Is SC4 that great of a fighting game?

Discussion in 'General' started by Air Jacky, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    SCIV is a good game. It has plenty of depth. I've had some very fun and exciting matches online. Once again, on a good connection, the game performs very well. I like SCIV more and more every time I play.

    No, it's not VF5, it's a different game. There are similarities but it's another theme all together. It's a weapon based fighting game. The range of many attacks is much long than VF, it makes the game very different. It's not as focused on point-blank combat and more focused on ranging and punishing with flashy combos.

    It has more flash than VF5 and not as much depth, but VF5 is so deep that's not a fair comparison. VF5 is the deepest fighting game period. SCIV is very deep, just not the absolute deepest fighting game out. Believe me, there's PLENTY in there to learn and practice.

    I didn't think the game was going to be as good and fun as it is. I'm quite pleasantly surprised. As far as SCIV game goes, don't knock it till you try it...

    If you have a choice, go with the XBOX 360 version. The online has a lot less lag than the PS3 version from the posts I've read around the internets...
  2. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter



    Like Shinobi posted, many VFers are fans of fighting games in general. And many VFers will admit to playing DOA, Tekken, Street Fighter, Fight Night, FFNY, Urban Reign, Kengo, Mortal Kombat, King of the Fighters, etc. I've never met a serious[/size] VFer that switched (or jumped the VF fence[/size]) to go to any of the other fighters as their primary game. However I meet people all the time who switch[/size] from one of the other fighting games and make VF their primary fighter. That's because VF is simply the best fighter on the market. Yes! It lacks all of the flash, fancy story lines, and extra game modes that some of the other fighting games have, so VFers play those games for a change of pace, change of (stage scenery), a chance to see virtual ass and tits etc. But in the final analysis when you want to get a serious fight on, experienced fighting gamers know, that there VF is the best fighting game on the planet (Of course I'm a VF fanboy[/size])

    Is SC4 that great of a fighting game?

    Yes! Its one of (if not the best) weapon based fighting games on the market. It has excellent graphics, gorgeous stages, interesting character designs, high quality sound, valid fighting mechanics, a decent set of movelists for every character, a story line, crazy challenging survival mode,a character customization feature, online play, and its deep enough to support tournament level play. Its definitely worth the money and time invested.[/size]

    But that said, it has lizards[/size], fire balls, men fighting in thongs, monsters, freaks, temporary invisibility[/size] for some characters, the ability to fly[/size] for other characters, lighting flashes, and soul crushes. This is clearly an entertainment and change of pace diversion for VFers![/size]

    As I've said several times B4, I'll give it about 30 days and the SCIV talk will have died down on VF because the novelty will have worn off, and experienced VFers will have taken what they wanted from the game, and it will be put on the shelf with all of their other fighting games and will occasionally surface when we want a change of pace or when we just want to remind ourselves (and others) just how much better VF is than the rest of the competition.

    Yes SC4 is great fighting game, but imho VF is a greater fighting game(the best fighting game to date). My bias is towards simulation and realism.

    I don't think people have jumped the VF fence. Its more like going out of town to hang out with some old friends, or leaving for spring break /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif We'll be back home next week /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    "Dojo Chiquanshu where the virtual martial arts are real"
  4. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I love me some stun combos
  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Yes Coz, those stun combos are just nasty...

    My Ivy stunner: 6AK (stun from the K)> 3B (juggle)>236BB to finish... Over 80 dmg and just too fun to land on people. SCIV is a good-ass game...
  6. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    I don't see the difference lag wise. It's really the same IMO. My main thing is telling myself to go play ONLINE first instead of offline because when I play offline before I play with some friends on Live my time is slightly off. Once I get adjusted it's a great experience. Same goes for VF5.
  7. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    The thing is people aren't on here saying that SC4 is better then VF5. We all know it's not, but what's annoying is people who haven't even played SC4 talking shit about the game. People calling it shallow because their good at VF5.

    I like fighting games period. SC4 is a good game so I'll play it and it's making me better at fighters overall. I originally learned VF with a controller on PS2. And during my time playing on 360 I switched from the controller to a stick. This was a big change for me. Especially since I got up to number 1 with Pai on time attack with a controller. So I'm learning SC4 from scratch with a stick and I'm seeing how it's making me a better fighter period. I know when I go back to VF I'll be able to do the multiple button press moves much easier then before.
  8. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Dude, you're on like... *The* VF site. We can bash what we want, it's not like we're all calling you guys out over on caliburforum. So, seriously, get over yourself. Also, you're forgetting that most people here prefer to play games in person. Telling people to deal with the lag by simply not learning offline, so they can adjust timing is missing the only point. We're only playing online in the first place so we can practice for offline tournaments. If we have to adjust our timing, then most people would rather not play online at all.

    Also... I would not necessarily use SC to practice inputting for VF. There's some very notable differences in the way the two games accept inputs. The two things that are really causing problems for me:

    1) In SC, repetitions of a single input direction must be done slower than in VF. I don't know the reason why, but when doing stuff like 66A+B, I have to really, really slow down the 66 compared to how fast I would input in VF, or else I get 6A+B every time.

    2) In VF, an evade is hitting a direction, then returning to neutral, whereas holding down is crouch. In SC, up or down by itself is an evade, up or down while pressing guard turns it into a crouch/jump. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to evade, and then guard in SC, and every single time my character jumps because I hit guard too soon.

    But yeah... saying you're getting 100% execution in SC *probably* just means you're still going to have trouble when you go back to VF because your hands are moving a tad slow.
  9. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    thanks everyone for putting their 2 cents in. it sounds like this game is a good fighting game, still not my cup of tea, the only 2 weapon fighting games that I played were Samurai Showdown 2 " which is the best one" SS3 is not too bad, and Last Bronx which was more of a novelty game in my opinion, but was fun to play back then. I probably wont get SC4 now, not with NY7 coming up here, I need to practice alot for it. lol
    I also understand that people will play other fighting games besides VF but I was surprised that so many VFer's are playing SC$. I wonder if Street fighter 4 will have the same effect. I myself started on Street Fighter 2 back in 93, but this new one doesn’t peek my interest at all. It seems to be a cross between SF3 and SFEX, I hated SF3 and SFEX was fun to play in Japan for a short while, but neither of them comes close to Super Street Fighter turbo, which is still popular in Japan.
    Well enjoy the new SC4 hope to see some of you back soon to VF.
    Real quick how is yoda. Is he hard to beat up? He reminds me of shun a bit in that he would be a hard character to play against because of his size, do alot of moves miss him?
  10. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    All highs automatically miss him while he's just standing, doing nothing, because he's so short. He's also 100% immune to throws, I think just the animations wouldn't work, again because of his size, so Namco just disabled the option entirely.

    That said, in order to throw or do non-low attacks, he actually has to force jump up to normal height, so he's got those extra super vulnerable jumping frames attached to most of his moves. His evade also seems to be unusually slow for some reason.

    Basically, once you remember not to try and throw him anymore, he dies pretty fast. I don't think he's actually considered the worst character in the game... but he's very close.
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Sorias got it pretty much. Yoda is a full character but he's still a gimmicky guy in my mind. He's so short and so many moves just miss him, I don't consider him a real character within the system as a whole, he's definitely an afterthought.

    He can be cheap because he's so hard to hit but I just spam BB when I fight him. People pick him very rarely (only a couple of times in 150+ ranked matches) because they understand he just doesn't fit too well into the game. It's much more fun to just play two regular characters against each other that react normally to moves and combos..
  12. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

  13. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    What was the point of this post? I already said that VF5 > SC4. Everything else you said I already know.
  14. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Uh... I thought someone might find it interesting since so many VF players are talking about SC here, and some of the engine differences are kinda subtle. The world doesn't revolve around you, dude.
  15. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    It's a case of Who Dares Wins, when the winner will have less competition and will be worse off than its predesessor, that's why no one declares victory: buisness.

    Actually, that was why it was getting worse in the first place. The world declared it a winner, so it suffered.

    If you want to continue being on top, act like you're No.2.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    The guy is just trying to pick a fight with no basis. Trust me it's much more fun to choose your battles wisely whoever you are. I'm inclined to think you're yet another one of those guys who's been banned from the site that's interjecting in our conversation just to be a pain in the ass. STFU if you don't have anything to say and stop being the worst troll in history cuz you're flip floping your position like a (insert candidate you do'nt like here)
  17. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Yes, SC4 is actually that good of a fighting game... SC3 was total trash, but Namco has somewhat redeemed themselves with 4. Outside of the Ivy infinite it's a solid game. Props to Namco for making sure something like SC3 didn't happen again.
  18. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    WTF are you talking about... no, seriously, I don't understand what you're trying to say at all.

    SC1 was a fairly great game. SC2 was a rushed followup that had horrible, horrible glitches that subverted some of the good gameplay from the first. SC3 was even more rushed, and had even worse glitches. SC4 doesn't seem to be quite as glitchy as the previous ones, but in order to "correct" issues with the previous versions, they've actually altered and/or removed some of the gameplay that people loved about SC1, while simultaneously creating a bunch of useless extra meters like the armor break stuff.

    It's not actually a very interesting story, though... the lesson is, if you want a good engine, spend more money testing the gameplay, and less money licensing Spawn for a guest appearance. And since they still get good sales, I doubt the licensing deals will end anytime soon...
  19. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    What I was trying to say was that since SC2, SC was losing that winning feeling for Namco with every incarnation (especilly against the competition of VF, SF, and even 'it's' own Tekken), so they had to act hard to get it back, even if ment putting in Star Wars in the game.
  20. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I still like VF alot more. When R comes stateside ill probably forget all about this game.

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