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Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Ducky

    Ducky New Member


    I have been a Virtua Fighter fan since the original arrived in arcades. I bought a Saturn to enjoy VF2 at home, and it was part of my deciding factor to invest in a Dreamcast at launch. My interest came and went with Tekken and Street Fighter games, but I always found the Virtua Fighter series to be top-notch and never dull. I purchased VF5 for PS3 on its release day, and later bought the 360 version when it arrived. My local arcade only carries the original VF and the third one. I would love to get my hands on a PS3 version of VF5R. Tekken 6 blew, King of Fighters XII had no content, and Street Fighter has gone all goofy. Virtua Fighter 5 R needs to come out on consoles in North America. The graphics and atmosphere can NOT be matched by any other fighting game. Plus, your series is the only one to include a Canadian fighter, which is awesome!

    BC, Canada
  2. Invincible

    Invincible New Member

    Dear Sega,

    I was originally a Street Fighter EX fan. I loved that game when I first saw it in PSX. I played every iteration of the game, from EX plus Alpha, then EX 2 plus and the last in the series, EX3. Capcom never released SFEX3 in arcade so it never got much hype. Due to lack of competition, the game died. It's really heartbreaking to see fighting games end like this, especially during this year when fighting games get boom in terms of hype. I don't want VF suffer the same fate as with SFEX series.

    I received lots of feedback that this game is truly great. I'm playing Tekken 6 currently and I heard that VF offer the same mind games that Tekken 6 has. And being the fighting game fanatic that I am that craves on mind games and precise execution, I would love to try VF5R. I'm even willing to introduce this to my friends as well who haven't tried VF games before.

    Please SEGA, bring this game to consoles, PS3, PSP and XBOX360. It's never a bad decision in my opinion. It will just broaden the VF scene and attract new blood to VF community. I myself would love to be into it.

    Thank you and more power

    Respectfully yours,
    Romel Francisco
    aka The Invincible
  3. MoonJump

    MoonJump New Member

    Dear Sega,

    I have been a fan of VF since the game was introduced here on Long Island. Even though Mortal Kombat was the flavor of the month I went ahead and tried out VF and I loved it and have been a fan ever since. The turning point for me to buy a Playstation 2 was because I wanted to play VF4 at home because I knew how great the game was and I wanted to play more of it. So when the PS2's price finally dropped, I went out and got a system and a new copy of VF4 and played it to death till Evolution came out. (Which I played in the arcades in Vegas at New York, New York!)

    I would love to see Sega release 5R to home consoles. I watch a lot of match footage of the game online and I hate it that we wouldn't be able to play any of the new additions here in the states.

    Whenever I go to a convention I always see at least one TV in a game room running Virtua Fighter and it always brings in the fans, including me. I love being able to play with fellow fans and I hope you'll bring over more of the game so we here in the US and around the world can enjoy more of it.

    Nicholas Lombardo
    Holbrook, New York
  4. beluz

    beluz New Member

    Dear SEGA,
    i started playing your wonderful fighting game saga on dreamcast, but i fell in love with it trying virtua fighter 4 evolution on ps2.
    i decided to bought a xbox 360 since i knew that vf5 was going to be released for the microsoft console, then i waited months and months hoping that the rumors about a ps3 exclusive were all untrue.
    When vf5 was released for xbox 360 i bought 2 copys of the game.

    I'm italian, and things here aren't so good. We have great problems and Berlusconi. Please, release vf5r for xbox 360. it could make us happy.
    marcello Billeci, Trapani, Sicily, Italy.
  5. jarop

    jarop New Member

    Dear SEGA,
    I'm a huge fan of your series, however living in Australia is somewhat limiting for fighting games as our arcade scene is practically non-existent. Hence, for my fighting game fix i'm forced to go back to consoles for any sort of fighting scene. I've grown up with the virtua fighter series, stretching back to the port of 1 that was released for PC and would love to see this latest installment ported to consoles (ps3 would be nice seeing as we're yet to see an online revision =] ). I hope this thread shows that the series continues to have a large following and you seriously consider your fans before making this huge decision.

    thank you,
    From Jonno (Sydney, Australia)
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Randolph, New York City

    Some of my earliest fond memories are of playing fighting games with my buddies as a young child, one of those games was Virtua Fighter 1. Fast forward to now and I have continued to be dedicated to the art of fighting games. I still like Virtua Fighter the most out of all the games I play and I really think VF5R should be released on console so I can play the most recent version of the game. It's extremely hard to play VF5 when I know there is a newer version of the game with more character, different move properties, and even new moves all together.

    Please let the rest of the world play your game.
  7. Svampson

    Svampson New Member

    Dear Sega,
    I don't have much previous experience with Virtua Fighter, but I saw some footage of VF5R and I immediately went to check for the console release date only to find out it wasn't scheduled for release.
    If you release it on consoles, I would definitely purchase it.

    Patrik Riström
    Luleå, Sweden
  8. SAMxz

    SAMxz Member

    It was Virtua Fighter 5 that forced me to move on and make a arcadestick to myself.
    I like competive games and nowadays i play almost only multiplayer games. And one of my frieds bought Playstation 3, back then what i did. I wore a santa claus beard and gave a
    Virtua Fighter 5 to him, in a july.

    If Virtua Fighter 5 is the last Virtua Fighter.
    I hope that i could have atleast Virtua Fighter 5R, because after a decades. I could imagine myself soldering and fixing
    my old Xbox360 only to play Virtua Fighter 5R.

    In Life. There are things that you just try, And let them go.
    True classics are things that can stand the test of time.
    We do not know what these are right now, we are too blind to see them because they are too close to us.

    Once giants walked the earth, and some walked the moon.
    When all the stories are told, only thing you can do is play games.
    To truly know someone, is to know what he does next.
    There are things that words cannot express, only actions can.

    After all, time will consume everything. But in a meantime,
    let us have a good time.

    Sincerly: SAMxz
  9. TheDoctor

    TheDoctor New Member

    I have been playing the VF games since the second installment, and would be very disappointed if VF5R didn't make it to consoles in the U.S. As a tournament level player in multiple fighting games, I can say that VF5 is like no other fighting game on the market. If the community in the U.S. Loses interest there is no game with the depth and character of VF to take it's place, and it will be a sad day in the fighting game community in general.

    Please also consider that though I have owned every Sega system ever made, from the Master System to the Dreamcast, if VF5R doesn't make it to the U.S., I will stop my support for your company entirely. As a consumer it is my opinion that your company has retained my support through countless stupid decisions. Your software library has shrunk considerably, you refuse to make or publish games that appeal to the wide audiences they used to, and your marketing has been atrocious. The VF serious has been the one of the last holds you have on my loyalty, being one of the greatest game franchises of all time in my opinion.

    Please, Release VF5R on a console, I will buy it for whichever it is released for, even if I have to buy a new system. Whatever market you still have in the U.S. please don't throw it away. It seems like an easy choice, either bring out VF5R or continue to rely on crap like Mario and sonic at the Olympics. Make the right one, please.

    X-box 360 and Wii owner, Michigan, USA.
  10. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    Dear sega,
    from one of your loyal fans, huge fan of the sonic series....as of yet they've been over lacking....so why not focus on what has been making you the big money, well for the older groups of people. that's mostly virtua fighter and phantasy star right?

    Anywho! i was never good at any game :cry: any game... till i got my hands on fighters megamix, it was awesome so i slowly began dipping and diving my hands in your virtua fighter series. i loved it. i'm a hardcore fan of the orginal fourth and the Evoultion add-on, you guys did for the ps2. loved it.. i was kinda let down that you guys took out alot...i mean alot of the great things from that.. but.. it's ok.. it's ok *pats sega* here's something that we you're fans need from you. we need a damn near arcade if not a our own version of VF5R for the ps3 and 360. reason i say our own would work more. if you make something way way more juicer for us console gamer how are millions of miles away from your arcades we'll be coming back for more with DLC content XD so what do you say? yes maybe? hopefully?

    Christoper A.
    Tampa,florida USA
  11. M_fault

    M_fault New Member

    VF is my favorite fighting game, VF5 release was the reason I bought PS3. And yes, we don't have any VF arcades here, so consoles is the only way to play VF.
    VF5R console release will be great present for russian VF community.

    Russian Federation
  12. DaELFGokulio

    DaELFGokulio Member

    Well first off, I hope I don't offend anyone by this but the only reason I joined this forum is simply for the VF5R Petition. It's not that i don't think ill of your site nor I hope that means I wont make friends here. It's just I have bad experiences in fighting game sites but i do anything to support VF5R.


    I wish I can say that I used to play VF all the time in my arcades, but alas I was not one of them. I was barely out of elementary school when the first VF hit arcades, and unfortunetly, people still thought it was cool to stack the arcades with nothing but Capcom games, mostly different versions of SF2 (and the occasional SNK game) My luck did not shift as I was denied getting a Saturn for my brithday, instead I got.........a Playstation [​IMG] so I was forced to enjoy Tekken 3 like everyone else.

    Then I switched over to the DC and the fun began. I started with VF3 but sucked really bad and in my anger, sold it to get MVC1 (I was young and foolish...I didn't know better :() It was only years later when my friend challenged me to fight in VF4 did it cemented my love of VF. VF5 is the sole fighting game I play with my friends all the time becuase SF4 is broken, KOF XII doesn't have a good fanbase and Tekken 6 blows.

    You see, people often (and by people, I mean the detractors) harsh on VF becuase "it's too slow", "it's too boring", "the characters are bland" "they have cheesy voice acting" and my personal favorite "IT'S TOO HARD!". I will now show you how wrong each and every querry is about VF.

    Yes it is too slow, because instead of trying to rush in and attack, you are expected to observe your opponent and plan out an attack. It's not slow, it's methodical. NO, IT IS NOT BORING... it's just not flashy like the majority of fighting games. But then again, what do you expect from a fighter who is the first 3-D fighting game that captures real martial arts. I mean, for pete's sake, the answer is in the title, it's a VIRTUAL FIGHTER. But even if it "looked" boring to the untrained eye, thas where your awesome customization options work. More than anyone else, The Virtua Fighters can be be an avatar for the player to show who they are, through their costumes, their actions and their perceptions of how they see the characters. The Street Fighters are a bunch of oddballs, while the cast of King of Fighters have always tried to achieve that "cool anime style". Tekken takes both schools and places them in a story of revenge and power with enough room for ninjas, robots, robot ninjas and fighting bears. Soul Calibur exagerrates famous warrior archtypes and DOA is Ninja Gaiden with fanservice. So what does this series have to offer, with their so-called "generic fighting game characters"? A very unique VOICE [​IMG]

    <span style="font-size: 11pt">"YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHH"</span>
    Ever since Jacky Bryant first shouted his famous battle cry, the VF series has carved a unique nitche in terms of characters. While there will always be debates on the quality of the voice acting in the games, it is BECAUSE of those actors and the dialogue can the characters truly shine beyond their aesthetics. Aside from the ever awesome Jacky, these performances make you wish you can go fishing with Jeffrey, go on combat seminars with Vennessa, be a guest on THE BRAD SHOW, and slap Lion for ever calling you a "Knucklehead" :p And just listen to El Blaze...just listen to him. The seiyuu from Japan is also excellent; from the furious growls of Lau Chan to the intensity of Kage, everyone brings a great performance. Jacky's possible inclusion in Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing is the only reason I want to play that game because of that outstanding personality. These actors also contribute to the player interaction and customization through their mythos. What if I told you I believe that Jacky can actual "handcuff lighting"? Or that Akira's super power is to shove people? Or that Brad Burns comes from The Jersey Shore? That Lau Chan is the KOOL-AID MAN?! and that Kage is secretly an employee in your company as an excecutive manager?! Of course, none of that is true, but the simplicity of the characters allow us to tell these crazy stories in order to further intice us to fight more. The characters become a canvas in which you can tell your own legends through your skills and technique. And it makes you appreciate them even more than just a guy with a red headband who throws fireballs to get better at throwing fireballs.

    Finally, to end my long rant, YES, VIRTUA FIGHTER HAS A VERY STEEP LEARNING CURVE. Most fighters have that but VF stand among them for complex move sets and various advanced techniques and strategies. But let me tell you a personal truth: I am not capable of playing as Akira, nor do i know any of the advanced combos or techniques. I am average at best... yet I find myself completley satisfied EVERY TIME I FIGHT...even if I lose. A player who masters Akira is usually something to fear with his great power and priority... yet every player has a different feel, every fight, a different way to win or lose. With Virtua Fighter, i really need to apply my knowledge and my experience in order to survive, where as in Tekken, you can jump right in but then be juggled to death for the rest of the session while you wondered why you even bothered. It is with that philosophy that my friends and I enjoy VF5 every time we are on XBOX Live above other games such as Street Fighter 4, KOF XII, BlazBlu and Tekken 6, where the community is realy tight and seperation of skill and mastery is only through your understanding of the game, not of your expertise or your accomplishments. And I'm now seeing awesome Youtube videos of the most action packed and oddest fights from japan and it tortures me that I'm not getting in on that action,and neither are the rest of your fans.

    So please, allow America and the world continue to see why Virtua Fighter was, is and remains THE PREMIER THREE DIMENSIONAL FIGHTING GAME EXPERIENCE. Bring VF5R to us console fans and make our dreams come true.

    P.S. Good luck with Project Needlemouse!

    Carlos Abdu,
    Brooklyn, New York, United States.
  13. KrayZ

    KrayZ New Member

    Dear Sega,

    I would like to see Virtua Fighter 5: Revolution coming to consoles. I liked Virtua Fighter 5 very much and would like to check this update to the original game too.

    Please bring Revoultion to the both current gen consoles or even to PC.

    Oleg, Latvia (Europe)
  14. tuka

    tuka New Member

    Dear Sega,

    Please bring VF5R to the consoles. I really love the Virtua Fighter series and would like to get a chance to play the latest version.

    Hadar Shamir,
  15. raintrees

    raintrees New Member

    sega no mi na sa n,
    bring VF5R to the consoles
    o ne ga i si ma su,

    from taiwan
  16. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega

    I am a vf series fan. I began playing vf with vf2. It was great game, i spent a lot of time playing it, but i had no people to play this game with. Now i have a PS3 and Virtua Fighter 5 and i am still can't play that great fighting game with someone except CPU. I am really want you to bring VF5R for consoles because if it will have a netplay mode, i could play with people and just because the virtua fighter is the greatest fighting game series in my oppinion and i will be glad to play the latest version of it.

  17. JubeiSaotome

    JubeiSaotome New Member

    Dear Sega,
    I would love to see this Virtua Fighter 5 update in Australia. We definitely have the interest for it in our competitive scenes.

    Your Pal,
    Neil Golding, South Australia
  18. striderhiryu22

    striderhiryu22 New Member

    i remember playing VF on the sega saturn i thought it was the best fighting game i had ever played,man it brings back great memories when i think of those times playing VF with my friends,and i remember when VF 3 was released on dreamcast i was shocked at good the graphics looked and how fun it was to play a next gen VF,again i was pulled back into the game with my friends and had great times fighting them.then i was hit with the 4th VF this one was amazing great graphics,great gameplay,and good balance i was yet again shocked at how great this game was i knew i wouldn't be disappointed after the previous 3 i knew this game would not stop getting better so i can definitely tell you that this game was definitely worth every penny.and after some years past VF5 came out on the PS3 and when i watched the intro of my character my jaw just dropped at the graphics.well long story short sega please release VF5R on consoles for us VF fans PLEASE! we REALLY want to play it. --- Martin Cruz,Connecticut ,United States
  19. Gravelneed

    Gravelneed New Member

    Virtua Fighter was the game that actually got me into fighting games in the first place. I instantly fell in love with the series. I was always awaited the next wonderful VF game from SEGA. The game that I played the most would have to be Virtua Fighter 4. This game was just so deep. It allowed for endless possibilities. I always had something to do. Training or gaining money for items was always so rewarding. I also like this series because it really takes a lot of dedication to be good at it. Unlike other 3D fighters, a player can't button mash to get the win. Virtua Fighter is a wonderful series and I would absolutely love to see Virtua Fighter 5R on consoles. Please consider releasing your game on PS3 or Xbox 360. Many people would like to play it.

    Cameron Adams
    New York City, New York
    United States
  20. mana_knight08

    mana_knight08 Active Member

    Dear Sega,

    I have been playing VF5 for almost 2 years now. This is the most time i have devoted to any game over the many years i have been gaming. I have already had to buy 3 VF5 discs due to an overactive 6 year old son who wants to be Lei Fei when he grows up.
    Please bring us VF5R to consoles and continue the series so that the next generation of would be lei feis can have the same fun and enjoyment of the VF series.


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