israeli-lebenon. what a mess..........

Discussion in 'General' started by KS_Vanessa, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    good point

    i never chose a side. i just always like to take in the fox news point of view. most times as a personal joke.

    in nowadays media fueled world its getting harder and harder to see the truth in anything.

    the only way any one will ever know the truth about anything is to witness it themselves

    did anyone see the news report on bbc of a aid convey being hit by nearby mortor round? saw it but luckly no fatalities so it wasnt such a big story on the bbc
  2. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    just been looking at the current events thread on the ebaumsworld forum

    apparently fox news were shot at in an area controloled by israelis.

    part of me wishs the sniper did a better job

    another part of is saying that is was only a warning shot.

    the last part of the video makes me laugh tho

    "I guess the bad guys will just shoot at anyone!"

    "...But it's Israel."

    "...completely shifting gears, ARE YOU a rotten speller?'

  3. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    There are only a few things that matter here.....

    1. Did Arabs have the land for millenia before the Jews got there.

    2. Did Jews take over Israel by force?

    3. Are all the Arabs who surround Israel the same race. In other words are all the Arabs...err...Arabs?

    4. Are the Israelis of a different race from Arabs?

    If the answer to all the questions are yes, then this fight is just another one of the many thousand skirmishes that Israel will have with its neighbors. If you go into someone's house against their wishes then you came there to fight. Israel took Arab land a built a state in the middle east against the wishes of every Arab (which means every person) who was already living there, they came to fight. Once this is over a few years will go by and they will be fighting someone else.

    Anything else people say or try to add is an attempt to complicate the situation in order to hide the simple truth in the confusion.
  4. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    so whats your answer to solving the issue?
  5. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    If by "Solve" you mean "end the violence" there are only five possible ways to do that.

    1. Someone expels all the Arabs

    2. Someone expels all the Israelis

    3. The Israelis break the Arab's spirit and get the Arabs to truly accept defeat.

    4. The Arabs learn to forgive the Israelis for taking their land and give up any pursuit of getting it back.

    5. The Israelis have a change of heart and decide that the land does rightfully belong to the Palestinians and give the land back and leave.

    Notice that the first three are extremely violent and downright evil. Notice that the last two are fantastically peaceful. Notice that all five are so unlikely as to be nigh impossible.

    Needless to say I don't have high expectations that this conflict will be solved in the near future (meaning the next 20 years).

    Anything short of one of those is just going to result in the sideways conflict we have been seeing for the last 20 years.

    Right now the Arabs are trying to end it by expelling the Israelis and the Israelis are trying to solve it by breaking the spirit of the Arabs.

    Both are going about it in the wrong way, they are using too much violence and not enough diplomacy.
  6. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    Darrius_Cole said:

    not enough diplomacy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Diplomacy dosen't work. It never has. It's just an illusion to the "civilized" world to trick themselves into thinking that something is in action.

    Real talk is negotiation. As in sitting down and hammering something out. Diplomacy is just random bullshit to make it look like something is happening. There are two ways to solve things, action (a.k.a violence) and negotiation.
  7. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    Hell all this is nothing compare to what I'm looking forward to.

    One day probably near the end of my life-time this whole mideast-B.S. is going to spill over to Asia & when that happens boy is it going to get interesting.

    It's really quite simply to get some peace in that region or any region for that matter. People need have some fun & get Laid. Release some of that tension in other ways ssshhh. Like have a blunt, jack & coke, rum & coke, a smoke, a few high price hookers from the Dubai folks, a few 8-balls on the side, fiber optic internet & lastly a World Sega VF5 Amusement Park. All those up tight religious norms they have there are choking their libidos to boredom.

    Man, I know I would kill a few hundred colour people including the white-boys if I believed in my god gave us this piece of land b.s.
  8. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

  9. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    The enduring stupidity of people who let hatred of others cloud their senses. All the guy succeeded in doing was to set back his advocated cause (the handful of casulities he inflicited will backfire on the cause) and get himself detained with nothing to show for it. I'm not a Muslim, but I should not be too far off by saying that any reasonable Muslim will be upset at this counterproductive activity.

    In my opinion, he could have neutralised the pro-Israel rally with a Save-the-Lebanese-Civilians rally, and retained his freedom to do more later on. Oh, well, guess it's easier to see the bigger picture when you're not part of it.

    Frankly, I wouldn't have been impressed by a pro-Israel rally on my doorstep, considering the amount of unnecessary damage Israeli forces have been doing to the Lebanese civilians. This sort of rally probably would be dismissed by most neutrals if it wasn't for the shooting.
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:

    Hell all this is nothing compare to what I'm looking forward to.

    One day probably near the end of my life-time this whole mideast-B.S. is going to spill over to Asia & when that happens boy is it going to get interesting.

    It's really quite simply to get some peace in that region or any region for that matter. People need have some fun & get Laid. Release some of that tension in other ways ssshhh. Like have a blunt, jack & coke, rum & coke, a smoke, a few high price hookers from the Dubai folks, a few 8-balls on the side, fiber optic internet & lastly a World Sega VF5 Amusement Park. All those up tight religious norms they have there are choking their libidos to boredom.

    Man, I know I would kill a few hundred colour people including the white-boys if I believed in my god gave us this piece of land b.s.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL, I dont know about the drugs (alcohol and cigarrettes are ok) but a lot of that madness you wrote would help them to chillax, lol.
    Take it from me, a LOT of those guys just need to get laid and have other things that bring them joy and recreational distraction (like a strip club, there are no strip clubs out there... none).
    Too much of anything is not a good thing, that includes religion. While most people here in the US could use a lot of it, a lot of those Middle Easterners could use a lot less. Less Ala, more Bud Light, less bombs, more boobs, less Bin Laden, more Bin Fuckin /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  11. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

  12. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    I believe Israel has the right to exist, but that the country should be content with its pre-67 borders. There is no justifying an expansion of territiory gained through war, especially a war started by the country that had more territory once the smoke cleared. The whole world, minus Israel and the U.S., sees the situation this way. The UN has been powerless on this score thanks to the bought-and-paid-for veto power wielded by the US.

    No one in the U.S. can reign in Israel. Bush and the GOP will not take an even handed approach to the middle east. Nancy Pelosi, trying to 1-up the GOP stated that the prime minister of Iraq not be allowed to speak in Congress because he called for an immediate cease fire without condemning Hezbollah. He didn't say anything supportive of Hezbollah, but what he didn't say was deemed offensive enough that the top Democrat though he should be banned from speakig to Congress!

    Anyone who is unaware of the power that Israel wields in US politics should read THIS.

    The machinery that controls America's foreign policy and the public's perception of it is too powerful. We can talk all we want about what we think Israel or the US should do, but is does not matter - no American politician or journalist dare stand up to the Israel Lobby.

    The middle East looks the way it does largely because of oil interests and Israel. Neocons and their ilk would like us to look upon the Muslim world as backward, violent, superstitious sub-humans that eventually will need to be killed off in large numbers in the name of peace and freedom or something.

    The US should get out of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. We don't need their oil that bad. Hugo Chavez has more than either country. If we give money to Israel, it ought to be on the condition that they withdraw to pre-67 borders and give billions of dollars to compensate the Palestinians for the land they stole.

    But powerful rackets stand in the way of any of these things happening...
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    Are you aware that Israel did not start any of those wars? Going back to pre 67 boarders is rediculous. All those countries attacked and got their ass spanked. If they didn't want to risk loosing territory, they should not of attacked. Thank you for playing, insert another quater.
  14. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    Shadowdean, why do you write in such a smarmy, dismissive style without first looking up the facts behind the sole claim you make? Doing so might keep you from coming off as smarmy, dismissive, and wrong.

    From wiki:

    "(The Six Day War) began when Israel launched a preemptive attack against Egypt"

    Israel started that war. This is not disputed. For someone who likes to freak out about the subject, you don't seem to have a basic grasp of the facts.

    As for me, I don't really have a dog in this fight. If it comes down to personal prejudices, I probably like Jewish people more than Muslims. I have more Jewish friends. I appreciate the long traditions of Jewish intellectualism and even atheism. My favorite college professor was Jewish. I live in a mostly Jewish neighborhood. I like Jewish comedians, etc. Muslims seem to be more overtly religious to me. And they don't drink (except the Turks who still can't be called the "fun Muslims" because the country to this day denies the Armenian Genocide ever happened). I have met Muslims who are nice, thoughtful people. I hate anti-Muslim rhetoric. Still, I realize that I have little in common with the Muslim world in general, aside from our shared humanity.

    But I feel that a lot of Jewish Americans have a sentimental blind spot when it comes to Israel. Maybe this doesn't include you. We've never met. I don't even know that you are Jewish, but you do seem to suffer from that kind of myopia.
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    Dissmaster, have you had any history lessons or just selectivly take from wiki? You do realize that Egypt, Lebanon, and friends had already massed at Israel's boarder and were given the green light to move. Israel, realizing that they were on the brink of war simply decided to attack first instead of waiting for all of them to roll in. Boo fucking hoo. THey got Pwned. That has nothing to do with religion, politics, or anything else. That is the fact. If they did not want war they should not of instigated it.
  16. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    Yes, they massed their troops, but any actual invasion of Israeli boundaries had yet to occur when Israel launched their air strike in the 1967 War.

    The air strike wasn't called a pre-emptive strike for nothing.
  17. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    You guys are making this much too complicated. Any idiot can see that if Palestinians were there for a millenia before Jews came then Israel has no moral right to be there against the will of the Palenstinians.

    This artificial confusion is all because of race. The Jews are white. Because they are white, other white people, (read US and Europe) are sympathetic to them. They don't really care if they are right or wrong; they just want to see their people live. There is no moral logic that says that I have right to your property just becase I took it by force. Yet because Jews are their people any act that kills a Jew is dispicable and downright evil in the their eyes. It can't just be another tactic of warfare. Those people are monsters, sub-human, there should be a word for them, they are terrorists.

    After all when they kill one of our civilians with a bomb vest, it is much worse than when we kill one of their civilians with a cruise missile. Only a coward and a villain would carry out a suicide bombing, but launching a surface-to-surface missile is honorable, even the Pope would do that.

    The Palestinians are Arabs. Because they are Arabs, other Arabs are sympathetic to them. They don't really care about right or wrong either; they just want to see their family live. It just so happens that their family is on the side of right about this one and that simple truth strenghens their will to keep fighting. It also makes them feel justified in killing anyone who sympathizes with someone on the other side. It doesn't matter whether they are military, or civilian. After all no one is truly innocent if they are on the wrong side of thier struggle are they? So they will go to any lengths to keep the struggle going.

    Hey, they are all casualties of war. They aren't as attached to their babies as we are to ours anyway; How could they be, after all our babies are so much more innocent than theirs are.

    Almost anybody who is not White or Arab can see this crap pretty clearly. Israel are wrong for simply being on the land, and both sides go overboard in killing innocent civilians in the fighting.
  18. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    Darrius,there are arabs and even blacks jews, although they are despised by the large majority white jews (talk about a taboo...).
    I live in Europe (Spain,Belgium),I think last week-end I saw on TV some news talking over 50 civilian lebaneses :ENTIRE FAMILIES!! being killed by the air strikes.
    This is unbearable,no matter what the Israel gov.say,it is quite simply a massacre .

    Oh and btw,I love how some people call anyone who disaprove the Israelian raids : "antisemite"...

    Way to go world !
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    Supid said:

    Yes, they massed their troops, but any actual invasion of Israeli boundaries had yet to occur when Israel launched their air strike in the 1967 War.

    The air strike wasn't called a pre-emptive strike for nothing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ???! So Israel should've waited to actually BE attacked, even though their enemies were massed at their borders and had been given the green light?!
    Oh, and by the way, Dissmaster, you sound like that guy that says "I'm not racist, I have Jewish friends, I like Jewish comedians." In case your "Jewish friends" havent informed you, "Neocons" is a racial slur, just like nigger, spic, cracker, etc.

    I'm not taking anybody's side but these places that are getting bombed, in case you didnt know, get warned ahead of time and many of these people flee, after all it is a war and as much as the media tries to make it seem like Israel is aming for areas full of civilians for no reason, know this, there's video footage of Hezbolla firing rockets from the same area that they COUNTER-fired upon.

    As much as anybody hates anti-Muslim rhetoric, their teachings state that it is ALRIGHT to KILL the infidel, what other religion (aside from Satanism) says THAT?!
  20. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    Althought, in all honesty it really is almost irrelavent. Jews are not white by design. We are all sand jockey's in origin. The Ethiopian Jews actually share the closest genetic link to the original tribes. "White" Jews happened only with the Diaspra.

    Does time make it right? Jews held the land for thousands of years before it feel to the Egyptians, and then we beat them. Then conqoured by rome...beat them. The basic problem with the argument of "but they were there" is that in a few thousand years, or hundred even, I can just say "well, the Jews were there for a long time before so..."

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