How well do you know the other characters?

Discussion in 'General' started by Temjin, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the positive comments! I don't remember playing you though. But then again, I have played the game TONS (not for quite a while - too busy with university work) and I don't remember a lot of people. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I can understand this to an extent. Me? I'm a mixed bag of chips, technically I can use most characters and beat most average players. At a higher level however
    chances are my seconds and thirds will get warped to hell. I think one advantage
    I have is that I'm an old vfer. I've had 10 years or so to get the general gist of just
    about everybody. That's one reason why I believe lots of old school players can
    give a new schooler a hard time no matter HOW much practice they put in. They
    may win but it won't be walk in the park.

    That being said if you have time to spare playing multiple characters shouldn't
    be a problem. If you learn fast? Hey go with it. Playing multiple characters isn't
    something to be admired imo. When it boils down to it, it's just a matter of how
    well you play in general. Guess what? The person that plays one character has to
    learn how to fight against multiple characters with one character. If your games
    solid it shouldn't matter what character someone plays.

    I personally play as my mains:
    Shun Di

    I got a bootleg:

    Funniest thing is the players I can beat with my mains, I can generally
    beat with my bootlegs. Why? Because in general I'm a better player.
    If someone beats you with your main who plays lots of characters?
    No sweat. It just means you have to learn the game better or well...the other
    person is just better. (It happens)
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Lemmy, please stop. Everybody knows that Raxel is really you.
  4. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I have a good knowledge of other people aside from my 3 mains pai, aoi, and vanessa. much of it came from skimming through this site and playing others online.

    I have decent knowledge of Akira, Goh, Jacky (he is my current project and I will use him the next time online I get live access again. I have half way decent knowledge of Wolf, Lei Fei, Lion as well since I played them back in VF4 evolution but for the time being I focused on my main 4 for the time being most of the time (pai, aoi, vanessa, and jacky(still in the works))
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I see the other characters now as a way to train different skills. My eileen is when I just want to work on my game/win.

    Jacky is to force me to make good choices frame wise and to respond to my opponent offensively correctly many times in a round since that' just how it rolls. I don't get the same kinda of practice in that with eileen since she's just got so many options all the time which are all so damned safe. Playing him with this mindset has really improved my game a lot.

    Goh is to force me to really watch my opponent and respond using powerful punishment and to really pay attention tot he levels and type of attack my opponent is using so I can sabaki them (love sabaki's) which really improved my eileen game.

    AKira is my second in command but I know he's scrubby , I win with him just because I'll overwhelm my opponent.

    everyone else I play with in the cast I do so just for the pure fun of it. The difference in skill between my 1st and 2nd is pretty big though, however sometimes I can beat someone with akira when I can't beat them with eileen simply because against a good opponent eileen takes a lot of finesse which is sometimes hard to utilize while my akira can sometimes just shut a bunch of options down at once.

    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    Well, my brother CAN play extremely well with ALL 17 characters in the game. And I’m here to stick up for him in the face of such blind ignorance. I’ve watched nearly every match he’s ever had on VF, and the people disagreeing with this statement haven’t even played him. Who’s in a position to evaluate his performance? I’ve seen him use every character in the game to repeatedly trounce even the best players. And you’re denying it’s even possible…

    That’s all users get on this forum, talk about them being crap at VF when it’s from people who haven’t even played you…and people who can’t really back it up anyway - fucking GROW UP.

    But then again, even if you’d seen my brother play and were impressed, (because it’s hard not to be) you wouldn’t admit to it and be forthcoming with any praise because many of you are just vile creations of the Internet and from spending so much time behind your keyboards have forgotten how to act like real people. You’d be too jealous to say anything positive – he gets that all the time, from “real VF players” - thrashes people in ‘player match’ eight times in a row until they just give up and look for someone they can beat (someone who just uses Akira patterns and foolishly thinks he’s ‘the nuts’ probably).

    There they are, dedicated to one character, spent years ‘mastering’ them, then my brother comes along and repeatedly smashes them with a randomly selected character. Then they’ll challenge again another day, and obviously this time my brother’s using a different character, and what happens? He whups them again. And so on. Makes you want to give up, doesn’t it? And you’re still there, practicing the game in dojo mode for as long as you’re dumb enough to waste valuable time persevering to try to change the inevitable. My brother continually sends them away, blubbering with their dick tucked between their legs, and when this happens a few times, with a few different characters, they clam up and hold back with the praise (which was previously forthcoming) because it makes them realise that the time it took them to learn Goh or Akira was basically a fucking waste of their time. If someone else can play equal to them or better with ANY character, you’d feel the same. Your constant hostility towards the concept proves as much.

    Well, there are only about 340 Akira’s better than you are, just on LIVE. That’s the point – you’re stuck down there as an underachiever, destined to remain nothing more than a statistic who no-one ever notices. Whereas (without being the best player in the world, which almost none of us ever could be) we’ve found a way of always standing out – and as there isn’t going to be anyone else who can play well with all characters, you’ve just admitted that, by saying it isn’t even possible – and you don’t like it, because it highlights how futile your efforts are. My brother does get some praise from like-minded people and I don’t mind boasting about him, especially if it gets a reaction from maladjusted, know-nothing embarrassments like you.

    After witnessing my brother beating loads of supposedly awesome players from the VF community (who all use one character only), I’ve got a good impression of where the limits of performance lie and my brother’s right up there. He can beat almost everyone convincingly when he gets going in player matches. After all this time, I’ve still only seen a couple of players on LIVE who can beat my brother more than he can beat them. The ones who can beat him will be the ones who could probably win tournaments – but it’s no coincidence that they aren’t the ones who go out of their way to act like disagreeable fuckers on LIVE or this forum… wonder why that is?

    You only say “you can’t learn more than one character” because YOU can’t do it. Can you build a rocket and fly to the moon? Beat Gary Kasparov at chess? Perform brain surgery without it resulting in fatality? I don’t say that finishing Pac-Man with a perfect score isn’t do-able, merely because I fall so far short of that.

    Playing VF equally well with all characters isn’t something that’s even particularly hard to do. All it takes to do this is a good memory. NOTHING else. The rest of it is determined by your skill-level, just how good at playing VF you are. If I were you, I wouldn’t be so quick to admit that you can’t understand a concept that simple…Just like my brother, I also play VF, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Fighting Vipers and Street Fighter by learning every character and ALL of their moves. The difference is I’m not actually that good at winning matches – my strategies are crap, and my skill at each game’s basics is nowhere near as good as my brother. His skill level is determined by the fact that he’s naturally highly co-ordinated and a clever tactical/”smart” player. When you throw in the fact that he can recall every move in the game at any moment, and memorise what they can each be used for, he’s nothing short of an exceptional player.

    That’s what makes it so frustrating - to see utter idiots deny that it’s even possible to learn and store that much information, merely to make themselves feel better about not understanding how to do it, and sounding like uneducated retards in the process.

    The admission that just remembering ‘the other character’s’ throw commands is hard speaks volumes… what have you people all got a 32 MB RAM chip where your brain should be or something? If you know so little about VF’s moves why are you even on this forum? And worse, why do you try to put people in their place so frequently with your limited knowledge?

    So what do you say to yourself? : “It took my meagre intellect and capacity to learn forever to play with one character – so it must be impossible to do more than that… ”. Are you so blinkered that you don’t even realise that there are people in this world who could recite the whole of Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’, word-for-word? There’s endless proof of the amount of information someone’s memory can store and recall out there. Full moves lists, best combos, follow-ups and strategies for 17 characters isn’t even a fraction of that amount of information. Mnemonists can recall inhuman amounts of data, far, far more than me or my brother, and if they were so inclined and had the skill, they’d be insanely good at VF.

    If it’s so unfathomable to you, you should have started learning when VF1 came out then like we did, adding each character and sets of new moves as they were introduced. Or maybe you should have developed a special system that increases your ability to recall such a large amount of information like we did? That’s too much like hard work though isn’t it – far too taxing for morons who are so quick to berate other people. As for it “taking too long”, that’s just another excuse on your part, all the time you’ve wasted disagreeing with people on this forum could have been spent more constructively…

    Apparently you say that being good at all characters ‘dilutes’ how good my brother is with other characters. Well it doesn’t. At all. He’s an ‘eight’ or ‘nine’ with all of them. And you would only have a point if you were ‘ten’ with your one character. And by ten, I mean you would basically win every match and if you entered a tournament full of the best players you’d be likely to win that convincingly. Of course you aren’t.

    As for my brother’s other talents, he’s a very skilled artist. I suppose you accept that it’s possible to do something so removed from playing VF well, whilst still being good at VF, but you don’t accept that playing as a number of different characters in the same game is possible? What planet are you on?

    And this isn’t even considering how good at other video games my brother is. He’s great at Guitar Hero, THPS, PES, Fighting Vipers 2, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter. And in those fighting games, he still plays them the same way - as ALL characters and knows all of their moves. So, knowing how to use 17 characters from one game isn’t possible, but it is possible to be great at loads of other completely different games. You’re being fucking ridiculous.

    It’s easy to see why you’re like that though. The biggest problem here is that you’ve all picked up on the absurd myth that VF is hard to learn and even harder to play, almost impossible according to most of you, and you’re consistently trying to pat yourself on the back for being able to win some matches…

    Whoever said this; “Learning one character is as hard as learning a real martial art” should be shot. My God. Any serious martial artists would be thoroughly insulted by such an inane statement. Hopefully to the point of using the full range of said martial art on the gonads of the accused. Even learning all seventeen characters is so far short of almost any discipline in the real world, it’s unreal. Yes, Rodney Mullen is nowhere near as talented as anybody who can play Kage well…Alex Ross isn’t as awesome as anybody who wins all the time with Jeffrey…Christiano Ronaldo isn't as skilled as someone who has got a tough to beat Shun…Jimi Hendrix’s guitar skills had a long way to go before they could compete with the sheer majesty of a great Eileen player… And as for Yip Man…Well, what the fuck did he know?

    This statement is a God-damn joke and just goes to show what kind of self-aggrandising pricks most VF players are – trying to make themselves feel superior, when in the context of real-world achievements they’ve actually achieved next to nothing. Pull your head out of VF for a moment and take a look around. You’ve seriously lost your grip on reality if you can’t see what such an embarrassing comment does for the VF community’s credibility – which is to say tears it to shreds in an instant. What a load of utter bollocks.

    Oh, and you can write come-backs ‘till your blue in the face but I’m not getting drawn into follow-up arguments when I know I’m right and you have nothing else of any worth to say. So I won’t be keeping tabs on this thread. I don’t know if my brother will see it, but as for me, your pointless arguments are going to fall on deaf ears.
  7. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    So...who is it is you....I mean Lemmy. Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you with him, you're of course not the same person at all.

    Soooooo.....where was I? Oh yeah! So, who among the "best" players is it Lemmy has beaten? Give me names. And remember that XBL is not real.
  8. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">vile creations of the Internet...(not) real people</div></div>

    This seems strangely apropos somehow.

    Have raxel and lemmy played offline yet? I'd like to hear his opinions.
  9. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Thanks bro for trying to defend me but you should know you've just wasted your time. Look at the first reply that came back for instance...
    So who are these two people then if they aren't us?

    Website 1 (current University website)

    Website 2 (remains of 3 year old University website)

    Do you want to send an e-mail to either address listed on these pages and see who replies if you still doubt we exist? Or do you think we paid the University of Lincoln off to give us webspace for a non-existent person? Just like we bought 2 separate XBOX Live accounts for one person.

    Or might this be the one time where someone from a games forum admits they were wrong about something?
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    To summarize the incest written by FIGHTINGVIPER.

    These two paragraphs are all you need to read and I for one am
    especially happy about the last one. Lets get back to some
    opinions that are to be considered. I mean this guy is RIGHT he
    has to be but yknow for some reason I have my doubts /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    How could we ever question the GOD that is Lemmy? I will burn
    in VF hell...or heaven considered I've beaten Lemmy so I must
    a god too. Or better yet a godder god.

    Hmm TheWorstGodderGod I like the sound of that.
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Something is seriously wrong here LemmyIsTheGame...

    The first link I recognized (I have good memory) but it took me some time to remember from where (I had photographic memory as a kid). Then it sort of struck me...
    There used to be a guy by the name valestyle_gove on this forum which beefed with fatalrose. Fatalrose made this comic picture of him from one of his mugshots;

    This was back in 04 he posted that picture in this, now locked thread here:

    Now compare that to your picture on your webpage;

    It's the same headshot / person.... but vale lived in australia?
    Where / are you Vale? What's going on Lemmy?
  12. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Is your bro single?!? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif I think I just came! ^-^
  13. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    Your expansive character knowledge makes the existence of this thread an anomaly.
  14. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I prefer this one myself.

    Still curious what Lemmy's picture is doing in a thread from 2004 when he joined the site 2006 though.
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    looks like KiwE uncovered a scandel with Lemme, haha wow online drama cracks me up.
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Something is very odd, I'll say that much. Is it the same picture??? I think, without a doubt, YES.
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    You cats are absolutely brutal /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  18. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    hey lemmeistrash and fightingviper,

    play me on xbl please. thank you.
  19. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    No need, he has to beat one of the worst before he deserves
    to go against one of the best.
  20. RORY

    RORY Well-Known Member

    Hey Lemmy and FightingViper what happened to you guys I havent seen you online in ages

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