Japanese players online!

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by MystD, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    IKESARAH is also in! (ikebukuro sarah, the VF2 tetsujin) connection was GREAT, he ranked up on me to 3rd dan.

    also saw muscle sarah forgot his GT..but hes out there
  2. coNsPirAcy

    coNsPirAcy Well-Known Member

    I *KNEW* there was something particular about that name, IKESARAH. At first i was suspicious of the name but no way it was ikebukuro sarah. But, now i know it is. He was a 10th Kyu when we were playing last night, Sarah mirrors. We were going back and forth, all down the last round sliver of life each time. I was thinking to myself, "man, hes trying to do all this fancy shit with flamingo, but unlike the players ive played, hes the first who actually knows HOW to use it."

    I hope he speaks some english cause i barely even know japanese. I would love to get more Sarah mirror matches in.
  3. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Ya, his flamingo stuff surprised me. I was playing slides flamingo earlier, and his Sarah was doing stuff out of flamingo I didn't know you could do (punch strings - guess slide didn't ever do them). Beat me with a pp dk out of flamingo, or I would have stood a chance at the win.

    What does it mean that he was the VF2 testujin though?
  4. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

  5. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    It means he is considered one of the legends of the game. In the same sense that Kyasao, Chibita, and Bunbun Maru are.
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    This is not good, had the first match (1 sec lag of course) against higher ranked japanese (who won due to lag of course). This will make me stop playing ranked online if majority of people there will not have the decency not to challenge grey icon people >_<

    What Im afraid is the amount of japanese that will inevitably flood online. Is there some way to plead sega insert some form of regional search or control over the matches..?
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Unless I'm missing something I don't understand why the Japanese able to win due to lag, and not you?

    Aren't both parties lagged equally?
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    a.) lag isnt VF

    b.) Im starting to believe that the lag can be asymmetrical..

    c.) the real issue that Im worried about is that I cannot prevent laggy people from challenging me, and the huge amount of people who would have laggy connection with me. This morning I saw maybe 40 people with grey icon (pretty much all US/japan) and one person with green icon, and that was it.

    ps. I think I saw muscle sarah online
  10. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    thats not correct.. thats all japanese players on mygamerscard.net. keep in mind ALOT of them dont use it. Here's some proof... IKESARAH has a gamerscore of 70 but if you scroll through the leaderboard list for japan, hes not on there.
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    OK - asymmetric lag doesn't make sense to me UNLESS the proximity of XBL servers has something to do with it. If an XBL server acts as a kind of escrow account for data transfer and someone closer to it refreshes faster - maybe. I'm only guessing here.
  12. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Lag *IS* asymetric.


    I regularly play with a friend of mine and i don't have lag while he does. Each time.

    Example: one time i was *telling* him with the mike "block low" after a lancer, or "break diagonal" when i was doing a low throw after vane's back charge kick, i could even hear him mashing the buttons (he has the EX stick) yet he did not escaped vane's throws.

    He also regulrarly complains about lag but i've always responded with "wtf man i can hear you perfectly and i play without lag whatsoever". Nevertheless, to prove me wrong he tried the back turned taunt thing with Pai (you know, where she walks away from the opponent, flailing her arms) and i could hear him mash the buttons and the animation happened after a brief moment. Tries it with other slow moves too.

    So, yeah, lag is asymetrical; since my buddy's from Greece (and they don't normally have live there), my guess is that asymetrical lag has something to do with your distance from the microsoft xbox live servers.

    EDIT: lol, just read Plague's post /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  13. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    It doesn't make sense for lag to be asymmetrical. Sorry erdraug. Think about it this way: how is data from your Xbox going to travel to someone elses faster than it takes for it to return, assuming it is taking the same channel back and forth. What you are saying would mean, that whenever he attacks, you see it instantly, but whenever you attack, he sees it delayed. Fundamentally that doesn't make sense.

    I think what you are confusing is that you can be mashing and you see it all just fine on your screen, but he may not see it til a bit later. So you can do something, he blocks it, then you do something else, but since he sees your move blocked with a delay, he may try to punish and get hit. You see this as being "no lag" on your side, but the fact is only because you yourself KNOW when you did the first move, and are mashing the second. HOWEVER, he can do the exact same thing to you, testifying to the fact that the lag is equally distributed.
  14. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    Not saying that VF has this problem, but it's known that in SF2T the player hosting the match has a huge advantage because their inputs go in perfectly and the guest will have any lag that is present in the match. Thing is, when I've played hosting a match in VF, my inputs lag more depending on the lag present, so I doubt the lag is asymmetrical enough to affect the matches to any wide margin, you're just getting pounded by superior Japanese players who don't play dirty like 90% of the western players.
  15. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Isn't VF set up like every other Live game where one 360 acts as the host while the other guy's connecting to that host?
  16. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    It makes sense. There is download and upload speed.
    I have a very good VF player on my list. When I play with him my jeff moves in slow motion. My friend doesn't notice any lag.

    He has very slow connection.
  17. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    C1REX, it might just be that your friend isn't good enough to notice the lag. =/
  18. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    DubC no, it's asymetrical. Read the facts again:

    * HE is the one hosting each time.
    * I have no lag whatsoever.
    * Both of us have no problem communicating through the xbox live microphone chat feature.
    * HIS side lags.
    * I can HEAR his side lag through the mike.

    My suspicions are confirmed now that C1REX reports the same thing, since we've played each other lots of times without lag.
  19. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    I haven't won even once. He is waaaay much better than me.
    Ofcorse there is always a possibility that he heas biger tolerance for lag.

    Look at games like Quake3. People with a good connection play like they would be offline. People with lag can be killed by their own rocket. Host player is in a big advantage.

    I'm still not 100% sure but getting very suspicious.
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Latest issue on asymmetrical lag which I noticed today. I evade a linear move, Mr.Experts chouwan in this case, I hear Akira yell for succesful evade, then I GET HIT WITH THE CHOUWAN THAT I JUST SUCCESFULLY EVADED. This is just clear and blatant bullshit. End of. And this wasnt even a singular case, I have had this happen to me several times recently. I evade a single linear move, get successful evade, and get hit with the attack. If both sides would lag the exact same amount (which I no longer believe) how could this happen?

    And quite frankly, while it shouldnt happen, theres a lot of reasons for asymmetric lag. There is no "channel", theres only a string of routers along the pipeline and theres no reason why some of them couldn't cause lag. The routers are spread all over the world for crying out loud. The messages sent at the same time by the xboxes are in different parts of the pipeline at the same time except when they intercept once. The routers might be under different workloads and what not. In theory it shouldnt happen as the hardware capacity should be so massive, but one thing i know is that theories and real world dont coincide that often. Internet is also not static. THe workloads of the routers are changing constantly. And we all know how microscopic the lag would have to be for us not notice it in VF. Remember those days when everybody preached VF could never be made online game? What happened to those people..

    If the game doesnt check for timestamp on the incoming commands (I doubt it does since it would cause lag, and how to discriminate between lag and player intended delay)) there is absolutely no reason why there couldnt be asymmetric lag.

    The game has already shown that the way it reads commands is not completely infallible. I have caused errors in replays back in VF4evo by bringing up the replay menu for a moment, causing completely wrong moves to come out in the replay and eventually an error message be displayed.

    Maybe I dont know anything but thats how I see this.

    Or this might be about host/client thing which I dont know much about as I dont have experiences from other online fighting games. At any rate theres lot of reasons.

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