Looking for a sparring partner? Post in here.

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by IkariWarriorKH, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    hooked u up with Kam and his sarah training hows that going by the way, he says u have great potential
  2. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    I am looking to get back into VF5 and need some dojo and sparring time. I am average at best and main Lau (for now). I have been playing since VF5 release on 360 and played some of you before online (its been a long while maybe a year or so, but I do rememeber losing pretty bad to Chief Flash & Happy Friend76 when he played Lau (I beleieve) back at the games earlier online days.
    How do I remember those names you ask...? After watching those players perform so many tactics and technics or my Lau all I could say is I want to learn this game! However time went on and the VF online community became more sparse. I moved on to SF4 and Tekken, I have been playing SF since 1988 and have grown pretty tired of it (how many ways can you throw a fireball?) and Tekken (one can only juggle a beachball so much LOL).

    Somehow I keep coming back to VF series ( I truly believe its the best fighter) but its hard finding people to play online. I am really just looking to find great players and good attitudes. I dont mind losing and learning.

    I would like to move on from Lau and looking at a possible 2nd charater (Goh, Jacky, or Brad)...

    Either way, please add me if you want to go a few rnds
    XBL Gamertag: iceburg3006
    I live in Maryland and usually on daily from 7:30pm to 10pm E.S.T
  3. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Hey mate I'm in relatively the ame boat your in shall add. I'm not a great player but I think I'm a decent stepping stone!
  4. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    ya come into party Assasin and me play goh. gamer tag is mackfactor or try join kaminary_oyagi's party. u can find VF games easy when u come into party.
  5. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    add "VFDC Friends" for matches. It's a metatag with some of the most frequent VFDC players on its friends list! Good times!
  6. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    Hey thx guys, looking foward to playing you online. I am practicing now however, I am visiting family in Virginia and forgot my wireless adapter LOL so I can't get online for a day or so.
  7. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    Hey I should also add I play other fighters not that I am great, but if you want to play something thats not as popular (fighter wise) I have Samurai Showdown 2, Garou, MvC2 ( I dont ever play) and pretty much will download whatever if i have pepople to play and have a decent amount of fun with.

    I am getting older (gamer wise) my days of tourney and world domination are over. I am just looking for a group of cool people to play and learn from.

    Also if any of you are on Ps3 feel free to add me as well. My poor ps3 never gets any play time... it may need an oil change LOL
  8. DikRodnum

    DikRodnum Member

    VERY NOOBISH to the game (but not Fighting games in general). I have been playing since VF in the arcades but never played it with the "high-level" common knowledge known now (really just button mashing back then...).
    I only play Shun, but I am looking into a second fighter.

    I would like to get a good "teacher" that can help me level up.

    GT is dikrodnum. I'm east coast (VA)and i'm normally on after 6pm...
  9. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    I know this is the wrong forum to ask this question however, all the other forums look pretty quiet. I am looking for a second character to play (Lau is my main), generally I like aggressive pressure charcters with pokes and combos. So I was looking at Jacky and Brad. However it seems they are very popular and seem to see alot of vids with them.

    So I am thinking of going against my usual style of character and try a "psuedo-underdog". Aoi, I am not sure if she is a true underdog but I do not see alot of her. Is she a good character to invest time and learn?

    Any help, vids, tourney, gameplay wise ( I have looked at the vf wiki of her) would be appreciated.
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    What's wrong with a character being popular?
  11. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    Nothings wrong with being popular. But if everyone plays with that charater or played against them, they know their respective ins/out. Its easier for your opponet to counter. I hate to do this but, think SF4 Ken. Good ole flowchart Ken LOL. You and everybody on the planet knows what he is about to do next (shoryuken). Now for sake of another argument/debate I know we all have playing styles and we can use the character to our liking. But... dont you get tired of kens, ryus, and shotos in general?

    Okay back to VF (sorry for bringing sf4 to the vf party LOL)Nothing is wrong with popular. All I am saying I am looking for a character thats diffrent and not the norm. I am not sure how well I will learn Aoi or even stick with her but, just taking time with someone who is diffrent, playing matches online, and learning her ends and outs... hopefully this will kinda-sort surprise peeps I guess LOL *shrugs*

    I am pretty sure alot of people on this website have been playing VF for years and there is no real suprise to anyone. However I know when I play online and I see a character I know I have a better understanding what to look for in a match.

    So I am hoping Aoi is diffrent.
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    For what it's worth, I've seen more Aoi players than Brad players.
  13. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Lion is probably the altimate underdog, the second worst in the game. Very unsafe yet the 3 best players in Japan are:Koedo(Kage), Fuudo(Lion), Chibita(Lion).

    His gameplay is poke based and you have to be aggresive to win with him.
  14. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    Hey Thanks! Do you know any great Aoi players? Also online I see Shun, Akira, Jacky, and Brad. Whoops I forgot, some mean Vanenessa's LOL
  15. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    By the way what type of arcade sticks are you using? I have a Hori and a Madcats SE (got it for 29.99 somehow lol) but i wore out my SE : (
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I see more Aois and Brads than Eileen players.
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    True that, I think the only Eileen players I see are Misturuga and MarlyJay. I know Kingo plays her as well though.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Shit for that matter I play her, but I hardly play her.
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Don't forget XZY guys.
  20. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    LOL thats why I want to learn her because, I dont see here : )

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