Is SC4 that great of a fighting game?

Discussion in 'General' started by Air Jacky, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Online complicates things, so I can see how you'd think this, but pretty much every low can be punished on block. (You can also just jump up instead of blocking a low if it actually leaves you at disadvantage.) At worst, you have a 50/50 situation if you block. That's not the only option from there however. You typically still have attacks from wakeup that can discourage such spamming.
  2. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    True enough, online SC is way more temperamental than online VF. Case
    in point, I play a lot of ROCK. Who stinks, especially online. I play a few
    friends offline and my rock actually is a threat. Online? Not a chance in
    hell. Similarly lows become magically hard to block, UB's even become
    hard to step and yah, getups get botched. SC actually has an instant getup
    blocking system which annoys me. You'd think that sometimes knocking
    someone down gives them advantage. That all being said, if you base your
    opinion off of online sure the game has HUGE issues.

    If you're basing it off one offine, playing against seasoned SC players is
    probably the best way to formulate an opinion. I was actually online the other
    day and was pleasantly surprised to find a Seigfred player that could block
    all of my cheese and attacked with specific frame conscious attack flow. It was
    really the best gaming I've had in SCIV ever.
  3. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    75 I like the response there. What’s funny to me is that it seems the people that were playing VF2 & 3 are not playing SC4. Just something I have notice is all and that is not saying everyone that played VF2 & 3 just most of them. I know Jhow thought about picking this game up but decide not to, not sure the reason but we were talking about all the people that are now playing SC4 instead of VF. And both of us are still surprised by it. Well I hope the games novelty will wear thin soon, and everyone comes back to the true and best fighting game out there even if it is now out dated. but Americans should be use to that by now since VF is always released here late or not at all.
  4. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    I just play it cause it's a fighting game.

    Don't have much in the way of brand loyalty I guess. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I played VF2 and 3 and i play this. Its not about the one and only fighting game its about having some variety period. VF5 is good but if it outdated then it time for a shot in the arm for the series again. Hopefully in VF6 there Multi-tier stages again and destructable eviroments that won't hinder the gameplay. I would love to play a VF game here i could kick someone to a glass window of a building or something without them fallin 200 feet.Shit for christ sakes Jacky's VF3 stage was on the top of a construction site that you can fall off of,Pai was on the side of a roof you can fall off of and land in front of the family's resturant. Tat was innvovative and i know sega was pionneerd a lot of cool feature can pull it off. I mean why is there no wrestling ring stages for Wolf and Blaze where they can do special throw that send you to a rope thats not cheap or anything but for wrestling flair?
  6. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Erm, VF5, especilly VF5R and even all VF4s, had destructable enviroments. Like, VF5R has rectangles and octagons and walls that open and shut. Can't you talk about SC, and your console requests here , if you've got any more... any way, no, my thought's VF related.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Just fyi I too played VF1,2,3,4 aswell just not hardcore like I do now. I still count it though cuz I loved the game back then, I just rocked all my friends back then so eventually had nobody to play with.
  8. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Heh I played VF1,2,3,4,5 and I played SC 1,2,3,4. Wait a second I played Tekken 1 (eventually, took a while) 2, 3, ttt.....screw the rest..

    I play SCIV because I like it. I don't always play the best game just like I don't
    always eat the best food. As they say, "Show me a beautiful woman, and I'll show
    you a guy that's tired of fucking her."
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    if I had a nickel for every time that's happened to me . . . am I right or am I right *snicker* ROFL so true tho.
  10. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    I was a Namco lover...Tekken3-4 was my cup of tea and at a time I was VERY much into SC (I've won 2 local tournieZ in SC1).
    After the disappointment that was SC3, I was very excited about SC4, picked it up on the first day and played 3 weeks straight...3 fun weeks of ofline VS (I don't have a good enough connection for online).

    ...though as I come to my 4th week I feel that all I have done with SC4 is waste's IMO no-where near as good as VF5 in many terms (including fun), I don't think it helps me as a gamer, and I have an endless number of things to learn in VF.
    I don't have much time in my life for videogames so I prefer to play what i believe is the best.
    If you have time to spare, need to cool-off VF a bit, or in need of some cheesy eye candy, yea SC4 might do the job; otherwise IMO you are just wasting your time as a fighting game fan.

    Talking about these 2 games feels like comparing a Sneakers bar to a nice Sushi meal, they both taste good but one is just candy...the less you eat the better you'll be off in the long run /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Gernburgs you seem to be getting chubby dude lol...come back to the light side (we have fat-free coockies)
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Funniest thing is at one time I thought I had to have the hot chick, but if you get
    past the imagery in the media an average chick will do just fine; for me anyway.
    One head is way more opinionated than the other /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    /off topic
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I too recently have felt this with SCIV. This past week especially I'm just starting to get bored of the game, but VF lasted me for a year plus (counting ver. B). I'm out of town and wish I had brought VF with me, I was foolish to think the high of SCIV would last me a month. foolish foolish foolish. why oh why did I not pack just one more game with me *sigh*
  13. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    You should be ashamed of yourself! heh heh jk. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Meh, I play a lot of different games, SC4 is one of them. It's a good game and it's fun, but that's only my opinion. I'm also playing Braid and Bionic Commando Rearmed so I always mix it up...

    I have no BIG problems with SC4, I think it's good fun and all. I never said it was better than VF5, actually I said SC4 was worse, and it is, it's just not in the realm of being a bad game.
  15. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I wish this was true for me;; Sadly, VF5 seems to have been dropped from tourney scene completely where I live. On the other hand, SC4 has two tournaments schedule in the next month, and people want more if they aren't a bust. I'm probably going to end up being stuck with SC until VF5R potentially comes out (please see a console release!!!!)
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm not big on the tourny scene not cuz I don't want to just cuz they're not around me aka within biking distance of my home. So what's being playing at the tournaments doesn't' really affect me too much.

    When I get back to college next week I know I'll have to play SCIV cuz my roomies like it and it's better than not having anyone to play with offline. I hope one day to convert them to VF
  17. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Wait until they are bored playing SCIV (which I don't think they will), THEN when they ask to play a different game, THEN you show show the the VF5 that you smuggled along with you, THEN you start to convert them.
  18. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    I sort of have the same problem here as well...everyone is into SC, there is like only 3 people that play VF; 1 left for school in France; 1 left for the army; and the last one I rarely see /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif this was another reason why I hoped to like SCIV even more.
    Though I noticed/felt that the people here that play SC are nice guys but in general somewhat immature in comparison to the peeps that play VF...I might go as far as to say that they are of worse 'caliber' as people j/k (tell me what you play and I'll tell you what kind of person you are lol).
    ...and mainly I had my reasons regarding the game (as I stated before)

    So, I decided that it was gonna be Quality over Quantity for me...I now just play with that one person when I get the chance, and god bless the online feature.

    Tricky dude, I don't of luck with convincing the roomies; although like Nobiyuki said I don't think you will...but remember "patience is a virtua"
  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Anyone remember LemmyistheGame?

    He had a go at me about my reasons for not playing SC4 anymore.

    He is also aiming to learn all characters (equally) for SC4.
  20. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    If VF5 was multi-platform AND online, from the beginning, like SC4, it would have sold a lot more, if not just as well...

    Didn't hurt that they advertised SC4 like crazy.

    They need to make VF5R multi-platform, and SEGA already has a better netcode for a fighter than SC4, and have the advertising blitz. They can match SC4 if they do it right, cause everybody is hungry for fighting games now that the games play pretty well online...

    SEGA could make SC4 into an appetizer if they advertise enough. VF5R has plenty of impressive graphics for them to market easily (Goh stomping peoples head off the half wall, then smashing their face into the ground) AND the new characters, which will bring people out of the woodwork.

    When they see Taka and some of the new stages and wall moves... it's a wrap. SEGA needs to pump the ads!!!

    I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more from NAMCO too... Tekken 6 is a guarantee at this point and Capcom is probably nefariously plotting what they're going to do with all the money they make off SF4 on console...

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