Less trash talk, more money matches (food matches)

Discussion in 'General' started by SDS_Overfiend1, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    In Seattle, around 2009~2010-ish, we had push-up matches where the loser had to do a set number of push-ups after they lost a match or they could let them stack up. One guy busted out 100 in a row like it was nothing, every time.
  2. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    LOLOL! [​IMG]
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Nice.. did that in SFA back in 1995. If you win 3 straight that 30 push ups for the losers.. basically its 10 push ups for every round you did'nt win. Speaking of which this dude still owes me like a 800 cause he let em stack up.
  4. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Epic bump.

    Did Shou ever come back to the states for the juice matches???

    Thread was a good read. See, this is the side of VF community that outsiders think DOESN'T exist within the scene. Shittalk and MMs are an integral part of maintaining the health and well-being of every community. Not to mention making sure that people "know their role".

    I look forward to getting in ANY and ALL pockets very soon!
  5. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i agree, especially with Japanese VF players saying "America is weak" in 2003. that kind of stuff motivates the US players (well, it should anyway). a little trash talk over a game isn't so bad.

    i also remember a few days ago at Evo how Kamaage said something like "I can't believe the US players are this good. They've had the game for a month. I expected them to be worse than they are." that's not really so much trash talk but that kind of condescension will get under someone's skin a bit in that tournament. i'm glad the US players there put up a valiant effort against the Japanese powerhouses of the game.
  6. HiryuZeroTwo

    HiryuZeroTwo Member

    That reminds me, FlyMike still owes me from our chicken match...
  7. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Yea but....you got some guys who'll take that as the ultimate compliment and be satisfied with where they are. Too many players across a number of fgs end up being to starstruck, and in VF's case, believe that the gap couldn't be bridged from the gate. True enough it was a reasonable assertion that we'd get creamed by Japs in a game that they've played current version for over a year, and we've had for a month. But still, have that drive to kick their ass by any means necessary. Guys did put forth a good effort though.

    Shittalk/MM rivalries, I was generally speaking in terms of players, and across regions and states. By all means, go at Japs throats as well. But we need to be realistic. Evo was cool, and I'm not some longtime VF player, but there was plenty of nerves in the way of stuff lol. Understandable, but I saw plenty matches where guys weren't as strong or on point as they should've been, and plenty wtf moments. It goes without saying that there is some fine-tuning that needs to occur before certain challenges are made. Actually fuck that, make the challenges now, set the goal, then grind. Again, I'm not a longtime experienced VF player. But I have played fgs competitively for years. A lot of Evo was sloppy.

    But yea, I was mostly talking about shittalk and MMs among players in the states. Guys gotta push themselves to get better first, then their block, then their coast. Nothing else motivates better than balls and pride on the line. It'd be nice if more of my local scene played VF, then I'd have the usual camp representing and going to events. But for now I'll just have to challenge guys here and throwdown whenever I see them. And I've never put money up over online on a fg. But this netcode is halfway decent, so it might be some PayPal involved. But I'd much rather a collective of the community go out to major events and do work there. Props to the scenes who can have regular casuals and weekly local tourneys. You already know they're going at each other. That's when bragging rights are the most heartfelt. When you gotta see guys everyday! Lol.

    True, that I do my friend. I'll also do a salty runback even though I haven't played KoF XIII since then lol.
  8. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    I wasn't able to come back for Evo since something more urgent came up but had planned on it and had already paid out to SRK/Sega. I am likely to take a trip back to the US some time this year.

    You're exactly right in that shit talk and MMs help grow the competitive nature of any FGC but this community has traditionally shunned it in favor of promoting playing for fun and not fostering champions like with what WCMaxi did back in the day for SC2.

    Let me point out that during the VF4 era, the rivalry between NY and FL helped grow the game as players tried to up their game as much as possible. We developed a player (Cappo) who went on to beat Kyasao in a tourney and could play multiple characters at a very high level. He ended up travelling through the US and Korea playing toe to toe with the best in each country including Shinz & his brother, proving just how good he was. Between 2003 and 2004, the shit talking (ie extremely competitive) community paid for Ryan Hart and Japanese players to come visit the US 4 times so that we had an opportunity to play better competition including Shinjuku Jacky, Shu, Homestay Akira, Burun Burun Maru and Heruru. Compare the results of Evo2k3 (0 US players in Top 8) vs Evo2k4 (4 US players in Top 8) to see how much that changed the NAVF scene.

    Fast forward to VF5 and the scene went backwards in terms of play level, community knowledge and relationships with Japanese players as the shit talkers left the scene, you are left with the complacent playing for fun crowd and new blood. As much as people detest flamers like Shang, he knows how to rile people up and that should motivate them to improve their game to shut him up.

    It's important to be friendly to everyone but it's also important to grow the competitors and raise champions or the community will stall again. I'm hoping people like you can bring back the flames and rivalries that will ignite the scene once again.
  9. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Appreciate that history. But all this this is what has happened in mostly ALL fg scenes in general. As the OGs and vets have left. Then when SF4 came out and the whole fg "resurgence" with the ideal of drawing a more casual friendly fanbase through largely easy-mode games. And it succeeded.

    This, coupled with the era of online, is what has produced the certain recent calibur of players. The ones who feel entitled. Who have to have a podcast, forum, tutorial videos, top player endorsed technologicals, all before they even touch a game or hit the lab for themselves. The ones who put more emphasis on learning a combo before basics or fundamentals. And who don't possess that raw drive or survival instinct because they simply CAN NOT comprehend or re-live when you had to wait in lines putting quarters up. So that when it was your turn, you had to bring that work, adapt on the fly, and attempt to win by any means necessary. Because you didn't want to lose money or have to stand in that long ass line again. Hell, the same guys who could NEVER thrive and come up at an arcade because they have to bring 20 setups to one house gathering because they hate being in a rotation having to wait if they lose. Not knowing that the wait is what pushes your ass to rethink shit and approach differently the next time because you don't want to have to call next and wait again.

    Also lol at the guys who lose, and then think they need to go practice a combo again, rather than work on their fundamentals and mental. Yea you lost that match because you didn't grind out this one combo in the lab 60 times instead of 50. They don't grasp that the best teacher is getting your ass destroyed in real actual matches. Applying things in real actual matches. Building muscle memory in real actual matches. Because if you try something or execute and react to it under pressure, you'll nearly always form habit and incorporate it into your personal playstyle and game. Dudes don't think they need experience these days man. Look at a tier list based off of how characters did in the latest tourneys, then go be a fucking clone. Another character takes a tourney then they flock to that one. Rather be spineless clones replicating someone else than be original and get their own hands dirty. No common sense. Or they think too much and forget basics. No balance between being passive or overly aggressive. But as long as they're having fun that's what's important. And not to be sarcastic, it really is.

    But I'm oldschool man. This newer community, they literally do not respond to shit talk. Because there's nothing on the line. No real pride, actual love or passion. You can beat someone's ass with something and they will not respect it until a front page technology video comes out of it. Approved by whatever top player is flavor of the month. I wasn't even involved in the older competitive VF scene. But I know how players were back then. I honestly understood of lot of your personal opinions and criticisms. It's going to take a FIRM effort to make FS truely competitive and keep a hunger here. It catered to pulling in newer players and casual fanbase. It probably succeeded from a business standpoint. But guys playing this like an rpg just for rank and cherrypicking to salvage it, dudes who wont do room matches or quit when they lose because they're too lazy and dense to wait and spectate how others deal with the bs they lost to. Yea.....gonna be hard to push shittalk and MMs in this. Still exists in Tekken because of the scene and few oldheads still around. Capcom games too for same reason except newer guys will MM just for the chance to play a top player. Hell, they already pay them to teach them what move anti-airs, etc. lol.

    Not to go off on a wild tangent or anything, but it prob does need to be tougher skin in VF scene. It's cool that guys are so courteous and all that. But you have people saying you're disrespectful because you play a certain way to intimidate and mindfuck them. Needless to say, it succeeded. And just overall you can tell that a majority of the players here prob haven't played other fgs seriously or in an environment besides the comforts of their own home where it's useless to bitch or express every single feeling or thought you have. That's what I saw in your "VFDC is gay" statement. Because I'm even friendlier and tamer here than I would be normally. A few people already know that. But this is a fighting game. I'm not here to make friends but if it happens, like it always does, fucking great. But I wanna bear my friends asses. I want to taste their tears. And them to do the same. Domino effect straight to the younger players hopefully. People can play for diff reasons, but know what your reason is and what you want out of it. Competitive spirit is full of drive and hype. You can't contain it. And shit talk and MMs will inevitably spawn from it.

    So how many dudes here are truly competitive? That is the ultimate question. If enough heads take heart to that, it can ignite and fuel the scene in a way that will be truly engaging and addictive. Like classic shit. Then i'll truly feel at home lol.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    FlyMike.. I respect you to the Fullest My Dude. I really don't flock to new heads All that much but you know your shit. I read your whole post and was thoroughly entertained. Not only that but the flashbacks that came to mind were endless.

    See me i Grew up in Brooklyn while where on the subject of stories lmao!!! Every Corner spot had a gameroom. I started from real young playing all video games. I started from Spyhunter,SF1 to Hippnodrome to all lol!! I Broke Foodstamps, dollar bills, Took bottles to the store for change..Packed bags and delivered groceries My dude to hit the arcades. Video games was my comfort and my sense of pride. I developed my Killer instinct in fighting games trying to hold on to that one quarter like it was my last. I went to every arcade looking for competition when the SF2 became local in brooklyn from manhattan playland. From Restuarants to Weedspots if it had SF2 i was there. I remember the first day i did my first 2 in one with Ken/Ryu. Footsweep into fireball lol!! CPU was programmed to jump and always got hit with the fireball on the way up... I became hooked on improving and just damaging things and people.I checked for different buttons to buffer and became a problem at 10 learning combos. Anyway long story short i developed the heart to compete because back then when your a "Gamefiend" You had a perchant for asking dudes in the arcade "Yoo.. Let me get that last man Son" Or "Let me get the Second round". I had my little crew that played SF2 but i only had one rival and we help leveled each other up. My Older Brother who used to bully me would play SF2 and lose the first round and force me to play the second round win the match against the computer or other players only to return the game back to him SMH!!! What mad me learn how to adapt and turn it up was that he would get mad at me if lost. Can you believe that lmao!!! My mother used to pull me out of arcades because the drug dealers who wanted to play SF2 would do the same damn thing my brother did but they would pay me in cash money to beat certain players.They would bring people who said they got something for me and make side bets.. I won so much cash i thought it was my job. On friday nights they use to bet money on me and my rival. There was so much cash passed around it was crazy.. The would give us money out the ass like we was hustling. Good thing my Rival is my best friend cause we split the money and go home. I did all this while i 10 - 13 years old.. Im 30 now and i can say i was present from the fighting game explosion, Death and Online revival. I just sad to see that no does this for love anymore.. Sure i made coin fucking with the dealers but if they wasnt there i still would been in the arcade blowing money fast. That shit made me a raw monster.. The only thing that slow me down is had my Girls.. My Daughters are my world. I don't have the time to travel and play games as a ammbassador (I would love it.). I would love too because its in me. I love the VF series and i would never give it up for the world but if people are not giving it the love it deserves by improving and staying true.. this community will die again. i get feeling because at the current moment i can't wear that crown as bad as i want too. I hope i was'nt talking anybody to death But Flymike made me feel inspired just now.
  11. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    That's....that's real shit bro. Legit childhood! The digital generation don't understand the struggle, grind, and hustle. That's what builds the foundation and core of a player. I definitely understand that life kicked in and you can't rep and wreck like you want. Not enough time in the day for me either and other activities keep me busy, but me and my girl made a compromise that I would continue showing my face at these Tek tourneys and she knows that VF is the crack. This online is definitely a convenience. I won't knock it. But devout leaderboard monsters need to go outside and play in the streets. You're in NY, so you're good. But if these servers crash a large majority would just be assed out. Cats need to get in the habit of hitting up locals, ranbats, tourneys, majors, etc. so they get accustomed to ACTUAL irl interaction with other people and the hype and emotions that come with it. Then a solidified truely competitive scene will arise besides the established one that already exists.
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You know this.. i Got some live cats around me that specialize in all games. Offline Comp is here but my kids come first. When they get settled i get to dig in. You keep Repping that Tekken.. I gets busy in that too. But i just don't really speak on 6 like that. T5DR is my baby. There room to be a jack of all trades. Thats what makes you a gamer.. Last of a dying breed. Im used to having trash talkers in my ear, Being threatned, Invited to fight because of the ass whoopings i gave out. It made me. I would'nt trade none that shit in. The Tier whores and youtube babees will never know what its like to be in the dark and grungiest of places past curfew clearing house. That shit is Evo before evo.
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    vf not having a good tournament scene the last few years has probably had a negative effect on the competitive spirit. without competition it realy is just about playing for fun for the most part.

    the attitude might be weak these days but I'm sure some people will develop or get back to their competitive nature when there are regular tournaments to compete and test skills in.
  14. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Dunno if you realize fulan but in USA we are having regular tournaments. WNF for the west coast. The monthly jaxel dome, barfights, next level tournaments for the east coast.
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Yea i know about those. that stuff will probably bring back a more competitive attitude.
  16. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    GT was looking pretty competitive to me...
  17. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Less trash talk, more money matches (food matc

    Damn, you cats are some hard core mutha fuccas
    playin for food? playin for quarters Damn!

    I can't speak for XBL, but you guys do realize that most of the playas currently on the PSN playin VF5FS, their first fighting game was on the PS1. No arcades, no long lines, No quarters, no fightin for chicken dinners [​IMG]

    Just put the disk in and play as long as you want with big brutha and baby sista [​IMG] Trash talk?

    Hell, a lot of these playas first video game was on Windows 95 (rly!) playin for dinner, LOL I don't think so.

    I agree that trash talk, quarters/tokens on the machine ,the long arcade lines, the rivalries made the FGS what it was back in the day. But today we need a whole different approach to sustain the community.

    For example, youtube/facebook challenges/shit talk could bring the hype and create some viral shit. For example if certain non Japanese players I won't mention any names were to get on youtube dissing the weak play of some of best japanese plyrs [​IMG] and tweeted about pussies they are outside the comfort of those Japanese arcades, now if done well that would start some holy war shit that would last for decades.

    Or if the east coast boys did some youtube/facebook hack jobs on the west coast boys all to be settled at the next live tournament on the east coast or west coast, that would start some holy war shit too.

    Shit talking is still there, but to get the same effect as back in the day, you got to put it up on youtube/facebook/twitter
  18. MegaMaN85

    MegaMaN85 Well-Known Member

    Re: Less trash talk, more money matches (food matc

    I can see where you're going with this but to be honest I'm not feeling it for the sole reason of if there was a slight possibility of it NOT done well, it could turn pretty ugly.

    I'm all up for the regional challenge idea (if something like that could be done here in the UK I would be up for that!) but to do it in a way that would have a similar feel to a WWE promo with smack talking? that's walking on eggshells IMO dude.
  19. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Less trash talk, more money matches (food matc

    Masterpo.. You are not understandinf.. The Essence is gon. The hunger is not there. Youtube is a shortcut for success now. The world is so fast.. People want results now. Fuck hard work and dedication.

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