Hitel Tournament Clips @ No Mercy (Korea)

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Chanchai, Mar 13, 2002.

  1. Camus

    Camus Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    I am a Korean VF player and a site manager of a VF team hompage ( MVP http://www.mvp.bora.to ). I am not a native speaker of English. SO I am poor in English. I am sorry for it.

    I am agree with Hyun.
    He said, "You can't judge until you get to actually play against him."

    You said you just criticize on a video clip just like a TV show.
    Right? Do I understand you rightly?

    Yes, you can criticize on a video clip. BUT, you may not post it on a public board like this. Cause of it may be harsh to a person.
    The video clips of the Tournament is not for public broadcast. It is made for just fun and help to the other VF players. Not for your criticism.
    Did you make the video clips? Did you hold the Tournament? Do you know the Vanassa player? If not, just see it and if you want to write a criticism, Write it on your diary NOT on the public board like here.
    Your post made Some of Korean VF players ANGRY.
    The threads above is an issue between Korean VF players now.
    I am a friend of Metalbutter who made the video clips.
    He probably did not want things goes like this.

    We are not public broadcaster. You are not a professional VF critic. Just a PLAYER.
    If you are a professional VF critic, I will read your criticism as my pleasure. And I will criticize on your critic as a reader.
  2. metalbutter

    metalbutter Active Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    Hi, This is Metalbutter who had made the video clip.

    There are many things I agree with or not. But cause of my poor English I kept silent.
    I will say some words with help of my friend Camus.

    First of all, my purpose of making clips and posting is not 'to Display good playing'.
    It is THE WAY We Are - Who enjoys VF.
    The Vanessa's Play which is some of people criticized may be not good to you. But it is also a play of VF, A course of being stronger and a Way of enjoying VF. There is no reason it should be criticezed by personal opinions.
    As my friend Camus says, those are not a show of VF playing for viewers. It was a Tournament that many VF players fight together in their best WAY.

    I have talked with SummErs and CreeD in IRC. But cause of my POOR English, I can't talk all I want to saying. I felt so oppressed.
    I am glad that I can write this comment by support of Camus. There is much more things I want to say. But for Camus who hardly writes this comment for me, I will finish this right now. *giggle*

    p.s. I think all VF players are friends. I want to there is no words which hurts each other.
  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    some musings on a (maybe) closing subject

    Camus, I am sure no-one wanted anything like this to occur. We've always traded opinions of players and videos and I don't think I've ever seen it get this bent out of shape before.

    To be honest, I finally got to see the videos in question last night and didn't see anything bad or good about the flicks. but I think that's the inevitable problem. We've seen so many that we are continually running comparisons; How does this video/player match up with the last one I saw? Is this fair. Not really but it is a current reality.

    Hyun brought up a good point about editing. Content being selectively chosen and distributed can alter the way we perceive events. The editor can shape the story or quality and you have to be fairly cynical or aggressive in your dissection to make quality choices as a viewer. But we are just talking about a game. And regardless of a person's thoughts--expressed or not--the reality of that game hasn't changed. The Vanessa has still won the tournament, CreeD's observance of the act hasn't changed the results (but perhaps the flavor).

    MyKe also brought up a good point about tone and how it can alter the intended expression. Text is tricky. It conveys only a small part of meaning and almost all text based conversations that are not large and expounded run the risk of having their core meaning inferred; that is to say, guessed at. A high risk game at best. And for all the wont of clarity and comprehension we seem to care little for long winded posts, enjoying more--it seems--the short, easily digestible and far more open to intepretation, paragraph posts. Chanchai is a prime example of this: forever lambasted for his novel-esque contributions.

    I've released movies from time to time and have received both praise and criticism. Both are probably well earned. And the more I send myself out into the world the more reaction I can expect. Everyone loves praise, it makes us feel good, validates choices but you need to be ready for criticism. And it is unfair to everyone (content producer included) to expect only those praises to shine through. It doesn't reflect freedom nor does it provide for growth.

    In other matters, I will say that placing a video clip on a public web page does, indeed, make you a public broadcaster of sorts. And honestly, I think the American, Canadian VF players gathered here would probably hope that you continue.

    With Metalbutter popping in and out of #vfhome I think the VF world is getting smaller and in a nice way but the smaller it gets the more we could see these little earthquakes. The thing to remember is that they are little. Anger is a choice, I can choose to be angry or not and I hope that with time everyone affected by this tiniest of exchanges will come to realize that the choice of fellowship is far more endearing and enduring.

    <font color=green>be your own lamp</font color=green>
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    > Bungle- Dude Ice-9 couldn't have said it better, your a fly. Where did you come from on this topic? Although your posts are extrememly right wing and hardcore up creeds ass. Stay out of it.

    no. i will say and post whatever i like. and why do myke and godeater and others who did join in on the topic escape your judgement? awfully selective of you, twink.

    and - extremely right wing? yuh-huh. where was i posting right wing rhetoric? i'd like to hear your understanding of that term, for a laugh. you really don't have a fucking clue, asshole.

    > Your pointe was seen by the "general reader" way back.

    hopefully most of them aren't that stupid.
  5. J_Chuang

    J_Chuang Well-Known Member

    Re: some musings on a (maybe) closing subject

    I am a Taiwanese, and in my opinion this thread is growing far longer than everyone intended to be because of the culture differences.

    In Asia, (that includes Japan, Korea, and Taiwan in particular), people tries to be modest and avoid confrontations on trivial matters. That reflects to what is considered by the Asians the proper manner/etiquette on internet. For example, from my experiences (recently I have been reading most of the links from "OVER-WEIGHT" trying to leech VF knowledges ^^; ) on Japanese BBS/Web forums, I have very rarely seen any negative comment/flame on other people's matches. In fact for the past 2 months i have only seen 1 thread involved with some sort of flaming (about some comments on the Lau stepping in the national)

    While I do think the directness of American gamers helps in heating up the competitions and thus accelerating improvements, any bold criticisms like the ones Creed made are considered by many Asians as very offensive and provoking. That post might be of good intentions trying to help the particular Korean player, but it is done in a very disrespectful way. Perhaps it is because of the traditional Asian weakness of "saving faces", you just don't critisize others in public unless you have a very strong reason to do so. I think this is why Ice9 replied with an equally provoking post to express his displeasures. We all know Ice has been trying hard to attract more international crowd to the site, and what a setback the that particular post is, despite of its original intent.

    As Godeater has implied the VF world (in VFDC) is starting to show diversities. While I do respect the "Freedom of Speech", please try to understand that there are people from completely different cultures reading on the internet and they could be quite disturbed by your post.
  6. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: some musings on a (maybe) closing subject

    "While I do respect the "Freedom of Speech", please try to understand that there are people from completely different cultures reading on the internet and they could be quite disturbed by your post."

    good post, but why should the residents of one place conform or change to the desires and culture of a completely different, visiting one? the people coming here should be the ones who understand that they could be quite disturbed or offended. no one is making them come here.
  7. plan17

    plan17 Active Member

    Re: some musings on a (maybe) closing subject

    isn't CrEEd from Asia? oops.
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    Alliner, Camus, thank you for taking time to write about all of this.
    My apologies go to anyone who I offended.

    I disagree with this: Did you make the video clips? Did you hold the Tournament? Do you know the Vanassa player? If not, just see it and if you want to write a criticism, Write it on your diary NOT on the public board like here.

    If someone had wrote nothing but nice things about Gudamy, would you tell them to shut their mouth and stop posting their opinions publicly? Would you say "keep your compliments in a private diary, please." ?

    While my judgment of Gudamy's play may have been poor, it's okay for me to express it in public. That is what you should expect when clips are put up.
    I will admit that the words I chose were not the words I would have used if I had thought Gudamy were going to read them the next day. Maybe you can pass my apologies on to him.
  9. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    Bungle try to keep that head of yours from thinking of any more stupid posts, cause god your making americans look stupid. Not to mention yourself. My post was just for fun. Your the only one that had to open your mouth................"once again" and post something derrogative. Hope you guys can fix this horrible misunderstanding. Looks like the necessary steps were taken from "Some" people. The general vibe of my post was to "Just let it go". later guys.
  10. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    what a lovely private message from you (posted for everyone's amusement, enjoy):

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Right Wing was a metaphor. Your posts are always one sided, be it left or right wing. Right wing sounds better dipshit. See there I posted whatever I wanted. And yes you must be sleeping with creed to stick your ugly nose out like that over a topic that doesn't concern you. What do you want a prize for being the biggest asshole on the board? Sure here it is. You get a nice sized PM from one of the coolest guys on here.....................Me!!! saying your nothing but an asshole!!! congrats. Hope this PM didn't interrupt you trying to fuck yourself in front of the camera mounted to your PC. Dipshit.


    > cause god your making americans look stupid.

    in just a few posts and the above prv msg you have done a far, far better job of that than i (and most other americans here) could ever (even unintentionally) do.

    if you're going to imitate me, do it with coherence, spelling, grammar, intelligence, and bite, all of which are lacking in your replies.

    also remember that people have been banned for prv msg abuse and harrassment.
  11. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    I just feel bad for Timmy.
  12. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    Can that be interpretted as a threat? My god man, the PM was designed to be used so that threads weren't cluttered up by senseless responses like my PM. You should learn from me. Also, Reread your posts your no english major. At least I have the class to speak to you in person and not smear our differences all over the boards which seems to be right up your alley. I do love that post of mine. Thank you for putting it here. Most people would agree with me I think. Get back in front of the camera now. YOUR ON!!! HAHAHA. Hey if you want me to post senseless stuff, I will, But isn't the private message so that you can speak to each other and not to the entire forum? Myke? Can I get a confirmation on this? If I am wrong, Sorry. But honestly, thats what I thought it was for. Later guys.
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    """Most people would agree with me I think"""

    Most newbies to the board would agree with u. (i think)

    When it comes to most old timers that know both parties...
    actually, I'll say we dun really care.

    So the msg is...

    Butt out Blondie.
  14. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    Sure thing guys, I'll just read from here on out. Sorry if I offended anyone other than bungle. later.
  15. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    > Can that be interpretted as a threat?

    it's a fact. you can keep testing it, if you want. it'll probably end up being in the best interests of the board. no one will miss you, worthless detritus that you are.

    > Also, Reread your posts your no english major.

    try that again, dipshit. how old are you?

    > At least I have the class to speak to you in person and not smear our differences

    class...hah. you already "smeared our differences" in your other posts, you retarded fuckwit. you only added to it in the PM. you had nothing different to say to me privately, i had nothing different to say to you privately.
  16. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    hi metalbutter..
    I am from singapore, i just wanted to say that your english is rather ok and I can understand it easily. And it's much better than alot of people.

    And thanks for making the videos and putting up on your website.
  17. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    man people have to be really fucking bored to let what others say online bother them......a few people try to sound intellligent in this thread, but really are not.....i wonder.

    i can totally agree with J_Chuang and bungle's posts. and at the same time disagree. the whole international thing (culteral differences) is a whole new topic of its own. i guess thats why the international board was formed. go to it my international brothers/versus/images/icons/crazy.gif.....
  18. Moby

    Moby Well-Known Member

    Re: The text is all that matters.

    OK, everybody has said their piece, nothing further can be accomplished by the flames and responses thereof.

    Creed and Ice-9 have both explained their comments to the public, so this thread is now locked.

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