Just how good are YOU? And how do you tell?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by tzgorr1, Apr 7, 2003.

  1. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Heh, I beat Heruru once, I still suck tough.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    There is no point to quantify how good someone is, look at chibita, we all know he's good, but he haven't won any of the big vf tournies yet in japan. So is he good or not? It's really pointless cause you can argue it either way.

    Hey, I don't advocate pissing contests... but there's no two ways to argue whether or not chibita is good. This is not up for debate by any sane and rational person. I think that's part of what the original post was about - how do you know when you've reached a point where you're not even relatively good? You're just plain good at VF. It's no longer up for debate. What are the criteria?
  4. marto99

    marto99 Member

    I recently got VF4 and am a stormlord and am about to become a thunderlord with Jacky. I can initiate throws well and have pretty good defence. I hav emastered it with him and can use most of the other players so i would say i am farly good. P.S. a good combo with Pai is [4][P]+[G]+[K][P][P][K][K]
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Unfourtunately being good a aginst a 'dumb' computer doesn'y qualify you to be a good player.However if you took all characters to High Kings and got all their orb items then that would be good.( Well good or maybe just ruthlessly determined ).Try playing against human opponents and see how you cope.It's the way vf has been designed to play after all.
  6. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    I myself would probably be intermediate, but I think it is fair to say that if you put a cap on how good you are based on your environment (no matter how realistic you can make this to be), you've already lost. In a world where people from Ohio can talk to people in Korea can talk to people in Australia, the information will always be out there and to accept ones self as anything but the greatest or soon to be greatest is an admittance of defeat at some level. The Japanese true have a larger base of people to fight but whose to say that a determined enough American can't be at their level? I refuse to say that because I live in Ohio and not California or Tokyo that I will never be as good as the Japanese or Californians. I have fun playing the game and I refuse to accept any form of defeat (without gain). /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Nicely put.At the end of the day it's just a computer game made for enjoyment and entertainment purposes. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    I'd say I'm a intermediate now. Comapred with all my friends and the pros down at the P2W in London, I'm nothing, not even a competition. I can beat the begginners and just about scrap through any intermediate players, lol.
    I dunno what it is, I can do combo's, air juggles, TR, play as many characters but still loose, lol. I'm more like a test or warm-up person to other players, lol. Teh best I've done is knock Ryan heart down by 2 rounds, lol.

    bah I admit I'm crap but I still like the game.
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel.I'm at the stage where I'd like to think I can beat any one new to the game or any button bashing freaks but in a serious copetition I've no idea how I'd fair.I played a mate of mine recently at Tekken and he kicked my ass.He'd never played vf 4 before so we put it on and I played as Akira ( my main character ) and he played as pretty much everyone else.I beat him 15 matches straight and he only took off about 4/5 rounds off me and we were playing first to 3 round matches so I was quite pleased with myself.However when I tried to mess around with other charcters the matches were really close and he actually beat me a few times.I'm real busy with work at the moment but over the summer I'm gonna try and make it down to play 2 win and see how badly I get beaten. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  10. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    I'm nothing. This doesn't mean i'm shit, it means i don't have a rank, cause i never played humans (besides my older brother, who doesn't play ps2, and beat the crap out of me by button-smashing with lau.....).
    After that i decided to train my evades a lot, so i'm better now. I've bought an Evo arcade stick from play-asia, and i've managed to master the arcade stick with every character, excepet kage (can't do the roll forward roll back roll forward...) and akira (i get m-dblpm as easy as 1, 2, 3, but DLC...ah ah ah...and knees are much easier with the AS.).
    I'm using sarah at the moment, and i'm trying to teach my Sarah AI. I also use Aoi some times, but Sarah's my main character right now. By the way, i think i'm able to defeat a human intermediate player..i think...lol. It's a shame that here in Portugal (and all over Europe mostly) people only play shitty beat'em ups. I won't specify, :p.

    I'm hoping someday to travel to Japan, not only to live there, but to work there, and hoping to play some VF-7
    probably out when i get there, lolol.
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    DLC just takes timing and practice.Basically when you see the motion of [3][K]+[G] on screen you press [6][P] then ram the stick back [4] before you see the elbow then [6][6][P]+[K] to get the body check and make sure it's forward twice,don't let your hand get lazy.When you get it down it becomes almost straight forward to finish any floater or OTB combo with though damage in either case won't be anything spectacular.I know what you mean about that bloody kage roll as I just can't get it out at all!Sarah and Aoi are definately nice characters to use and sticks are definately the way to play vf ( though there's nothing rwrong with pad users off course ).
  12. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Just adding once more that I still suck, no improvement whatsoever since this thread started.
  13. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I probably do too but I don't want to admit it to myself.

  14. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Snape, thanks, but i knew all that, lol. It's impossible to press [6]+[P] during the [3]+[K]+[G] animation, as you have to press both commands one after another. You can't wait for him to start the first, you have to do both pretty fast. And then comes the worst , cause after i break half my finger bones to do those 2 commands, i hear a sound like: CRRRAAK, which means my left arm is broken trying to make a [4][6][6] motion. So you see...People shouldn't be able to play with all the characters, some people just have better hands for that kind of stuff (shinz, =P) and some people just don't.

    I know this is off-topic but, while i'm here: What makes vf4-evo's character animations look smoother than vf4's?
  15. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vale_Mesmo_Tudo said:

    I know this is off-topic but, while i'm here: What makes vf4-evo's character animations look smoother than vf4's?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your fucking imagination!
    Vale again
  16. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    No, you can press [6][P] when the animation for [3][K]+[G] is showing it's called buffering , right?The [3][K]+[G] is a pretty slow animation any way but you should have FINISHED the elbow input by the time the knee move has come out and started on the body check a fraction of a second before the elbow starts showing.Trust me it works like this.Just read any one elses advice on doing it and they'll say the same.Using your arm for motion?The body check should come from the wrist so you can do it on instinct ( especially after an evade seen as though it does more damage when hitting a characters back ).It just takes practice.Slow down the training mode and set commands to come up and screen so you can see how many frames your taking up with the motion.I typically only take up about 2 frames for the [4] body check motion and the rest can be taken at about 4/5 for each of the two forwards I think.
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Shang... while the images are good for a laugh, could you at least pretend to be making an argument or point instead of just posting pix to make fun of someone? And if you are going to post pix, make it a clickable link instead of one that's automatically loaded?

  18. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    This kind of mentality can lead to thinking you're better than you really are which is a common symptom among NA players in any fighting game. It's great to believe in yourself but don't delude yourself either.
  19. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Snape I was joking about the arm, lol. But you can't buffer the [3]+[K]+[G] into [6]+[P]. Because they both connect as a Command. It's a "game-made" combo. You can press of course [6]+[P] during [3]+[K]+[G] animation, but not like that. You can't press it during the animation, or it will be the [3]+[K]+[G] that will come out, and no [6]+[P]. So all you have to do is press the P part right after the KG part. You can buffer SPoD's [P]+[K]+[G] into [4][3]+[P]+[G] but u can't do that with DLC*. And i've already tried the slow motion stuff (i'm noob, but please, don't be so exagerated..). It's like i said before, some people can make those movements much easier than others, like me.
    Thanks tough Snape, /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    *(you can, what i meant is: it has to be done very fast, so it's not like if you can "buffer" it..Instead, i'm able to do DLC sometimes by buffering the DLC during a Yoho move.)
  20. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Actually the slow motion mode doesn't really help at least not for me but I am curious if it help anyone else and how. To really do the DLC just keep practicing that's all. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Same thing with the Single Palm Elbow move. You have to develop a feeling for the timing of the execution. Speed and timiing that's the key points.

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