Long Island VF

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Cla, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    As soon as I secure a ride from Morninstar's back to my place (anyone? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ), then I can definitely say I will ride with you to his house.
  2. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Well this game is now in evo............start practicing.
  3. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    im tempted to punch an old lady in the gut and steal her pocket book so i can get me a ps3. im trying to see if i can get a credit card with zero percent apr for a year. this way i have a year to pay it off and not worry about mounting interest.
  4. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Or you can just not buy a PS3 since the system sucks ^.^

    No point in fucking over your life savings so you can play a little VF... especially since everyone else already has a PS3. So what if you can't practice on your own time, you can learn stuff playing it ^.^

    Or just live there and play when they aren't <3
  5. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    Well.. Ps3 is better than 360, and probably on par with the wii in game developers, so I think its just a battle vs being broke and now having 800 bucks to play new fighting games.. Personally it doesn't matter to me I have every system.. I just think its funny how people can comment on something they don't have themselves.. hahhaha... anyway I want to play tonight anyone call me if they want to get a vf5 session or worst comes to worst DR..
  6. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    i'll take you up on that offer for some games. im jones'n to play. i can play around 8-9 ish, is that cool? i give you a buzz soon. oh boy oh boy!
  7. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    I don't think any single game is worth dropping $800 on. So... until the PS3 has a reason to be bought, it won't be /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    You can buy a lot of stuff with $800... like a year's worth of textbooks for school.

    Now, which is more important? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    You go to school to get a better job to buy things. But if you can go straight to the buying things part, why go to school? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Besides, the $800 is not just for a PS3 and some fighting games. It's for a high-grade machine that will last you for 10 years. (so Sony plans) Don't forget that the PS3 also doubles as a Blu-Ray* player, which strangely costs about $1000 on its own.

    *Blu-Ray discs are high-def DVDs that are higher-def than HD-DVD.

    Yeah, even with the price as high as $600, Sony still losses a lot of money on each PS3. But, this was also the case when the PS2 came out and they eventually made the money back through their games and accessories.


    For all those going to Morninstar's on Sunday, anyone wanna give me a ride back afterwards? ::puppy dog eyes:: It would be helpful to know before Sunday. ^_^' I wonder if John is going... maybe he can help.
  9. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Sorry i missed out on that session last night. orninstar said it was good times. So russ did you learn anythign new with lei fei or wolf. He told me you had a move list with you. True dedicated player right there.
  10. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    i learned a few things, but nothing revolutionary yet. i really need to sit down in practice mode or something for a while to get the timing and execution down. what is the web site you guys are going to for match vids? i need that kind of homework reference too
  11. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    You mean they still haven't made the Command List accessible outside Practice? Oh well. Paper's ok, I guess. But putting it on the PSP is cooler. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Random question: What framerate does the game move at? I thought it was the standard that all fighting games move at 60FPS, but the TV commercial as well as lots of other footage on G4 and SpikeTV show the game moving at 30FPS. I was all confuzzled.
  12. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    we actually just played a bunch of games. I been using wolf a little so we can learn together and get better. My one friend is actually using eileen and not doing bad at all. Im actually not sure what the framerate is, I would assume 60, but im unsure. I hope we can get a good crew for some games on sunday.
  13. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    When I see it, I'll be able to tell if it's 60 or 30.

    As long as one of these people can give me a ride afterwards (even if I have to pay a little. [no more than $5]) then I'll be one more head in the crew.
  14. Jeff

    Jeff Member

    Most recording programs record at 30fps. So, if it was a program recording thru the TV, then most likley there's a frame rate drop to compensate.

    That sorta thing happens to me with my computer when I record videos and games. The frame rate drops to a reasonable recording rate of 30fps. This can also be dropped to 24 (the normal TV frame rate) and 15 (for shitty quality). So, I would assume the recording is 30fps, but the actaul game is 60. If it gets that high ^.^
  15. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but it is possible to display 60fps games on TV in their original framerate and they usually will do that. I mean, older in-game VF5 footage shown on G4's Cinematech was in 60fps. But why they want to show only 30fps now is confusing. Oh well.

    There was another question about VF5 I had and now I can't remember it... grr...
  16. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Alrighty people. All my rides are sorted out so I'll definately be there. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif A big thanks to all those involved. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Now to gather more people. Someone call John. (still don't even know if he'll be at Vendetta) Ray shows interest in coming but I don't know if for 100% sure if he and Janine will follow up.

    Who else might be interested? Morninstar, you should post in the Vendetta thread to invite more people.

    Hey Russ, if you're willing to drive to MD, you can try to win a PS3. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Oh by the way, I want to get in some games of SC2 and SC3. Since I'll be bringing a TV, I'll bring a PS2 as well and then we can plug that in to the side while others are playing VF5. (someone needs to bring the PS2 version of SC2 cause I have only the Xbox version)
  17. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    ill see you all tomorrow or later if you wanna get technical. ill be playing a little DR casuals and a whole lot of 3s at the mall. If there is some SC going on, im sure ill mess around with that a bit. Obviously mass amounts of VF5!!!!!!
  18. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Cool, I'll play you in some 3s. And probably in some other stuff once I see what else is there.

    If you have chars for SC3, don't forget your memory card!
  19. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Good fucking games, people. My VF5 cherry was popped damn hard. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Can't wait to get a PS3+VF5. I really want to abuse Training and learn Sarah's new stuff. (Still can't believe they got rid of her /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif. That was one of my best tools in Evo.) I'm also very interested in learning Vanessa. I wanted to like her in VF4/Evo, but couldn't get into playing as her. Now I'm really liking her VF5 version.

    Anyways, thanks for the games and rides. Hope to do it again soon. And maybe John can actually join. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  20. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    Goood games to everyone that showed up, maybe this could be the start of a long island VF scene seems like at the very least we have someone that uses every character in the game. And that's definatly a start.

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