Looking for players in Scotland.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Faded, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. LiMeng

    LiMeng Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    [ QUOTE ]
    Faded said:
    Li - You still owe me a vf2 game. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just found the movelist today. Need some practice. How good are you at VF2? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  2. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    im pish dont worry.

    Seems wed is a no go then.
  3. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    yeah, if you're not keen on coming up then I guess there's not much point.
  4. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    well im still actually happy to come i just didnt think youd be keen on it if it was just the two of us.

    just let me know if you want me to come, it's like the first wek i haven't had anything to do on the wed.
  5. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    I'd already assumed that no-one was coming so I've made other arrangements.

    sucks I know.
  6. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    ah well shit happens. I'm at the dentist next week so i gues my drought is just going to continue /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    Haven't played a shred of VF myself in weeks. Been amusing myself with City of Heroes instead. Simple graphics and concept but so much fun. I think this is the only mmog I've actually enjoyed playing.

    Other cool thing is you can buy the game online and download the client. Dunno why more companies don't offer this feature.
  8. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    sssslllllloooooooowwwwwwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyy geting back into VF, played a few more matches with andy. he has pretty much dropped goh, in favour of akira and kage. its a shame, because there are not too many good goh players about, and everyone seems to use akira and kage. (understandable, as they are obviously the two best characters, what with akiras speed, power and throw game, and with kage having evading properties and "this move beats all of this type of move" on all of his moves (not to mention the best throw on the game!). i seem to be playing jeffry ore, which is rather stupid as it is becoming more and more apparent how RUBBISH he is in comparison to everyone else!
  9. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    [ QUOTE ]
    EliteVersion2 said:
    which is rather stupid as it is becoming more and more apparent how RUBBISH he is in comparison to everyone else!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree but he's still the character I find the most fun to play.
  10. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh VF

    i totally agree. although i usually lose the fights when i am jeffry, i still pick him, coz i just love how ridiculous he is. ALL of his moves are throw counterable, and they are all really powerful, so it is really exciting when a move actually lands!

    p.s. what time should i book the tickets for, does it matter? i am booking them on thursday, so if you don't get online till after thursday evening, then i will already have booked them, to arrive at edinbourgh at about half past one, hope this is ok........

    p.p.s. i typed all of this without looking at the keyboard once, it took me four minutes!

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Edinburgh - July 3rd gathering

    I guess it depends on how long everyone is wanting to play for. If we're up for another marathon session then a 1.30 - 2pm start sounds good, otherwise later in the afternoon wouldn't be a problem.

    Regarding your PM about you and Andy prefering a league, that shouldn't be a problem but we should probably break it up with some relaxed play. 10 hours of pressured league play might be a bit tiring on folk.

    Anyway, who's actually confirmed for this? Take it the usual Edinburgh suspects are up for it, in addition to Andy & Shaun?

    Regarding set-ups, I'll have two for certain. My folks fixed the 29inch Toshiba I left in Inverness and I'll hold onto the rental unit for a few more days so well have two large tellys. Looks like there won't be any requirement for a third set-up, although I'm still waiting to hear from the players at my work - last I heard was a maybe from both.
  12. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh - July 3rd gathering

    Just let me know when you're arriving and I'll come meet you again.

    My ps2 has recently started to develop a case of silly buggers (taking an age to load things, not working until reset multiple times etc) so maybe someone else should bring theirs just in case.

    Saying that, it wasdoing this a few months ago and it cleared up so maybe it will be ok by july.
  13. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member


    couldn't book the tickets, something about the ticket companies not reserving at the moment, so i am going to book on tuesday unless there are some more gay clauses that have to be endured......
    any preferences on what time we arrive on saturday, and what time we leave on sunday?
  14. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: tickets

    well im happy to meet you whenever on saturday and host again on sunday (hopefully with less blistering heat) so at least as far as im concerned choose whatever times you fancy.
  15. LiMeng

    LiMeng Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh - July 3rd gathering

    [ QUOTE ]
    Faded said:

    Just let me know when you're arriving and I'll come meet you again.

    My ps2 has recently started to develop a case of silly buggers (taking an age to load things, not working until reset multiple times etc) so maybe someone else should bring theirs just in case.

    Saying that, it wasdoing this a few months ago and it cleared up so maybe it will be ok by july.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will bring my PS2 then. But I'm using an S-Video cable at home. Don't know if it can be used on Maximum's TV, maybe someone need to bring another cable.
  16. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh - July 3rd gathering

    no problem ill bring my cable

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh - July 3rd gathering

    The recently fixed Tosh has every imaginable connection type, including S-video. Probably best to bring a scart cable along anyway.

    I don't have any plans as yet for the Sunday so it's possible we could have another session at my place.
  18. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh - July 3rd gathering

    the second session at Stevens' house sounds good. (maybe i'll take you up on that Bacon Butty this time!)

    Ryan, do you want us to bring anything with us, coz if your PS2 is being 'Will Young', then we could bring ours if you want. any games/leads/pads required?

    Steven, i don't know if you have started to draw up a league table yet, but here is the way we do it in Manchester, it seems to work pretty well. (Chris is the one who organises it, and his IQ is like 300, so it should be ok)

    everyone plays best out of five (first to three)
    Faded Vs Everyone

    Elite Vs Everyone (except Faded as they have already played)

    EliteV2 Vs Everyone (except Faded and Elite as they have already played)

    Maximum Vs Everyone (except Faded, Elite and EliteV2 as they have already played)

    carry this on for everyone, (one persons name will not have to be on the left hand side, as they will have played everyone already). the scoriing is real simple:

    One point for a win, Zero points for a loss.

    then we have a mini playoff with the top four people in the league.

    1st place Vs 4th place
    2nd place Vs 3rd place.

    the winners of these two fights play each other in the final, and the losers have a third place play offs match.
    it's quite simple, and it works, so i suggest using this method........

    p.s. are we gonna have any sort of prize money?????

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh - July 3rd gathering

    Sounds good to me. I'll draw up a chart in prep for the league. Should also be able to utilize both set-ups during this without too much bother.

    As for prize money - wouldn't want to impose this on anyone who's not up for the idea or perhaps a bit skint at the time. I'd certainly be up for throwing a few quid in the pot for the laugh in the knowledge I won't be seeing a penny back.

    I still like the idea of competing for something tangible, like a Soul Calibur 2 stick rather than just cash. If everyone was in agreement I could order one from Play Asia in time for the tournament and the league money could fund the purchase.

    As for a Sunday session, guess we'll have to wait and see how everyone feels after the Saturday. I guess some folk might feel a bit burnt out, and you guys might want to just chill at Faded's Sunday.
  20. Faded

    Faded Well-Known Member

    Re: Edinburgh - July 3rd gathering

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd certainly be up for throwing a few quid in the pot for the laugh in the knowledge I won't be seeing a penny back.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is the main reason I'm somewhat uncomfortable with the idea. Some people are just highly unlikely to see their money again and they know it. And if i happen to win I'd feel really bad taking the cash. Plus I just hate playing for money full stop, it generally cheapens the experience for me.

    The stick idea bothers me a lot less but if there is only the 7 of us we'll be a little short if we only put in a fiver.

    If that's what we end up doing and whoever wins doesn't need/want the stick, I'd be willling to buy it off them as I could do with a 6 buttoner.

    But most of all before we decide what to do. I'd really like to make sure nobody feels like they have to go along with the putting in money if they don't want to for any reason whatsoever. I'd hate someone to feel they had to contribute just because everyone else was.

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