Japan VS USA

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ice-9, Feb 9, 2001.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Chanchai...a tour in Japan...you know it's going to be extremely costly right?

  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Not a full tour, I just call it that (fancy name).

    Tours are up to whoever wants to go on them. But no, it's not all of Japan. I'm just saying going there, meeting up, not a big thing in a sense, but a big thing in the sense that we all met up there and hung out in Japan. That's it.

    I'm not talking about organizing an official host. Or all staying at the same hotel. I'm only talking about the convenience of us being there, meeting up there, playing against each other, playing against Japanese players, and sharing our knowledge/observations/understandings and clearing up our misconceptions, etc...

    Simply put, just having a good time without making too much of a big deal about it.

    That's all I meant. 'Tour is just a term I threw in to announce it as sort of an event, no matter how organized or unorganized. Tour is just a fancy name, it has a ring to it. Do you want to call it "Japan gathering 2001?" VFDC Japan field trip? I didn't mean a tour where we pay them $1000 so they can simply take us to attractions of little content except the tons of tourist traps and merchandise they are trying to sell us. Just like I was thinking of calling the trips I originally planned to be Chanchai's VF Tour when all it was was to go around and meet the other VF players in Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, New York, and possibly Europe. Just a name and nothing more. Doesn't mean much outside of it, but it's a name to give it, a label to a memory.

    I just think it's cool that it's organized in the sense that a collective from all over is planning to meet in one spot for a set amount of time and go by their leisure there. A common interest uniting.

    I'm also saying that we don't have to organize it to have a freaking wake up and daily schedule. When I mean somebody hosting, I only mean it in a casual way. Shota knows the area, you know the area, you don't have to get a bus for us. We just hang out and happen to see stuff while we're there. And if you guys don't mind hanging out with us, that's cool.

    That's all I meant.
  3. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Japan Tour 1 (as in '01) :)

    erm...so when is Summer in the US anyway?,late this year?
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: VFDC Japan Tour 1 (as in '01) :)

    June through August typically. Or at least that's when most vacations are.
  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    >Adam and Nelson are probably the best bets for high wins if they the chance to play for a straight week with the japanese and adapt.

    out of the ny people, or "USA"? (btw, Jeff, wouldn't North America be more appropriate?)

    since i will not likely recieve a straight answer to this question, i'll just say this now:
    pardon my ego, but a hearty "BITE ME" if you meant out of everyone you've played. on the behalf of myself and many others.
  6. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I have no ego as concerns my own gameplay since I
    know I'm basically a knowledgeable tourist but
    I have to say that I've played against people
    who are not Adam and Nelson but would get my vote
    for "best of show".

    This is to say nothing against their abilities.
    Nelson rocked me time and time again when he and
    Adam showed up in Toronto (see the first paragraph
    about my being a tourist)and I've always held a
    public opinion of Adam as being a fantastic player
    but I think that particular judgement is a little

    I know people who have played in Japan and did
    very well for themselves. Did they play against
    the "big names"? No idea, they didn't speak
    Japanese and don't carry the pictures of the
    testujins in their wallets but that's hardly the
    point as the word Japanese has become synonymous
    with unbeatable or "nigh-invulnerable". And as I've
    mentioned, I've met up with people who have had
    direct experience and told a contrary tale.

    I think if you approach battle with the notion
    of being defeated you won't be dissapointed.

  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    If this trips work out
    I have no fear of meeting those 'super' players.
    In fact, I want to meet them, and flipkick their face!

    Maybe it's just me.
    But the idea of meeting stronger players just makes me perform better. That's always been the case. Will always be the case.

    Seriously though, I am sure I can get us a good deal regarding hotel accomodation.

    Foodwise, depending how much we each got.
    If we're poor, I don't mind being stuck with cup noodles for weeks(they're tasty). I've done it b4, dun mind doing it all over again.

    However, let it be known.
    Doesn't matter where we are from, just make sure you have at least 2000 dollars (be it singapore, US, Aussie. Canada dollars).

    The vf scene is really 'dead'.
    Yet, at Akihabara, you can still get excellent competition there.

    But seriously though, I think the idea of us meeting together is really cool. Even though we might'nt get much VF action, I think it is a cool idea we all meet up in Japan, where everything began.


    <font color=red>SummErs' 'Ride the Lighting Legacy'
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    The scene at Shinjuku Kani-Spo is very, very strong on the weekends. We will have no trouble finding competition.

    GE, on a good day, I would only rate myself a 3:5 at Kani-Spo (i.e. for every 3 wins, 5 losses). Honestly, it's tough getting a win on that one particular machine most closest to the elevator/stairs in the middle of the room. It's hard to explain, but people who've been to Kani-Spo know what I mean. That's the machine that Chibita, Se-Girl, Ikebukuro Sarah and the rest of the gang play. They are very, very good and it's very difficult to pull out a win. On that one machine I'm probably 1:5...and this is me playing to win (with an occasional unexpected move to get some respect, heh heh).

    So for those that have seen me play to win, that's a decent guage for the playing ability at Kani-Spo on a Saturday night.

    ice-9<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by ice-9 on 2/11/01 02:33 AM.</FONT></P>
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    SummErs here
    Left the password on another PC

    Let's all stop discussing about minor details.

    All this talk...

    LET'S DO IT!

    Yes, I know it's gonna be costly n stuff...
    But if we really wanna make it work, I can arrange for hotel accomodation...that's 1/4 of the battle completed.

    <font color=red> SummErs 'LET'S DO IT'
  10. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    If this did happen which is a big if do you think we could get a discount on a hotel if we all stayed at the same place

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Why else would u think I offered to take care of that arrangement?

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'Ride the Lighting Legacy'
  12. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    C'Mon Seriously now.....
    You;ve all heard...good competition breeds good players....Its just a fact these days that the NY crew gets to play the most consistently, so therefore its most reasonable to assume that we would have the best chance defeating Japanese players. A year goes by and alot changes...people get better and they play better. A half year after NYG2 and are some of us better...without a doubt...and I only say Adam and Nelson cause I've seen them play over the last 4/5 years...and everywhere that they play be it here, or visiting Canada, or anywhere they have held their own..and more often than not won more than lost. If the rest of the USA were still playing, even on a semi consistent basis, I never would have made that comment....It's just that were still playing....thats all....not that we have some inherent better awesome ability..I would never say that...like I would not doubt you or Shota or any of you guys have great ability

    As it stands now, I still think Adam and Nelson are the best bets...I'm discluding Hiro/Shota since he is technically Japanese...

    On a side note I think Rich is the next most capable player...


    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    These posts keep getting lost...do people read in flat mode or that foldered one?

  14. ghetto-SHUN

    ghetto-SHUN Well-Known Member

    On a side note I think Jo-Shun is the next most capable player.
  15. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    nelson: you mean before rich or after?
  16. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    On a side note, if people were going to spend all that time and money going to japan, wouldn't you rather plan it after the release of vf4?

    I'm sure the high level players that people here are talking about trying to play with will still be spending some time with vf3 to enjoy really high level play (such as the friday night scene at kani-spo that Jeff mentioned).

    And if vf4 is as popular as it's predecessors, there will be literally thousands of people playing vf4 at any given time of day, and all with a similar level of ability (again, this is based on the way the past updates have reduced everyone to a beginner).

    I think it would be really exciting to play vf4 most of the time with all sorts of bussinessmen, kids, and hardcore players; then play vf3 at select times when there's comp.

    Maybe this is what you guys had in mind, but since no one mentioned it... I'm going to japan for work in late july anyway, and I really hope 4's out already. If it were just to play vf, I'd try to go a week or 2 after 4 came out and enjoy both games.

  17. ghetto-SHUN

    ghetto-SHUN Well-Known Member

  18. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I am going to refresh Nelson's memory this weekend, hahahahahaa!!


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