playing with people on EU PSN up to Bilal). You need very fast inputs, but the resulting damage is just INSANE.
    Also, 3P+K into the wall starts insane damage things if you follow with usual (or above-mentioned) wall juggle.
    6K is insane as hell as well - 6K mc starts the 2P 2P walljuggle which win me countless matches, while 6K NH gives you wallstagger.

    Another important thing here is 46P+G catch throw. Both directions can be very deadly both ins wall and non-wall (as you can see in that video linked above) arenas! And especially in that "noodle-like" arenas, if you catch your opponent in the middle between the walls, it is pure 50/50 game where wrong guess leads to 100+ dmage!

    2) try to work with the tecroll/non techroll situation to the max!
    The prime example of this is 46P. if they stay on ground, you have 6_P 1P+K 624PP juggle (can be replaced with 6_9 46P for ringout from insane distance) guaranteed! And if they techroll. You can still check it with 6_P and have advantage big enough to go for safe 3K+G / throw setup!
    Also, if you finish any juggle with 6PP, you can check their reaction with VERY fast dash canceled into 3P+K if they stay on ground for guaranteed hit / 3K+G or throw if they TR. And there are more like this. Try to work with this options, you can get insane damage out of them; yet I see wolf players missing this opportunities again and again. I know many characters just backdash if their opponent stay on ground after being KNDed, but Wolf have great options how to use this to his advantage!
    So basically:
    * 46P 6_P - juggle or nitaku
    * juggle ending with 6PP - fast small dash into 3P+K or nitaku
    * 46P into back (after catch 4P+G) - if they stay on ground, ground throw (2P+G will reset the situation lol!) - or nitaku
    * juggle ending with 624PP - dash 3P+K if sty on ground (nitaku if TR) / deadly move into back hop if they stay / K vs p+g nitaku if TR
    etc :)

    3) go for unguaranteed damage if it is safe!
    if there is no risk, do it, even if it is not guaranted. Prime examples of this are 3K ground attacks after 3P+G low throw or after BH - you can not lost much while doing it, while you cann get some nice 15 dmage. 115 out of single throw? 40 dmg out of ground throw you use to finish some juggle/KND?
    Totaly worth it. Also, the psychological effect can be huge.

    4) do not throw away your tricks for minimal gain!
    Wolf have insanely strong tools at his disposal - but mayn of them are easy to counter. 2P+G ground throw to ringout? Simple escape. GS to throw you over low fence / out of ring? Simple throw escape. No choice selection here, no 50/50. Single technique to negate you completely.
    The some goes for catch P+G / 4P+G into wall.
    P+K max charge.
    Etc etc
    Do NOT use this options for nothing. Do not use them unless you need them to win the match. Do not condition your opponent to escape them. Condition your opponent you are using the other options to increasy your chances to connect it when it is really needed.
    I am guilty of breaking this rule a lot too, BTW :)

    5) use the mid/throw nitaku properly!
    basically you are supposed to use fast mids from small advantages to condition your opponent to stand still, to allow you connect throws. Mid attacks are safer to perform, but the gain from them is also smaller.
    Prime example is 2P (NH/MC) into 2_3P / throw mixup. Any decent opponent will not fall for that 2_3P too often, because he will quickly start blocking. Do NOT spam 2_3P again and again, but start using that throws! It will increase your efficiency by a lot.
    If you will start throwing, they will try to abare. What will allow you to hit 2_3P as MC again! If you will not start using throws, they will just keep blocking 2:3P and you will keep loosing iniciative again and again.
    The some goes for P into 3P / throw; and 3P (on MC) into 6K / throw. And I am sure you will come with more situations like this.
    Basically, you NEED to force basic nitaku as wolf, because you have STRONG throws and STRONG juggles at your disposal, so you can benefit here a LOT :)
    What I am seeing (and doing lol) is that people tenbds to heavily prefer on or other option here

    well, that is +- all from me now.
    Burning hammer and Finish them all! :D
    Mister likes this.
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    And some introspective about my own mistakes I need to work on currently :)

    1) I need to improve my lazyTE. I finally start using it, but I am not using it enough and I am not good in reading the non-standard situations
    2) I am over-abare. Especially after 2P on guard/evade. Need to work on it. A lot.
    3) I need ti improve my nitaku, I am still failing to read my opponent reactions properly and I am still using the mid attack too much over throws.
    4) I need to work on my movement.
    5) I need to improve my ability to read position in the ring, especially with open stages. I also start to not only read the position, but actively creating and changing it to my advantage.

    There are more things, but this are my priorities now :p There is 1st FS offline event incoming for me and the prizes are not big, but still pretty nice - and I love the 1st place award, so... I need to practice and improve my game :D
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    So, in past 2 days, I was playing in VF circuit December mayor and in tie breaker for 3rd overall place in EU.
    I will post the matches here and will ask for any comments. Any inputs, advices or whatever are welcomed.

    Just few notices before we begins:
    Anyway, here it is

    So... Any comments? :D
  8. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I watched the vs. Pana matches, and a few things came to my mind.

    1) You are trying to abare way too hard. 2_3P is not advantage on block and nor is 3K+G, all but one of your abare attemps after each was blocked was stuffed, even though Pana chose to take the easy route with just mostly doing 2P to interrupt you while he could've just launched you every time.

    2) You do not punish correctly. Jacky 6PP2K is -16 on block, 3KP2K is -15, this string also has nothing but high and low followups, so you should always just duck after you see 3KP, and because you didn't Pana forced a silly mixup on you every time by either delaying the string or throwing you. You also blocked a flipkick once which is -gazillion on block, yet you only chose to do a low damage neutral throw.

    3) You are way too greedy with ground throws and 3P+K. If your opponent doesn't know how to tech, you should force more guaranteed damage on him with a reset instead of trying either to ground throw him, which Pana started escaping every time after a while, or doing your slowest down attack. While the damage from 3P+K is tempting, I think the oki after it and it's slowness generally works against it, I would recommend just doing 3K because it has less risk to losing to rising attacks and it leaves you with a little bit more to work after which.

    4) Your general gameplay in this match was a little timid. You didn't pressure much at all, in fact it was mostly Pana attacking you while you were frozen in place instead of taking the advantage to start offense. When you did try to attack, you tried something too ambitious and just got CH 2P'd over and over 'till you were again just standing there and getting killed. You also didn't do almost any throws, the thing this character is pretty much all about, and even then it was mostly the 46P+G catch throw, which were mostly hamfisted attempts for a wall combo and easily predictable.

    I think that's all, most of the important stuff anyway. Working on these fields would surely start to yield you more match wins, I'd recommend casuals often with the people you are going to play in the circuit to get a feeling for their game style, etc. so you won't freeze up so much and be nearvous.
  9. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Yomi, thank you a lot, let me do few "back" comments :D

    120 % true. Bad online habit, I need to get rid of it. I am working on it already - believe me, 2 weeks ago it was 10 times worse :(
    Again 120 % true. No1 spot on my "what to work on next" list
    I am and it is intent.
    Properly used 2p+g can kill you instantly. On other hand, I overused it in this matches. Some of them was justified - low risk for chance to instawin the round - while others where just... well, for 5 more damage in compare to guaranteed follow up.
    3p+k is the best and most damaging option in cases I am using it.
    Well... In most cases 2P+g will give me most damage but with risk it will be escaped; and 3p+k most guaranteed damage if opponent do not tr.
    If you know any resets (except after 46p) doing more that 29 bonus dmg 3p+k gives me, please share them. But I never saw or find anything like this.
    In all situations I am using 3p+k, it will never lose against rising attack unless I delay it too much. And unless my opponent proves he knows how to avoid 3p+k (what is pretty hard and sometimes even impossible), I will rather take 29 safe damage that 15 safe damage 3k will give me.
    Of course this will change if opponent can TR, but that is hard... and easily checkable.

    That stated, I am really convinced about my usage of 3p+k against most opponents, Pana including. Ofc if opponent will prove he can deal with it, I will change my play, but this did not happen in this matches.
    Yeah. I was nervous and the lag was getting on my nerves even more. I think the later stands for Pana as well.
    Agree. Swap to hitbox changed my way how I am playing and I need to work on this. Actually, I am working on this in this days :)
    On other hand, do not underestimate 46p+g :D
  10. pana

    pana Well-Known Member

    No, that connection doesn't allow me to perfect-tech after combo's enders like 6PP.
    It's really bad if you always go for the most damaging option...
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
  11. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Read what I wrote, As long as you do not TR, 3p+k = best option. if you start TR, other options are better, but it did not come to that.

    Thx for the rest of inputs.
  12. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I was hoping to get some advice too. Here's some footage i have recorded recently:

    Sometimes the lag screws some of my punishment. I need an eye out of the contest to see what are my greatest weakness (besides low sweeps that drive me nuts).
  13. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Please someone to gimme opinion about [1][P][P] move. That move is insanely delayable, is also safe in block ( -5 fuzzyable ). You can fishing the opponent with that delay with the following [P] CH + [P][+][G] ( hit throw). My first impression about that move is positive, good if use it wisely. So what thoughts experience wolfs players has about that move?
  14. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    The only problem is that the follow up is high so you'r open to low punch. The first punch, if blocked, will telegraph your high punch and the opponent can just low punch you, so you have to guard after. Also yes it's really delyable, that means you have to press [G] before adding something that has a punch in the command, otherwise you get the follow up.
    Also if the first punch connects the 2nd one is natural combo, that means no counter hit for the hit throw and this last statement is the real reason you don't see it often (you can't punish with that of course).
    Sozos likes this.
  15. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Yea i would say that second [P] is high so is kinda risky but i was thinking about it cause with that delay. That move isnt required to use it too often, i wouldnt use it much as other moves, but yea i noticed that you have use it wisely. ( Also that hit throw is impressive to see it in a match :p ) Anw. Thx for the info Mister.
    Mister likes this.
  16. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I think 1PP is useless, the first hit has no range and only one follow up which is high, so it's easily duckable and punishable, plus the hit throw only works if the second hit is a CH, which is never going to happen against good players as just explained. Better just stick to 3P and RBE.
  17. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    It is gimmick move you can use very, very rarely, but it is fun to connect it. Still, if you are looking for effective play instead of gimmicks, there are far better options to go for.
    Sozos likes this.
  18. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Agree 100%. Thats what i said before. I find that delay really good but anyhow even with delay 2P beat your following high P or opponent can waiting the following high P and duck and punish it. Is natural string if its 1P connect but is not so worth it. In first impression i thought was good but yea after that discussion that move is not the best. Thx guys for your advices.
  19. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    I use to get locked down and counter hit often when I would play as Wolf. Now I'm doing better because I'm using 3p,p,and 62k more. 62k seems to go under highs well and it conditions my opponent to block low so I have a better chance of landing mids like 6pp+k,and 4k+gthrow.
    Mister likes this.
  20. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Glad to hear that. Also if you need something to avoid high you can use 6k+g while you are in disadvantage and a the same time you can use it to avoid lows while you are in advantage.
    But the most common choise to avoid lows is the omnipresent 9p+k.

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