If there was one thing you could modify or add ?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ONISTOMPA, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    The concept is interesting...I like the idea of gradually building
    your fighter, almost like an AI that you will fight as instead of
    letting it do it's own thing. Of course, if I had to unlock, say, Lau's elbow by
    learning to multiple throw escape, then I'd never get the elbow.
    In TENCHU WRATH OF HEAVEN, you can unlock special attacks after
    so many ninja stealth kills. How about special attacks for VF fighters? I mean something
    buried that takes a while to unearth? Would this add anything to the game?
    Would it be cheap to have a special move, and would your fighter be
    required to have, say, a little icon indicating that he/she does have one?
    Kind of like that "Palm of Death" thing you see pop up in kung-fu movies
    from the '70s...one hit and you've got a hundred steps before you die. I'm rambling.
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Actualy for those who played VF4 from day one, this has already happened, and I can prove it.

    You guys are talking about unlocking new moves or building up your character, but isn't this what VF is all about /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif anyways.

    Let's exmaine Kyasa-o as the example in my thesis, as he has played VF4 (and the other VF's) since day one.

    When he first started out, you could technically say that "all the moves are unlocked," but are they.....?

    When Kyasao first played his first VF4 match he had no idea of what the highest damaging TFT combo would be, or what to follow up with after [3]+[P] or BT[2]+[K], even though the combos that are most effective after those moves were available to him, but they has yet to be discovered.

    After let's say 500 matches, Kyasao figured out (himself) the [3]+[P] , [P] , [2]+[P]+[K][K] combo. Then after 750 matches, he figured out to use [3]+[K]+[G] from a BT[2]+[K] hit. And several months later (even after the PS2 release I think) some other Kage player discovered the TFT combo most commonly used today.

    Whenever you play VF (alot) you are bound to discover a combo one way or another, especially like in the case of Kyasao, when you HAVE to. Also the more you play the more better you should get at VF, so in a way you are buidling up your character.
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but all he had to do is read one of hundreds of internet pages or Famitsu articles that give him the WHOLE move list, include strings, and TFT combos. *OR*, let's say he and another high level player sit down so he can learn a new character. That'd take what? 30 minutes and he knows all the moves.

    I think a better analogy would be the item system in Ver. A-C. You unlocked items by doing certain stuff. TEs, reversals, winning w/ 3 excellents, etc. This proved to not work though, as people would load up card and sell it, which pissed AM2 off. There are a few items you get this way in Evo, but the majority of them you buy. Some people still sell cards, but mainly when they retire from VF.

    All in all, it'd only work if two oppoenents were equally matched. If not, the famous players would haev all the moves and the scrubs would have dick. It'd only work in an extremely closed environment.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Allow me to fabricate...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cat Sandwich said:

    Actualy for those who played VF4 from day one, this has already happened, and I can prove it... Well, actually I can't - I just want to spew forth some more groundless prattle. Watch as I deftly spin the unlockable move concept so it fits an entirely unrelated scenario. Be amazed as I ramble about my vast knowledge of "Kyasa-0" instead of Minami, 'cause too many people thought I had taken residence in his ass.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  5. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

  6. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GaijinPunch said:
    Yeah, but all he had to do is read one of hundreds of internet pages or Famitsu articles that give him the WHOLE move list, include strings, and TFT combos. *OR*, let's say he and another high level player sit down so he can learn a new character. That'd take what? 30 minutes and he knows all the moves.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not the actual moves from a movelist, but the COMBOS that are the most effective after a specific combo initiating move. Don't even try to tell me that they can learn a character in 30 minutes, the "best" TFT combo wasn't discovered until version C VF4, even though it was possible in Ver.A.

    You honestly think that a player can learn every single combo in 30 minutes, when some of them were not discovered for months and months.......whatever.

    I don't know what point you were trying to make, but please clarify it for me. I was talking about the combinations of moves, not single moves out of the movelist, which is what I think you are talking about...right?
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    If you've watched a friend of yours play a character long enough, you've played AGAINST that character long enough, and you're at Kyasao's level, you could pick them up in one setting, no problem. No way does it take a month, or 500 games to master the character. Those COMBOS you're referring to are not elusive at all -- There's only 3-4 weekly game magazines, plus thousands of players in Japanese arcades... that knowledge is all over the place here, and you really don't have to look for it.

    You ever seen Kyasao's sub-characters? On Ver. C, he played them about 200-300 matches, got them to a few ranks above Ha-oh, and didn't play them anymore. (almost all of them) Of course, he could've practiced some of them on the PS2 as he made a few after the release, but that only goes so far.

    Basically my point is that your point was far from what you thougth it was. I mean... shit... ANY game takes practice, so in that sense - any game out there is a simulation game, in that you're "building" your character with your own knowledge.

    Just seems like you're trying to win a post-count contest or something sometimes.
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    One potential idea is to have some sort of a multi-player online RPG but with VF characters and VF-styled matches as battles. The gimmick is that each character starts out with the basic moves (punch, high kick, elbow, sidekick, throw, low punch, low kick), and the more things a player does in the game the more moves the player's character gets or "learns."

    It's possible to win with just those basic moves, but obviously the more moves the better.
  9. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member


    Answer me these, could Kyasao have picked up Kage the first week of VF4 and known all the combos he used at the tail end of VF4, right befores Evolution's release?

    And, why did he still use lower damage combos in VF4 version A,B and C when he according to you should have known the combos after his 200-300th match?

    It took him months to learn those combos, he even uses outdated combos on the PS2 replays of VF4.....which were taken when the arcade was in version C....
  10. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I wonder if this is what VF Quest for the Gamecube is going to be like?

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Hmm, never thought about that. That's a great idea, you can have different levels of arcades. To compete in the higher level ones, you'll have to reach a certain rank, have your full movelist, speed, guard stagger recovery... You'll gain experience points by either completing challenges in the dojo, tournaments, mini games, matches etc. But I think we'll have to wait till VF7 or 8 to ever see something like this to happen.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:
    Of course, if I had to unlock, say, Lau's elbow by
    learning to multiple throw escape, then I'd never get the elbow.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Or maybe just have multiple ways of unlocking it : Defeating a higher ranked Lau, multiple TE's, x amount of experience points or wins...

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:
    In TENCHU WRATH OF HEAVEN, you can unlock special attacks after
    so many ninja stealth kills. How about special attacks for VF fighters? I mean something
    buried that takes a while to unearth? Would this add anything to the game?
    Would it be cheap to have a special move, and would your fighter be
    required to have, say, a little icon indicating that he/she does have one?
    Kind of like that "Palm of Death" thing you see pop up in kung-fu movies
    from the '70s...one hit and you've got a hundred steps before you die.

    [/ QUOTE ] It think it would be cool as long as they look realistic : no fireballs or lasers. Just precise and devastating blows to vital spots. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  13. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    Well, I for one kind of wish there was an RPG style VF game, DOA type thing. Even though that storyline is dopey as shit, I still prefer RPGs, as interactive movies more or less (also, I'm not in a position with VF where I have a roomful of Japanese enthusiasts cheering me on, so my VF overall experience is lessened). There must be some kind of audience for that RPG aspect of VF, as there's apparently some anime videos floating around starring the guys, that I spotted on Ebay. They look terrible, but apparently there's all kinds of +story+ going on. I mention this only in and of itself, not to start a whole argument about whether anyone CARES about any story connecting with VF. Just SAYING.
  14. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    Definitely no lasers. More like a cutscene, perhaps (tentative)...
    it might be interesting if the camera work used on the Replay of the KO, that resembles a cutscene
    in that it is removed from the static face-on camera used for the main fight, could
    be applied to the "unlockable" attack. I mean, the attack cutscene would break the flow of the
    fight (somewhat, since you have to wait for the animation to run its course), and this would
    take away some from the ability of the advantaged fighter to see where he is in the ring and in
    proximity to the fallen, but still...Kage's TFT jump-hug and pile-drive has its own "cutscene" sort of feel, as
    do most throws, so this is viable. The unlockable is going to be as definite, as a throw that is not escaped is definite (damage varies though) but will probably be a strike or
    series of strikes...the only thing I see bad about this is the extra damage and the definite nature of
    the attack will make anyone with the unlockable simply do that move continuously, resulting in a
    fight of nothing but cutscenes, which might get pretty old pretty fast.

    Actually, it sounds like what I'm describing is merely another throw, since Lau's new throw in EVO and
    some Jacky and Sarah throws are all a series of strikes causing big damage. I guess the unlockable would simply have
    to remain a single strike of some kind, stronger than most basic strikes. You'd have to assume, fighting against Empnova's
    83% Akira, that his Akira would probably have unlocked a special attack, something you and not many others had
    seen, who weren't hardcore Akira guys. Which would mean Empnova's proven Akira has that little something extra
    that would make it more invincible than it currently is. Scary thought.

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