Konjou's Youtube Channel

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Rodnutz, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Couldn't have said it better brother. Obviously it takes a high level player to understand high level play. I'm not saying I'm on Japanese level, but the guessing me and Maddy are doing is not your average guessing. Yeah a little spastic at times, but hey I've seen spamming here and there even in Japanese videos.
  2. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Maddy here. First of all, thanks for the fun matches and capping the matches, Rodney. Had a lot of fun and nice to be able to look back at them.

    I think Manji brought up very good points as being a fellow
    Akira player. I love discussing strats with each other to help us improve in the game.

    - nice boxstepping

    Thanks. My stepping is still that of VF4 mostly and I don't use 668 or 448 that has been introduced in VF5 much. I try to use it more but my game is outdated due to my long break.

    - After generic wallsplat with Akira, the maximum practical nontechable damage is (wall) - OTG + (or knee). Yet I seem to never see anybody use it but me. Works on all characters.

    It is the max combo, but it is heavily angle-specific so I found that it misses a lot depending on the angle. At least that's what I thought when I played around with it in training. Please share if you have more insights on the combo.

    - your CH SDE combos need improving Was your doublepalm rusty?

    My double palm had been rusty since the week prior to that for some odd reasons. I couldnt even pull it off offline at all. So in the entire set, I didn't attempt to a modified dblpalm a single time. Also like Rod said, the pace of the matches were intense to me, and I really felt like I had to take what I could get. =) My execution is better now so I will try using the better combos next time.

    - Im surprised either of you guys didnt use the elbow sabaki more, considering the amount of DE's and SDE's flying around. Also, Id expect to see more since its equally fast and beats both dashing elbows on equal timing because it does more damage. (Actually Maddy started using it near the end of vid 1, along with several other things that I was about to comment about)

    Yeah, good point. It is a good move and should be used more.

    - Maddy seemed to have trouble punishing your evades, which seemed to be determining factor on many matches.

    I was trying but Rod was mixing it well with reversed nitaku which was crushing my delayed attack attempt. He was reading me well that night. So basically I was discouraged by his yomi on punishing evade so he could evade without much risk all night, which indeed was a deciding factor in many of the matches.

    - + if you want a simple followup, Id use instead of sidekick, since DE on normal hit is +4 as opposed to sidekicks +0. Also Im not sure sidekick is a combo anymore after RBC (As in, used to be in vf4).

    I didn't know DE normal hit was guaranteed.That's good to know. Usually I don't opt for the side kick due to the reason you mentioned, but my dbl palm was out-of-order for that night so I just got what I could. Ha

    - At times the fight seems a bit spastic. Sometimes dont utilize the advantages that you have fully, like going for low punch instead of something bigger. (you block shoulder ram and are at +9, you go for a low punch..) I understand low punch is a 'safe bet' if you suspect opponent to evade, but Akira has ways to punish low punch pretty badly too.

    Yeah true. The matches were fast and especially the first few matches of the set, I was a def a deer in the head light. It becomes a lot harder to do correct(?)things when I am overwhelmed by the overall pace of the fight, and although I got more used to the speed as we played more games, I never got really comfortable with the pace of the game so that's why the less than ideal choices. Rod played one of the fastest games among the people I have recently played. Props to Rod.

    Also it is hard to play frame-tight game online even with the best connection. I block an elbow then try to DE but it would get stuffed by a punch or a 2P lots of times. So my game, as everyone else's game, has been adjusted to the online factor. I play much more aggressively online than offline because I don't have faith in my defense online. =P If it is hard for me to stop people from keep attacking with my elbow(which is 2 input elbow as opposed to other character's 6P), I would rather be an attacker and take advantage of the lag factor to my own. =P Well, I am still getting used to VF5 and online, and I will be the first one to say that my game is outdated, but it is great being able to play people online and I believe that you CAN definitely improve by playing online.

    I hope this feedback is taken as constructive. WAtching next vids now and editing as appropriate.

    Yeah. Thanks [​IMG]
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    I am working on tricks, but I just don't have the courage yet to apply risky shit against really good players. Oh and I hate Wolf's charge attack. I just can't ever see it coming.... never ever! [​IMG]

    XxRodnutzxX vs. vVvChief Flash - PART 1

    XxRodnutzxX vs. vVvChief Flash - PART 2

    XxRodnutzxX vs. vVvChief Flash - PART 3

    XxRodnutzxX vs. vVvChief Flash - PART 4

    XxRodnutzxX vs. vVvChief Flash - PART 5

  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Nice matches... I can't really critique much but my only advice for you Rodney is you can't use Lei like Akira. You backstepped after landing ch 2p too much when you couldve kept pressing the attack. Don't be afraid of wolfs power... You can do the same thing. Allow yourself to engage so you can learn how to work out of it under pressure.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Thank you Maddy for being the first person in ages who welcomes my advice. I cant tell how good that feels. [​IMG]

    The wallcarries ([4][6][P]+[G]; yoho; knee) can be pretty angle specific but I meant specifically direct wallsplats like after guard break-> double palm, or [4][2][P]+[G] -> double palm (which you didnt use). In my experience the wallsplats are much much less anglespecific than the wallcarries, and are instead pretty foolproof damage. You can use knee instead of shoulder for style points, but technically shoulder is better as it recovers faster.

    Also opponent has to basically exact recover the shoulder or you can hit them with ground punch too. The situation causes facedown/headtowards techtrap situation, but unfortunately shoulder doesnt recover quickly enough to capitalize on that.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    - Maddy seemed to have trouble punishing your evades, which seemed to be determining factor on many matches.

    I was trying but Rod was mixing it well with reversed nitaku which was crushing my delayed attack attempt. He was reading me well that night. So basically I was discouraged by his yomi on punishing evade so he could evade without much risk all night, which indeed was a deciding factor in many of the matches. </div></div>

    Yeah, Reverse nitaku/ETEG mixup is something that seems favored among the better online players these days. I get the feeling its predominantly online thing, although its not wrong kind of tactic offline either. IVe just never really worked out the percentages of whether its really the best kind of defense. As in many cases where people resort to it, fuzzy is also possible and offers technically stronger defense (protection on all throws instead of just those you can TE from) with a separate set of guessing games.

    To beat that with Akira you need to guess the correct direction and use the circulars without delay, or guess the throw they dont TE (theres a throw clash if they RN, Akiras anti-clash attack is low punch, heh). I admit that even when opponent doesnt reverse nitaku, getting delayed attacks right in online is a pain in the butt.

    I didnt want to highjack the thread, but this is something that should be discussed as I can see online affecting peoples playstyles and that is something I dont want to see. Or at least it should be discussed about.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    Also it is hard to play frame-tight game online even with the best connection. I block an elbow then try to DE but it would get stuffed by a punch or a 2P lots of times. So my game, as everyone else's game, has been adjusted to the online factor.

    Yeah I definitely know about that. Its not the VF I want to remember, so I try to fight the urge of flowcharting with posts like this, as I feel those online habits are not that easy to break once youve got them. It might make a difference in the next offline tourney.

    My own personal training for the hypespotting tournament involves cutting online play to zero.

    Thank you for saving my day with your response. Nobody usually accepts my advice.
  6. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Ultimately this is my greatest weakness and always has been since VF2. The problem is I don't wait to see the results of my P or 2P. My decision to back dash is pre-program. I'm not backing up after I see the counter hit. It was already decided before I used the move. If there is one thing I plan to change in FS it will be this. Hit checking will be at the top of my list. All the NYC players know about this whole in my game so they often just throw launchers all day against me. Even if I launch them from time to time the odds are in their favor to launch me because of the delay for my next move after back dashing. Trust me I will change this... it will be hard but I will change it.

    The way my Yomi works is really weird I guess, but I agree SDS if I can fix this hole in my game I will definitely make myself stronger and my Yomi overall would probably be greater.
  7. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I see what your saying. Well just keep this in mind.. Everything your learning with Lei is subject to change. you will get punished for backdashing in FS (HELL FUCKING YEAH LOL!). This is the time now to work on that pre-programmed backstepping quirk. You can follow up with a throw soon as you see that Yellow flash bro cause most people outside of Japan ain't fast enough to Tech it. Never forget you are at advantage just like when you landing a standing [p] when your opponent is sideturned follow by the throw. I know this also sound a bit run on but you must learn to mix in your stances on offense. Get them hands working Bruh lol!!!
  8. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    @Manjimaru RE: Taking Advice

    Don't take things so literally. You need to be more receptive of other people rejecting or accepting your advice. I know tone is difficult to convey online in a forum, but you should give us the benefit of the doubt as we all may have differing opinions.

  9. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    i'm just gonna flat out say it cuz i've had enough.

    Manji - you are a scrub. it iS FUCKING impossible to choose the best option EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. when i played you, i controlled you like a puppet. 10-0 GG. don't tell me you chose all the best options LOL. Darth MINION will place higher than you at hypespotting. i'm almost certain this will happen. here's my advice, STOP GIVING ADVICE. STOP HIJACKING threads.

    in other news, thanks rodney for uploading our yomi battles.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Word up...Shut the fuck up Manji! You Wildin For Respect!!!!!
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I actually really like what i've seen of your Lei Rod, makes a change to see a Lei player attempting to control the match with good defense and guess work instead of the random abare through everything lei's i'm used to from online.

    I've copped a fair amount of flak for similar things with my Jacky, ultimately that's not how I play the game I don't think it's a thing i've developed from being an akira player.
  12. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Nah, I wasn't slagging you off. Your videos are good. I was making a reference to Godokunodan who seems to have it in for you on his channel.

    And he dresses up as a ninja in his vids and talks crap. It's both hilarious and disturbing.
  13. CIDKID

    CIDKID Well-Known Member

    I haven't been on VFDC in a while and the first thing I see in the VF.TV section is Konjou playing Flash for 20 whole minutes with Lei Fei...I guess I must be out of the VF loop.
  14. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Here's hoping you can teach Konjou's boring ass back dashing Lei Fei a lesson or two.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


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