I have the PS3 VF, should I now get the 360?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Streetrunner, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    It's called getting a job, i.e. selling the use of your skills over a set time for a set price. What the hell do you call buying services... a movie ticket price = the price of 2 hours of entertainment, not the price of a slip of paper. Your hourly wage = the price of making you work for one hour, not the price of whatever you produced during that hour. As insulting and idiotic as your examples are... you're attempts to be sarcastic failed. The answer to all your rhetorical quetions was "yes", it wasn't some crazy spin on the way the world works.

    Zentou: Essentially every estimate I've ever seen puts the RROD rate at approximately 30% on xboxes. That means 70% of the people who buy one will never need to replace it. I happen to have owned my long enough that yes, I can confirm I am almost certainly within that 70%. Yes, it's anecdotal evidence... but all your evidence has been equally anecdotal so stop pretending you're actually providing useful information to anyone.
  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    It does seem to me that most of your posts are anti-360, ZenTou. Does it bother you that much that the 360 has a superior version of the game in both balance and features that all you can do is moan about how they all keep getting the RROD?
  3. katsudon37

    katsudon37 Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, what? What was that? It sounds like you're attempts at the english language has failed too! Guess it's a little difficult to suck cock and type at the same time huh?


    ...hey look at that, I just did a Sorias - scouring people's replies looking for things to argue/disagree with, simply for the sake of disagreeing, with no purpose whatsoever.

    But you know what, you have a good point, and if you want to measure your self-worth in dollars by the amount of cocks you suck per hour, that's fine by me:)
  4. ZenTou

    ZenTou Well-Known Member

    Hey fat Albert get off my dick. You bought a lemon, dumbshit pure and simple. I dont want some fat fuck Keenan and Kell lookalike jumping on my back just because I warned a newcomer about the pitfalls of buying a notoriously faulty system. You like waiting two to four weeks for your system to get fixed? Fine lard ass, heres a cookie. Dont get pissed at me, Rubin Studdard, get pissed at the asshole who designed your system with only a half inch heat sink for its GPU.

    You don't know shit about VF anyway, you just came on VFdc after VF5 came on 360, so as far as I'm concerned your opinion isn't worth shit. Talk about what your know about: eating a dozen donuts and counting you chins.
  5. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Katsudon: Oh, real original, you've devolved into giving nothing but insults instead of actual arguments... never heard that one before.

    Let me spell out a real simple example, just for you. Say you want to eat some cheese. There are two ways you can get cheese. You can go find a cow in the wilderness, and milk your cow, and process the milk you get until you have a block of cheese. Say this takes 10 hours... eating cheese is now worth 10 hours of your time. The second way you get cheese is to go to a supermarket and buy a block of cheese, say it costs 5 dollars. You have now bought yourself 10 hours of time with your 5 dollars. This is the fundamental rule of our economy... all businesses are founded on the idea that you will pay to have them do something for you that you don't want to spend your time on.

    Note, of course, that this does not mean that the farmer you bought your cheese from now has a worth of 5 dollars/10 hours. He's much smarter than you, he bought a huge vat and a whole bunch of cows, and made 100 blocks of cheese at the same time, so you only ended up buying some small portion of his 10 hours of work, even though you gained 10 hours yourself with that same purchase. This shows that time does not have the same value to different people... but it does still have a particular value. It's equal to whatever you could accomplish during that time.

    Buying and selling time is the only thing anyone ever does... time is not some nebulous concept that the economy ignores.
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Turning Bruce Buffer Voice on...

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>I</span><span style='font-size: 11pt'>I</span><span style='font-size: 14pt'>I</span><span style='font-size: 17pt'>I</span><span style='font-size: 20pt'>I</span><span style='font-size: 23pt'>I</span><span style='font-size: 26pt'>IIIT'S TIIIIME!</span> To call it quits on this one.

    Buffer Voice off.

    The discussion regarding time having value was interesting. It's too bad things got out of hand.

    I think one of the answers to the original post would be "if you need to ask someone else if 360 VF5 with version C. gameplay and an online feature is a worthwhile purchase... it's likely not worth it to you."

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